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Lydia Manson Apr 2015
Hey Eli you're a pretty cool guy,
But I'm just a little too shy to say hi.
Hey Eli you're a pretty cool dude,
And if I am I don't mean to intrude but maybe someday it could be you and I

Hey Eli I know that on you I can rely
I found that out last July
You're there for me when I cry
Hey Eli thanks to you
You're there when I need a rescue

Hey Eli you helped make me new
So Eli here's to you
This was for you, Eli
Lydia Manson Apr 2015
Dear sir who's name sounds like something from Dr. Seuss
I hope that your car gets stepped on by a moose
Why don't you get a paper cut, then bathe in lemon juice
I hope you loose your wallet
And your identity is stolen
Maybe drop a ball on your foot next time you go bowling
Go get bit by a billion Mosquitos
Get the bites between your toes
Go step on your daughters Legos, and if they have none, go to the store!
A home without Legos is a bore
Respectfully, Sir, Go take teaching classes
You can't just let us loose in the gym
And be on your computer, I know what **** sites you're in
And please remember when fitness testing comes again
You can't expect a girl that got eight to get more than a ten

— The End —