Young Shepard
Come back home to me, myself
Put ye books back on the shelf
Play with me in the green wheat field
Splash in the stream, tell life to yield
Wise Shepard
O' truth you speak, it is quite grand
I ran and played and breathed the land
You're a fool with flowers and sun
Bills to pay and work to be done
Young Shepard
Blue skies, dream clouds, escape in shapes
Pick apples, eat homemade pies, grapes
Bike hills and valleys, roll in grass
Clouds and life float peacefully past
Wise Shepard
Only if it was possible
To dream I could, I'd be a fool
Beware, retrospect breeds false scope
Family love, blue skies: life, hope
My first Pastoral Poem. They idealized country life. I grew up in the country. They often have dialogue, so I thought this worked to capture the form and content of a Marlowe and Raleigh type of Pastoral. I hope you enjoy.