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Jan 2014 · 575
Maddie Lane Jan 2014
I                 had thought different, I
thought    that you were the one that was meant for me
,                I figured that our differences is what made us what we were.
I               should have known what this was, I really
was          certain that this would only make us better, I hate to be
wrong.     I guess in the case that is (was?) our relationship, I was wrong.

                                         I was
Maddie Lane Jan 2014
I'm not good with my words,
or my abundance of feelings.
But I do know when I feel something,
and I've never felt anything like what I feel with you,
when I'm hiding from the world inside your arms.

Disappointment hits my like a brick,
I don't know how to do this.
Being alone is not something I'm good at,
something I've never been good at.

Thoughts crowd my mind like bodies crowd the chaos that is Times Square.
I want nothing more than to fall back into the comfort that I once knew,
that comfort that no longer exists.

Where are you now?
And I'm so sorry.
I cannot think of anything besides borrowed lyrics to describe how I feel.
I cannot think of words to think the betrayal that I feel,
this year has been rather tumultuous,
and I thought you'd be there to catch me when I fell.

I'm falling.

Where did you go?
Jan 2014 · 488
New Year
Maddie Lane Jan 2014
I need a place to cram my memories.
Someplace safe, nothing permanent, but maybe permanent.
I need to change my hair and get a hobby and some new friends and do something interesting.
I need to be interesting.
I need to feel wanted, not worthless.
Jan 2014 · 795
Maddie Lane Jan 2014
There's not much to say anymore, besides how I feel:
did I say hurt already?
Maddie Lane Dec 2013
Beauty doesn't matter if you're shallow and selfish.
With no depth to your personality it's no wonder you have a difficult time making good friends.
If you surround yourself with **** you will start to smell,
you become one of them.

We can poke fun at me all we want because yes,
I don't have many friends,
but at least I have friends that would never abandon me.

Blood is thicker than water but I feel no connection to you anymore.
Your abuse towards me is unforgivable (especially since you've never directly apologized to me)
I will never forget the things that you said,
I would have expected them from someone (you know exactly who),
but never from you.

It's sad to say but it's a firm decision:
I am done with you,
I feel no remorse about this.

Cutting people off is a common occurrence in our family.
So this was unavoidable,
I wish it wasn't so soon,
I wish you'd realize the err of your ways,
I wish you'd stop being such a sociopath.

Dec 2013 · 650
How dare you
Maddie Lane Dec 2013
tell me I'm too depressed.
That it's better to go out than to see me.
Your judgements hurt,
I feel like Jennifer Lawrence in Silver Linings Playbook,
"I opened up to you, and you judged me."
I thought you hurt me before,
but your insensitive judgements stung worse than anything else.
I can't believe you judged me,
even worse I can't believe you said that to me.
If I ever judged you,
I kept it to myself.
I never wanted to break you,
I guess we're different in that way.
Dec 2013 · 456
I need a word
Maddie Lane Dec 2013
for the way that I feel.
How my insides feel hollow,
and how my eyes look empty.
I don't know when we went from comfortable to nonexistent.
We both live in the past,
hide in memories from summers long ago,
when we cared the same amount,
wanted each other terribly,
when we were both happy.
Before sadness consumed me,
before this hollow feeling became something other than a visitor.
I need a word for how I ache to hear you say my name,
for how I feel when I say yours,
how I need to resist myself from telling stories about you.
There's no word for the way I feel,
maybe a combination of words could try to do it justice.
I need a word for how I feel,
I need you to say the words to tell me how you feel.
I'm lost.
Dec 2013 · 348
Maddie Lane Dec 2013
is a weird thing.
I haven't realized that I've grown up.
Being a Summer baby I've always focused on the fact that everyone's getting older than me.
The only time I realize how much time has passed is when I look at the people around me.
Cousins who I saw the day they were born are now entering kindergarten.
Sisters go from being innocent little girls making words out of barrettes have suddenly picked up smoking, and a number of boys with bad reputations, and a hatred for me.
Friends are planning their futures, living in cities far from the ones that we had known.
And I didn't even realize what I've become.
I'm living the dream I've had since I was small, walking the streets I've thought about since I was a little girl, being responsible after realizing that 'out of control' was not a phase that suited me.
Time passes so quickly, and I didn't even realize it until I took a step back.
Dec 2013 · 277
Maddie Lane Dec 2013
It rained in the city today,
and for the first time I didn't rush to tell you how badly I wished I were with you.
How badly I wished to be curled up next to you,
watching a movie,
laughing at your stupid jokes,
talking about the memories and the people from home.

