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Jun 2017 · 488
machina miller Jun 2017
bestow my grips with candid strength
i quench and i quench but
the thirst always returns
if I could lift this libidinous weight
i would only return it to my shoulders
yoga festival yoga pants
May 2017 · 515
you scrub and you scrub
machina miller May 2017
i will rub the liniment of self-made into my soul or else i get the hose again

coral and porous
i walk spotless through anemones
and crystalline sea floor forests

allergic to tree ***** and tiny green armies of self-propagating space dust

inimitably flippant
bourgeoisie teetotalling kommandant
gone in a puff of turmeric
lifted to the world of spirits like a vestibule on a scissor-lift
construct more pylons
Apr 2017 · 415
bonk th' noggin
machina miller Apr 2017
sometimes i think i see the bubbles of the infinities in-between things
but i don't
i have brain trauma
doot doot
Mar 2017 · 422
Slimmy's Lament
machina miller Mar 2017
i'm the hirsute nectarine man
i speak soft streams of exegesis phonemes
i've got the mob in my hand,
they've got the cops in their pocket
hand me the cash! hand me the cash!
i'll take over the world!
i wanna get high!
i want my legs to be hundreds of feet long
and my **** to swing around my knees!
shove it in your face! shove it!
i am the archon!
i am the agelessness of ontology!
i watched the moutains crumble to dust
and i laughed, and i pressed the big red button!

my nightmare isn't any dreaming place
it's heaven on earth
what a wonderful world
where the sicknesses can come to play
where the tommy's and dandy's can frolic
and all the cats can get ******
and the warlords all chortle
and the bric-a-brac is never stolen!

i live in an amusement park
my soapbox is full of holes
but they just let the sun shine in
on the flowers i've planted at my feet
i'll sing my song to the baseboard corners and build a big beautiful scripture for all the rats in the alleyway
Feb 2017 · 521
machina miller Feb 2017
the anti-siren alarm song
collapses the dimensions of the oneiric realm,
fidgeting infinitesimally,
the tangled engine of acidic tubes
combusts last nights pepperoni bacon chorizo pizza

all of sparta trembles
stalagmites shake loose and dust the bedclothes,
cemented eye-lashes decalcify and split,
as two stumbling gargantuan steps
off the promontory of your bed
lead an unguided hand to the light-switch

the florescent hum gnaws at you
a singular parameter in the speaking mind's running mouth
“caffeinate me”

a hill, no, a mountain, no, a sheer abyss
'the stairs', a godly ascent
an ascent for winged creatures of light
creatures with legs for arms, zeppelin-like centipedes
legs whose construct are Dalían,
nightmarish vaulting apparatuses,
whose step is a bound and whose bound is a flight,
as if all of the thirteen foot-tall steps become cliffsides
and all of the cliffsides become interdimensional worm-holes
as the distance between two mustard seeds grows
and exceeds the circumference of the universal ellipse
we see our premonitions are of infinite potentiality.

resignedly, we take the first step
the next twelve follow succinctly.

we reach the ochre chamber of caffeine
only to be halted by a question
a sempiternal question,
a question of mythic, unverifiable stature
a plaguing question,
a question rooted
in our achey-breaky hearts and nigh-arthritic bones,
rooted in the seeping pathos
of our ritualized morning zombie-shuffle:
but it doesn't get asked today, we drink coffee
the world is right-side up again.
"before the sun rises the world is upside down
this i will prove with the informal, childish logic of prose"
Jan 2017 · 295
machina miller Jan 2017
I ***** my tongue
on the tip of this query
I drink salt-water from the goblet
through dry cracked lips

for surely it must follow
because I am lead by the nose
by sickening diaphanous rhythms,
coerced to contort

how flagrant must be my penitence
transcendental in inverse,
from upon my oaken tower
pitched, tarred and alight!

shall I make fetishes of my motions
maybe I will castrate myself on public television
cackling madly into the broadcast
bearing the thorny fruits of my loom aloft

I do not know where to go
this does not seem like my home
I feel alien
I swallow too much air

there is a dullness to all edges
I hear breaking glass in every noise
what paralytic sickness is this
that not innervation but violence possesses me

