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a political party that supports
the legalization of Mary Jane
is bound to be the first one
to sprint down the winner's lane

the constituents shall be busy
potting many a dope seed
so they've got a sufficient supply
of ye olde happy ****

to-day bongs and reefers
will be lit in much jubilation
as the smokers get high
on Mary Jane's elevation
 Nov 2014 Malkha
Harley Hucof
Shirley, Shirley bo Birley Bonana fanna fo Firley
Fee fy mo Mirley, Shirley!

Lincoln, Lincoln bo Bincoln Bonana fanna fo Fincoln
Fee fy mo Mincoln, Lincoln!

Come on everybody!
I say now let's play a game
I betcha I can make a rhyme out of anybody's name
The first letter of the name, I treat it like it wasn't there
But a B or an F or an M will appear
And then I say bo add a B then I say the name and Bonana fanna and a
And then I say the name again with an F very plain
and a fee fy and a mo
And then I say the name again with an M this time
and there isn't any name that I can't rhyme

Arnold, Arnold bo Barnold Bonana fanna fo Farnold
Fee fy mo Marnold Arnold!
A song by shirley ellis ( the name game)
very fun to hear and play lol
Try it with your name

— The End —