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Sep 2012 · 581
Magean Martin Sep 2012
I can't change, What's part of me
I can't shake, What's left of me
I can't move, away from we
I can't break from history
I'm trying to find, the missing piece
To the part inside, of me
The Wind is changing, The light is breaking
My world is falling apart.
Oh, I'm looking for myself
Oh, Oh I can't find myself
I can't find myself.

The lights change to dark,
Surrounded by you
You've captured me now,
Try to escape somehow
Where to go to now.
I'm trying to find, The missing piece
To the part inside of me.
The wind is changing, The light is breaking
My world is turned around.
Oh, How can I find myself
Oh, Oh Where can I find myself
I can't find myself.
I've been millions miles apart just to try to find the start
I found pieces of me that I can't set free
Oh, When will I find myself
Oh, Oh, I can't find my self
I can't find myself.
Sep 2012 · 944
Changing Winds
Magean Martin Sep 2012
♫I am, Surrounded by trees♫
I hold my head up to see me
Standing tall, waiting for my chance to be
Waiting for my chance to be me.
Falling, Deep into the ocean
Drowning, reaching for someone
To see me, to carry me above the mountain peak
I'm floating, over the edge
Climbing, to see the light, oh
I soar to the end, Climb the highest point
I breath it in, to let it go Oh
I let it go.
I'm hiding, so the fears of the world
Won't break me anymore at this point
(At this point)
I'm Finally breaking free. I gotta get out
get out I gotta get out.
I'm Floating, over the edge
Climbing, to see the light oh
I soar to the end, Climb the highest point
I breath it in, to let it go, oh
I let it go
Been buried, so deep I can't see the light,
So close, So far which way is right
looking for the light
I'm freaking out, I gotta get out
get out get out
I gotta get out!
I'm floating, over the edge
Climbing, to see the light oh
I soar to the end, Climb the highest point
I breath it in, to let it go Oh

I breath it in
*To let it go.
Apr 2012 · 554
The Night
Magean Martin Apr 2012
Ive been staring, into the night
Ive been watching the stars shine so bright.
The moon casting shadows upon your face
Ive been watching the night slip away

I watch the sun rise
Shadows fade to grey
In the light I see your face hide away


I float up to the sky
Follow my heart till I die
I drift away

Floating on a cload
Swimming in the rain
Dancing with the stars
I follow my heart
I follow my heart

In the night, I hear you calling
Come to me we are falling
deep with in the music plays on
and on and on
Oct 2011 · 451
White City
Magean Martin Oct 2011
I look at this white city
and feel a broken heart
I'm standing here
waiting here
for the night to call
I'm standing in the dark
I'm listening for the stars to fall
I'm watching you
waiting for you
my lovers call.

And i can't stand
not knowing where you are
and i can't stand
not knowing who you are
But i feel that you're
still holding on, Holding strong.
Jul 2011 · 1.2k
Spell Bound
Magean Martin Jul 2011
It Burns inside
With passion,
Deep sensation.
The power of your look
Takes over, I'm hooked.
I'm under your spell,
I'm gravitated to you.
The power of the moon,
I'm bound to you.

You disappear in light
Your whispers float in the wind.
Darkness falls, Your deep with in.
I feel your heart Beat one with mine
Your spell casting, along with time.

I hear you.
Your here, near
I feel You.
I found you.
I'm bound to you.
Jul 2011 · 916
Magean Martin Jul 2011
Once up
Once down
Once Here
Once around.

One heart
One soul
One mind
One toll.

On passion
On fate
On love
On hate.

O sweet love
sweet sound
O sweet Beauty
sweet bound.

There's a Once in a lifetime love.
Jul 2011 · 736
Magean Martin Jul 2011
How does a perfect moment
Turn to dust?
How can the most meaningful words
Just turn to thin air?
Am i not over there?

I would be with you,
Holding your hand,Hearing your breath
Watching each step.
I'd hold you closer, Watch the Sunset,
Let your heart rest.