I wonder if that means something.
I find it funny that I used to count each month as something special,
now we just round up to the closest year (two).

I wonder why you can't hear me when I talk to you,
why you can't do simple things like text me back,
or call me on the phone.

I could drown myself with memories from last year,
the phone calls,
the harsh words,
the times when I was the one who was too busy to talk.
But I try not to.

I don't know when things changed,
when you got too busy for me,
and when I decided to care too much
and then not at all.

It rained in the city today.
And I didn't think of you,
not even a little bit,
not at all.
Nov 2013 · 435
It's cold outside
Maddie Lane Nov 2013
the dark makes it seem even colder.
Tomorrow it will never go above freezing,
and I know that all I will be able to think about
is the warmth I find in your arms.
My heart will beat steadily and slowly,
waiting to feel yours beating alongside it,
I guess it doesn't know it won't happen anytime soon,
that the cold day will pass without any sort of embrace.
Maddie Lane Nov 2013
That's like telling the sky that it's blue.
It's a well known fact that doesn't need to be said aloud.
I came to terms with it long ago,
you should do the same.

Yet here we are,
I don't know if you're saying it because you're only just realizing it,
or if you're saying it to hurt me,
to disarm me,
to make me more vulnerable than I already am.

You're the one who chose to love the crazy girl.
I never chose to be crazy,
it is just something that happened-
I'm pretty sure it's genetic-
it's the way I am.

Love me for my crazy ways,
or not at all.
You know I'll be waiting for your answer,
I'm crazy,
after all.
Nov 2013 · 274
Maddie Lane Nov 2013
The leaves changed around me,
now they're falling,
wind blowing them all around me.

I wonder if I am like that,
wandering around,
no plan at all,
just waiting to see where the wind takes me.
Nov 2013 · 287
Our love
Maddie Lane Nov 2013
is a feather.
It falls,
so gracefully,
in the air
it hits the floor,
Nov 2013 · 273
Open book.
Maddie Lane Nov 2013
I've written you countless poems,
I'm sure you've never taken the time to read them.
I speak what I feel,
I never keep anything inside.
So why are you having so much trouble reading me?

I'm an open book.
Oct 2013 · 436
City Life
Maddie Lane Oct 2013
Even in this ever bustling metropolis it is easy to feel alone.
I never thought I would ache to be home,
to drive along the oceanside with the heat blasting in my car.
I always thought I was better than that.
But right now the ocean is calling me,
or perhaps it is the moon,
its waxing and waning signaling me to return home.
Oct 2013 · 227
Lost (9w)
Maddie Lane Oct 2013
I don't know
   what is
      eating me up inside.
Oct 2013 · 489
Maddie Lane Oct 2013
I've written you many times:
I get none in return,
just empty promises.
How much longer do I have to hold on to the smallest things?
Love can only do so much.
I know,
I live in the past far too often.
I have a habit of holding grudges,
but what can I say,
it's genetic?
I can't let go of things that were said and done,
on your end- not mine.
I need something to make me forget.
I need a great love,
declaration of feelings.
Will that ever happen?
Oct 2013 · 540
Maddie Lane Oct 2013
Your hatred burns,
so young yet so easy to hate.
I can only trust you as far as I can throw you
(I'm weak so that's not very far)
You think you know life,
I understand.
I was your age once,
but I realized the err of my ways and changed them.
Saw who was bringing me down and cut them out,
why can't you do the same?
I reminisce on times when you were small and we would do as sisters do,
hide under covers,
play pretend games,
I understand you are the innocent angel that I once thought,
but that doesn't have to mean you have to be the devil.
Time apart gives me time to reflect,
see what I have been doing wrong
(which is a lot)
but maybe you should do the same.
Oct 2013 · 226
Sorry (10w)
Maddie Lane Oct 2013
All I wanted was romance,
         sorry it was asking too much.
Sep 2013 · 424
Maddie Lane Sep 2013
The monotony of life makes me crave interaction-
a conversation, a hug, even a smile will suffice.
Cold shoulders can only be defended against for so long before you start to shiver.
A small ache for a warm conversation soon turns to a sharp pain.
Nighttime goes by,
moments when you reminisce of times there was someone to hold you,
it all seems so long ago.
Reminders of love visiting again are great,
but it seems so far away.
How lonely can one person get in a matter of days?
Sep 2013 · 310
Maddie Lane Sep 2013
In the whirlwind that is the city,
is it strange that I ache for you to be with me?
I'm surrounded by people,
but I wish to be with those who know me best.

