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You know what I find ironic?
The way you always left me
Dumped me
And still wanted me to be there
And when I did it once
Compared to your dozens
You abandoned me

I find it ironic that you didn't want
To be like your father
Who left you
Who hurt you
But you became him

And that's why you were always angry

You couldn't forgive me
Because you hadn't forgiven yourself

I find it ironic that you said you loved me
As you left me

That you made promises
And broke them all
Always fearing I'd break mine

I find you ironic

Your scar
Your eyes
Your very essence

I had loved you so completely
And love had blinded me to the flaws

Love blinded me from the irony

You must not have loved me
Because you poked and prodded
Every single one

Still I miss the irony
I miss your confusion

I miss your arms
Your scars

I see now

And I still don't care

I still forgive you

And yes

I do love you.

— The End —