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Mal Brown Jul 2015
The wind blowing
As I continued to swing
Over the cliff
Back to the surface
Over the cliff
Back to the surface

The sun did set
Shooting orange into my veins
The moon overhead
Illuminating my skin
Mars and Venus spun
The trees turning gray

And yet, I swung
Went over the cliff
Screaming at the abyss
And back again
Mal Brown Jul 2015

I hate the way you smile at girls
But I love your crooked smirk

I hate when you smoke inside
But I love the way the smoke curls
Out of your lips

I hate how you breathe so heavily at night
But I love how it brings me sleep

I hate how you hold my hand
But I love the way you rub your thumb
Over mine

I hate that I love you
But I love, loving you

Come on baby
Even though I hate you
I still love you

Go away.
But please don’t leave me alone.
Mal Brown Jul 2015
You’re tired I know
I wish you were here
I miss you
I can’t sleep without you

You’re so perfect
You’re so wonderful
You are everything to me
But you’re too young

I forget it all the time
17 and 23
I daydream
About you

What it would be like
To hold your hand
To listen how your
Spanish tongue rolls

I have scrapes from
Crawling up your wall
I’ve thrown way
Too many rocks

But what if your dad saw
The way you look
When your eyes are rolling
In the back of your head?

I’m tired of sneaking around
I’m tired of hiding in your closet
I could call you baby
I want to stay

But you’re only 17
You’re too ******* young

And a six-year difference
Is a ten-year sentence
Only if you’re caught.
Play off a song lyric
White by Odd Future
Mal Brown Jul 2015
There’s something here
Stop acting like you’re
Not feeling it
You’re terrified

Say you’re in love
Admit that to me
There’s more between us
And it’s so tempting

You taste like cigarettes
You feel like home
You say I’m perfect
But too ******* young

Boy I know
That we could be more
But you’re too
******* scared

I’m tired of sneaking
Around with you
In and out of
My windows

I know you want
I know you want
To stay

But I’m too ******* young
And you’re too ******* scared

A six-year difference
Is a ten-year sentence
Only if you’re caught.
Play off a song lyric
White by Odd future
Mal Brown Jul 2015
When dark settles in
And all go to sleep
I am awake
Wondering when you will arrive

My phone lights up
With your name
As always
It states the same thing

I need you now
I miss you like hell
I’ve driven by your house
Seven times

Come outside
Actually no don’t
I’m coming in
I need you

My door is always unlocked
But you always choose my window
You wrap your arms around me
And soon you’re snoring

You never sleep alone
You say you cant
But I don’t believe you
You just hate having a cold bed
Mal Brown Jul 2015
I can’t do this again
You drag me in
Like I inhale smoke
From cigarettes

I didn’t smoke before you
I didn’t choke on pills
I didn’t drink my weight
I didn’t cry

But I found you
And I was falling down
Like a flightless bird
Pushed out of the nest

And I hit that ground
So ******* hard
I lost my breath
And my ability to speak

Just like the way I did
When you kissed my lips
And told me you loved me
For the first time

But then you left
You left me again
And again
Time after time

You are trying to come back
But how do I handle that
I don’t think I can
But dear god do I love you
Mal Brown Jul 2015
We look back on the times
We climbed trees and
Felt like we were flying
When we jumped out
We look back on barefoot nights
And roaming our streets
Looking for lighting bugs
To trap in jars
We look back on the tears
We shed when corporate men
Tore down our forest homes
And destroyed our last shred of hope

We sit in our rooms now
We go to bed at four
We wake up at the same time
We don’t speak very much
We see each other around
Only sometimes though
And we exchange glances
We know the games too well
Talk and we sometimes stop
We talk about how she went crazy
And how he got arrested for drugs
And how we all got ****** from society

We dream about our lives
10, 20, 30 years from now
We all dream about a reunion
But we only see the issues about it
No one can stand the silence
But we can’t imagine it breaking
We all want to make up
We all want to run the city together
But the times have changed
And that won’t ever stop
Because our futures are too bright
Why would we quit now?

Sometimes dreams are all we have
We dream about the past
We dream about the present
And we will forever dream about the future
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