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M M M Jul 2013
It has always been you
I don't know why I try to deny
We sit together
We could do anything -
We could watch paint dry
And each moment would be as good as the last
And each moment I pray won't pass
No amount of time is long enough
When you're young and in love
M M M Jul 2013
I like it when the tall grass reaches out towards the roads
I like it when we're hiding in sheets, clenching our toes
I like it when you look at me and say nothing aloud
I like it when you read my writing and tell me you're proud

I like it when we can ride to the beach and take off our hats
I like it when we sit so long just staring at the grass
I like it when the birds fly overhead and steal our attention
I like you 'cause I know it's love without having to mention
M M M Jun 2013
You're the best thing I've ever seen
Don't know really what its come to mean
But when I look at you,
It's as if my heart swells
I know, I know, it's an old tale
But truthfully,
I spend all of my time thinking about you
Think so hard my face turns blue
'Cause I'd rather think than breathe,
You mean that much to me
I have a lot to learn
That can't be denied
But we can do it together
Just like the waves and the tides
M M M Jun 2013
If you ever feel that something or someone is too far away
Remember the sun
And how it touches your skin
And provides for you every day
M M M Jun 2013
There was a time
I was maybe nine
I could not stop staring into the sunshine

Suzy told me I'd go blind
I didn't believe her but
I said I wouldn't mind

When I finally took my eyes from the sun
I started to run
I faintly remember falling
And then smiling towards the sky

I understood why
M M M Jun 2013
As long as I know
Where you are
As long as I know
You're not far
I'll be okay

As long as you know
That I'll never lie
As long as you know
That I'll always be shy
You'll be okay

As long as we know
We have each other
As long as we know
To travel further
We'll be okay

We'll be in each others arms again soon
We'll climb mountains and try to reach up and touch the moon
We'll sleep next to one another and tell each other stories from our past
While knowing all along that good things don't always last
Can't be scared of moving on
Can't be scared of trying
Every single day we think about dying

Know that we always sleep under the same stars
Keep this in mind and it will never be hard
We have everything
And nothing
And I couldn't want more of you
Than when you look at me that way you do

You're eyes so full but you never speak
The silence between us lasts for weeks
I don't mind, as long as you don't
I'll be here for now, and then I won't

And you will find me
Wherever our paths may cross
Me and you, forever lost

Venture out and you'll see me
Living quietly in the overgrown, flowery moss
You're free to join me
And together we'll be

You're the finest company
M M M Jun 2013
Your lips were icy cold
I never thought I could be so bold
I couldn't help but take control
When you looked at me with those eyes
I only wanted to make that lonely, beautiful face come alive again
Your broken heart, I could mend
If only for a night, give me this
You wanted it as much as I did

What do you expect of me
This is only real in my dreams
I picked you up, and held you close
Pushed you ever so gently
Against the wall
This is what I wanted most
I didn't want to let you go

I kept kissing your icy lips
Ran my fingers along your bony hips
Took you slowly and placed you on the bed
I was wrapped up in you inside my head
I would never forget this
For it was only a dream, after all
Maybe someday I will hold you
Maybe someday I won't fall
This is about a dream I had last night about one of my favourite artists.
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