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M M M Jul 2013
I am not sure of what to write
For these words are only fleeting
I am unsure of how to talk
For my voice has no meaning

I am not sure how to learn
For it requires time and patience
I am unsure of where to go
For I lack judgement and common sense

I am not sure how to walk
For it takes strong legs to endure
I am unsure of how to read
Although the words - from my heart - they pour

I am not sure of how to breathe
For my lungs are flowery bruised
I am unsure of how to see
You took my eyes, you took everything, you took it all with you
M M M Jul 2013
Come on now, brother
you were raised so well,
you got everything you ever wanted
and as far as we could tell
you were going to go far
no one expects the worst
but sadly now, it's all we know
it's troublesome for all,
it feels like a curse

I know it must be harder than it seems
wanting something so badly,
nearly breaking at the seams
but it is up for you to decide whats important
this life is only all it means

You had all the friends you could've dreamed of
you were part of the cool crowd
I looked up to you
even when you and your friends were too loud
too loud quickly became too much
and pretty soon, we were out of touch
the sad part is neither of us made an effort to show we cared
and you needed me most, but I wasn't there

you went off to college
to become a better man
to make something of yourself
to be able to publicly stand
and say, "I am a college graduate,
the first in my family
look how far I've come everyone
my life is no longer in shambles"

you were always off of the rocker
you weren't fooling anyone
you came back home and it wasn't a shocker
you never could put those old habits down
your blue eyes glossy, always wearing that frown
your face broken out, covered in sweat
we tried and tried to tell you to give it a rest

we all love you,
and we want you to understand
we aren't trying to hurt you
just trying to have you land
this plane you've been on
way up high
it's been 8 years
come down, Stetson
it's time

You've spent too many minutes
with that gun in your mouth
You've been too close to death
I've seen it, I've lost count

Where is the brother I know and admire
I want you to tell the truth,
you've never been a good liar
I want to share more with you than just mundane talks
they don't mean anything, and
I wish you'd walk
away from this life and move on from the past
you're no longer the "cool guy"
you're better than that
you're smart and talented
and you're my brother,
I'll always have your back
I've seen you at your lowest,
these are things I'll never forget
but we all need to move on
rid of our regrets

Stetson, I love you,
I really do
but I want to hold on to more than these memories of you
Morning write after receiving a phone call from my distraught mother about my older brother...
M M M Jul 2013
I know you wouldn't approve of my cigarette smoking
But realize I do it hoping
That you will chastise me
Just to get some kind of emotion out of you
You never tell me how you feel, yet
The harsh smoke has no trouble leaving me blue
And feeling blue
Is certainly something I feel from you
Ever since you left on that hot day in September
Fall was just about to wrap us in it's golden leaves
But you chose to leave
You chose to leave
Not me
So don't expect me to be here
Waiting on you
When Spring approaches in its rainy ways
Even though I'll never admit it to you, I counted down the days
Till I would see you again
But this time is different
We were more than just friends
So what will we be
When you decide you've had enough of the sea
And how long will it take
For my heart to mend
M M M Jul 2013
One day we will be together
Without missing one another
Without always having to leave
Without sleeping alone, having bad dreams

You'll wake up for work
Just like you always wanted
With me by your side
I'll kiss you goodbye
And forget that you're gone
Because unlike then, you'll be back before long

You'll call me on your way home and tell me about your day
While all along waiting for me to say
"I love you"…
I don't say it
Because I don't want to wear it out

There have been times in the past
When I've wanted to shout it
Or tell every person I see
That I'm in love with someone who understands me

It means a lot to hear it
And I know you know
I love you forever
You're the match to my soul
M M M Jul 2013
I want to tell you so many things that I have known since before time unfolded
I want to erase the lines between your ears where your face so perfectly fits
I want to blur all boundaries until you are nothing but the idea I have of you
I want to fall so hard into you that I forget everything I once knew to be true
So I can relive the evolution of mankind with only you in mind
So I can reinvent the wheel based on your sacred geometry
And forge a universe from nothing but that which we can experience together

I want to be transparent so you can observe how you displace my organs
And strew them across my body like constellations in the night sky
I want to open my mind and pour it out onto the floor in hopes that you will join me
Until we cannot discern who thought which feeling and who felt which thought
And we will never bother to clean up our mess for all of eternity

You make me spill all about, but I strain to collect every last drop
So I can hope to fill your cup to the brim
And you can drink me until you see the bottom
I want to seep into the cracks of your dilapidated and broken heart
I want to show you that it is okay to be lonely

I have been alone since I found you
One of the first poems I wrote this year, collaborated with a friend on this one.
M M M Jul 2013
You can laugh
But you dare not speak

You can love
But you cannot cry

You can move
But move slowly

For each second that passes
A part of you dies
Saw an awesome sunset on my run tonight and thought of this poem along the way.
M M M Jul 2013
We are sad
We are stubborn
We are laying, simply loving
We are looking for what can't be found
(You'll find it if you stop looking around)
We are fickle
We are dumb
We drink just to get drunk
We smoke just to get high
We drive just to watch the road fly by
beneath us,
We see
What we used to be
And all we have become
Starts to rush up
Into our calloused hands
Smaller than the grains of sand
We are
We are tiny
We are dull
We are weak, never full
Never satisfied
Never pleased
God himself couldn't bring us to our knees
'Cause we are selfish and we are scared
Living life unprepared
Never know whats to come
Nothings promised to be fun
But one thing I can tell you
About the human race
Is that love can change a man
You can tell - look at his face
May continue to work on and edit this piece.
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