Tired eyes tell me to rest,
my brain tells me to resist.
Which do I listen to?

Do I venture back out,
into the life of the city?
Or do I settle down for the night,
and pick up a book?
Aug 2013 · 637
Maddie Lane Aug 2013
I don't know what to call it.
I've never had a shortage of feelings.
Anger runs rapid in my brain, continues on until it hits a wall,
and gives up.
Sadness lurks behind every corner,
waiting to make an appearance in my day,
waiting to see what it can do to me.
Happiness attempts to be prevalent,
it shines its pretty face,
tries to fight of the others.
It's a whirlwind of feelings in my mind.
I'm sorry,
I can't help it,
I don't know what to say anymore.
There is no excuse,
but I was never taught how to fight off all the feelings.
Aug 2013 · 327
Maddie Lane Aug 2013
What is love?
Why are we so quick to define?
Love takes time.
Like a plant,
it needs sunlight and water,
needs to be cared for a nurtured.
I've been saying it's love for a long time,
when is it strong enough to be defined?
Aug 2013 · 349
New York
Maddie Lane Aug 2013
It was a test,
I wasn't sure if we would pass.
Roles reversed,
I thought I would be the bad guy,
call it quits after all we've made it through.
That's not the case.
I just want you here with me,
I want you by my side,
on these busy streets,
of the city that never sleeps,
I want you with me in New York.
Aug 2013 · 465
Maddie Lane Aug 2013
I wish I -
realized I was sinking,
plugged the holes with my fingers,
bought myself more time,
tried something new,
packed an extra sweater,
had not taken you for granted,
saw you one more time,
said what was on my mind,
argued a little more,
saved myself one last time
- when I had time.
Jun 2013 · 213
Maddie Lane Jun 2013
How do we find the time to say what's on our minds?
Where do we stuff the words that we hear,
in our mind,
on a scrapbook page,
Or do we let them float around the atmosphere until we are ready to remember them?
May 2013 · 427
Maddie Lane May 2013
What happens when you leave?
I've learned the contours of your body so well,
I know them better than my own.
What happens when I leave?
I've learned your volatile emotions better than my own,
what happens if I can no longer handle them?
To leave would be leaving this place I call home,
travel to a foreign country,
get lost for a while.
What happens then?
I have felt lost for so long,
but somehow I found my way to you.
Your embrace is my home,
my sanctuary.
What happens when it ends?
May 2013 · 370
Maddie Lane May 2013
I am submerged,
Trying to find the surface,
but it's coated in ice.
I reach my hands up trying to find air - all I feel is ice,
it's relentless,
I will never be free.
Something is always trapping me.
May 2013 · 355
Maddie Lane May 2013
years from now,
you'll be waiting on a busy New York City sidewalk.
years from now,
you'll be waiting there for me.
May 2013 · 933
Maddie Lane May 2013
There's a darkness in you,
it bubbles and boils under your skin.
I see it sometimes,
in words spoken in the heat of the moment,
when you set the smoke detector off while cooking us dinner.
It scares and intrigues me,
like an electrical socket to a toddler,
I tell myself it will hurt if get too close,
but I cannot help myself.
I want to see every part of you,
even the angry ones.
May 2013 · 349
I realized,
Maddie Lane May 2013
I know you inside and out,
better than anyone else.
I still feel like there are holes in your stories,
I still yearn to hear more.
I could know every moment of your life,
and still ache to know more.
May 2013 · 281
Maddie Lane May 2013
I seemed to have lost the map that directed me to you long ago,
I take turns down random streets to try to find you.
I see memories of us laughing as I drive around this town,
trying to find my way into your good graces,
back into your heart.
I don't know what happened or when it did but something changed,
I opened the windows as I flew down the street and the map sailed out the window.
I didn't realize until it was too late.
Apr 2013 · 214
We always knew,
Maddie Lane Apr 2013
I have always known that I am the weaker one,
I never tried to contest it,
you didn't have to prove it.
Apr 2013 · 469
Sheltered life.
Maddie Lane Apr 2013
I am afraid.
Of what I don't know,
of the feelings I haven't felt,
and of the people that I've never met.

