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Maahv Z Mar 2015
dont love me back
i am not one of you
my spirit is elsewhere
so is my mind
don't keep me awaiting
your heart can't possess me
it's like holding rain
not to be sure
where to be, how to go
i am running with my masters best field
the best is never to expect
they are all good for their own
do not hold back
spirits can't hold each other
you all have mastered your soul so much
i no longer reside within
all the seasons look same to me
all the faces seem similar to me
they are all seasonal faces  
don't seek me back
my mind can't be sought by yours calculated means
my heart doesn't understand the worldly takes
all it knows --the reasons to care!
Maahv Z Jul 2017
To a man, who suffered endless trauma to feed his sons needs
And exhausted his youth, to make his child --a better person
He spent most of his life alone
living in a shell of those box rooms--the smell of it dwells in his flesh; he goes there only to rest
often he wonder alone, he has forgotten those old lanes of love
it smells like a bygone dream
he only love in his imagination now, but bitter
reality keeps him in check
and his escape is only in his mind
he has seen all, felt all; and perhaps too much
even when he wants; he continues to be
letting the deep wave of life drown his presence
to swallow his mind, and brutality of life overcome him

And to that woman, who bears this separation and the dream of harmony
in her wild, warm breath
she quietly gives in her dream, to her social and emotional desires
compromising on her own happiness---to have her daughters happiness
her world revolves her little one, telling her stories of joys and the wonders of world out there
to protect her, from all the agony of life..

while i write this in my journal
i feel this strange ache in me, running like a cold yet shivering wave gushing
suffocating within its four chamber, time again and again
had made me realize, that just sometimes
'nothing is enough'
it crackles within, to embrace all this within, and this little heart
has gave up on me
in this journey of dreaming, capturing the wonders of the world
made my heart a little more weak..

and just now, when i write all this
i think of everyone, who once i had and lost
and to everyone, who i shared countless memories with
but what all those memories are for
even all this--i know, made and reshape me into a better person
within this better person, beats a little heart
that has gone weak.
Maahv Z Nov 2014
we are the people
who care only
when there's no care left
we are the people who are void of empathy
we are the one who speaks
while our emptiness sparkles within us
we are the hero's we are the losers
we are everything what we desire to
we are just not ourselves

we looked upon as a stars
we looked down as meagre ones
whatever we feel is alien to others
we are missing ones, we lose ourselves in shapes of others
we are seeking ones, we are loved ones
without love..we love only where's nothing left
it is insane to expect, why do we still care
while everything hurts-- the people, their words their actions
we are everyone and everything
what we long to
we are just not ourselves

not to be longing not to log in with spirits
we desire to hold a spirit-- while our spirits shrink within flesh
we are the forgotten ones , we are the victorious
here are the notions we must not take for-granted
despite we do, till it is finished
it seeks us everything- we finish it without seeking
we begin it without finishing; we finish without starting
we dwell upon sadness, we dwell upon frightfulness
we desire to be whatever we wish to
we are everything, we are everyone
we are just not ourselves

silence holds me like a forgotten friend
i answer with all my sinking-- where to be how to be what to do
these are all the wondering i wonder every now and then
with all considerations, i wonder how to ****** lost souls
to transplant the missing gaps, not to desire a thing
we hold onto despite; we let go with ourselves
we are everyone..we are everything
what we desire to
it's only..we are not just ourselves

the extra ordinary matters to meet the ordinary ones
time for everything, time to do all chores
we beseech our manners without mannerism
we leave a mark which nothing heal
the materialism overshadow us-- we sign with our gestures
to make it worse..without realizing
we realize when its gone..yet we don't amend
we are our shadows, we are our fleshes
we are souls we are the sinking hearts
to be seen everywhere, to be felt in each pattern
we are everything we are everyone
what we desire to
we are just not ourselves
Maahv Z Nov 2017
Do i need coffee?
When i have you
only a thought that keeps my mind occupied
your scent, your lips on mine
with smoke of cigarettes
in my whole body, touching me
as if its never been touched before
what do i say of love?
what do i say of trust?
I have neither
so i get back to coffee
my world of caffeine
smoke, endless smoke
filling up my emptiness
a dose of caffeine
the only thing that keeps me moving
no love, no trust
only dose of caffeine
with regrets kissing me all over.
putting me in shame every moment
Maahv Z May 2016
When I had my death
I kept my life on bedside table
and it continued to appear in front of my barren eyes
Chapters of sorrows and regrets
came over
and over
verses of sadness and remorse's
fell again and again
ahead of my dark image!

