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 Mar 2014 Mady Willden
nobody warns you about the first boy who tells you he wants to marry you.

nobody warns you about the tangible shift in the universe when he parts his lips to smile.

nobody warns you about the poetry he'll write you or how your knees will weaken or the melancholy hidden between the layers of his laughter.

nobody warns you that miles will morph into lightyears and you will curse the ocean for being the only thing that keeps his fingers from resting between yours.

nobody warns you about the day his sweater doesn't smell like him anymore.

nobody warns you that human hands are incapable of holding a person together.

nobody warns you that sometimes love is not enough, no matter how much you wish it was.

nobody warns you about the crippling nostalgia that renders you breathless.

nobody warns you about the nights when silence screams for your blood.

nobody warns you about the crater that forms in your chest in the middle of the night when he doesn't answer.

nobody warns you about how it's going to feel when he tells you he's in love with someone else.

nobody warns you that forever is a lie.

- m.f.
I too...
wake up sometimes
longing to touch you
to taste
and excite you
I want to wake you up
with soft lingering kisses
and tender rhythmic touches
I want to slide my tongue
deeply within you
playfully persistent
until your back arches
and your breath catches
I want your spirit to soar...
before your eyes
are even open
I want to give to you
the passion
joy and love
that you have hungered for...
I want you
to begin each day...
i dreamed
  it appeared that you thought to
  escape me and became a great
  lily atilt on
  waters    but i was aware of
  fragrance and i came riding upon
  a horse of porphyry    into the
  waters i rode down the red
  horse shrieking    from splintering
  foam caught you clutched you upon my
  i dreamed    in my dream you had
  desire to thwart me and became
  a little bird and hid
  in a tree of tall marble
  from a great way i distinguished
  singing and i came
  riding upon a scarlet sunset
  trampling the night    easily
  from the shocked impossible
  tower i caught
  you strained you
  broke you upon my blood
  beloved i dreamed
  i thought you would have deceived
  me and became a star in the kingdom
  of heaven
  through day and space i saw you close
  your eyes    and i came riding
  upon a thousand crimson years arched with agony
  i reined them in tottering before
  the throne and as
  they shied at the automaton moon from
  the transplendant hand of sombre god
  i picked you
as an apple is picked by the little peasants for their girls
I lost you
between your




Never fall in love with a poet
for their words are sometimes lies
on occasions they're a shield
on occasions a disguise

They will take you on a journey
upon which they bare their soul
in a bid to ease your burdens
in a bid to make you whole

But in every word they choose
for the stories that they tell
lies a little piece of heaven
and a little piece of hell

Tormented souls we poets are
sometimes quite broken and despaired
in search of lost expressions
missed by others who once cared

Never fall in love with a poet
unless you're prepared to share their pain
to hold them close on the darkest nights
over and again
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
Pretty for a fleeting glance
Frozen in a camera still
Light so perfect it covers up
Every flaw and scar

Smile so big it hides the truth
The truth of struggles endured
Hair blowing softly in the wind
Framing a perfect poker face

Hand on hip in confident stance
Behind cowers a failing heart
Bright and happy attitude
No one knows the game you play

The cards are drawn the deck is cut
The betting chips in place
Now or never read your clues
What risks will you take?
How I feel when in front of the camera
We are flighty creatures
Always narrowly escape love
Tip-toeing the tepid water of
Forever or not-at-all

Dancing the day-rentals of
Bridesmaid and groomsman
Always hastily tucks in
Always casually skirts out

Dig in and fly out
Flying away before digging in
Day dream the day dreams come true
Dream the day dream I will say to you:

All                                                        ­                               just
I                                                           ­         so                   you
want                                    I                    ­                          to
is                                  ­                                                       back
to                   can                                                              ­ fly
fall                                                         ­                             to
so                               ­                                                         time
dee­ply                                                              ­                  life
in                                        ­                                                a
love                                                            ­                         take
with                                                        ­                            will
you                             ­          that                                        It
Mystery me
You want to see me
The thing that shall be me

Chemical me
Lack thereof  me
Otherwise me

Pursuit of me
Exhausted me

Trigger me
Self-critical me
Succinctly me

Novelty me
Coherent me
Dealing-with-it-everyday me

Potential consequences me
Beaten-up me
Battle me

Influential me
Teach-me-a-lesson me
I refuse to apologize me

I deem it fair me
Self-protective me
Love me
 Nov 2013 Mady Willden
Nicole Y
Each night I think I might write again,
and sometimes I even try,
but words never seem to want to come when forced,
and if forced they are often a lie.
I write when my mind forces me,
pushes me until the thoughts become words,
and feel that I will go mad if not written,
so that it must somehow be heard.
This is my quiet voice,
the one that I don’t often use,
it tells people the secrets of my true thoughts,
without the masks or the color hues.
My inner voice has many thoughts,
so many that writing them down makes my hands sore,
but write on and on I must,
or I feel insanity will unleash its evil core.
Mayhap I have already gone mad,
my hands not fast enough to save me,
maybe I only type these poems silently,
asking for a small grasp of insanity.
-NMY 20130613.014312
Don’t stray away, as we’re falling fast now,
Down to the situation we just escaped,
I can’t see you, you can’t see me,
We are falling faster as the darkness descends,
Into the oblivion of ignorance,
Falling with nothing to steady us,
Nothing but each other,
Hold on to my hand tight,
Do not, do not let go,
For if we let go there is nothing left,
Nothing but darkness all around.
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