I would be the wolf that eats the world
and not the seeds in every pod

but the sun also rises
so the wolf does lie
Jan 2017 · 1.8k
the sesh
machina miller Jan 2017
the watermelon strikes an evening match
and crows a-roostin' on the adirondack
what wipporwill wouldn't ire o' that
with dungaree vest and wacky tobacc'
to be read in accent of users choice
Dec 2016 · 323
machina miller Dec 2016
the portcullis grinds to a halt
the red, leering cyst Solipsism
tints the looking glass

warm afternoon breeze
smoothes out the crinkling
of the wrinkly overcast soul
as a hurried little sheikh,
an aged caucasian woman
blisters past me
on two be-tighted legs
tensely betwixt
solemnity and nervousness;
i wonder why i hurry everywhere

a man with one full human leg
on crutches
in an astronauts effigy
tripods a very deliberate but rickety path
slowly leaps his spider arms
his cyborg motorcyclists helmet
obstructing none but the least aware
from peering at his character
"doting on windmills
every day is a partition
the great event; theatre epic,
presenting everything ever,
filtered and engraved
by humanitis
there's you and who you were,
where you've been,
how you're going to be
and in no personal regard

--Psyche is a selection of the universe,
propped up by consciousness.
it exists in no True sense,
but it is as it does
due processes aside.
--to paraphrase his silent proclaimation

look into the annals and you may deduce
humanity has made a rather good run of things
we no longer stick each others heads on pikes
or burn women who float at a stake

blot out the eternal sunshine
the well-wishing hypocrite of everymind,
who robs us of choice
hovering the carrot of dreams in place
learn to live through the brimstone rain and choking dust
because volcanoes give birth to islands
Dec 2016 · 587
machina miller Dec 2016
"Alright bro, it's time to access your most Tubular Chakras, pound a couple' healing quartz' and nail that bluntslide off the Infinite Moment

"I'm talking full Self-Actualization bro-
Straight-up, Enlightenment

"You're going to be telling ******* about that time you were in Nirvana, But wait-  
One can never falter from Nirvana once attained, Radical

"You are Metatron's Cube-
**Buzz me, Mulatto"
Dec 2016 · 237
machina miller Dec 2016
identity!!! Identity, aaagh!! IDENTITY
Dec 2016 · 257
machina miller Dec 2016
anomalous topography

helter-skelter heart shaped



Nov 2016 · 379
machina miller Nov 2016
simulacra interstitial reformation propaganda hurricane forced news stories partially undid blouses puritanical snow of virtue come meritocratic beauty pageant marketing scheme ergo logos ergo proxy,

the rain stops after ever so long the natural wonder that once expanded before a scathing innervation now terrifies me that which is most natural feels alien as we are consumed by destructive urges

all is fine the president elect bids you good night if one stands all must stand if one falls all must stand we are them, they are not we they are them, they are not

when time stills the last drop falls the mystics will chant the totem is defamed the public will riot the idols corrupted the public rioting when louder and louder we shout harder they fall there is no brokerage there is no remorse the agenda ruthlessness abets ruthlessness

heresy heresy scream ****** gore cries the alternative apostate as the writhing throng holds aloft born again citizens of the state live love the state grand overarching messianic typification bred of indignation give gluttony give sacrifice and all stab through the iris of all those winking third eyes the wall of fire hundreds of metres tall tsunami crushing all deplorables sent swimming through the city wipe the slate Mr. Clean the state of the filth,

let all who whisper lie furtive in the darkness, for anew in the light they will hang at the gallows marching forth unbowed the eruption leaves fertile soil hail all hail hail or sink in the mire as the housings of the pantheon are built atop the sepulchral delta
Nov 2016 · 320
machina miller Nov 2016
I am a god   of war and I will be a good time to     time and money to bu y a new one of the most exciting///thing to do with the passing of the most exciting thing to do with the passing×of the most ex   citing thing to do with the passing of the most exciting



