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8.2k · Sep 2012
I am Katniss
Maegan Sep 2012
I am Katniss Everdeen.
I volunteered for my sister in The Hunger Games.
I survived, so did Peeta.
I know the Capitol hates me.
I am a rebel.
I love Peeta.
I wonder if he is alive.
I am the mockingjay, symbol of all rebels.
I killed President Coin because she killed Prim.
I live in District 12 now.
I have 2 kids.
I watch them play in the meadow, the unknown graveyard.
I am Katniss Everdeen.

written by maegan cattermull
5.5k · Sep 2012
The hunger games
Maegan Sep 2012
There was a young lady of Panem,
District 12 and had a sister named Prim,
She and Peeta won the 74th Hunger Games,
But she hated all the glory and fame,
Her name is Katniss Everdeen and she is the Mockingjay for the rebel's team.

written by maegan cattermull
4.8k · Oct 2012
40 Hour Famine
Maegan Oct 2012
Famine for future is a bright idea,
It helps those who only earn 80c a day,
The future is brighter, cleaner and nearer,
So those who are doing it tough don't have to suffer,
In countries like Ethiopia, Tonga and Ghana,
They only get 1-2 meals a day,
Their crops get ruined by drought,
They don't even get one ripe banana,
Help build a nest, the nest of love, that's what they do,
They need help so I'm giving too.
Please sponsor me for the 40 hour famine next year(online)
2.7k · Sep 2012
If I Ruled The World
Maegan Sep 2012
If I ruled the world things would be this way:
The Hunger Games would be watched every single day,
Tomorrow When The War Began would be listened to and read,
While others choose to have the figurines next to thier beds,
John Marsden and Suzanne Collins would be the best known authors,
And mothers would go out to dinner once a month with just their daughters.

I would be a rich and famous actor and a poet,
Ellie, Julia and Taylor have talent and I know it,
I just need to figure out the best way for them to show it,
Maybe in acting, writing or singing,
I have no ideas for my bell they are not ringing.

I would stop all war and poverty,
And everyone would have the same amount of property,
I would even out the money for every country,
And have all my fruit and veg hard and crunchy,
Our world would be a multi-cultural, accepting all religions,
One day I would get rid of all televisions.

Swimming would be a sport at school as well as cheerleading and diving,
But everyone would have to take lessons in surviving,
And every day my hair would be curled,
All of this would happen if I ruled the world.

written by maegan cattermull
I wrote this for a poetry competition that I never got round to entering :( oh well
2.0k · Sep 2012
The Voodoo Doll
Maegan Sep 2012
My voodoo doll sits there on the window sill,
His name is Bill,
Bill sits there all day and night,
And when I come in at night he gives me a fright,
It looks like he and evil grin on his face,
Sometimes he can be a disgrace.

He can be a disgrace by doing all sorts of things,
Sometimes he steals my rings,
I don't know how he does it,
But he'll never admits,
What he does to us,
He puts us under alot of stress.

There is something about bill you should know,
He is very handy with arrows and a bow,
He is very special in his own little way,
He likes to make little people out of clay,
He is no ordinary voodoo doll,
Paulina is his best friend and they both running into a wall,
This may seem very odd,
And when I tell them off for doing this they just stand there and nod.

This is the story of my voodoo doll,
Whenever he gets tired to loll,
So next time you come across him,
Remember to give him a sim dim,
This way he will be very happy,
And forever make you his close enough pappy!
This is written by Julia Denisov and Maegan Cattermull (age 12)
2.0k · Sep 2012
Maegan Sep 2012
Is boredom a thing or a feeling,
That sometimes we don't like believing,
So is it a place,
Or even a race,
Or is it what happens when we are kneeling.

