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Aug 2014 · 591
The Rose and The Moon
Mahesh Hegde Aug 2014
A rose smiles wide,
On his petals when the moonlight slides,
Staring at the white ball, the rose gives a sigh,
To reach his love, there's no option but to fly.
Hah.! The bitter truth is realized piercing like a spear,
Reality strikes in, so severe.
To fly, it can do just in its dreams,
Pfffff, even the lightest of vibrations dont reach the moon when it screams.
But far away, the moon smiles wide,
It knows that the scent of the rose will always, in its name, ride.
Many like these roses live and die,
Moon hiding its pain behind its shining smile, gives a helpless sigh.
Jul 2014 · 453
A Promise
Mahesh Hegde Jul 2014
Words from the heart,
Eyes glitter honesty,
As soul speaks it loud
Apr 2014 · 764
Dear Little Sister
Mahesh Hegde Apr 2014
A girl, there is, Random,
Known and observed Seldom.
Eyes of her's stare, lost and straight,
Dunno for what sight, they patiently wait.
Her Hands are always closed,
To hold them noone's forced.
But when they slowly unseal,
Tremble in her slender fingers starts to reveal.
Sometimes she closes her eyes,
When its hard to hold tears.
They flow like pearls from oyster,
I imagine to form, from them, a cluster.
And sew them using the golden sunrays,
My fingers wish to caress her face.
Every step of her's stumbles,
Her eyes depict, how with every beat her heart crumbles.!
I silently slide my fingers into hers while on a walk with her by the promenade,
She smiles, struggling with all her effort, sipping lemonade.
Her voice seems to have lost in the incidents of the past,
Her face, agony, casts.
I wish sometimes to find the deathly hallows,
But they clearly concluded in the film what follows.
Leaving that thought I pray to god to not seperate love from its lover,
Without sun's existence, won't it be hard to survive for Sunflower.?
Filled with void I too sometimes shed tears with her,
Ill never leave your hand, but, for once, just let go, dear little sister.
Feb 2014 · 884
The Truth
Mahesh Hegde Feb 2014
We lay down here,
Totally naked cuddled close,
Its not the ****** but the very beginning,
Can you hear the birds chirp,
They sing to imply knowledge of different universes,
As ur fingertips tickle my torso,
Look at the stars out there,
They look as if Spelling TRUTH,
Truth of our love,
Our brains wondering and pondering,
Resonating to feel all the feelings at the same time,
You ask me to guide to the ultimate truth,
Close ur eyes honey,
Just breathe with me,
As I breathe in, you do it out and viceversa,
Breathing shows us the path,
Because Air is present all around the earth.
And it consists micro-scent of ether,
Thats omnipresent throughout the universe.
It brings us knowledge of worlds beyond,
Your ******* so errotic, caressing mine,
I get goosebumps.
On every tip of my hair,
The light shines,
Can u see, its telling u something,
We are not the body,
We arent even the mind,
Close your eyes,
Feel my lips on yours,
You taste so sweet,
Concentrate between your brows,
Dont think of anything,
But just feel,
The planets,
The suns,
The moons,
Explosions deep in the sky,
Implosions that create black holes,
Go inside the black hole,
You are too strong to disintegrate,
A differemt world there exists,
Maybe demigods reside there,
I love your soft glowing skin,
The curve of your hips and *****,
I love to caress your backbone,
Love the way you kiss my chest,
Wish I could just stop time now,
But no, you need to travel,
Touch all the time of all tbe 36 dimensions,
These times consist of knowledge that would lead your soul to its destiny.
Your neck seduces my hormones,
Is it cold there in outer space,
Maybe you are far beyond this world of planetary bodies and suns,
Maybe you see all the universes as a miniscule,
Yes go beyond that darkness now,
Dont worry sugar,
Im there wid you,
Kissing you, just feel the energy of my touch.
Now maybe you see a white dot from there,
Thats the miniscule I was talking about,
All the universes and dimensions in one white dot,
Thats the result of the ultimate truth,
It consists of all the facts which our soul seeks as knowledge,
Im inside u now,
Splitting your virginity,
Lets come together and touch the wild yet gentle ******,
I told you I can just guide you to the truth,
And I showed it to you,
But what does it imply,
Where did all this start,
The big bang.??
Or before bigbang.?
Concentrate between your brows.
You'll get it someday soon,
Just a few light years it takes to touch the Truth.
I love you.
For that ******* Hello Poetry who took my heart at the first sight of hers.! :))
Jan 2014 · 521
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
Anyone's perception wont be a problem to me.
But I dont believe that God has Names.
If I were a christian I wont believe that The Mighty's name is jesus.
If I were a muslim I wont believe the name Allah.
I am a hindu I dont believe the names we give.
But I believe in the name
When I call him by this name.
He answers me, by other names he doesnt.
So that proves even he doesnt want to be named,
His love is the same and rules and the way of life he preaches is the same and that way of life is
Oh GOD. Bless my HUMAN FELLAS buddy. :-)
Jan 2014 · 1.4k
Moksha - A Dream in Itself
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
Its late at night,
The most Awaiting dream comes to life,
My Heart in the space now wanders,
To feel the creator's wonders,
About the rays of light it ponders,
Origin of the universe it envies,
Treading is it to the planet of rubies,
Our GREAT GRANDFATHER, THE BIG BANG, has a highest record of Babies.
Meteros paas by around,
But they cannot hit me,
I am like a shadow here,
Everything passes through me as If I am smoke.
Hey I think I see a rainbow here,
Its a bit different in shape,
Long and wide straight stripes covering a million kilometers of the same seven colors.
I travel through black holes,
Saying, "Hey Mr. Black, You can destroy physical bodies, Try to challange this pure soul,
I have come up with some shortcuts here too, LOL,
How peaceful here the life is,
No rise and No fall,
I look at the nebula,
like, would look, billions of earth's clouds,
but painted in different colors,
The vaccum out here is so hypnotic,
A normal human would become psychotic,
Gravity here in empty pulls uniformly all over my body,
But its gentle while the pull preventing to rip me to pieces,
And then theres a road of white light which leads beyond,
But white is leading to black, this feeling's so sound.
Many small planets are arranged around it to give a bridge like effect,
Does this bridge lead to the ultimate energy,
The ultimate truth as the mortals of the earth say..
I take a step forward to commence the final journey after plenty,
Conjuring all the memories of my life to feel eternity.
As I reach the end in front of me is a small particle placed on a slab,
And the strongest of microscope above it to make it visible.
I turn around to look far away the glistening galaxies
Confined in an arrangement like nerves of a brain,
I give a smile to all my beloved,
And then touch the microsope,
It ****** me in,
And I got shooted from its otherside,
To be absorbed by particle and never to seperate.
"Hey Moksha, Wassup..?"
Jan 2014 · 1.4k
Time & Fate VS Mr. Frivolous
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
Taking a deep drag from a Chillum,
I gazed at its structure made of pure soil and water.
I do that every time I decide to take a ride into space.
Closing my eyes I take a drag to burn all the herb,
And the smoke creates the scene my eyes wished to percieve,
Distance to far away galaxies is hard to achieve,
But hyperdrive makes it a bit easier, I love its grace.
I catch the speed of light, Ive made a slight change in the drive systems a year before.
All this for what.? To touch the fading past and bring it back to life.
If I raise my speed even by 1 mm per second now I will be faster than light,
Oh but look, Theres comes a black hole,
It wants to hold me in its grasp.!!
But hey devil, I am fast,
But then the stars laugh,
And then the mirror like nebula at a safe distance from the black hole,
But Enormous enough to show my reflection,
Shows me that I am stagnant in the gravity of the black matter.
**** I didnt take with me the machine to soak energy from antimatter.
Even after this speed when I was so close to touch the waivering past,
Plans were at the point to undergo failure without a plan be to save it,
To touch the before and come again into now was the decision,
At this frightening moment I laugh at my frivolous precision,
All that i can do now are three things,
Stay stagnant here with this speed,
Slow down and end up giving myself in the gravity of black hole,
Or boost ahead to stay in the past forever.
Fate and time tease me creating this sarcastic moment and enjoy this entertaining view,
And then I give a confident smile before opening my eyes, sitting in the present, saying, "That was so close. PHEW.!"
Jan 2014 · 992
An Ode To The gONE
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
Sitting there in a mist I was lookin at the turning,
Holding onto what the heart was yearning,
50 percent was it about u concerning,
50 percent fr the nasty end determining.
Cold was the blood from the brain returning,
Soul was chilled but the body was burning.
Body was in a trauma, its insides churning,
And the soul inside that body just kept mourning.

