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 Jul 2013 Madison P
Roseanna H
Your hands were so soft,
but grabbing me in the night
they leapt like tigers.
 Jul 2013 Madison P
Joanna Kadela
Your words are the only thing you have going for you
They slide sweetly out of your mouth
Pure sugar to my ears
But then they let me go
Drop me
Make me fall
Leave me wishing you hadn't said anything at all
Three years you've known me and still it's all a game
How we act
How we play
It always ends the same
They sit opposite each other,
So obviously disparate.
But there really isn't another,
If either one you separate.

One sits on the left,
Practical and strategic,
Seeming cold and bereft,
The voice of logic.

A master of language and words,
Loves accuracy and the familiar.
Maybe the king of nerds,
Will always categorize and be linear.

On the right sits the other,
A free spirit and passionate,
With the roar of laughter,
Ability to energize and elate.

Creative and with boundless imagination,
Leaves no canvas empty,
And with feel and sensation,
Gives art and poetry.

Does it not seem like they don't belong,
That the relationship may be in vain.
But that is where you are wrong,
Because they are the two sides of your brain.

Such a beauty that they work in unison,
Despite being so different.
So why can't that be our vision,
For the world instead of the discord we rent.
 Jul 2013 Madison P
Iris Weary
I want
nothing more
than to be
enveloped in your
warm breath
and molded
into by you
scouring eyes.
Awake! arise! the hour is late!
Angels are knocking at thy door!
They are in haste and cannot wait,
And once departed come no more.

Awake! arise! the athlete’s arm
Loses its strength by too much rest;
The fallow land, the untilled farm
Produces only weeds at best.
Before I begin I want to ask a question.
How many of you here have secrets you would never tell anyone?
Now if you know who I am,
You know I've recently taken to asking questions,
Before I let loose my rhymes and rhythms,
Before I allow my words to do the walking.
I can understand if you all have secrets that you won't tell anyone,
I do not mean the secrets that you trust to your closest friends or your spouse,
I mean the secrets that will die with you,
It is in human nature to always hide things that we are afraid of,
Some hide them for the simple reason that they do not trust others,
Some hide them because they cause to much pain,
Some hide them because they wish that part of their life had never occurred,
Now if you do not fall under one these three main categories there are hundreds of other reasons,
But for you people that do I understand,
I hide my secrets from everyone because I do not trust them,
To trust them would mean to allow someone else with complete control over my darkest secrets,
Over my life,
I hide secrets because I am afraid of what others will think of me,
Because society has taught us that we have to fit in,
That we cannot be different,
I hide things because of the pain that it brings me just to think of,
Let alone speak of,
Could you imagine if I told people and they brought it up by accident,
I hide things because I myself do not believe,
Or wish not to believe that things happened,
Idiotic stupid things,
Things I never thought I'd do,
So if you ever think that you are the only one with secrets,
Just think of this poem,
And think of this,
If no one in my life new that I wrote poetry until 2012,
What other secrets do I hide.
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