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I look across the field and past the sewer line, over the mountain range ignore the road that climbs
I glare across the ocean bypass the boats that glide, peer into the forest refuse the loss of lives.

Is the answer love, is the answer peace? Surely it can't be freedom or the will to go green
Could it be knowledge, or publicity? When I contemplate this, honestly I just don't see.

I don't see new generation, hope for humanity
I don't see a great change coming, ideas oh so revolutionary.

I see doom, I see fear
I see destruction and a falseness.

I see lies
And I see a darkness.
I wrote this in art history class.
When your thoughts are
They might be

Making choices on a
But believe them just as

But the evidence becomes
Your just running on

Fear of falling or of
Barely a grasp on the

People judge and that's
You'll live to fight another
© Zachary J Morsette 2013
I hate
the times
and the
simple rhymes
that cloud
my head
when I'm
feeling dead
wishing all
was gone
not another
grey dawn
© Zachary J Morsette 2013
You sit there
with a smile on your face
and an overall
state of grace

Now why
would you sit there
and with all-knowing-ness
see me?

I sit there
with a smile on my face
myself having an overall
state of grace

After all this time
you'd think I would learn
not to fall for one such as you

Yet at the same time
you'd think the exact same
for one such as you

You fell
I fell
something neither of us
could ever take back
I had a question burning on my mind
And I thought maybe to pass the time
I could write it down on a sign
And ask the passing souls.

My intentions were pure I wanted to know
I would discover whether from above or below
And with the answer I then would know
The fate of the passing souls.

I took my sign to the busy street
Where there are many hands and many feet
And with my question I did greet
A many a passing souls.

The answers did differ I can tell you that
Some laughed while others answered back
Still some just stared as though words they did lack
Oh the many a passing souls.

I was taken aback by the answers I received
With some I implored and with some I did plead
I cried “listen to me, won’t you please!”
Oh lord save the passing souls.

Not all accounts were bad, some were quite good
I received a hug from a man in a hood
Although by the end I understood
The hearts of the passing souls.

So at the end of the day, I folded my sign
I gathered my things and with tears in my eyes
I turned towards the street and I said good bye
With no love from the passing souls.
I wrote this after spending an hour on Rue Sainte-Catherine in Bordeaux with a sign that read Qu’est-ce que L’amour?

— The End —