She was there in front of me,
Questions raising in mind lyk a hue.
It was lyk we were meeting,
Somewhere out of the blue.
Her eyes brown and cold,
Like those prepared to hold,
Clenching my heart with her softest touch,
She was Silent but extravagantly bold..
Hair was like the flowing river,
Ears covered with small rings of gold.
Her Lips were saying something,
Eyes depicting back the love which was once sold.

We'd been so beautiful together,
But then u smashed and made it all fall,
Then I went on walking aimlessly,
About the world, I hardly cared at all.
What did u think I was made of,
Body of wood And heart wid abstract walls?,
And then the gasoline u took by,
Spilled it, lit it and made it burn all.
Now u come again to see the burnt ashes,
And wid those lips, to this, love u call.
U'd been so enormous to me,
Now u r the same but u look so small.
The only fear that now concerns me,
Is if u ask for forgiveness I vl forget it all.

Sitting there in a mist I was lookin at the turning,
Holding onto what the heart was yearning,
50 percent was it about u concerning,
50 percent fr the nasty end determining.
Cold was the blood from the brain returning,
Soul was chilled but the body was burning.
Body was in a trauma, its insides churning,
And the soul inside that body just kept mourning.

Jan 2014 · 382
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
I am lying on my bed at my friends place,
Its night, Im high and all around me is silence.
And its giving me peace,
The feeling of unhurriedness, Everythings slow and smooth
I have so much time for myself,
Time. A thing that you can buy,
A thing which has powers on you.
Also the feeling of mind being so calm.
as if given a thought, every corner of it would concentrate with the same intensity to provide best results.
Like understanding about Life, Nature, Etc.
To crack jokes and laugh till your stomach aches and tears come through your eyes, not even the hint how much time you spent..
Silence, a powerful weapon against all feelings.
But silence is not so silent, Friends. It consists of memories too.
Jan 2014 · 460
An Inconcievable Wish
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
I wish to hug you,
A wish you are so unable to give,
If you were here I wont have let you escape from my arms,
But you arent here and thats the truth, wish if stuck together were our palms,
Just once if you hug me,
Ill live my life with the memory of your warm touch,
You cant be wid me I know that,
But your memories in my old days will support me like the crutch.
Jan 2014 · 2.1k
Far Away
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
Sometimes I feel to go far away when I get high,
But far away seems so near,
Inside my chest,
Playing music like the sound of base.
And there my instinct lies in the lap of consciousness.
Jan 2014 · 1.0k
Tattoed By Her Name
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
Straying at the horizon she was, when I looked at her,
My prolonged desire started breathing with a stutter,
I could see her cuddled close to herself,
Her eyes filled with lostness but strong inside,
Cause shes thinking too deep inside,
A cupid in between came and struck an arrow with his bow.
I dont even know her much but still my eyes look at her with forever longing,
Is my soulmate spreading her arms to me calling.?
She carries a me inside her from before reincarnation, ah and look at that smile,
As if taking my worries whenever smiling at me for a while.
I am afraid of losing her now, but, I havent even have her trust gained,
Even if she goes away ignoring my silent but promising love, My heart is already tattooed by her name.!
Jan 2014 · 573
An Ode to You
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
The touch of your fingertips when we first strode by the promenade,
The smile of your face obfuscating my mind,
Then our fingers meshing and filling the empty spaces between them,
Memories Like these make me still like a stem..
I was on an obnoxious journey of life,
But then the shimmer in your eyes seeped out my sadness.
The strong rays of light from your eyes,
Lightened my path of life making it so glib.
And then the marks of my footsteps on this path were joined by yours,
You made me feel love, which in you, forever flows.
Life is now like a graph of cheers and sweet small fights,
Forming a random curve but showing splendid sights.
Walking this life with you on a never-ending road,
I sing with my heart for you, this Ode..
Jan 2014 · 2.6k
As you sow So shall you Reap
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
Deed is a word connected to each living being,
Seed is an analogy to it, if at both, simulteneously we are seeing.

