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 Jul 2013 Madison P
 Jul 2013 Madison P
I look at the moon, and I think of you.
I try and focus on the small twinkling stars, but your face pops into view.
I try to write the "beautiful" words you like so much, but the color is simply blue, for my feelings are too few.

                                    I know you will object, smile, and tell me that it is good anyway, because that's who you are.
                                   And though I might not feel it all, I'm almost guaranteed to take down my guard.
                                   But something feels strange when I do that with you, like maybe my guard doesn't need to be there at all.

                                                           ­            Maybe I'm just delusional, but I like to think you will be there day.
                                                            ­           That maybe those couple of days, won't be the last... because babe, that would be so real, and I
                                                                ­       don't need real right now, I need happy, but you know that, so I'll smile as long as I can, which is as
                                                              ­         long as you're there, whether you are here or not......
 Jul 2013 Madison P
Tori Hart
We were lying together in your bed
I was gently drawing circles on your chest
        You were smiling and gently humming to yourself.
Every moment we spent together was always
        blissful and beautiful.

And I asked you a question
        as I turned my head to the side
                to listen to your heartbeat
                and see a glimpse of your face.

‘If you could go back and visit me at any age
        what age would you choose?’
Your heart pumped steadily
        You breathed evenly
        and you smile grew slightly larger.

‘Am I allowed to interact with you?’
        You always asked questions that I would never think of.

        I smiled.

‘I would go to you when you were thirteen.’

My body tensed.
        I was very different then
        I was shallow
        I was lost
        I was not the girl you fell in love with at thirteen.

You smiled.
You inhaled.

‘I would tell you that you are beautiful.
I would reassure you that you didn’t need them,
        that you have a bright and promising future ahead of you.
I would tell you that you are going to do amazing things.
I would help you not to worry about what they think.
I would ask you to never, ever change.

And I would tell you that you are right,
        you do not fit in
in the absolute best way possible.’
Fall in love with the one who loves you at thirteen.
 Jul 2013 Madison P
Ohetsan Haraf
No I am not lying
When I tell you people are dying
You see me crying
Because there are so many not trying
You shouldn't be  starving when you have an option
There are so many children crying 
Because there is no option
Can you hear them asking?
Begging and pleading?
For someone to save them?
Starvation is the reason 
There are 2.6 million children 
 every four season
See, every penny counts
Especially when it's something you believe in

So, stop acting like a fool
Wasting food 
When it's  a tool 
In basic survival
For those in need
Now get off your couch and stop feeling sorry
When you can be doing something about it
Don't put it off until tomorrow 
Because there might not even be one
For those starving in places like Africa or even your own state, city, and dare I say it; community.

Sometimes with the Heart
Seldom with the Soul
Scarcer once with the Might
Few—love at all.
 Jul 2013 Madison P
I measured time in heartbeats and length
by how far your fingers traced on my skin.
Time passed like sultry summer nights
and length was as far as the night stars
that kept us company.
Every second was one I tried to keep safe
instead of cherish.
I wish you’d still wrap your hands around mine
as tight as you do your morning tea.
Because you are my pulmonary veins,
carrying all the broken parts I give and
returning them alive.
Reviving blood as dense as lead,
warming it like the sunrise I used to feel you in.
But now I can only battle eyelids that drop
like anchors near shallow shores;
trying to find the footing your eyes once gave
(still give).
And you might call me a liar,
but it felt like forever to me.
I still measure time in heartbeats
but length by how far
you feel from me.
And right now time moves
as quick as early mornings,
and length is farther than I’d like.
 Jul 2013 Madison P
After two weeks and a few days he says he loves you
He says he loves the way your eyes light up when you smile
And the way your hips curve, as if ready to bear a child
He says he loves your legs, soft to the touch
He craves your lips, so perfectly plump,

After two weeks and a few days he says he needs you
He needs your love
He needs your touch
He needs you to call out his name
Give him what he needs, he'll give you fame

But does he need you?
Does he love you?
Does he know you?

Does he know that you paint
Pictures of your past, so faint
Does he know that you write
Or that you stay up all night
Does he know you love tea
And buying new books to read
Does he know you love carnivals
Or that you aren't really a carnivore
Does he know your favorite color is gold
Or that you're excited to grow old

Because if he doesn't need to know the most important things
About the one he plans to keep
The he doesn't plan to keep you, but darling don't weep,
But the next time he says he loves you, ask him,
Do you know me?
 Jul 2013 Madison P
Molly Dot
Don't tell me
that I'm beautiful
because beautiful people
don't sit in their rooms every night
wondering if anyone cares about them

Don't tell me
that I have pretty eyes
because all I use them for is crying
the bloodshot red overcomes the blue-grey
and shows the weakness

Don't tell me
that I'm not fat
because when I look in the mirror
all I see is my flabby body
and the abhorrent imperfections

Don't tell me
that my scarred skin is fine
because all I see are flaws in my growth
and stretch marks are the reason
for my tiresome adolescence

Don't tell me
that people love me
because loved people don't stand in the corner at parties
wanting it to all be over
because they aren't good enough

Don't tell me
that I am lovely
because lovely people
don't push the ones that mean the most to them
onto a boat, out to sea
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