Oct 2016 · 260
the minute crisis
machina miller Oct 2016
i can not do the thing
doing the thing is the prime directive
of the grandiose narrative
that I am telling
to myself and my phantom of you

this thing is of great importance,

i really want to emphasize that
rationally i cant justify
how excited i get
or the nervous energy
that possesses the minutiae
which move me
forward and backwards
from you

everything happens
it never is, it does
if i could slow it all down
if i could arrest the clocks
put a damper on the ticking
and elongate the tocks
i would take all that surplus
to spend more time with you
Oct 2016 · 304
machina miller Oct 2016
surmounted infinity
polar singularity-
a point that twists


humans may not compute
third order thoughts

we, synthesizers
of moment and potentiality
hairless clever matchstick apes
inventing boomerangs
and then, stock exchanges

cogs with crises
serial number attitude disorders

we may doggy paddle our way thru the cosmos
we may eat each other alive
its been a hell of a ride
forever waiting to judge the punchline
purgatorium et sanatorium
Oct 2016 · 327
visual snow
machina miller Oct 2016
my heart is in my open eyes
in my speaking
in what i am seeing
rolling up my sleeves
is a profession
of intimacy
with everything
in my immediate vicinity

sometimes i am invincible
sometimes i sway in the wind
like a willow tree
most times i see absolutely nothing
in front of me

and at all times
can i see every colour of the rainbow
my eyes are prisms

my brain is an etch a sketch
everything shakes
ceaseless vibration
fractured soft ellipses collapsing
i see many infinities

i bleed like the writing
in between the writing on the walls
and if i ever hide it
the light sears my clasped fists around it

i lay awake at night
to see stars in my stucco ceiling

i have most of my revelations
on my toilet seat
Aug 2016 · 833
You Gotye'd Me
Jul 2016 · 303
machina miller Jul 2016
in a quixoticistic sense
we are not found lacking
but do long for an end to endlessness

visions of grey crowds coagulate
the lab rats of statisticians
habituated to coagulated grey crowds
habituated to statistics

death am become news article
come of putrefaction indifference
life partitioned from non-life
growing from stagnated

the information of our age has not changed us

spirits made flesh
ghost operated organics
programmed; pristine

we confront

fractured assemblage ritualism
vacantly bored holes in billboard confessionals
mounting dull glossy vibes on the highway

it says

to eat our tails
pray for return to our pasts
and love our niche

**** that

here's to breaking the mold
here's to seizing the day

I will not wait
rest in peace, ryan
Mar 2016 · 5.9k
machina miller Mar 2016
autonomous memetic devices

mewling absurdism after absurdism

incognito the non-sequiturs substantiate

administrative staff of the regaling suppositories

for all the good they will do you

you might as well shove them up your ****
this is about memes
Feb 2016 · 565
machina miller Feb 2016
crooked smiles and sporadic appearances
always with a bag of goodies to share
always just crashing the night
but also most of the day
the santa claus of unwelcome gifts
we welcome you to our house
but not what you bring with you
like why are you ******* bringing over some guy
who you think is stealing from you
it scares us man
we care for you

but you scare us without even thinking about it

its the kind of fear
that doesn't immediately look like what it really is

and the kind of habits
you can't see the way we see them

the kind of pain
you think you hide

the kind of person
we don't want you to become

it's never too late
but it's definitely too little
but also too much

you really are better than this
but you don't care
careening off the freeway and into the void below

just know
you don't have to live like this
there is always room to grow
for those who you know are ailing
those self-weathering friends
wannabe basket-cases
transient souls
and sick puppies
Feb 2016 · 356
machina miller Feb 2016
terracotta jawbone hinges
grimacing insectoid mouthparts
cheeks of ivory
and a copper brow
with two ebony sockets for eyes
and an olive branch in its mandible

on the left-
one glorious black seraphim wing extends
casting a shadow as long as the bible

its right hand-
crooks a finger beckoning an emptied palm
the sound of an invisible coin pinging on the floor

as the pigs mill
between indolence and furor
their schism adheres to unspoken tenets

and it goes on
and it goes on
and it goes on
Feb 2016 · 471
machina miller Feb 2016
a carapace lingers, crawls along
with the aid of the breeze
a deflated husk

small dead object remaining
in the graveyard planet desert sea
drifting off the flat-earth mesa

this is no elysium
but it is no tartarus
this is cleaned slate
Feb 2016 · 392
machina miller Feb 2016
superimposed oneiric state
indelible fogginess
behind my eyes

in this,
myself is reticent to myself

I do not wish to fear
but I do wish
to be able to
Feb 2016 · 1.1k
machina miller Feb 2016
a giant orange rolls over the horizon
propped up by the skeleton of a titan
dripping citrus flesh o'er the land

as it's adversary ascends the briny depths
a colossal sushi roll, avocado and yam tempura
the battle of the senses begins

the apocalypse never looked so delicious
Feb 2016 · 418
machina miller Feb 2016
klaxon bleat
pounding cephalic cavity
overloaded with tensile pressure