Jealousy, ego and hatred try to stand first in life's queue,
But kindness and love are omnipresent in different hues.

Its always on what we give that we get to keep,
So always remember, "As You Sow, So Shall You Reap"..
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
Exclamation shown by raising the brows,
Sumtyms stndng in an open field and sumtyms hidden in burrows,
Things, not needed, a person throws,
And due to these he learns to grow,
While the seasons *** and go.

Rage spreads through heads and burns like fire,
There is so much of importance for liers.
But ultimately the power of truth wins and grows,
Fire just vanishes as the peaceful water flows,
While the seasons *** and go.

Many crops may be grown in the same field,
Unity is an armour and love is its Shield,
Love shud be spread and Hatred shud be sealed,
Due to this a nation will Grow,
While the Seasons Come and Go.
Jan 2014 · 435
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
Small pearls of water started to commence in the air,
My arms craved for taking you in them to make your face for my eyes very clear,
Clouds shattered my wish ruthfully and lightening set it on fire,
A Tear went down my eyelashes like a lonely sad girl does on a slide,
I closed my eyes to look at your face right in front of mine,
And the tear mixed with the air and faded away, like your soul did from this world, to shine.
Jan 2014 · 998
Tanned by the mOOnliGHt.
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
The insides of him wish for an additive,
While the heart amongst those is a bit too destructive,
This aint a war or a dispute that would lead to a conclusion,
This is a debate wid himself which would cause an intrusion.

"Trying to preserve his heart so light,
He walks on a dark road craving for sunlight.
And while he feels the touch of the rays so bright,
He's unsatisfied cause of the heart tanned by the moonlight."

When he fell it was hard to believe fr him that he had,
But he felt great bliss.
And now in a well of lost hopes n negative vibes,
He curses the hand which dealt him through this.

"Trying to preserve his heart so light,
He walks on a dark road craving for sunlight.
And while he feels the touch of the rays so bright,
He's unsatisfied cause of the heart tanned by the moonlight."
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
Two trees were planted side by side. One was coconut and second one was Mango.
Both became frnds. Grew up together. Frndship grew. But smthng went wrong. They felt harm from each other due to their behaviour. One was soft from inside but hard from outside and the other one was exactly opposite. Both felt afraid of each other. So they started to depart. But their roots had been friends even before these trees were. They had wisdom and made the trees understand that behaviour is not the main thing in frndship. Understanding and trust are imp factors. Trees were convinced.
Seeds are the souls which r reincarnated.
Roots of life are same for everyone.
The height and type of aura and attitude we build up make up our lyf. But in the end trust is the one which builds up humanity.
Jan 2014 · 780
Hey, Please Dont Go.
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
Treading down the steps of your heart,
A string of wire holds itself from breaking,
A neck is forming in that string so dart,
And this action of fate, my soul isnt taking.
You came to me for a friend to seek I know,
Now what can I do If, my soulmate inside you, your eyes show.
And this is not at all **** what I am trying to say,
Folded are my hands to almighty every night to pray.
My mind counts numbers and alphabets to get some sleep,
It does so to console my heart, wound embossing in it is so deep.
Is it my fault that I have found true love in you..??
Yes I think its mine, cause you werent wrong, your feelings werent of deciet but of true.
But what can I do now if I cannot live, without talking to you.
If not love, would u give some minutes of your life.? please, only a few.
So that I can show you, what I used to say were not just words,
I want to marry you. Hey please dont pick up ear buds.!
When I try to forget all the time I spent with you, this cruel heart starts to murmur you name,
Oh **** I am unable to control myself, its such a shame.
But I am not a bad guy and wish for you to live happily with the person you love.
While Agony spreads from tip to toe and my heart gets freezed to see someone else with my dove.
Jan 2014 · 397
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
It feels different this tym.
Something very sweet yet very terrible.
Something thats wid me but too far and not obligued for me.
What if it is not meant to be what I am thinking of it.?
What if I stick to it and it goes far taking me with it and my body stays here itself.?
Sometimes we cling to things but then the other side of us knows that maybe it will never be ours.
But that word.. That word, "maybe" resists the hopes from dying and gives us the energy, to not leave trying, absorbing the valance energy from the universe which gives us the feeling that is converted into thoughts as, "Whatever it takes, I wont give up.."
Jan 2014 · 890
The Human Lore
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
We walk with pride, so what if, in hell, we ride.?
We live with love, intermittently fighting, we ourselves feel disgust.
We are our own demolishers and, widout oxygen mask, try to face high tide,
We build up life in here too, known as diversely robust.

