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4.4k · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
Graffiti is a beautiful thing
A splash of the soul
in an unlikely place
character and development
hardship and victory
every detail recorded
in ink
where mother big brother father of all
says should be bare
In the cover of my own
I shadow in and shade
my very ****** skin
until I am a ****** no more
and I can see myself inside out
memorialized in permanence
that bespeaks adulthood
a grown up
1.1k · Mar 2014
I Share A Space
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
The bird's company
is getting
as the flock grows
All I hear around me
a cacophony of
an endless song
of open inclusivity
I open my lion's maw
and release a sad bellow
the birds stop
and scream a unified friend
then it's back to the beginning
verse and verse again
and I'm all on my own
with a lonely view
754 · Mar 2014
Cut Off
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
Cut off
everything I had learned
my new enjoyments
and being
held at arm's length
uncertain in distance's grasp

Cut off
everyone I had met
my new friends
and being
held at arm's length
uncertain in distance's grasp

Cut off
Everything that I had become
my new identity
and being
held at arm's length
uncertain in distance's grasp

Cut off
I am unsure
if I will get myself back
upon my return
or if I will even return at all
I am so separate
I question what was even real
548 · Mar 2014
Perfect Opposites
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
Take my cold hands
in yours
one more time
I need your
effortless opposite warmth
487 · Mar 2014
Truth On The Rocks
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
Give it to me straight
a shot of reality
Don't bother with a chaser
I'm used to the burn
afterwards I'll be numb
464 · Mar 2014
Porcelain Dolls
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
Nothing shatters
more easily
more painfully
than the
tender white hopes
of an unloved girl
455 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
Shadow and sun
converge on sinkholes
who could have known
Snow could be both so
strong and fragile
to support the entirety
of a complete
and a slight
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
The door has shut
but I have only realized
the solid wood in my face
not that I'm looking
through the cold glass
(how can it be so cold
when you were so warm
to the touch?)
at your light on the
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
Here's another
whiny poem
where I lyrically
how he doesn't pay
any attention to me
even though I know full well
that he isn't
obligated to
394 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
Nervously shoveling snowcaps
in my face
while watching in vain
for whitecaps
the only calm of the day
393 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
I smile all
warmth and
summer of best intentions
host of hopes in spring
lukewarm courtesy is all
I receive
so I just put my head down
to hide my frigid burning tears
ineffectually with my
cold steel hacked so short
and shove my numb hands
into the snow
I have packed into my
ample pockets
376 · Apr 2014
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
Just because I
traveled down a
new road
doesn't mean I can't
revisit old footpaths
favorite strolls
in shady memory past
New destinations
not permanent
363 · Apr 2014
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
She has blood in her hair
the girl she doesn't know
working both ways
imagining sensations that aren't there
inventing words and ignoring old sounds
Let's give her a hand
this unwitting princess
we all want to save her voice
we all want her to see her own crown
361 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
Take my hand
I'll show you how to
build a castle
with lofty ceilings
and a foundation
of curious cracked concrete
But the windows will be
wonderful stained glass
and the stairs
361 · May 2014
Madeline Cirullo May 2014
Such a pleasant storm
hidden silent behind those curtains
of hair
I've carefully cultivated
more than ever before
But one side is exposed
so all can see the care
I've returned to taking
347 · Apr 2014
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
Oh the times we're living in
I can't feel my body
but for the burning in my throat
Bathed in talent
and guiding experience
fighting a cold numbness
lifting headrush
I lose the meaning
I lose the direction
But not the heart
so tell me
aren't these the times we're living in?
344 · Mar 2014
To Stare Or Not To Stare
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
His presence
begs me to look over
the awareness of his presence
Commands I close my eyes
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
I'd rather be stabbed once
than slowly burned to death
so look me in the eye
and **** me clean
342 · Apr 2014
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
I walk alone
strut and tall
I fly
all leather boots
and smeared eyeliner
with a poisoned lip
you can't touch
my black lace
or wild hair
I have a ******* tongue
and no ***** for eyes
and a rhythm in my
woman's hips
Don't you see me flying?
335 · Apr 2014
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
Second time
here we go
or we may not
so I'll board the merry-go-round
this carousel of disappointment
expectant as always
I shouldn't be
335 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
That's not
under my nails
I have
on my hands
But even worse
I have it
deliberately spread
330 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
I've always liked that
furry trim of yours
the one made of wood
it seems to be
leaning in expectantly
watching your movements
with a loving wonder
I hear it traps bad things init
and holds you on course
A retainer of twisted old spires
329 · Apr 2014
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
glazed over
lost in a state of wonder
single planed
dimension of disembodied one
I find my courageous future
in the pinnacle
of a symmetric background
a whole wall of it before me
this is what we're dying for
in this moment above forward
and all beyond
so innocent a face
to your dark new feel
meta strange
wheel and float
you are mine
it is ours
this gives me hope
and a willingness to
grander cohesion
I wish this will all
be vibrant tomorrow
328 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
It's the deadpan
he said
moving his hand
across his face
It's me
I thought right back
325 · Mar 2014
I Only Just Noticed
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
Poor you
all alone in a corner
Crowded in
by the dull furniture
say hello to me
I want to get to know
your lines and colors
even if they're all straight and gray
your movements and
no matter how still
Don't leave me without saying anything
you're so alone
just like me
and I'm sorry
If I ever gave up on you
320 · Mar 2014
y-y-you [repeat][repeat]
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
My tongue is tripping
on your name
even though I've
spat it out
a million times
319 · Apr 2014
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
Quivering moon
a reflection of your
old self
penetrating a bus window
or two
so bright aflame
I want to dance to you
as you dance alongside
your compatriot being
317 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
I dreamed that
I cracked bone
enamel between my teeth
but I couldn't find it
in the mirror
my friend was in a
living hell
where I could see him
and belonged
I woke up
and with the most sore jaw
315 · Apr 2014
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
I need to quit this
Candy Man
sweet sugar
burns my eyes
he's rotting my teeth
out of my
***** mind
314 · Apr 2014
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
What's the impression you got?
I got that you were impressed
and now you're gone
so I'm confused and
307 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
The more you look
the more you see
little things
like a patch of red
amongst neatly clipped
chocolate hair
endearing little traits
pieces of a visual whole
that tie the vision together
307 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
Parallels running
frozen underneath a bridge
we are unsure where the
water leads
So we watch the light
bounce off it
and theorize
303 · Apr 2014
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
with the floral art
I'm filled with words
maddening it can't stop
it moves my fingers
and I try to employ my eye
but a bursting yield
spills through my pen
Does the irony or the
exhaustion **** me?
303 · Apr 2014
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
It's the tree of life
get it?
I hope you do because

