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Maeve Sep 2013
There was a girl who cared too much.
She loved and she loved
But all she got back was her torn heart in her hand,
Crushed, crushed, crushed.

She'd throw her last penny in the wishing well
In hopes that life would be better
For a girl from a faraway land,
Living through hell.

She'd let the Prince break her heart,
Smash it to pieces time and time again,
Just so he could realize that there was a different princess,
With whom a relationship should start.

Though all of this may sound quite depressing,
She is always filled with joy at the thought
That someone is finally getting what they desire,
Yes, she considers this personality trait a blessing.

Give, give, give, giving girl.
Do what makes you happy, give your love to the world.
Take, take, take, Take until she can no longer live.
Do what you do best, world; and take advantage of the fact that she'll always forgive.

One last thing before I go.
A story about the girl's murderer,
A heartless friend who ended her life in youth.
You mustn't let the nursery rhyme fool you, so here's the honest truth.

She sat happily on the wall, when all of the sudden she felt a hard shell.
Humpty Dumpty had pushed her off, with all intentions of letting her fall.
She grasped for him to save her, her last words being as caring as she-
I hope he doesn't feel guilty, I know this happened accidentally! -
But don't worry, karma delivered its share. as Humpty Dumpty lost his balanced
And fell off the wall as well.
Maeve Sep 2013
He scrunches his eyelids.
Peers through the half-closed curtains,
Which cover those big eyes with a color that has yet to be named,
At the bright light of lovely advancement
That connects him to me.
He's sleep stubborn.
Refuses to cave.
Until those curtains close themselves,
Until only sporadically does the bright light seem to shine.
Lit up with my awake little talks,
While he tries his very best to hide his sleepy eyes.
But he can't.
I know it, I do.
Even from behind those distanced bright screens of ours,
I can feel those sleepy eyes closing.
And the countdown begins.
Until I receive the message that tells me what I already knew.
He's sleep stubborn.
And that's something he never wants to admit to.
Maeve Sep 2013
Why is it
That we define one's stupidity
By their examination grades?
By the amount of time it takes them to solve a math problem?
By the lack of confidence with which they speak?
Why is it
that we do not define one's intelligence
By their questions,
By the way they understand how we all function,
By the things they wish to learn?
Why is it
We judge one another by the scores of our school years,
As opposed to the million thoughts that cross our minds?
Have you ever met someone
Who is as smart as all of their professors combined,
But they can't seem to know a **** thing about the world?
The world itself.
No, not biology; geography; or astrology,
But the things that make us all people.
The things that cause us to feel;
To hurt;
To smile;
To cry.
The things that make us think,
Think about what should have turned out differently,
Or what shouldn't have.
The things that make us wonder,
Wonder about why none of us can seem to get a break.
Stupidity should be judged by how much you question,
and the things you question.
If you do not ask questions,
What do you really learn?
Maeve Sep 2013
I think I'm afraid of you.
I think I must be.
Afraid of how I don't feel unsafe
when you say things that used to make me cringe
Afraid of how I in fact smile when you say those things.
Afraid of how I've never been afraid of you.
I guess what I'm trying to say;
Or what I've already said,
Is that I'm afraid of scary you're not,
Of how scary this isn't,
And how scared I'm not.
Maybe I've just never felt this comfortable before.
Maeve Sep 2013
The world is yours
I want for the sound of those words to ring in my eardrums.
Because in honesty,
When you are told this by someone of importance in your life,
They don't mean the true world, the one we all live in.
They mean their world.
They mean my world.
Our world, just ours.
Somewhere I can really be important in
Somewhere I can really matter
Somewhere I can feel safe
The world is yours*
To hate; to love
To live in
To be free
To feel a feeling that is so overwhelming charging with ecstasy
That your arms; your legs; your stomach;
every part of your body seems as if it has just been
shocked, revived, jolted.
Because the world is yours
Your world has finally become your own; you have become
so important in someone's life that...they gave it to you.
Maeve Sep 2013
The real world* they say
Why is that world so real?
What makes it different?
The trees?
The water?
The air?
No, that's not what you mean.
The feelings.
Yes, that is what you mean.
I do not know of serious emotions
because I am young.
I am young and inexperienced.
I'm merely a child!
A child feeling love?
I know nothing of the sort.
I may have loved my parents, my grandparents, my friends
But no. I do not understand love.
I'm merely a child!
A child being stressed?
Unheard of.
I know nothing of the sort.
Sure, my sanity, my grades, my happiness may be
slipping through my fingers.
But no. I do not understand stress.
I'm merely a child!
A child being clinically depressed?
I know nothing of the sort.
Maybe I am too sad to get out of bed some days,
maybe I am in love with hating myself.
But no. I do not understand depression.
These emotions.
These issues,
to say the least.
They all contribute to this real world of yours.
But that world is for adults.
That world is for those who are mature enough to understand.
That world is for the middle-aged man,
Drunk and jobless, throwing his life away for the liquor cabinet.
That world is for the overworked business woman,
Bothered by her children, the children just desperate for love.
That world is for those who live
That world is for those who *experience

That world is not for me.
Nor you.
Nor the child in the treatment center.
Because we are young.

— The End —