Affection we all do have, but somewhere our ego ruthfully slays,
We speak always truth in here, and mostly we lie, eh.!
But still there hope for us, for the sight of unity is always shown,
So what if the dividing strength amongst us is grown.?

On one side we are creative but on the other we destroy our world,
Anger is filled like hell in us, to bring guilt with the cold.
Spiritual rivers spread peace among devil's in this beautiful creepy land,
Fire of Hunger is soothed by the waterfall of diverse recipies, bring on the pan.!

Strength of ours comes in various types and brands,
So what if our tears flow sometimes, our hearts are soft as sand.
Our own siblings are slashed and ripped, then like a drama, we inspect,
Our sisters here are lustily slayed, and guess who's the suspect,

Music explores our minds to reach its every string,
Explodes the energy out of us when dance and music ming,
It was us who concatenated words and forming a tone we sang,
What ever we have now, it all started with a big bang.

May it be Science, Religion or Creativity, Our blood contains them as heritage,
Every knowledge is adored and then here it mutates, may it be of the time of stone age.
We are selfish, greedy, sinful and want to win, images of us all in fear,
But kindness, help and purity's also there in us, loves flows in here like-oh dear..!!

Emotion we have upto brim, but dare you mess with us,
We can be on the top of everyone, except some ***** cause the trough.!
Beauty lies in us in all aspects, come and do explore,
Nothing in the world can beat the sinusoidal graph of HUMAN Lore.!
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
Day by day through different incidents we pass by,
But memories of some in our head always do fly.
Some of them are like the web of a spider,
While some are those of flying like a glider.
Some are of the people who always were so close,
And these, for the heart, are like an aneasthetic dose.
Some are of those dreams of wishing to touch the skies,
When they come tears seep through the eyes.
Memories so easily invade the heart and go,
Each memory is so different like the colours of a Rainbow..
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
A sunflower and wind fell in love,
Both had given their word to each other,
But the wind then gave the slap of seperation,
Saying to flower that hes from different part of the world.
But the wind did the right thing cause it loved someone else actually,
But saying that sentence was like not trusting the flower ever,
Flower took a promise to never ever fall for the cuddled curl,
Saying to itself, "Why m I from different part of the world..?"
Jan 2014 · 966
His Smile, The Bluffmaster.
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
I met him, he smiled,
That smile which he had given to me when I tried to talk to him for the first tym,
And i felt thoughts and ideologies of us rhyme.
And then gradually we became friends,
Everytime I told him something, he used to smile,
I came to know it later that smile was just used to bluff,
My trust on him ripped cause, werent holding it strongly, his eyes.
At first we were best friends but then this change of behaviour came,
And friendship kept longing for the origin in him.
Collided Stubbornness and Deciet to create implosion,
Which none of us wished, but time to bring the surgeon,
No surgeon not because he has regrets but for removing my wound with root,
Cause remains there no friend in him, All I could see is ignorance,
Then it was over after a couple of short wars and the other time a constant cold war.
Now I met him after long time in my mobile, its screen carrying his pic,
He smiled, Once, trustworthy, I thought of which.
Jan 2014 · 489
Nothing is impossible
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
Life is a word unknown to itself,
But all living beings of the world are given this word,
Living beings dont have life forever,
But life has them all through its never ending reign,
Life's divided into incarnations as if travelling through a portal,
We are not but life is immortal,
Impossible ia nothing but life, which we, unknowingly, eventually prove possible,
Maybe so the proverb says, "Nothing Is Impossible"..
Jan 2014 · 828
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
At some moments I wish to extend time beyond limits,
And at times to continue a moment for a lifetime.
Time can give scars, destroy and steal,
But also has the ability to provide, protect and heal.
Time teaches to be honest and truthful,
Also, if required, to be arrogant and cruel.
It has the strength of doing componendo-dividendo with pain and happiness,
And it also brings with it, complications or simplicity for life.
Time isnt always rude, it shows us the correct path of our destiny,
But we are, instead of understanding, we ignore.
None of the most precious things can buy time,
But time has its choice of picking up anything.
Dont challange time which has the prowess of changing the dark night into a beautiful sunrise,
Also the change of seasons from summer to winter and vice-versa which it does with life too.
Afterall time has its own mysteries,
Its sometimes short with long talks,
and sometimes long with short walks..
Jan 2014 · 1.6k
Rain And Earth
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
I always liked rain since childhood. But since my adolescence I have come to love it. I have always made an attempt to analyse the bond between rain and earth. One evening in monsoon, rain slashed the ground large and heavily. It seemed like earth and rain were trying to converse and I silently tried to listen to their chat.

Rain was questioning the earth, "Whenever I aarive, all life on u gets cheered with bliss. Seeing this, I generously give u more and more water, but then, u get upset. I try to give u as much love as I can but u dont react rightfully. I need to know the reason for that. Will u explain me.?"

Earth gazed at the rain for a moment smiling at the rain's interrogation. She politely said, "You are always magnanimous to me. Due to u life on me survives. YOUR LOVE DEFINES MY LIFE. The water bodies, green life and all the mortals are pleased at ur presence. But u speak about giving more and more, and for that, I only have one thing to say, More water destroys life on me causing floods and if u shower less then it causes draughts. But an ample amount gives 'Life'. Love, either more or less, causes irritation or Pain. But tenderness in love helps one live with contented heart. Rain Vowed to earth that it will always remember what she said and started its showers slowly. Earth Smiled. The sun sparkled, its rays gently touching the earth's surface. Light dispersing to reveal the monsoons most beautiful scenerio, the Rainbow. Dew drops glittered on the leaves.

