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Mar 2015 · 500
Don't go
M S Ananya Mar 2015
As tears roll down from my eyes,
I think of everything we had together.
The warm sun on our faces and the clear blue skies,
Reminds me of us when we had a forever.

Insecurities crept up your spine,
And you lost faith in me.
I tried my best to let you know you're mine,
But what happened after, I didn't foresee.

Friendship turned to hatred,
Love turned sour.
Hearts were broken and shattered.
Alas, nothing was left in my power.

I didn't want you to leave,
Because my life lost its life without you.
I didn't want to believe,
That you would go so easily.

But I let you go.
Because your happiness is where I find solace.
Your love will someday, grow
For another girl, lucky enough to find a place
In your heart.

Till then and forever more
Will I love you, my love.
Everyday and every hour,
I'd wish you'd find what you're looking for.
Jan 2015 · 1.5k
Put me down
M S Ananya Jan 2015
Knock me down,
Push me over.
Stump me and trample me,
Abuse and insult me.

I won't fear you
If that's what you're trying to achieve,
Because I'm bigger than that.
I'm bigger than falling for your traps.

I will rise up from the ashes,
I will learn from my wounds.
My pain will go but the scars will remind me
Of people like you in this world.

You are petty, you are a coward.
Instead of fighting head on,
You attack after dark behind my back.

You don't deserve my tears,
You don't deserve the pain and sorrow I go through
Because of you. And if I give in to it,
Then you've won the whole game.

But, I ask you to put me down,
To make me vigilant and aware
Of people like you on this planet,
Who'll do anything for revenge.

Put me down and see me rise,
Rise from the same fears and tears you gave.
Rise to become a better person,
Rise to become someone you can never hope to be,
Because the two of us are as different as
"Chalk" and cheese.
Inspired by true events.
M S Ananya Jan 2015
Every night as I woke you dimmed out,
You were a mystery I wanted to solve,
A riddle I wanted to answer.

But as I went into my slumber you slowly came out.
'Twas as though the universe was playing with me,
Taunting me to catch you,
And I vowed to find you.

I tried coming out earlier,
To see your beautiful colours spread across the horizon,
But the moon forbade me, said I'd break ancient laws by doing so.
But I broke them, for you my dear.

As I saw the last ray of your light
I snuck out of my abode to see you.
The beautiful colours I saw were mesmerising,
They drifted me into a different world,
A world in which I saw the two of us together.

But, alas, I was made in the night and you in the day,
We were meant to be apart, never to be bonded again.
I still come every evening to see you,
And everyone remembers me as the evening star, the one that got away
M S Ananya Dec 2014
As I sit on my bed,
Wishing upon a star,
All I want this Christmas
Is to see Santa Claus.

Everyone says he's round and big,
Plush and cuddly.
What if he turns out to be
Dull and thin
And grumpy and evil?

I'm ready to be up till midnight,
To leave out cookies and milk for him.
To keep a cushion at the fire place
For him to land safely.

All I want is to see him.
See him, in flesh and bones.
To catch him by the Christmas tree,
And demand my gift in front of him!

That is all I want this Christmas,
Dear Santa, to see you,
And believe that you are real!
Every child has always had the dream to see Santa Claus. So, here's revisting the sweet memories of childhood during the time of celebration!
Dec 2014 · 486
The truth about you
M S Ananya Dec 2014
You're not the sweet boy I wanted,
But you aren't always the bad boy you claim to be.
You can good when you want to.
At the same time, you can be evil, very evil.

You keep staring at me with those brown eyes,
And I think they're filled with love.
But that crazed edge in them
Gives me goosebumps.

I know if we confess,
You'll love me alright.
But how long will it last,
This, I'm not sure of.

If I gave you my heart,
I know you'll break it.
If I'm also half as crazy as you are,
I'll take the risk and do it.
We all have that one relationship that was always meant to be bad. The guy was a ******* and you were newly into the feeling of "being in love". This is a girl's point of view in such a situation.
Dec 2014 · 589
What are you?
M S Ananya Dec 2014
I look at you and see that smile,
But is it sweet or sinister, I know not.
I stare at those eyes,
And they flicker from blue to red.
What should I believe, the good or the bad?

Your touch feels warm and welcoming,
But your embrace feels cold and cynical.
Your words make me want to believe you,
But that voice, it holds me back.

Your soft palms trace my face,
And yes, I do feel a pang of love somewhere.
But there always is that thing holding me back,
When I feel those cold fingers on my skin.

Are you the devil or the angel,
I honestly can't say.
You may be the angel you claim to be,
Or the devil you want to be.
But I don't know, I don't know
What you are, what you are
To me.
A dedication for a friend who wanted a poem for her upcoming story
Dec 2014 · 377
The Ring
M S Ananya Dec 2014
As I woke up on that dreadful morning,
Not knowing what fate had in store for me,
I let the wedding air envelope around me.

The bridal glow was on me,
I could feel it in my cheeks.
I could feel it in my smile,
In my walk and in my talk.

My mobile rang, and all that was lost.
A siren echoed behind and a voice spoke.
He's injured, you need to hurry
He said, and that's all I remember.

I raced down the lanes,
Tripping on sticks and stones.
I reached the hospital just in time,
To say my final goodbye.

As I reached for his hands he said,
You'll find another person, promise me that.
For my sake, don't die alone.
And saying that he left me all alone,
To live my life with one heart beat, that was supposed to be two.