How do you,
Just disappear.
In a blink of an eye, some ones life is turned upside down.
Jul 2011 · 1.2k
Magean Martin Jul 2011
Don't be afraid,
Don't hold a grudge
Just ease back your fears
And smile.
Look at a young child
and wonder what makes them smile,
Lollipops, Gumdrops, Butterfly's?
Chocolate, Rainbows, Blue sky's?
What makes you smile?
Sun sets, Sun rise, Blue sky's?
Roses, Noses Kisses, love?
A Fairy Tale, A happy ending, A white dove?

Bring the  things that you have that your already smiling at.
Family. Friends. Children. Mom. Dad.
Shelter. Food. Money.
Growth. Comfort
Just relax. And Smile.
Jul 2011 · 551
Door Three. (part two)
Magean Martin Jul 2011
...I'm standing on a hill that feels taller than any mountain there is. The wind flowing through my hair. My white night gown is replaced by a shimmery yellow sun dress. I cast out my view deep into the horizon, blue and green colors dancing and mixing everywhere. The sun light shimmers off the vast oceans flowing farther than my eye can see. I try to take a step forward but the feeling comes back to my feet and i remember that i have no shoes. The hill is steep and rocky and I'm wishing i had my new climbing sneakers. I'm looking down and planning my steps to get down with as little damage as possible. There are enough flat dents almost designed for a way down. I step forward once more and suddenly i feel I'm dreaming, and my new sneakers appear. All at once i understand where i am, why I am here and my abilities. In this beautiful perfect dimension i able to have anything i wish in an instant. Half way down the hill i try something. I think of landing at the bottom next to a long flowing river. i hold on to the rocks and close my eyes. Before i know it i feel something sturdy beneath me and I am staring at a vast sparkling river. There's a stone path leading to the warm sand and crystal clear waters. Next while laying in the sand i wish for the most impossible thing that could happen. I look over and i see my father in a white suit walking toward me. How did i get the gift to come to heaven?
Jul 2011 · 620
The hall ( part one)
Magean Martin Jul 2011
The feeling of darkness is over whelming. its as if my eyes are shut. i blink a few times to know I'm awake. Suddenly a flash of light flickers my surroundings. Darkness falls once more. My memory is hazy, can't even remember what i wore to bed. Apparently no socks, slippers or shoes, Along with my mothers silk white night gown. My bare feet stumble along the cold marble ground, through a blackened hall. I reach out my bare arms,  a touch of wood, a flash of light and I'm stumbling backward from a large statue of a knight. My back finds the wall and i inch to the floor. I allow my heart to steady and get my breathing back to normal.
I'm balanced back on my feet and I'm leaning against a large door. The lights finally glow, i take in my surroundings. A narrow hall way with only three doors. The walls were splattered with a deep velvet color red. Expensive gold paintings and marble statues lined up along the walls. The first door which i lay my back against read "666" in deep stone. I notice the door is locked and a deep red glow came from underneath. A second door further down the hall on my right read "000" in a light blue with a marble touch. This door was also locked. The third door, All the way at the end of the hall read "100" in shiny gold. it held a key in the key hole and a bright line shown from underneath. I reached out opened the door....
Continues on to "Door Three"
Jul 2011 · 1.0k
The Mystical Dream
Magean Martin Jul 2011
Looking out a shimmered window, the trees in nature look like a still painting. My mind floats back to a wishful dream. Sun shining, i lay back on a bedrock of flowers, Lillie's, daisy's, roses, tulips, and every other possible flower known to man. In replace of my usual night apparel, upon me lays a silk, light rose, lace flower dress. My hair done into an elegant bun with two strips curled and shimmered, and lay gently upon my cheeks. I look among the scene i have taken place to, My bed of flowers is no more than twenty feet out of where i lay. All around me is the sound of a gentle river flowing. I am upon the river heading away from the luminous sun.
  I float along beside separate rivers. Each river seems to have its own destination in mind. Next to me i float along with a young boy in a white silk apparel. He seems relaxed as he lays allowing the sun to lavish his Caramel skin. He's content with where his bed is floating away to, his trail seems to drift toward a tunnel where mine drifts right. i must look confused or worried because he sends a soft smile my way and heads off into the mysterious hole.
  Too quickly I'm shaken and taken off guard and i swirl to the right. Suddenly the sun descends and shimmery stars appear. Rising from the north horizon they multiply by a thousand. I notice little flickers of bright light flashing off the side, behind and in front of me. There are tall stacks of green **** growing taller and taller. The flickers of light begin to dance around, now there's thousands of them. I think I'm imagining this till one hits me on the nose. Fireflys! They follow me all through the green tunnel.
  Finally i break through and the view is just indescribable. in front of me there's millions of miles of pure gentle water reflecting the moon. My eyes Reach The horizon line, There's a hint of pink beginning to rise. I take one more glance around and lay back and close my eyes. Before i know it the sun is peek high and shinning to brighten each darkened crack. I'm running toward a field of flowers, Firefly's, twinkling stars and love. I wake up once more, in my own bed still wearing the silk gown. Was it a dream? A Mystical Dream.
This may be more of a story, But just read it and let it take you on a journey.
Jul 2011 · 2.1k
Best of Me
Magean Martin Jul 2011
♪What is the Best of me
What is the courage deep inside
is it apart of you or all of me
Screaming to be free