But that piece of glass pumping in my chest disbelieved the oath of Rain. It knew that, Knowingly or Unknowingly, Promises are always made to be Broken. :-)
Jan 2014 · 757
Like a Flowing River
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
Sometimes life seems so still,
Like the water in a well.
While sometimes it seems so hurried,
Like the splashing waterfall,
Sometimes it seems so vast,
Like the spread of an ocean,
While sometimes its like the water used at temples,
A life full of devotion,
Importance of life is understood when it seems too short,
Like when there is a draught, we struggle for a glass of water like we did never,
Live life full of love and peace,
Cause it is nothing but Like A Flowing River.
Jan 2014 · 775
Why Is It So..?
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
To Protect the flowers, thorns do grow,
In midst of many beautiful birds, there is an ugly one, a crow,
To oppose a beautiful word - Interest, a word exists - Bore,
For happiness, arms are wide open, but for sorrows, we close all the doors,
There is always a complicated question and an unsatisfying answer,
One has to learn not just dance but also bribing to be a great dancer,
May it be Love Or Hatred, associating in some way, will be pain,
For just the matter of ego, irreversible actions are done, in vain..
Why is it so..?
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
The Hour Glass represents us. Confused how.. Let me elaborate it to you.
You do see the sand that is seeping slowly off the orifice between the two bowls..
That sand shows the flow of love from ur heart to mine. But wen the flow stops. U just have to revert the glass and u vl see that Ur love is not just taken in, it is adored, processed, felt. Its warmth and the care that is hidden in it is scrutinized. And then it flows back into u.
This is the way we are. Due to this our love always wins from our fights.
U widout any selfishness and greed give me all that u ve got inside u, planting banyan trees of love to make it live for years.
And here, Its me, trying to provide the carbon dioxide and water for helping the tree to grow and feel the fresh oxygen, extracting each amount and inhaling it wid full greed. This greed, Which Comes like a reflex only fr u, is not a devil's one but a Loving one. How can it be possible to share u wid anyone else in the whole world. I cant help it. I cant share u. And I am proud of being greedy fr u.

This sand which keeps on seeping consists of all memories stored in it about us.
All of them, Staring wild eyes with the rays of Innocent Infatuation, Then the seed of frndship that we planted (Actually u planted), And then My extravagant feelings converting that seed of frndship directly into a plant of love, Then the rains and the hot sun that the plant faced between these paceful yrs we were together, Then the Era of wisdom that attacked me and made me construct a good shelter to protect this plant from heavy rains and hot burning rays of rageful sun..
All these memories. That we lived together. Which we now remember and smile, sometyms cry and sometyms even laugh after crying. And I promise to give u more, good, to be confident, fresh and best memories in this lyf ahead so that while taking our last breath these wud give u the best smile u ever had in ur lyf.
And if this hourglass, ever, accidently or unfortunately breaks, dont be sad. cuz these memories are stored in every pinch of the sand it contains not the outer body that consists it.
Love You
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
A Flower Bloomed
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
Life was full of barriers,
But it lived its life like a warrior.
When there was time to choose between selfishness and sacrifice,
It was brave enough to choose the second choice.
Life was full of truth,
But death came to it and life was doomed.
Far away in a land of heaven,
At the same time A flower bloomed.
Jan 2014 · 1.6k
GoD oN eArTh
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
The smile that she bore when he had opened his eyes the first tym in his life,
The way, care she took, understood each word of his silence then.
The hug she gave whenever he felt something creepy flowing through insides.
It was all okay till he knew that she had more hidden in,
somewhere she didnt care, and the roots of the house were broken,
In addition to the adamant over reacting when it comes to cleanliness.
The temper out of control for small reasons, he couldnt stand.
But what would a baby do when its mind comes to be in a fist,
It could do nothing but to live with fate this tryst.
but then he saw what she had done really did have the care.
She wanted him to grow the way she wanted to avoid facing the problems, she did.
But when she saw that he wants a different life,
She let go her wish and gave him a path to his chosen destiny.
Some negatives were in her but couldnt, only that much for her, he bear..??
All these punishments were, even if more than required, wid the good intentions,
And the roots werent broken, but had become hard instead,
His sight was, at first, a bit broken.
Her past wid the family people which she hid from him not letting him to bear the hurt that she took keeping mum,
And being strong to raise him as a man, to bring her repect back, that he would now do by hook or crook.
He's so sorry cause for understanding her, he's so late.
He wishes if she's not angry on him, would she open the gates.?
She then shows him a fact that the gates are always open in a god's heart.
Love she always did but his misunderstanding filled eye's couldnt see.
And the love he had lost to be taken from childhood,
Now while learning to take it, he's becoming a man the way she thinks he should,
Cause she will never guide him wrong he knows,
God couldnt be everywhere to show the way to his childrens,
So a mother is in place of him. The right path to solutions for the problems, she shows..!
Love you Mom.
Jan 2014 · 906
faLLiNg StaRs
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
I fly in the sky seeking,
A home, through the space, you eyes are always peeking,
A shelter not less than a shrine.
A place safe for your dreams to shine,
A hug and a kiss to start the day with,
Wishing for not much than handful of warmth every night,
Where you tears would come only when laughing,
Fading would be all the hurt in your heart as u step in,
Where lust for me would be your favoriate crime,
Holding all my worries in your palm,
Giving them a bird's disguise,
And they fly away so far away to not retreat.
Here from the sky I can see,
Those cheeks dribbling the wet pearls from your eyes,
As u hold my face in them,
And place a rose on my grave.
In here I fly and explode,
To be ripped into many stars,
And each of them for those wishes,
You longed to live holding hands of mine.
Jan 2014 · 886
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
Fire took birth when collided two marvellous limestones,
An action which even fate wished could be undone.!
Both of them had their own morals,
So to extinguish the fire, tried none.
But the fire that took place gave many births,
Only if one could see,
Possibly they had similar dents too,
Collision also had caused the same damage to the two, probably.
Their disguise I wonder is as a titanium for a creepy reason, one of their sole,
As if now to be a rock and not meant to ever roll.
Fire, this word, is an irony in itself,
Showing life but acts raging to turn all into ashes.
Why do the sheeps I count seem less when I am not even feeling sleepy,
Things I long for, strucks me hard to give unhealing indentation, and then I try to detatch myself from it,
But my longing always defeats the feel to waiver, its creepy..
How does a bird, only look the most beautiful at its birth, unfurling its wings,
My innocence, where my only guide was my conscience, filled with empathy, it sings.!
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
Sitting on a porch dusty n broken,
She looked at the sky, clouds crashing,
The same way like her insides did.
Getting up she started walking,
Wet by the pain and the rain,
On a path covered with soft shrubs,
But feeling only the hard earth.

