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 May 2013 Maddy Molaro
Pinned on a red brick wall,
On a street so silent,
We say nothing at all.

Blood boiling under the surface,
Wind licks our skin,
I forgot my purpose.

Longing, pulling deep inside,
He lifts my leg up,
There’s nowhere to hide.

Finger curling round and round,
I melt to his touch,
I am off the ground.

He grabs my chin,
Whispers, “don’t fight,
You are all mine tonight”

Ill always remember,
The red brick wall,
And the night I let go of it all.
 May 2013 Maddy Molaro
I longed for your return;
Waiting patiently by the window, I forgot how to live.
With a kiss you were gone; sent away to fight a noble cause;
You said the only noble cause in life was loving me, if anything.
Watching you fade into a cloud of smoke, right then I knew this day would come.
You said: “Curse the Gods! A moment without you is a moment without breath.”
I lost count of the moments, and of the breaths.
In a distant memory, you hold me close;
Now, all that holds me close was the beckoning gloom.

Cold in bed, I turn to where you should be;
I shun the emptiness, resenting it for your absence.
The apparent expansion of time torments me;
You’ve been gone but a month; but really a life has passed.
I’m sure the window has grown tired of the hours spent upon his fading frame,
The shuddering breaths fogging up the panes that now rarely boast the sunlight.

The carnations tossed a sorry, red sight across the hall
As you came through the door;
The languid form before me bore no resemblance to the man who left.
A tear escaped your eye as you recognised my loss of faith.
I shivered at your touch; your kiss was unfamiliar.
I closed my eyes,
And I knew that you had gone.
The wife of a soldier anticipates his return.
He told her
That mathematics was too
Too, too
To be poetic.

She said that
He had only seen himself
In a mirror,
A reversed hologram
Of his external self
Burned into his retinas with
His subconscious filling in the gaps.

But she had seen him
The rays reflected straight off him
Into her eyes;
Not some half-assed reflection
Off some silvered surface.

She said that
His jawline was
The ***** of a curve
Pencilled on a graph sheet.
His candlewax skin
A wavelength
Quantifiable on paper.
His spine
A number line with
Dashes, to show real numbers
The set of which was infinite.

She said that
A Fibonacci sketch was
A minimalist rose,
A post-modern bouquet.

And that
The reflected pale morning sun
In a half finished cup of camomile tea
Was a cardioid
With fixed coordinate values on the axes
And an algorithmic tangent.

And he
Was a negative infinity
A paradox not sorted under
Quine's classification system.

She had
Recorded his heartbeat and blood pressure;
Measured the distance between his lips with her own;
Tried so hard, so very, very hard
To put him down in a numerical form
And write him off as an equation.

But all she could say was
That he was more
Than the sum total of his meagre parts
And that she
Was his reciprocal value.
Crystal forest 

Are you as strong as you look
Or do you shatter like the rest of us
Like the prince in a story book
Handsome and charming but it's not enough
But when I saw your fragile side
You took my breath away
Youre what I'd been waiting to find
Youre my crystal forest
The one in a life time
But I don't think I can rest 
Until I make you mine
An evil thought, an evil plot
Ready to give up everything
To obtain that which I sought
No matter what consequence it may bring
Then I ruined it all
And in a shower of glass
My crystal forest began to fall
 May 2013 Maddy Molaro
In my back pocket
is a shopping list



In my handbag
is an old receipt
from when I bought


Inside my crowded head
are more people
that should never have

Cried for me
Lied for me


Inside of my heart
are my moments
of triumph
They are


Angels speaking

Nonsense talking

*My friends
I ******* freaking LOVE my friends ;-)
you slept on the inside of the bed
I on the outside
you were cooler
I was calmer
and we talked of everything
but of course - mostly - nothing
you left early in the morning
I slept while you readied

you eskimo kissed my nose
to say you were leaving
and leaving me there
and before my smile reached both ears
you reached the door and were gone
but still there in my head
heading toward my heart

— The End —