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233 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
I still remember how
you murmured
empty love words
against my mouth
in that dark room
where our skin touched
and for the briefest of moments
our hearts met
233 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
The best intentions
started a new
in the waves of youth
but even the magnificence
of newfound freedom
was fleeting
faded into a
dull sickly color
233 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
Spotlight on an empty field
Where is the knight?
He slumps by a stream
I don't know what he waits for
or why I can't look away
All is concentrated
in that one spot
where nothing really happens
227 · Apr 2014
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
Awful spirit
reclined in a chair
sleeping in indifferent good humor
Hold your legs up
let us look on sideways
and don't you dare look back
225 · Apr 2014
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
The thought of
seeing him
drains my
that soaked me
mère seconds ago
where there was fire
sickly butterflies
224 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
Close your eyes little girl
close them and dream
Dream of a day
when all you want is what you have
Dream of a you
completely yourself
Dream of a future
you can live with
Close your eyes little girl
close them against the reality of now
but don't forget
it's what you have to get through
222 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
My strong convictions
which I had
written out on my arm
are fading
and I'm begging them
to stop
to stay
I can't see ten enough
220 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
There have always been
dead smiles between
my teeth
I resent them
217 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
Keeping a corpse
as company
cold hands to match mine
at least this one
At least this one
warmth it seems
214 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
My tongue is dry
is it from a lack of water
or a lack of love?
I'm not sure but
my head is splitting by the jaw
and your cheap medicinal tricks
won't solve a **** thing
they won't fill a **** hole
214 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
there is a light
streak in you
is it a scar?
Does it hurt?
It looks as though
something moved through you
or under you
such a stark reminder
that refuses to move with your currents
or maybe there's just
something missing?
212 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
So rich and red
was the blood
when I cut my tongue
on an expression of love
209 · Mar 2014
Points In Space
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
A plane
A pane
so much and so little
separate the two
he and she
they and them
it's all a mirror
of many facets
each sees the other
and themselves
together yet apart
if they could but reach forward
touch skin to skin
glass on nails
so they'd see
their bent reality
in one whole
208 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
I wake up every morning
with blood between my teeth
so I keep my mouth
as tight as I can
I don't want the red
in my friends' eyes
I clench closed harder
and bleed more
but then you say hello
and your deep voice
numbs my gums
and I'm not afraid
to give more than
a Mona Lisa smile
205 · Apr 2014
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
I wish I didn't have to
pick my way
across each room
I don't want every
single step
to have to be
so carefully chosen
I want to run all out
this tiptoe dance
is tiring me
204 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
My head hurts
because you're forcing my jaw
where you once
opened up an easy smile
203 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
And so the
becomes a
oh what a force
pain and lust
together are
202 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
A gradient of shade
blocks out what falls
and I'm left wondering
what comes next
201 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
I want to break
the glass
but I'm afraid
the shards will cut you
and then my
hind hands will mean
Nothing to you
I couldn't stop that
no matter how
soft my touches
Probably because
my hands would be bleeding
196 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
Binding page after page
I have no idea how long
this book will be
Or if it will even end
I don't even have words to write
on their bare backs
but each page goes in
and my hands are numb
Page after page
I bind
I bind
195 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
The turn of the corner
is where the rainbows
learn to cut corners
(glass and walk)
you'll find transfixing
194 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
I don't have scars
I have words
buried into my skin
seeping deep past my flesh
through an innocent pen
wielded by a ruthless
broken poet
194 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
I'm bleeding bones
and weeping bile
everything hurts
just that much more
because you
stole my blood
and stole my tears
192 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
I am angry
that you don't see
how much it hurts
when I swoon

Or maybe you do
you just say nothing
and that just makes me
191 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
Sometimes the worst
kind of stress
is the one you can't see
but feel
when you wake up
after thinking you were
to breathe
186 · Apr 2014
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
I'm clicking my pen
against my teeth
thinking of you
hoping you'll hear
I don't know to what end
but I don't want it to end
some beginning things
would be lovely
184 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
My pen is running from me
it knows the power it holds
The danger in my hand
that wields it
184 · Apr 2014
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
Unlikely on what ends?
How do I dream
When I never ever know
to begin with?
183 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
It's like I'm
building a house
but I don't know I'm
made to live in trees
and I don't know
stairs are supposed to go up
so I just
spiral in place
with hammer and nails
in hand
and an open white wall
future in mind
trying my best
my absolute best
to ignore the leaves
growing from the vines
wrapped around
each and every vein
183 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
Countless cards and
Infinite ink just
so that you might turn around
and flick your eyes up and down
the length of my body
spread a soft smile
warm and honest
across your flushed face
you may turn right back around
so nobody sees
but I saw
and it was worth
every word
182 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
Answer me
Answer me
You don't understand
these ears were made for
the speech of friends
answer me
You don't understand
what silence does to me
I'm begging you
answer me
answer me
182 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
I walked myself into a
house of mirrors
where I'm slowly drowning
in my own well-wrought tears
I didn't get to say goodbye
so at every turn
I see myself
and choke on a grim hello
181 · Mar 2014
Just Note Friends
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
All these pages between us
how will I possibly
express my love
that is not the love
You have?
181 · Apr 2014
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
Have you ever seen
the inside of bones?
look into your own
the red mess
impossibly deep
pour it out like a slow night
watch it closely
the fragments fall
all you are on the floor
clarity comes
once that experience of
breaking and melting
comes to pass
177 · Apr 2014
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
Smooth covers hold
breaking at the spine
the weight of my conscious
176 · Apr 2014
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
Go on
Dig nails into my hands
for frustration
at their creating
172 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
Shake me down
just try
I'm walking up
in the air
the wind
playing with my hair
like a lover
excited to have me back in his bed
after a long
time away
172 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
My smile
so 'easy'
muffles the sound
of the scream
swirling in my chest
ready to tear through
my heart
and break past my
flashed teeth
171 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
I was broken
pieces of glass
on a hard unforgiving floor
You knew I was broken
You told me I was broken
yet you took up a hammer
and crushed
what I had left
of myself
into a dust
and painful even to look at
168 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
Let's destroy her
so she knows
It's all her own
innocent undoing
166 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
I want to run away
like my mother told me to
but my feet are nailed
to the unforgiving uncertain
concrete floor
165 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
A gargantuan
among flimsy slips
the card
Where the world was dropped
159 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
You missed your chance
his ears were free
But you hid silent
under the canvas where he
can't see
and won't want
158 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
I have your name
caught in my throat
with every new
I smile upon
I want to swallow it
and find another
to put between my lips
153 · Apr 2014
Madeline Cirullo Apr 2014
I would tell you
to do what you want
with me
my body
but I already know
that's nothing
148 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
The best of intentions
has fed the worst of habits
birthing bitter memories
Echoes that crawl and creep
when you're not looking
into the shadows
where you pretend not to know
they are
148 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
lift me up
I want to touch clouds
from your golden wings
they'll melt in the rain
but the fall
will be worth the ecstasy
146 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
If I sigh louder
will they notice?
At what decibel
will I sound damaged?
Do I have to scream
my hurts in their faces
to make them hear my pain?
To make them care.
My problems must air
in tears
and blood
146 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
What did you say?
I'm wearing your words on
my wrist
instead of reading them
Flat before me
141 · Mar 2014
Madeline Cirullo Mar 2014
My ears are ringing
it's because nobody
is willing to hear
my cries for attention
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