Face was expressionless,
Eyes still.
It was like the world was burning,
Her heart Yearning.
Lost in the thoughts of her loved one,
She kept on walking into the darkness of dusk,
Half Alive.

Suddenly she felt her right hand holding a rose,
And her left, a pic of her love engraved on a glass frame,
Which was broken n half inside her wrist,
Blood exuding..

Turning back she saw the place she had *** from,
Heading there with slow n unsteady steps,
Her mind was filled with the memories of her loved one..

She reached that place which had a tree branchless.
Standing still on the front of the porch,
She looked at the grave of her Love,
Which contained his Body,

Her body almost blood drenched,
She leaped over the Grave.
Her soul too was leaving her body,
And she lay there, Cried.
Going again in the Warm Hug of her soulmate,
She left this world of sorrows and together again were their souls.
Jan 2014 · 979
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
Complication is a word that I want, not to exist,
But it always seems to, around me, persist.
Calculations when I do for the good of all,
Somewhere I get attracted to the selfish scenery and then fear for the fall.
Anger rises, for the tree's not growing even after feeding water,
But the water used was impure I know it in inside,
So while walking away from the tree, my breathing stutters.
But the water was pure when I took it in the jug, I had taken the care,
But the devil infatuates me and his germs adulterate it,
I am innocent so I get a crush on him, blaming only me isnt fair.
Guilt comes for the rescue. How.? You would wonder,
Sooner the guilt sooner the absolution and then works the sander.
I know I have made a mistake and I feel sorry at the very next moment,
Please dont dry away oh tree. I promise now, to feed u till u feel the content.
Every bad action has the regretful reaction at the same instant in my heart,
How do all feelings travel in the same beat of the heart..?
I hold a hammer when walking this life with mistakes, the devil's call,
Because when I try to find myself again, getting closer are the walls.
Jan 2014 · 767
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
Complication is a word that I want, not to exist,
But it always seems to, around me, persist.
Calculations when I do for the good of all,
Somewhere I get attracted to the selfish scenery and then fear for the fall.
Anger rises, for the tree's not growing even after feeding water,
But the water used was impure I know it in inside,
So while walking away from the tree, my breathing stutters.
But the water was pure when I took it in the jug, I had taken the care,
But the devil infatuates me and his germs adulterate it,
I am innocent so I get a crush on him, blaming only me isnt fair.
Guilt comes for the rescue. How.? You would wonder,
Sooner the guilt sooner the absolution and then works the sander.
I know I have made a mistake and I feel sorry at the very next moment,
Please dont dry away oh tree. I promise now, to feed u till u feel the content.
Every bad action has the regretful reaction at the same instant in my heart,
How do all feelings travel in the same beat of the heart..?
I hold a hammer when walking this life with mistakes, the devil's call,
Because when I try to find myself again, getting closer are the walls.
Mahesh Hegde Dec 2013
A yoyo in his hand,
Wrist covered with a band,
Sitting silently under a willow,
He gazed at the leaves yellow.
His past memories invavded his heart,
So viscous they were like a black ****.
He longed for his mother to be with him,
All these made his face to fill with grim.
Pain strucked his heart much violently,
But he cried his pain sitting there silently.
He looked around at the trees tall,
They too were suffering the season of Fall.
The path to the willow he sat under,
It was so damaged as if hit by the thunder.
But then he was pleased at the sight looking silently,
The Falling leaves hiding the path so quietly.
Dec 2013 · 494
Love You Baby
Mahesh Hegde Dec 2013
In your hug,

I can still feel the way you dont

want to let go off me,

I can still feel the glee flowing

inside you when u hug me,

I can still feel the precious care for

me in your hug..

In your heart,

I can still feel the special place

made only for me,

I can still feel the heartbeats

saying that you want me,

I can still feel the depth of love for

me in your Heart..

In the Dark,

I love the way when you're scared

and you hold me,

I love the way you eyes sparkle

while staring at me,

I can still feel the light of your love

in the dark..

And I do know that you too feel

the same,

You are mine and no one else's,

for this I claim.

