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 Feb 2013 Mak
The Bubble
 Feb 2013 Mak
Last week I swallowed a bubble
And it flew up
Past my nose
And into my brain
And there it lay
After that everything seemed rosy and a little bit hazy
The politicians on tv spoke truths
Didn't seem crazy
My sister took my favourite sweater
But it didn't bother me
Besides, it fit her better
All last week passed by like a dream
The old ***** pond by my house
Was a stream
And I swam in my bed socks and giggled and gleamed
With my head in the trees and my feet in the weeds
But late last night
Just before bed
My mom ran a bath
And gently said 'love it's time to get clean'
To which I put up no hassle or fuss
What’s there to argue
When your mom says it’s a must
And while I was playing and rubbing away
Under the water near the plug in the tub
I heard a faint whishhhh
And then a crack and a ****
Pop! Went the bubble, upstairs in my head
I ran up to catch it, by the door ‘neath the bed
But it burst
into a thousand pieces
And now my head feels funny and wiggly and dry
So I’m searching for another bubble
Somewhere in the sky
 Feb 2013 Mak
Are you awake
or are you still dreaming?
Is whats real,
really worth the feeling?
Cause it feels the same
as it did yesterday.
I get up out of bed
but I'm still asleep in my own head.
Dreaming of a place
far away from here.
Do you pretend
this just can't be real?
I feel so sick,
maybe just hungover.
Another day has gone by
and I have yet to stay sober.
Cause its the same old bills
and the same old job
and the same old guilt trips
from my dad and my mom.
It's the same old thing
that never goes your way.
I wish I'd have had the nerve
not to stay

Because I've never had a place to call my home.
Never had no one to call my own.
And it's the same three words everyone is begging you to say.
You dont have to tell me anything, I'll still love you anyway.
 Feb 2013 Mak
Remind me, again-
Why it is, that tears
Have become something that
Everyone is so afraid of?

At what point did we decide-
That instead of letting our tears
Fall like they’re meant to-

It would be more honorable to
bottle up our every emotion
and become numb to
Our own existence?

I’m personally in the mind that-
Every sorrow only makes us more aware
Of everything we are lucky enough to still
Hold onto.

And then, we have the tears that come with
honesty, and wonderment,
And the ones from laughing so hard
We cant hold them back-

Or the tears from rage, and
Heartache-the ones that if we didn’t
Shed, would become a thing
To be even more afraid of?

And, don’t let yourself forget-
The tears of pure passion,
And strength. The ones
That fall from universal love, and

Don’t be fooled by what you’re told-
We need to be in a place
Where we learn to love
All the ways we cry.
 Feb 2013 Mak
Brittany Jay
I sit
on the bench
my bench
our bench
The one we always sat on
Only this time I sit
And the empty space next to me
creeps into my heart
and makes its way through my veins.
the sun is shining
the air is still
no noise to be heard
in this

But I am so cold.

And I
for a moment
allow myself to believe
He is here
next to me.
I ask Him if he feels this


But He makes no reply.
And I try to remember
His eyes.
His soft lips.
His hand holding mine.
His voice.
I can't.
My heart is frozen solid
And I dream
 Feb 2013 Mak
C S Hodge
 Feb 2013 Mak
C S Hodge
You make me sick.
You make my skin crawl.
Give me goosebumps up and down my back.
My anger and lust for you is burning underneath my skin on the verge of explotion!
"Use me" I said.
Do whatever you want  I thought.
Searching for some way to get to you.
  Not knowing your destroying ways would tear down my walls so soon.
How many can you go through till you realize you just need one?
One lover, one soul, one body to force youre ***** habits upon .
Not five, not three, not two!
YOU.. are filth. You are nothing. You make me want to scream.
 Feb 2013 Mak
Fern Woodward
I am a lover.
Falling in love every day.
The stars are the flirtiest, constellations constantly reeling me in,
and the people on Earth who prove me wrong with their inviting charm.

I am a teacher.
Erasing the corrupt.
Making attempts to prevent my mothers ways
and instructing never to think of tomorrow.

I am an artist.
Either that or I have no taste.
For I find beauty in almost everything,
and would be lost without a pen and paper.

I am a dreamer.
Even awake, my reality is stretched.
I rattle the sane thoughts out of my head
and replace them with the unknown.

I could tell you my thoughts, yet you would be confused at best.
I would paint you, but you are alluring even without this test.
I could inform you to what I've discovered, yet to you it might be bad.
I would love you un preventably, much to my dismay, I already have.
 Feb 2013 Mak
The Search
 Feb 2013 Mak
though she is smiling,
it is not at me.
she gazes upon me everywhere I go,
yet it is I who does the gazing

I know I cannot feel her skin,
but I touch it anyway.
although she is right in front of me,
I dont know where to find her

...and yet, I always know where to find her.

in my heart.

she knows not how I care for her,
because sometimes, her picture is all I have
 Feb 2013 Mak
Jenna Richardson
If my face reflected the hell it has seen.
If my body resonated the abuse it has been through.
If my feet wore every pair of shoes I have walked a mile in.
If my mind screamed the insanity it has known to have crossed.
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