Night, outside was dark
thick, foggy, cold
inside, the life was
getting cold
freeze and thin

I tried to ran away,
to escape myself
from this pain, from this agony of coldness
by throwing a blanket on
my dying body
death approached me
with fast steps and caught me

I saw its face, full of disgust,
and dark with blood on its flesh
all over!

I shouted and shouted
I screamed and screamed
but no sound came
No hands came, no wonder happen
And I quietly
let the death embraced me
in that very night!!

Maahv Z Nov 2014
Hate me for my words
Love me for my words
Ending all upon on words
My words- solitary mine words
A world of unaccompanied ears
Maahv Z Apr 2016
sometimes only for words
for language, for nature
for beautiful things
like sunset, sky
smiles, heartfel conversations
sitting with strangers
feeling the air..
touching these objects
knowing the feel
of being alive
true and bright
there's no meaning
people don't worth your attention
they don''t see
they don't care
don't be like a world
they are running
like a circle
it doesn't take them anywhere
this something---they are not aware of
in their own race
they cry every minute.
knowing the truth in their heart
living a life
to please the world..
don't be good or bad
you will be judged nevertheless
it doesn't matter
when you find a story
it'll be a treasure
this story will transform whoever will read
meaning--of a complete notion of wonderful idea's
and those words.
they will be imprinted in hearts
of feelings...
mind, of a thinking one
for years to come
it will reflect a true reflection
of your own story
living in senseless times of greed
and power!
Maahv Z Aug 2017
I smile in confusions
I cry in laughter
I remain without me, when with me
And all day long, I long to be with me
Nights remain a process of pain-sewing
like a needle in fabric ..
I talk passion, my sight short sighted-ness
My blood sings in bleeding
Heaven heaven !
I love bleeding;
in burning core to core in love..
Heavens might have placed me in this earth,
but my heart marches still in the doors of heaven..
Maahv Z Aug 2017
Tear me apart
I would still hold you
deafen my ears,
i would still listen to your silences
mute my words
I would still utter you
through my longings, my never-ending yearnings
even without a feel, i would feel you
with my heart, with my soul
I cry your tears, your screams
the rashes in your heart
strangle my soul, and my brain on fire
and your soul, leaving me cold
without an emotion, without a hand
I wish you could have seen !

Maahv Z Sep 2018
Oh I was, I am , will be if I don't say this to you
you were honest in telling me how you don't see us going anywhere
I got no time, to carry burden of heavy heart
I didn't see this coming; couldn't understand why
well ..honey, I didn't know that you felt nothing
I didn't think you didn't feel nothing
I didn't see this coming; you didn't think about me
explains all, no?
how messed up this heart- perhaps you could have figured my heart out
I didn't see this coming- I fell for you
by the cause, I wish I could undo it
your touch, and your smile..
oh no I don't want to carry your thoughts, in my head
my head is fuzzy
couldn't carry you anymore
I don't wanna see this anymore, I don't wanna carry this any longer
got distractions in my head - this a'int going anywhere
if you are not mine
forgive me, got to say this to you
I need to undo from my head, so to move on
its not my fault see..
you said your honesty, I am giving you mine
got no heart to carry thoughts, that are not mine
got no mind to carry soul thats not mine
you may try kissing me again - you may try making love with me again
you will get what I mean
maybe you were right you didn't want to hurt
but oh honey- i am so thrilled and saddened by your flashbacks
how sweet, how bitter your touch
and I still think have i ever crossed your mind?
no you didn't..
oh honey, I didn't see it coming- and just like that I can't touch you
you said lets call if off - and I rang you back
oh honey, I listened and went away
but I aint got a heart to carry this on anymore ..
I waited, and waited- and I am still stuck in your thoughts
well you might believe
this wasn't just the **** - crawling up into me like craving of a soul
like burning of a fire..this wasn't just the pretend?
oh honey, you are gone..I wanna see this no more
your body, your eyes, your what I keep thinking
I wanna carry you no longer..
with this line, I wanna undo you from my mind

— The End —