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 May 2013 M B H
Alexandra G
Tick tock, Tick tock,
I've seen your smile,
I'm still a child.

Miles away from the horror of my past
You were soft and kind.
Day and night for months on end,
I stared into your twinkling eyes

grasping hands, burning passion, bodies melted into one
And there was love.
thundering heart, breathless love.
My darling, my love, my prince, i'd falled into a storybook.

Tick tock, Tick tock,
the first summer, i feel like a real grown up.
flying over to see you.
I find out about her.
Heart splits, head breaks,
blood rushes from my wrists onto the bathroom floor.
Chest is burning, eyes are burning, wrists are burning.

Im crazy, its me, im too much in love.
i have no one, no friends, its you, only you.

Tick tock, tick tock.
I'm an adult now.
bills, rent, graduate jobs.
Our home is filled with memories of us.
It smells of us, it speaks of us, it begins our family.

My whole body shakes, my breath is short and sharp.
there's another, another, another.
you call her the same names you called me, my darling.

the sea spray is stinging my face, the tears are stinging my eyes.
goodbye my home, my life, my everything.
 May 2013 M B H
Anderson M
She quintessentially embodied the phrase
‘Paragon of beauty’
Perfectly chiselled face
Symmetrical features and a smile that could
Smoulder one’s heart in a millisecond
She had an aura of nonchalance around her
And an umbrella delicately balanced over her head
Despite it being scorching hot
She walked as if in fear of hurting
The very ground she trod on
Attracting surreptitious glances from passers-by.
I stood rooted to the exact spot I had stood ages before
In utter awe and wonderment at the breath taking sight I beheld
Then out of the blue she appeared to be on the verge of kissing the ground
I instantaneously lurched forward to her rescue
She, landing appropriately in mine outstretched arms
The look on her face * priceless*
Discomfiture and fear apparently evident on her face
Soothingly I assured her all was indeed well
Whilst revelling in the idea that I had come to the rescue
Of the exceedingly beautiful lady.
 May 2013 M B H
Brendan Watch
 May 2013 M B H
Brendan Watch
How temporary be the hours,
our residue of memories left to wither.
Her empty whispers, his empty promises,
Misses and Mister This and That, dear lovers,
Earthly things all the same—shadows.
Owed debt, be it green sheets or gold bars,
bars us from seeing beyond skirts and ties,
ties us to all these things we hold.
Hold me close, memories of forgotten time,
timeless thoughts that barely cross mind’s plains.
Plain to see here—a painful wound we ignore.
Nor shall we admit it, for it bares the scars within.
In our ignorance of purpose, I ask now—
Now that you see, ask yourself, “How?”
 May 2013 M B H
Leonard Nimoy
A silence with you
Is not
a silence

But a moment rich
with peace
 May 2013 M B H
 May 2013 M B H
The flick of a lighter
brought us together
as something more
than friends.

We smoked because
we wanted a reason
to act stupid.
I wanted a reason
to text you,
telling you
how cute you looked,
and how much
I liked you.

I think you smoked
so that when
you deleted
all the text messages,
you would never
remember them.

We were sad,
so we became
stained with stale smoke.
We became
nervous quirks and
whenever we went to sleep
on our stomachs.
We became more
than just four people
in a small room with
bedsheets as walls -
We became much more
than water boiling on a
***** stove in a
dark kitchen
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