I have been put down
I've been knocked off my feet
It's gonna take sometime
but I'll be alright
My spirit will be free

I cant help the way i am
doing everything i can
What you see is all of me
being the best that i can Be
Oh, the best of me.

My hearts been broken
I've been trampled but I'm still
looking up today
then i see the sunshine
now my heart is fine
My spirit broke away, Yeah

I cant help the way i am
doing everything i can
What you see is all of me
being the best that i can Be
Oh, the best of me.

When trouble comes my way
I'll be climbing all the way
No storm or fury
will knock me down today
ill be climbing all the way, Yeah.

I cant help the way i am
doing everything i can
What you see is all of me
being the best that i can Be
Oh, the best of me.

Oh The best♫
i wrote this song maybe about a year ago from singing in the shower to doing dishes. Just comes to me.
Jul 2011 · 1.4k
Fly again Fly
Magean Martin Jul 2011
♪I will fly to the top of the mountains
i will soar to the end of the sea
i will do what ever it takes
to be by your side
and i will fly

I would Spread my wings
to reach the sun, oh
i could lift you higher
than anyone has done, yeah

I would heal your heart
from miles away
i will be there
and i will stay, yeah

I will fly to the top of the mountains
i will soar to the end of the sea
i will do what ever it takes
to be by your side
and i will fly

I would clear your path
from all the harm, Yeah
I would light your way
through all the dark, Oh

I would heal your heart
from miles away
I will be there
and i will stay, Yeah

I will fly to the top of the mountains
i will soar to the end of the sea
i will do what ever it takes
to be by your side
and i will fly again

I will fly to the top of the mountains
i will soar to the end of the sea
i will do what ever it takes
to be by your side
and i will fly

I will fly to you
(fly to you)
I will fly♪
I wrote this about 2 years ago. When the time came i dedicated it to my dad. =)
Jul 2011 · 645
Magean Martin Jul 2011
It was Heaven that brought you
and hell that took you
you brought love and joy
and left heartbreak and tears
the happiness i felt with you was as real as fools gold
theres still so many words unspoken
and theres so much i need to know.
Jul 2011 · 530
Magean Martin Jul 2011
I try reaching but i just fall,
i try getting back up but I'm pushed back down,
i try calling out but my voice is taken,
My heart burns as i begin to fall deeper and deeper,
darkness all around me,
no light, no sounds...I'm trapped.
Jul 2011 · 587
This Moment.
Magean Martin Jul 2011
My Music,
is what i have to offer the world.
In that Simplicity
to me i am alike my dearest father
but yet i am my own self.
I become one with the melody
and I am lost in the song.
Free handing my own creations.
When i feel lost in the world my
thoughts return to the piano
dancing in my head
calming and making me feel alive.
This is the moment i also
connect once again with my father.
when singing or playing
something comes over me.
I know hes there,
Watching, listening,
i make him proud. A life goal.
This moment is mine
Jul 2011 · 446
Come back home
Magean Martin Jul 2011
‎Your face fades into the sky. Your in gods hands but you'll never die.
You will, Will be known your in our hearts and shown, That your loved.
Your face to face with "it" its self. Come back home, Where your known ♥
Jul 2011 · 788
Discover Music.
Magean Martin Jul 2011
Have u ever heard a note...pulled it apart piece by piece.