I am afraid.
There is evil everywhere.
Kindness is rare.
Even under my rooftop,
mercy is never shown.

I am afraid.
To hurt those who have hurt me.
To protect myself when necessary.
When do you deem an act as self defense?

I am afraid.
I have never lost anyone,
only emotionally, never physically.
Death touches everyone eventually.

I am unafraid.
I seek change as I venture into the unknown.
I plan only the basics of my future,
go into everything open minded,
hope that the right path is led to me.

I am still searching.
I am afraid.
Of finding nothing
and wandering aimlessly.
Apr 2013 · 373
I'm stupid.
Maddie Lane Apr 2013
I don't know where it ends.
I can't picture myself without you,
but I don't know how I can keep you in the picture.
I can't imagine ever calling it quits,
saying the past year was wasted,
saying we never want to see each other again.
I can't imagine life without your house around the corner from mine,
but I know that it will happen soon.
I can't imagine life without you to hold,
but I know forever isn't real,
the end is closer than we think.
Apr 2013 · 542
Don't care, can't care.
Maddie Lane Apr 2013
At what point did I stop caring,
I'm not entirely sure.
When did I stop feeling things?
I don't know the answer to that either.
People laugh hard at things that are funny,
I struggle to force a smile.
Maybe my happiness is lost in the haze of all of the put downs,
all of the constant reminders of what I have done wrong.
All I know is that I am now a robot,
void of any real feelings.
I'm sorry to those it is affecting,
I just can't help it.
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
Maddie Lane Mar 2013
I'm surrounded by a world of pretentious posers.
They hide behind the title 'hipster'
They don't hide behind brand names,
they hind behind thrift store clothing,
they call themselves authentic.
How can you be authentic when you take the ideas of others,
change a few words,
and call it your own?
I am surrounded by a world of posers,
wondering if I should submit and head to the nearest thrift store.
I am trying to figure out who I am,
find myself in everything I see,
figuring out what I like and what I don't.
I don't know where I am.
I read the poetry of Plath and feel like we share similar thoughts.
I am not Plath, I cannot be Sylvia,
I won't end my life with my head in an oven.
I am not depressed,
at least I don't think I'd call it depressed.
I don't know what I am,
I can't label it.
When I try I am afraid to,
I dont want fall under the category of pretentious poser,
but I am afraid that's where I am headed.
Mar 2013 · 214
Keep you.
Maddie Lane Mar 2013
I want to keep you as close to me as possible as I can without crushing you.
Weld your lips onto mine - that is where they belong.
I want your gaze to never falter off of my faulty face.
The only place that I am beautiful is in your eyes.
I want to keep your voice in my head so I can never forget the way that it sounds when you tell me you love me.
I want to keep your love as close to me as I can so I can never forget about it or leave it behind as I experience new places.
I want to keep the memories alive so even when we are hundreds of miles apart and do not see each other for months I can still think of you and smile.
I want to keep you as close as I can without crushing you.
Mar 2013 · 3.8k
Maddie Lane Mar 2013
Pound your fists against the wall as you tell me I know nothing,
scream obscenities through the phone so loud I'm surprised the glass doesn't shatter.
Call it Passion.
Passion is your alter ego.
Passion hates me,
Passion never fails to tell me when I'm wrong.
Passion breaks my heart again and again.
Passion loves me,
Passion always tells me I am talented and smart.
Passion picks up the broken pieces and puts them back together.
Passion never fails to tell me I am beautiful.
Passion never fails to tell me that I would look ugly if I cut my hair,
or pierced my nose.
Passion tells my that my nose is crooked.
Passion is spiteful and unforgiving,
never fails to bring up my past mistakes.
Passion hates when I bring up his mistakes,
he deems his lies necessary,
while deeming my white lies fatal.
Passion is never wrong,
I am never right.
Passion wants me to be honest and say what is on my mind.
Passion wants me to sit down and shut up.
Passion never fails to tell me he loves me.
**Passion loves me.
Mar 2013 · 1.3k
Maddie Lane Mar 2013
Salinger once said, "I have scars from touching certain people."
You are the one who has left the deepest scars.
I hold my fists up to my face - to defend myself,
we both know it's useless.
You manage to cut without touching.
Your mouth is your weapon.
Your words could cut diamonds,
and they slice through me - I am the thinnest paper,
and you, the sharpest of scissors.
I don armor to shield myself from your attacks when you are angry.
I am your target,
say the wrong thing and I can expect to feel your fury.
I compared you to the hulk;
the way you get yourself into a rage, I could swear you change form.
After, when calmed, you return to your normal self.
Weeping while you apologize,
acknowledging that it's not okay,
punishing yourself for what has happened.
"It's okay" I always tell you
"No it's not" you always reply softly, sadly.
Mar 2013 · 611
Attempt at a villanelle
Maddie Lane Mar 2013
I thought they said that distance makes a heart grow fonder?
But somehow miles seem much longer than they used to.
The space between has grown.