written by maegan cattermull
1.9k · Sep 2012
Maegan Sep 2012
Poems are a way of expressing yourself in another way,
Without being punished for having your say,
There are lots of topics to write about,
And I say the without a doubt,
You may not be that good at it,
But everyone can do it,
Whether the age difference is big or small,
Or whenther you are short or tall,
You could write about being happy or sad,
Even depressed or glad,
Maybe you want to stick to the basic things like free verse,
If so you could write about a mummy with a curse,
But if you want a harder challenge you could write a haiku,
But it would have to be about a cuckoo,
But always remember the haikus rule 5,7,5,
So you don't look stupid if we're broadcasting live,
You could write about a monkey and his dream,
And he dreamt that he was finally clean,
Or what about a vegemite sandwich,
No, wait, what about a whole poem dedicated to language,
I'm not sure don't you see,
None of these appeal to me,
What about a poem where a girl's explaining a poem,
Yes, that's it, you have finally got me out of my thought pit.

written by maegan cattermull
Remember I'm only 12
1.2k · Sep 2012
Maegan Sep 2012
I am curious.
I wonder if the living dead can hear me.
I hear their wails and moans.
I want to help them find their way.
I am now one of them.

written by maegan cattermull
I wrote this as an in class anaphora poem
1.0k · Oct 2012
Maegan Oct 2012
There is no meaning in life,
For whenever I try to find out I only get into strife,
Life isn't an easy task,
But rather one we don't need to ask,
Life is something we need to cherish,
Have joy within, love or relish,
For we'll never know when that day will come,
When all all our breath is gone but one,
No one knows what the next day will hold,
It could be anything for the young or the old,
Life doesn't last,
It just goes too fast,
So when you're at assembly please don't fiddle,
But when you see a daffodil,
Sit there and cherish it,
For next year it may be in a pit,
Winter is coming so it won't last,
And don't bother checking the forecast,
It's going to be snowing all winter,
You are going to be inside and get one hell of a splinter,
But don't worry just go to the doctor,
And seek his advice,
about daffodil mice.
i wrote this because i was bored and felt like doing something.
the ending gets a bit random though.
Maegan Sep 2012
I am the soldier of the 32nd Battalion.
I wonder if i will make it out alive.
I hear my friends dying around me.
Iwant to fight and win this war for my country.
I am the soldier of the 32nd Battalion.

I understand that i may never see my family again.
I say to others to keep fighting.
I dream of the triumph if we win.
I try to let out my emotions when no one is around.
I hope we all survive but i know it won't happen.
I am the soldier of the 32nd Battalion.

I prtend to be strong in front of others.
I feel so much pain.
I touch my leg and feel blood.
I worry i might not make it.
I cry for my loved ones.
I am the soldier of the 32nd Battallion.

written by maegan cattermull
i am 12
773 · Sep 2012
Maegan Sep 2012
Nobody knows that i am alone in the world
Nobody will ever know because
Nobody cares and
Nobody thinks of anything other than themselves and
Nobody ever will because
Nobody knows that I am here and
Nobody wants me to be here.

written by mahali mogan, my friend, she is also 12 and in my class
735 · Sep 2012
I'm me
Maegan Sep 2012
I am me, wonderful and calm.
I wonder if the world is it's own.
I hear the laughs of my peers  around me.
I want to befriend those whom i haven't already.
I am me, pure and loveing.

written by maegan cattermull
i'm 12
701 · Sep 2012
Maegan Sep 2012
A worldwide notion,
Sometimes doubtful in meaning,
I like Italian.

written by maegan cattermull
670 · Sep 2012
Maegan Sep 2012
I want you to have something to remember me by,
When photos fade and memories leave,
Not what poeple shaped me to be,
NO, me, just plain me,
The me that liked going to the movies with friends,
The me that talked to you when i couldn't talk to others,
The me that loved sharing secrets,
The me that saw life form a different perspective,
The me that cherished every day that came,
The me that loved writning poems,
And more importantly the me that you knew,
So I'm writning this for you,
So you'll have something to remember me by,
When photos fade and memories leave,
Don't forget that there will always be our friendship,
So if you need me you'll know I'll always be there evn when I'm not.

written by maegan cattermull
I wrote this poem for all my friends to show that I'll miss them sooo much next year when i go to high school.
647 · Oct 2012
your love
Maegan Oct 2012
Your love is poison,
******* me in,
I hate you but you keep contacting me,
my life was going alright,
until you turned it upside down again,
I hate your guts,
but deep down I remember the fun we once had.

— The End —