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madeline may Jul 2013
it might've meant more
if any of the words we used
had actually been ours
though I guess that explains
why when you left
and I looked to see if my heart was okay
there was just an empty space
the veins ******* in MLA-formatted knots
like citations
for all your stolen speeches
austen, jane. pride and prejudice. new york: modern library, 1995. print.
madeline may Jul 2013
you always loved yourself more
than you could ever love me
it's pronouced made-lin, not made-line.
in the same way i hate myself more than i could ever hate you.
madeline may Jul 2013
somewhere out there
there's a blue house along the shore
abandoned, empty, with wooden planks covering broken windows
debris and rock collects around the support beams
as hurricanes make the beach increasingly claustrophobic
and if you lay on the hot sand
letting the sun burn your bare arms
and close your eyes really tight
you can see the ghosts of two adolescents
whose adolescence has since been obliterated by love
and hear their desperate voices cry out into the bright blue skies
messy prose of blurred confession and stolen honesty

but your concentration will waver
and their throats will fill with ocean water
they will become weighed down by each other's presence
and suffocate beneath each other's scarred skin
one's lips stealing the breath from the other
and in your temporary state of neglect
you won't be watching when they die

so carry their bones away and burn them
let their ashes become one with the sand
and watch them disperse with the 12 o'clock high tide
come, see the weeds flourish
where their warmth once fostered daisies
and let their fragile organs decay
along with the remains
of their salty love
and there in the depths of the sea
of death, of distance
they will be closer
than they'd ever been in this world of the living
madeline may Jul 2013
too sweet
not like candy
more like raw sugar cane
dainty and honest
to the innocence of tastebuds
but grows stale and sticky
to the back of my throat
and all i can think of
to wash you away
are a couple swigs of listerine
and her mom's stash of *****
madeline may Jul 2013
lying here beneath the stars
I've never felt so alone
happy independence day, love.
madeline may Jul 2013
i remembered the rose
in the vase on my desk
dried up but, somehow, intact
and when i picked it up
to toss it outside
a few petals fell away
drifted to the floor
and all i could do was sigh
and say
i know.
madeline may Jun 2013
no matter what I do with it
i still have the blisters on my index fingers
and the rope burn on my thumbs
to remind me of my mistakes

and I'll thank them for it every ******* day.
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