Have u ever listened so closely

You can hear thousands of notes with in just one.

Listen to a simple tap of a piano key.

Explore deep into the music.

There is more to be discovered.
Jul 2011 · 476
Your love.
Magean Martin Jul 2011
The clouds come rolling in, I run for shelter.
Your arms are wide open,
A comfort home for me to stay.
I run faster and faster
But you keep getting farther
and farther out of sight.
The clouds get closer,
i can smell the rain
As it Descends From the heavens.
I push the thought of
getting caught forever,
in the cold,
with out you
as run faster
  your back in view,
I never slow down
until I'm in your arms.
The sun appears.
Your Everything I need.
Jul 2011 · 666
Magean Martin Jul 2011
Stars fall
Lay back
Feel the wind
Face your fears.

Close your eyes
Drift away
The time is right
We'll be Ok.

The light is calling
Take a breath
Step forward
Never look back.

Your in our hearts
Were in your soul
In this time
Were letting go.

Your pain is eased
Our pain has grown
And from this path
Your forever known.
Forever and always! RIP. 9/13/10. i love you daddy.
Jul 2011 · 760
Live and Love Music.
Magean Martin Jul 2011
When listening to the sound of the piano
and the violins all together,
a feeling overwhelms.
I'm driving by houses and blurs of trees,
being blackened by my eye lids
and is now replaced by a glossy grand piano.
Looking to the lower key range
the keys begin to softly hold chords.
It plays the silence with wonder and ambition.
Double the octave the keys begin to play faster.
A rift, a melody of the stars
they dance with a three part harmony.
The scene transforms to a luminous meadow,
flowers bloom and colors burst while
the melody lifts  with the violin soothing,
mixing with a sound of passion.
The violins stroke up and down.
Crystals fall from the sky
swirling with the intensity of the music.
The sun begins to fall,
the stars, times a billion illuminate the sky.
I am now walking toward a light.
My eyes open to find myself in Carnegie Hall,
my fingers travel lightly over the smooth
piano keys and it takes over once more.
Jul 2011 · 443
Dancing Stars!
Magean Martin Jul 2011
It starts off with darkness,
only the sound of heels tapping is heard.
Then all is silent.
My heart beginning to mix with
the rhythm of a silent beat.
Bam all that is seen is brightness,
I'm frozen in place.
I remember where i am when
the piano begins to sound.
Everything seems to ease and smile.
The steps are played in my head and
translated through my body.
I find myself flowing to one side
holding there presence...

Then leaping across to the other.
The music moves through me like
a wave of passion feeding my soul.
With every step a new emotion is amped
through everything like dancing on electric wires.
My body, heart, soul and mind crave more.
More music, more steps to come to mind.
My heart is electrified with heated passion.
All too quickly it ends.
But, the music never dies inside,
I'm able to live through the next day
until i come face to face with music again.
Jul 2011 · 720
A way of Creation.
Magean Martin Jul 2011
The music started ever so lightly,
The radiant sounds of the violin mixes with the piano.
The echos danced from one surface to another
pleasuring the ear drums of many.
Flutes, clarinets chimed creating a higher harmony
to change the mood deep with in.
A constant heartbeat increasing.
The violins punch each note with suspense and love.
The instruments have their way with words,
in the darkness creating brilliant light.
The music slowly dies, the thunderous applause
travels through out triggering my success.
The room empties leaving me alone on stage to relive the night.
Reliving my creations.

— The End —