I'm going in and out
and I need something to
ground me

and you need soil
something to hold
301 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
I see you there
through a fold in the treelike
I learned today
that you are stationary
yet I see you there
slowly creeping
301 · Mar 2014
Find Friends
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
My cries for attention
so loud
and tear filled
Ring in the ears
of only the willfully deaf
298 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
Somewhere in the apology
I lost my direction
a nervous outpouring
commingled with red heat
In the most obvious of places
and well
my train derailed
in a flurry of regret
296 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
I traded the view
which was lovely
albeit lonely
for this cramped
296 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
A broken pencil
and some cruel words
a nuisance
an uncomfortable memory of a fantasy
that's all I am
295 · Apr 2014
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
a finality I hope not
to hear
in my own fate
is it flexible?
I need the option
294 · Apr 2014
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
Crooked windows
show more
of their landed view
and they let more snow in
they who built an unsteady house
we need to fix the foundation
raise the structure
and put some books under it
Let's hope that stops the wobbling
293 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
I know I should have stopped
five texts ago
I understood your silence
I knew I wasn't wanted
sometimes talking to a brick wall
is better than talking to
nobody at all
283 · Apr 2014
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
A proposal is not a proposition
and a step toward adulthood
is not
a step back from childhood
282 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
Will these ones stay?
Not many do
My exposure is hard to handle
for long
it takes them time
time enough to raise my hopes
to a haven of peace
and love all around
for them to cut and run
cut and run
through my heart and over my soul
I am trampled and hewn and ******
from so many old stampedes
frightened well wishers
How will these fare?
How will I manage?
275 · Apr 2014
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
I'm starting to see shadows
in the peripherals of my
the noises are a muffled
this illness filters
I'm scared
I'm alone
stumbling over what was
always there
271 · Apr 2014
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
Quiet sincerity
and a deep brown stare
I like sitting here with you
engrossed in our philosophy
where will the conversation lead
that I could foresee wistfully
but a practical short time reality
so I am content with you before me
268 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
I see you studying
the wall there
picking at the
old yellow paint
with your blunt fingernails
by the dapples in the concrete
What a wonderful seat
I've stolen
so close behind you
that I can see these
little lulls in you
265 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
in a darkened room
I have hidden
with the
chalkdust remnants
of a dissembled nation
262 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
dazed and confused
stuck in a murky stupor
the warmth of spring
and the lure of a free day
they tore down the calendar
and stole my books
so here I lay
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
you're new
and I like your face
and your humor
Let's be friends
How do I politely
invite myself to one of your parties?
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