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Madison McCray Jul 2014
so maybe its been awhile since I wrote a couple lines for you but it's also been awhile since I last stole a kiss upon your lips & fell asleep with my ear against your chest or held hands down my road & shared a cigarette between the two of us & maybe it's been a while since I've wrote about it but it's only been a number of seconds since it crossed my mind
Madison McCray Jul 2014
I find every **** thing about you so intriguing & I want to dive right in filling every lost or forgotten bit of your unkept soul. I want you to chose love over lust & find that curiosity is what controls the minds & to know that the power of the mind is so incredible & precious. it holds every invention possible to man in this entire beautiful creation. though millions of things have not yet been unfolded. but what I also want you to know is that the mind is what created my love for you. every time I steal a glance upon your handsome face endorphins are released into my ongoing mind making me fall harder & harder every **** second. you're overtaking my own & I'm not sure if I should let it be or try to fight it off but baby you are so powerful. you are what keeps me going you see. this love is contagious & right now you have my hormones going crazy begging for you all at once. may I ask how you became so metaphorically delicious? how can one fall so hard for another they lose all ambition to do anything except produce more love for them? you have extended my mind into this vast place that is oh so fond & inviting. you have showed me what love really is & I shall never take anything you do or say for granted. I will cherish every second I get with you because I would never want it any other way. & though you will never come to read this I only wish the best for you & what your future holds in front of you because I have never loved anything or anyone as much as I love you
Madison McCray Jul 2014
I'll never understand why you crinkle your nose when you're unsure about something, gaze around when you don't know what to say, shove your hands in your pockets when you're nervous, press your lips together when you know I'm right, look at me when the situation is uncomfortable, say you don't care when that's all you care about, shame on what you love most, beg for me when you are intoxicated, lie to hide how you truly feel, ignore me when you know you've messed up, tighten your jaw when you're embarrassed, say absolutely nothing when you wish to say a million, walk away when you want to stay, come up with excuses to cross paths once more, smile and look down slightly when you're feeling flattered, pretend to believe that I don't know you like the back of my hand.
Madison McCray Jun 2014
maybe there's a reason we don't see our own beauty. it's a strive towards selflessness. it'd be the cause of interference with our capability to see the rest of the world as beautiful as it is. with so many places to go & things to see we forget to notice the eternity within our own soul. we underestimate the scale of life itself. because without your individually unique ways we wouldn't go on to live in this incredulously magnificent world. an outcome of intelligence & stupidity.
Madison McCray Jun 2014
summer is amazing. I love the smell of fresh air & being able to lay out in the sun absorbing all of life itself. riding down back country roads listening to music as loud as I possibly can. going to bonfires & enjoying every moment you get bc you only get the opportunity to live once. I love watching the stars at night & wondering who's looking up at the same sky as I am thinking the same thing I am. or what someone else is doing half way around the world. i love running my fingers through the grass & going swimming late at night. I love getting so caught up in the mid of love, you forget what else exists.
Madison McCray Jun 2014
I guess some people just really don't understand what it's like to be in love & how one can take complete control over your mind & you not be able to do a **** thing about it but lay there at 4:54 in the morning & write about it because they're consuming so much of your soul you forget what sleep is but you continue on & let it happen because you think that's what's best for you & you havnt yet realized that the someone you are giving all of your time too is asleep right now & you havnt crossed their mind since the morning they left your house but the one time they decided to send you a message as to why they couldn't talk & it breaks your heart to hear but you still go on begging for them all at once until you look back at the time & notice it's now 5:00 in the morning & you're still writing & they're still sleeping with no connection in between expect for this stupid run on sentence that they'll never come to read.
Madison McCray Jun 2014
sometimes I just want to cuddle & kiss & be cute with you because that's what you'd expect out of two teenagers then other times I want to smack you in the back of the head for being a goofball & mess up your hair that you seem to be so crazy about & laugh when you get mad because the face you make when you're embarrassed is the cutest whether you believe it or not. & sometimes I even want to be serious & I want you to tell me what's got your world spinning & for you to open up to me & finally for once just let me help because that's all I've ever wanted to do. & sometimes I want for you to read all the things I've ever wrote for you & take them to heart & realize how much I truly do care for you & appreciate everything you have done to help maintain my happiness in life when you didn't have to. but sometimes I just simply want to be together & know that you love me & I love you. because hell you're all I want.
is that too much to ask for?
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