Unfamiliar to me are the surroundings you now call home.
I had thought your home would always be the one around the corner from mine.
I thought they said that distance makes a heart grow fonder?

You bury your discontent under a heap of lies;
Never enough time to call, stamps are too expensive; don’t expect letters anymore.
The space between has grown.

I’m reaching out into darkness.
It seems like you're across the country, not a few states away.
I thought they said that distance makes a heart grow fonder?

Honesty has become inimical, denial is now our close friend.
We didn’t seem to notice the change happen, once we did we tried to cover it up.
The space between has grown.

It seems that we have changed, grown up in very opposite ways.
We let two hundred twenty six miles define us, change us, it has successfully destroyed us.
The space between has grown.
I thought they said that distance makes a heart grow fonder?
Mar 2013 · 680
I cannot save anyone.
Maddie Lane Mar 2013
I cannot save you,
cling to me to keep you afloat and you will find my skin is too slippery to latch on to and that you will certainly drown.
I try hard to keep my own sorrows at bay,
I cannot help defend you from yours.
I am sorry, I am too weak to protect both you and I,
my smile falters easily and if you look long enough you will see that my happiness is a facade.
I was unaware that you faced your own demons,
that you, too, were drowning in the same sea as I.
Perhaps if we joined forces we could keep the monsters away.
But instead, you are hundreds of miles away,
throwing swears at me when I say the wrong thing,
not letting me see your scars,
not letting me know your pain.
You caught me off-guard this time,
you didn't let me know when you were caught in the quicksand,
you only let me know once it swallowed you whole.
Maddie Lane Feb 2013
I do not know how to put my thoughts into words.
It's just never worked out for me.
I may be sober but my words are drunk.
I don't know what I am saying to you.
I don't know what I'm thinking anymore.
What is the point of this all?
We go to high school and graduate, that's expected.
We go to a decent college, start to build the debt that we will be in until we are old,
that's expected.
We go to graduate school to get a good job,
continue to build our debt.
We get out of school and struggle to find a job.
More often than not we are not happy.
What's the point of it?
We are unsure of our words because they have no point?
The get us from point A to point B.
Happiness is nowhere in between.
We just mumble and stutter our way through this uncertainty that we call life.
Feb 2013 · 365
Maddie Lane Feb 2013
I want to tell you that it is going to be okay.
It's not
I can't lie to you
(I'm scared)
What does the future hold?
I have no idea
All I know is no matter how many miles are between us,
you will always be on my mind.
Whether you are right next to be or a hundred miles away,
you are on my mind.
It is a scary thing for the future to be so up in the air.
Everything is uncertain
Nothing is permanent.
Who do you trust these days?
No one but the dog.
Feb 2013 · 680
Maddie Lane Feb 2013
Blame is heavy;
it seems you've forgotten that.
You put the blame on me without thinking that maybe I can't bear its weight.
It seems to not enter your mind that it could crush me.
We both know I'm not strong
(at least, I thought you knew that)
I am weak minded,
I used to be strong hearted.
You broke that long ago.
The love that I had for you,
the love for you that was in my genes,
has somehow disappeared.
I lay in bed at night,
aching for you to care,
hoping that maybe one day you will try to call me.
You don't.
It's been two weeks without a single word.
The last words you spoke were angry,
you shouted as you mercilessly put the blame on me.
It seems that you forgot to take it with you when you left.
Maddie Lane Feb 2013