Those eyes of yours are my rarest

collection of rubies,

I love the way when you say that

you do more, when I say Love you

Dec 2013 · 832
LoVe iS eNoUgH
Mahesh Hegde Dec 2013
When aversion arises in us, we may get jealous,
Enigmatic, but it takes against them who's vivacious.
Then we act flamboyant to cope up with them,
But when there's no encomium, life's still like a stem.
Hatred is a seed of frustration and crisis,
It builds in us nothing but prejudices,
Dont get cynical, see the world with tinted eyes,
Beauty that it holds, like at night, the fluoroscent fireflies.
Affection is indespensable which should be adduced,
It is inconcievable and cannot be induced.
Powers are always used to do something rough,
Otherwise to win the world, Love is Enough..
Dec 2013 · 777
LoVe iS eNoUgH
Mahesh Hegde Dec 2013
When aversion arises in us, we may get jealous,
Enigmatic, but it takes against them who's vivacious.
Then we act flamboyant to cope up with them,
But when there's no encomium, life's still like a stem.
Hatred is a seed of frustration and crisis,
It builds in us nothing but prejudices,
Dont get cynical, see the world with tinted eyes,
Beauty that it holds, like at night, the fluoroscent fireflies.
Affection is indespensable which should be adduced,
It is inconcievable and cannot be induced.
Powers are always used to do something rough,
Otherwise to win the world, Love is Enough..
Dec 2013 · 1.5k
No Trusting Anymore
Mahesh Hegde Dec 2013
The real ME told myself, Never do trust in "trust" again.
I diplomatically said, "I ,maybe, should give it a second chance."

"But trust once broken is cruel."

I, in my imagination, widout physical efforts, held my neck and pressed until the throat diameter ends meet, by the way, making myself touch death.. That was a "must obey" THREAT..
And then I decided not to trust..
Dec 2013 · 708
Mahesh Hegde Dec 2013
A girl loves a boy,
He too loves her,
They get Warm being each other's sun,
And if its winter, together they stir.

It all started by him with a hi,
And his second sentence was, "I love you."
Obviously it was a scary surprise for her, hahaha
Her "oh" expression, he wished if he could see, her confused hue.

She said, "I can't see it happen between us",
Didnt matter, even the intense Claim,
A girl he always longed for, in her, he would see,
And couldnt take it when the distance came.

But then didnt know how that happened,
Maybe really Love travels through air,
She called him one day after 2160 hours,
And after few months, had been considered all his prayers.

They kissed while the sun rose,
Everyone asked, "why the smile, without any reason.?",
They cuddled together when the moon came,
Love enhancing with the changing seasons.

In between, came a destructive lightening,
And it hit amidst their legs, while they stood in rain,
Fire was raging hot to vapourise the shelter,
And this time came that painful distance again.

Temper was at its peak on his mind,
Tears were shed by her at night,
Their world seemed to be so dull at that time,
Even the Pain felt the guilt, for its action, by that sight.

And then that happened which was meant to,
Because Love always finally wins,
She pushed ******* him while, with all his force, he tried to pull her in,
Sunlight with mild mist made them realise,
That love was now about to pour down from the brim.

Then they hugged again and lips of theirs clinged,
To lead a new life in the nova's glow,
She said, "I knew you would come again for me"
He replied, "And I knew that you would never go".
Dec 2013 · 1.9k
Mahesh Hegde Dec 2013
In a room full of emptiness I was sitting on my bed with my back resting against the wall. All my routine work was completed before time as usual and there I was sitting doing nothing, staring straight ahead on the wall which was colored blue. I had asked them to do so because I loved this color since it always exuded the stress in me, drained off the disturbing thoughts and opened gates for blissful ones. But they never came.

What came to conquer me was lostness. This lostness maybe is productive if one is lost in a good thought, or, in a world of the past or the future, or, in his own created world, creative or perhaps destructive or perhaps peaceful. But I was always lost in a blank world. A world, where nothing existed. A world where no one walked on the streets. A world where no music was played and due to that I couldn't imagine myself dance because of which I couldn't make new dance steps. A world where I couldn't see faces smiling, where colors existed in their pure mixed form, that is White.

But if I give a second thought, I am thinking all this, about what it feels to be blank.! So it shows I just used to think ******* when this beautiful world of blankness came to me where I can create whatever I want and whatever I like, where miracles can happen. Or maybe a world will take birth to be cradled in my thoughts showing me my desires, aims or maybe those facts that are necessary for me. All I needed was Concentration. But I didn't know how to do so. My brain was now an expert, a trained and professional one in being frivolous. And then I felt a pen fidgeting with my hand. Then my hand, with the help of the reflex sent by the brain who, this time, obeyed the conscience inside it, started translating the thoughts into words. Words, they always betrayed me before when I took their shelter. But that was my fault. I only took shelter widout any hint of giving them respect. But now as the two best friends, my hand and pen, were trending together to make history, these words had the tone of pride while residing themselves on paper, and their look was inspiring when read successively. A guilt always resides in me for the precious time I wasted being lost, but the content of overcoming that lag progressively always consoles the insides. Concentration is all you need for anything you want to do or have in your life. Beginner I am, but, I dont want to see the end. I would just like to enhance it as much as possible.
Dec 2013 · 2.2k
Mahesh Hegde Dec 2013
Last night I had a dream.
I was standing on a planet named ALONE. It was just a lonely planet widout any sun and moons. It consisted of kingdoms. And I was on a tower of one of such kingdoms. The day was perfectly imperfect as always. And the night came succeeding to boil all the intricate frivolous thoughts running through my mind. Wind was cooler than usual. And its blowrate was gradually increasing. Suddenly I saw a white dot far ahead in the sky. It was getting brighter and was protruding lines of white. Wind ravished the people all around the planet. There faar ahead something had happened and the white dot was now like ripped off into small white dots and was kept intact in a spherical manner by some force. It was a scene depicting many planets coming into existence.
Then something clicked my mind. Maybe there a world had arised like ours but very very far from this planet. But there, is not just a planet, but many of them with luminous bodies succumbed into it.
One day I will travel there.
I got up from sleep. Now I knew that goals are always far. You just have to try and be determined..
Dec 2013 · 1.0k
Death is the Threat.!
Mahesh Hegde Dec 2013
The real ME told myself, Never do trust in "trust" again.
I diplomatically said, "I ,maybe, should give it a second chance."

