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 Nov 2014 lxs
 Nov 2014 lxs
I've died quite a bit
since you last saw
 Nov 2014 lxs
Josh Allen
 Nov 2014 lxs
Josh Allen
It's 4:21 am and I can't close these sleepy eyes because our skype call from like 15 minutes ago was amazing like you

It's 3:23 am where you are and you have work in like 8 hours so you're sleeping and when you awake you'll feel brand new

Hotel Books is playing on my spotify and it's so soothing, just as soothing as your voice is which is not like the other ones

You're 926 miles away and that's the only sad part but every other piece of this relationship is just so wonderful that words can't even describe what I've won

I love how we make each other laugh at the stupidest things and compliment each other a lot that it makes it so funny

I get to see you in like 332 days hopefully. The time we spend with each other in person will be some of the best memories of my life as everyone can see

I can't sleep due to the fact that I can call you mine
I love every tiny thing about you
Your eyes, your voice, your smile
If there's one thing I'm sure of its that your smile could make flowers bloom

I didn't really think I'd find a girl I admire as much as I do you
I love how much we have in common
It's as if we're the same person too

I love you

I love you

 Nov 2014 lxs
Liz And Lilacs
Lately, speaking is hard.
Not the kind where you stand in front of a lot of people,
Not the kind where your hands shake from the many eyes.
But the kind where I cannot find the courage
to open my mouth and share my thoughts.
I am not brave enough to have a conversation.
They told me I was more out of my shell,
But it seems I've gone back.
More than that, I'm paralyzed in conversation.
I'm afraid.
Because who would care what I have to say?
 Nov 2014 lxs
32nd Street
 Nov 2014 lxs
The sunlight through the
Window catches the glimmer
Of hope in your eyes.
 Nov 2014 lxs
Our Island
 Nov 2014 lxs
playing cards sit in your back pocket like the matches in my own||we both need something to do with our hands||you mix things up||while I set things aflame||we are a devastating pair||but when our back pockets are smushed up against your kitchen stools||and we light the king and queen of hearts on fire||i know my hurricane is home||
 Nov 2014 lxs
Mr. Bucket
 Nov 2014 lxs
i don't think
i know the words
to this song
but i'll still sing it for

— The End —