two horse-wagons
chained afore and aft of the brain
pull in opposite ways

the resultant event
equal parts


and rapture
Feb 2016 · 1.3k
machina miller Feb 2016
stencil skin
perforated by thousands of honeycombs
stretched over a canvas of bones
a grey eye of the storm
inside solenoid ribs
electromagnetic apparatus

stained by organisms
without programming
ceaseless reproduction
asexual monolithic tyrant womb entity
gaping mouth
holocaust of birth

avatar of terror
antithesis of providence
Feb 2016 · 503
machina miller Feb 2016
incapacitated by some tempest flowing
this hurling of corpus christened
by chiseling the grooves out of the rock in the skull

the reading of an autobiographical eulogy
hammers all the finger-nails to the headboard

decapitating all extraneous heads
warning to all extracurricular heads
beware all ye extraordinary heads

a grand still-life choreographed exorcism

open mouth and out floods flock of butterflies
breast-pocket bursts and doves alight

strychnine catharsis

there is no sensation
like the removal of weight
Jan 2016 · 405
machina miller Jan 2016
with charon as thy chauffeur
subsume thyself in the guise of the left hand of god
complement part and parcel in opposite
trudge that weary path of darkness
scathe thyself
in the burning retribution of saint michaels sword

in the burning retribution of saint michaels sword
live for the pain that teaches what it means to be alive
do not obsess of love and purity
you alone hold the hand you are dealt
there is light and there is pain
there is terrible hunger
there is weight and there is unbearable weight
there are things we can not and do bear

live by the sword;  die at the wheel
Jan 2016 · 446
machina miller Jan 2016
carnivorous portraiture
symbol of power
like waves crashing over the breakwater
or the moment in which dinner-table and silverware are upended
a very nice rug to cover a very deep hole

inside that hole;
look inside the darkest recesses
inside the vault of stolid self-irreverence
underground railroad adorned with tableaus for selves no longer embodied
hang yourself
be your own ideal hang man
be your own ideal hang man's own ideal hang man
be your own ideal hang man's own ideal hang man's own ideal hang man

parasuicidal ego-death impotentiate
look into that hole
do not step on the rug
Jan 2016 · 609
machina miller Jan 2016
black-hole sun
cosmic sinkhole
the weight of a planet
choking ocean-

great eye of cheese in the sky
with asphyxiating hunger for novelty
carrion eye strip the meat from the meat
dress down every filet to the last
dressed to the nines in dead meat
dead meat
dead meat everything

the rainbow over the styx
the drowned souls aglow in the light
the iridescent broadcast
the love and peace proclaimant muting and disintegrated
the globular cacophony our delicatessen echoic plaints
the glutton is
the glutton belied is
is the glutton with eyes like saucer plates is
is is gobbling sausage links

cities of statues
patchworked fleshy kin
the gullet ceases to churn
its cavernous ouroboros maw
swallowing eternally
vacuum destiny
flesh, and the power it holds
Jan 2016 · 591
machina miller Jan 2016
alabaster power-washed vinyl siding
semi-well-kempt lawn, ankle length grass
a garden living and dying and flowering
permanently unpaved driveway
parked car, parked truck, parked camper van
red, white and faded gunmetal grey
plausible display of upkeep
familial appeal, hometown base of operations
ode to home
Jan 2016 · 405
machina miller Jan 2016
charismatic entity
surface-bubbling neuroses
predatory instincts
raging waves of testosterone

mating season appeal
appealing seasonal wear
a modest yet expansive vocabulary
courtship through concision of energies
two quiet folks talking about books careful not to reveal too much
text-related anxiety
tapestry of borrowed motifs
you see me grinding
i see you grinding
Jan 2016 · 235
machina miller Jan 2016
the precipice reached
ingot underfoot
pick-ing the riches
return to surface
the deepest breath
Jan 2016 · 303
machina miller Jan 2016
carrion swells
amassed hoard
cemented shutters
itching hellions' fingernails
mansion fever
Jan 2016 · 273
machina miller Jan 2016

they found his corpse in his house;  
blue-lipped and asphyxiated on his cold hard good fortune
Jan 2016 · 1.4k
machina miller Jan 2016
pontificating elegiac
stalwartly asymptomatic
positing logical phalluses
into fleshy vices
seeing virtues in viewpoints
seeing in the eyes of beauty the beholder
the calculating and crafting of a sapiosexual
positing calculations
into social craft