And the ring on my hand felt heavier,
It felt damp with blood, his blood.
I still look at it and see his limp body
Against mine, how I reached on time,
But was too late.
Dec 2014 · 486
Beautiful your own way
M S Ananya Dec 2014
And again you look at yourself.
Not able to meet eyes with the reflection of that beautiful body,
Not able to see what everyone else can clearly see,
Not able to understand their worth.

You push your hair on your face,
Covering your pimples,
But at the same time, hiding those perfect brown eyes.
You wear full-sleeve shirts to hide your scars,
In the process, you hide their chocolate colour.

You try and wear the longest of heels,
Which don't reveal those small, soft legs.
You wear your hair up, not letting them flow down
And compliment your dress.

You feel you're the worst, the worst girl in the crowd,
Almost as though  imperfection means you,
And that nothing can surpass it.

But you don't see your beauty,
The one that clearly stares at you.
How adorable you are when you stand on your toes to hug someone,
And how cute you look with a tank top
Showing your chocolate brown skin.

Trust me sweetheart, you will find him,
That one guy who'll love you for all this.
For those eyes, those feet and that smile,
For the small imperfections that make you, you.
Dec 2014 · 364
Those eyes
M S Ananya Dec 2014
On that summer morning when we first met,
It was a normal day turned into a special one.
How I stumbled and saw your silhouette,
Shifted my eyes towards you to see who was this person who made me run.

That was when I saw them,
Those beautiful, beautiful eyes!
Perfect and pretty at the same time,
They felt like knives piercing through my heart.

They were an amalgamation,
A puzzle of colours.
The first one I could decipher,
Was green, as sharp as a needle pricking my skin.

Green seeped into the iris,
Like water gushing into a dry lake.
It gave life to his eyes,
The way they danced in delight.

Then came brown, with small specks of grey,
And a small black pupil.
It felt like staring at an ocean and watching the sun drown in it,
Like a million seas had come together to this one beach.

The brown resembled the sand,
The green and grey took shape of the water.
The black pupil, was more like a reflection,
Of someone in the sea.

That was when I fell for them,
Their depth and their shine.
The way they danced off the sunlight,
It felt almost too good to be right.
Dec 2014 · 492
Your letters
M S Ananya Dec 2014
In my room, under the bed, lies a box.
The one that holds all our memories,
All the love and hatred, all the friendship and enmity.

For years I've been mortified to even look at it,
But now with us completing a lifetime
I guess now I must review my situation
As to where I stand without you.

As I open the first letter, I get a waft of your smell.
Sweet and seductive, it lingers around me long after you've left.
Your words of love seem to fade away now, as they no longer hold any meaning.
But the touch of the parchment feels divine and it reminds me of your skin against me.

As I ruffle through the poems you gave me, thinking what we did wrong,
I look out the window and see the flowers, the birds and nature,
How everything always goes back to place after winter without fail,
Every time.

It was as though she told me something, something that just woke inside me.
That I had to get up and get over it,
Get over the past and move on with my present and hope for a better future.
I had to be able to stand on my feet, to be able to live my life,
Without regret and love it none the less.
And I will do it, I will succeed someday.

Then after years when you think about that girl you left,
Remember that she moved on for a better life without you,
The one she'll never forget.
Dec 2014 · 327
M S Ananya Dec 2014
To see that face,
Everyday in the morning.
To watch those eyes flutter open,
To see that smile come on your face.

To delve in the beautiful colours of your eyes,
To drown in their love.
To feel safe and secure in that hug,
To feel satisfied in that sigh.

To feel happy when in your arms,
To feel sad when away from you.
To feel insecure when you're with someone,
To feel lonely without you

To be your one and only,
Forever is all I want.
To be able to say that you're mine,
Is all I'll ever want.

To be able to kiss you everyday without hesitating,
To be able to hug you without disruptions.
To be able to love you for what you are,
To be able to tell you how much you mean to me.

All I want is you and that's all I'll ever want,
I need you for myself and I'm ready to give myself
To you.
Dec 2014 · 819
The Traveller
M S Ananya Dec 2014
The traveller

In the cold misty mountains where I stayed
Came a man who looked wiser than his age.
Bold as an eagle, he walked up to the shade
And came to my humble home for food and a place to stay.

He told me all about his travels,
To places I've never heard of.
Of a land no one could unravel,
And a place where there was no love.

He called this place the underworld,
A place which had no happiness.
An abode for lost souls of the world,
To come and wash away their madness.

The place reeked of sorrow and fear,
And had a gloomy aura.
He felt it was time to move on with his travelling endeavours,
And went out the doors of death to search for flora.

He stood at the doors of heaven,
And thought he had finally reached the epitome of his life.
It was magical and majestic, topped with perfection,
Every soul in this place lived without strife.

As days turned to years,
The traveller had to move on to see more such wonders.
So he left heaven to search for lands with both laughter and tears,
To discover different places and search for answers.

When he finished his tale,
I asked him, "where can I find these places?"
To which he said something that still trails
In my heart and never seems to wither away.

"That's up to you child", he said,
"Because every place is a state of mind.
It creates heaven when you have a calm head,
It creates hell when you're unkind."

Saying that he disappeared.
Even though I still search for him everyday,
I know in my heart that he had come to clear
The differences in my mind and to keep them at bay.

Now I understand what he meant,
When he said the places were a state of mind.
Heaven and hell can be found in two sides of an argument,
It all depends on what you choose to follow till the end of time.
A poem on sin and retribution, whether there really is heaven and hell, whether our actions affect our after-life or govern them

— The End —