Old photographs taunt me.
They show a time where everyone was happy,
a time that I have no memory of.
I look at photos and am forced to imagine what it must have felt like,
to have everyone under one roof,
To be a normal family.
Nothing like the mess we are today.
I have vague memories from before the separation.
I remember a certain argument,
where they were shouting so loud,
I had to lead my sister outside.
We sat under my colorful umbrella,
I read my American Girl Doll book about divorce.
I don't remember how they told us what was going to happen.
I don't even remember the day my dad moved out.
I'm not sure how, I wasn't even that young.
Maybe I erased it from my memory.
History is repeating itself.
Jan 2013 · 1.3k
Maddie Lane Jan 2013
I am alone.
I am afraid.
I am sorry.
I am a disappointment.
I never meant for it to be this way.
I just wanted a happy family.
I am unsure of what I did.
I sometimes wish I was never born.
I wish you could be happy.
I wish you didn't hate me.
I wish I didn't hate you.
I wish we could keep up the facade for a few more months.
I wish I had paid attention.
I wish I had a plan.
I wish I was smarter.
I wish I wasn't such a disappointment.
I am sorry you don't want me.
I am sorry you have to defend me.
I am sorry to be causing so many issues.
I am sorry.
I am afraid.
I am alone.
Maddie Lane Jan 2013
Your words are kind,
they are not nearly enough.
I need comfort- not advice.
I can try to look through muddied waters myself,
I just need you to grab me before I accidentally fall in.
I need to know that I will not drown.
Your words are comforting,
but I need your touch.
I need you to kiss away the tears like you usually do,
keep my face dry.
Tell me that everything will be okay.
Tell me it's not my fault.
Make me smile,
I'm not sure I know how to anymore,
but your touch is a surefire way to make me smile,
forget my problems for a moment,
to be happy.
But you are hundreds of miles away,
offering me your words.
I am sorry.
They are not enough.
Distance is to blame,
not you,
you're trying, that's admirable.
You just won't be able to fix me from hundreds of miles away.
All I need is your touch.
Jan 2013 · 395
226.08 miles
Maddie Lane Jan 2013
Two hundred twenty six point zero eight.
That's the quickest route from my door to yours.
I have never felt so alone.
You try to fill the void in my heart with phone calls,
I admire your attempts.
We fill the silences with:
"I love you"
"I miss you"
"I need you"
But it is not nearly enough,
it does not work.
I am still alone.
always waiting.
Waiting for this year to end.
Waiting for you to be closer.
Waiting for the day where you are not two hundred miles away, but a couple feet away.
Waiting for the day where we rest our head on the same pillow.
Waiting for the day where I stop crying every time I think about how far you are,
how long it is until I see you again,
how lonely I am.
Waiting to stop feeling so alone.
Waiting to get used to being left behind.
Maddie Lane Jan 2013
I had a front row seat to the viewing of your implosion;
a season pass to watching you slowly crumble until you met your eventual demise.
To watch a person that you used to know so well drift away and change entirely is devastating. The world is ripped of it’s innocence, it exposes the evils lurking through the streets.
After watching you change completely I became a cynical, bitter and hateful person.
I had to, to protect myself.
I couldn’t let my guard down.
If I were to watch anyone else’s monsters take them over my heart would shatter.
Watching you fall apart was the most heart-wrenching experience of my life.
It has changed me.
I am not able to believe a word that anyone says because of you.
I cannot trust anyone because of you, not even myself.
You have left your mark on my life.
Our friendship has changed me.
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