slightly autistic
whatever that means

a breed of abnormals
set against the world and themselves
bound to lose
doomed to win
too fly to die, baby
Jan 2016 · 349
machina miller Jan 2016
pixel dust

goats anima grazing thru fields of silicon

the waterfall particle effect bewitched me

virtual idyllic
digital symphonic
Jan 2016 · 336
machina miller Jan 2016
confer with the spirits

magnetize yourself

set sail for spiritual guidance

trust in some paranormal compass or other

a little magic goes a long way

a little lamplight in the dark of the everyday
Jan 2016 · 567
machina miller Jan 2016
if I were born a different species I would wish to be hatched a bird from an egg in a nest devouring vomitus looking over the branches at the fall watching my mother leave watching her come back seeing my brother leave and not return watching my mother leave with my siblings watching my mother return with my siblings the big day the big leap of faith the rite of passage or descension a terrible pressure much gravitas the jump!     born into a new life once passive now released a terror upon the skies or at least the rodents of the field which briefly leave their burrows to bask in the sun of the dawn but also a member of a lethal hierarchy always watching for bigger predators with beaks the size of my neck and shadows to encompass me and blot out the sun above me and swooping down upon me and me wheeling and barreling and careening and them tightening and circling and diving in a battle of athleticism for which the trophy is life or death then more vacating of the space between I and them and endlessly the pulse-driving innervating rush of imminent death surges

but I am descendant of apes, cultured to sit in desks and combine numeric symbols for collectives concerned primarily with the collection of monetary symbols and should I want any of my own significant symbols which indeed I likely should I must push harder the boundaries of my capability to mix accurately these and other symbols past that of my fellows and restrict my wonderment to evenings in which I either live through the fantasies of the television program or novella or expressive form or imbibe the socially acceptable intoxicants in socially acceptable groupings of my peers which within are also imbibers of aforementioned substances in non-lethal but rather questionable binges on and evermore and on some more until I have children and I too teach them the ways of our rigorously well co-ordinated society which is very proper very proper indeed with its unspoken rules profiting you greatly to follow oh profit so greatly oh great profit jolly good great investments great show wonderfully valuable just barmy the bees knees the cats pyjamas the dogs bone oh dear merciful god does samantha really love me is my marriage based purely and hollowly on some ingrained self-deprecating pragmatist ritualism

I will die someday and I both fear for it and desire it with exactly half each of my whole being
always always always
Jan 2016 · 4.8k
machina miller Jan 2016
ponces! nancies! veritable egrets of men!
people pleasing anti-charismatic animals
philistines, every one of them,
everyone else

a curse upon their forebears and a curse upon their goings-on
terrible business, that
the world should be filled with boundary pushing eccentrics, that is progress!
a plague upon normalcy, a plague upon stagnancy
uninteresting, dying off, done

greatness can not be expected of all but at least an attempt should be made
how else will we overcome, will we build our utopia?
what use is MY struggle when others are defeated in making a move past the remote
television is for swine
rots your brain and morals
I've swell morals, just look at them
my morals reach to the moon
my morals are so swell I should run the country
my morals aren't two millenia old scriptures written by the seers of goat-tenders
my morals are modern, they are sleek and well dictated, they represent the future
my morals defy the past, my morals create new paradigms
why, you could say my morals defy all of traditionalism
and a curse upon tradition!

who ever learned from the past
history is rife with naught but sufferance
forwards is the only direction
forwards is revealed only to me
my ideals aglow with the lumine of the future
they are entrenched in idealism
me and mine, we are ideal
you know they really are not so bad
they, them, that is
just terribly mixed up, quite so
they will learn
Jan 2016 · 487
machina miller Jan 2016
systematized philistinism
aesthetic appeal to reason; ingenuity
iniquity within crusadery, crusadery within violence
right versus wrong versus up versus down versus christ versus jam versus peanut butter-
ceaseless competition of egoism within protectorate instincts
totemic defense of ideals
burn the effigy of the opposing party via verbose roastery
point at fingers
pointed at moon
hapless the artist,
and hapless the pragmatist
and hapless the sodden fool ye who wish to knows better
haplessly holier than thou
neo-liberal conspiracy theory

— The End —