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I lose you
like I lose my mind-

 Feb 2014 Lupe Orozco
 Feb 2014 Lupe Orozco
Be happy ,
Remain happy.
The perfection
Of your nature
is just a question
Of time.
please please write a comment please
 Nov 2013 Lupe Orozco
I wish you were a book
my book
so that I could keep and read you
anytime I wanted to
and depart from the real world
for a while with you

I could take care of your cover
especially your spine
I promise not to judge
the cover, summary, and your story

I could flip through your pages
in able for me to
know your past
live in your present
and know what your future beholds

In your story if I stumble upon your
flaws, secrets, past, memories
no matter how awful it maybe
I'd still highlight all of the things
I admire about you

I would share your stories
how you've got a great adventure
with the best plot twists
and how you've overcome your fears
reached your goals
and made it through your struggles

I promise to put you on a special spot
in a bookshelf of all of my other books
you'd be my favorite one

I swear I could reread you over
and over and over
and over and over
and over and over
like you were the only book
that ever existed

I'd take you everywhere and anywhere
to also tell my story
and together we could make new memories
share the sunsets, sunrise, and watch the stars
because with you
I am truly happy

I wish you were a book
my book
how gently you let the ink flow
through your pages
for every word of each page
I've got it memorized
each phrase, line and quote
has got me hooked
with all the sweet things you've said
Living my life,
With my eyes wide open.
I want to see,
Everyone's side spoken.
I don't care who you are,
As long as you're you.
I will except anyone,
As long as they're true.
I don't care if you're gay,
Or black, Asian, or white.
Whoever you are, I will love you,
With every flaw, and all my might.
Why should I judge,
No one gave me that power.
For I too am a sinner,
Above no one do I tower.
My love reaches to everyone,
No one is left out.
My heart is wide open,
Just come to me and shout.
My Love is Not Selective™   by Nadia DeLevea
Afflicted by the pain,
Of this acid rain.
Yet inside of this room,
I'm hidden all to soon.
Exploding from the inside,
From pressure on the out.
A hurricane inside my soul,
And in my heart a burning coal.
The pandemonium of this world,
I'm living in an evil hell.
Blocking out the words of others,
I'm hiding in my own small world.
It does not matter,
Nothing is real.
For pain is all I ever feel.
If you've ever realized,
Love always leads to pain.
To knock that thought,
Into your brain.
Then you'd realize that through love,
We have nothing to gain.
Contemplating™   by Nadia DeLevea
Never fall in love with a poet
for their words are sometimes lies
on occasions they're a shield
on occasions a disguise

They will take you on a journey
upon which they bare their soul
in a bid to ease your burdens
in a bid to make you whole

But in every word they choose
for the stories that they tell
lies a little piece of heaven
and a little piece of hell

Tormented souls we poets are
sometimes quite broken and despaired
in search of lost expressions
missed by others who once cared

Never fall in love with a poet
unless you're prepared to share their pain
to hold them close on the darkest nights
over and again
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
 May 2013 Lupe Orozco
J Drake
A father looks deeply
  into the eyes of his son,
He speaks soft and sweetly:
  "Child, my days are done."

"I've loved every moment
  From the day that we met.
The day of your birth,
  And I'll never forget,
You told me you loved me
  Without using words,
I gave you my heart
  And you gave me the earth.

"And though my life's ending,
   I want you to know,
This is the beginning,
  Of life on your own.
So hear me right now,
   With these final breaths,
And I'll tell you how,
   Your life shall be blessed:

Sing with the water,
  Dance with the bees;
Travel the world,
  And sail on the seas.
Learn to enjoy
  The moments you have;
For now is eternal,
  Yet time moves so fast.

"Learn to love,
  And love to learn;
Light your passion,
  And let it burn.
Reach someone,
  Touch longing lives;
We are all one,
  Together we fight.

"Let go of hurt,
  Learn to forgive,
Understand others,
  We're all new at this.
One day you'll see,
  You'll blink and wake up;
And then you will teach
  Your son to grow up.
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