"But trust once broken is cruel."

I, in my imagination, widout physical efforts, held my neck and press until the throat diameter ends meet, by the way making me touch death.. That was a "must obey" THREAT..

And then I decide not to trust..
Nov 2013 · 869
Miss You.
Mahesh Hegde Nov 2013
I was walking trying not to slip and roll,
My thoughts speeding widout control,
And I was crawling across your memories.
But then the mountain came along,
Which hid my most longing dawn,
And on your smile were subsiding all my worries.

Places I had been and the places I want to go,
It was always you who was meant to be in my burrow,
I was striking with pride against the thunders.
And then there came a cyclone,
While the lightenings blended shone,
Wid you I can make many wonders.

But as the banks seperated from the river,
Soul catched the cold with the heat of fever,
Misunderstandings were meant to always shading.
Clouds gathered for sorting out the querries,
Here was I, collecting moments in raindrops and the raindrops in memories,
Maybe the scarred smile is silently fading.

But as nothings ever gone for always,
Hopeless Hopes tend to turn backways,
But theres a light always spreading wide seeking a trade.
Frozen leaves smile as the sun shines in the sky,
My lips call you back as my hands wave you goodbye,
Its wading, for what my heart has craved..
Nov 2013 · 904
Mahesh Hegde Nov 2013
How do you come to know if there's attatchment in you..? How can you say that you feel connected to someone..?
Is it by the fact of feeling hurt when someone tells u something..?
Or by the hurt you feel when you say something to someone and then the despair runs through your veins to your mind cuz of the guilt that rises due to your actions..?
Or by the ***** in your heart when the veritable verdict enlightens you after your words attack the Victim..?
Or otherwise is it the simple but the only strong feeling of being carried away when you leave all the world around you and close your eyes concentrating on the point exactly between your eyebrows, thinking of the pure miniscule that was present, before the Creator, destroyer and the protector were seperated, and then flowing in the energy of that miniscule..?
Attatchment and hurt always work like the process which involves equilibria.. And when they both take part in the chemical reaction, that takes place in the mind, Life is defined Partly..
But The happiness associated with the mould that consists attatchment and hurt is of the pleasure that seeps in to your body knowingly pursuading bliss..
But the happiness associated with the dedication of your soul to the non-material world is of the pleasure that licks your sensational nerves in your brain pursuading Ecstasy..
So whenever someone asks you how can you be attatched, with someone or the one that lives in everyone, then by not evoking a discussion tell them, "its simple to ask, but complicated to explain" . . .
- Mahesh Hegde.
Nov 2013 · 1.4k
A small story
Mahesh Hegde Nov 2013
The road seemed to never end. But these frnds were having fun walking together. Sweeto said, "the aroma in here is beautiful"..
Rudy said, "well I think you are just overreacting"
Friendo said, "Hey rudy, just stop acting rude, we are together here on the road, just live the moment.."
Rudy said, "yeah yeah, it wud have been better to sit at home doing nothing than to be here".
Silence there gave a sad frown which no one noticed..
Scary repeated the sentence, "uhh, all of you plz listen to me this road is really not meant for us, anything may happen there at the end, there could be ghosts or zombies or thieves, we cud get killed."
Bravery said, "Dont you worry guys, Until i am there no one can ever harm my friends."
Happy was happy cuz he had his dreams come true on this journey.
While the Jealousy was surrounded by the smoke of restlessness, both of them together creating partly dull atmosphere..
Excity was hopping like a small girl skipping but was losing its track from the others..
But Controller had got his eyes on everyone so it didnt matter when he was around, excity wud be fine..
Confidence with stability walked in the second row to guide all the others behind..
Angry was getting red cuz he thought what is the use of thus journey when this cud have been simpler and due to this Saddy was losing hopes..
But calmy placed his hands around their necks and said everything happens for a reason..
Strategy was guiding everyone in the perfect manner..
Striding at the front was love with its sparkling aura, since it had won, cuz it was stable after being angry and then sad, before which he was excited and controlled, even before which he was brave to be a friend which taught him to keep calm when there is sadness and use strategy and confidence to fight jealousy and restlessness and be happy.
But walking just beside Love was pain which said, "Dude, Let us see who wins."
The wise road of Life simply smiled..
Oct 2013 · 1.8k
A Love Story
Mahesh Hegde Oct 2013
Once upon a tym there lived a Crow..
It lived happily with its family.. Then there came a part of its life called "to be in Love".. It fell in love with a Pigeon.. It was hard, but the crow won the pigeon's heart and they lived together being under each others shadows.. Then there came a storm when they were on a long drive in the sky..
And the pigeon died..
The crow cried..
Hopelessness filled in him.. Heart broken into pieces.. Life was doomed by the fate.. But then the crow moved on but cudnt love anyone else cuz no one cared for it like the pigeon did..
But as the proverb says, "Light comes for the rescue when there is complete darkness", the crow met a Cuckoo.. Infatuation filled in him.. But it was helpless cuz the cuckoo was in love with the peacock.. Still crow stick to the cuckoo and acted foolish with her to just hear her voice to keep himself happy.. And the cuckoo who was totally opposite in many matters respective to the crow cudnt stand its behaviour.. But it still spread its wings for the hug of friendship.. Now the crow who doesnt know if the cuckoo will accept him or not is on his way to attain peace just with their friendship and remain alone all his life with its sweet and sour memories..
The end..
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