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anomaly Aug 2019
This isn't a poem but for today i will just add a collection of files
that I have stored & I don't know what to do with them
but share it with you guys.
Welcome to My Broken Hearted Mind.
Feel free to share your opinions under my post
Lets Heal Each Other
anomaly Aug 2019
i hate how people really pray for my downfall
but its my mistake for allowing so many to understand my flaws
im blocked from seeing what needs to be revealed to me
but what if im looking past what i need to see thats already if front of me
anomaly Aug 2019
i just want my lover
i try not to need anyone but i do
im tired of searching for him in them
but i dont have any face for him
so what am i looking for
lets give up something for the exchange of paradise
maybe if i confirm my affirmation it might come
i hate that i make myself feel like im not worthy of love
and i am
but im not working for it because thats not my purpose
i want you to
reveal yourself
anomaly Aug 2019
ive arrived
and now its time to shine
humble yourself
actions speak louder than words
silence your ego
he doesn't know any better
hes been in control for so long and so angry
thats hes forgotten about me
how to really love you and me
i still love you baby
but you've been hurt for so long
and im ready to heal you
theres no stopping me now
ive arrived
feathers, feathers, feathers
anomaly Aug 2019
as a rose
so delicate
i can't wait
til the rest you blooms
take care of your health
take care of the love you give to you
love you
baby girl this is all your world
theres a universe inside you
let it free
let her breathe
she's grasps to the life you limit her
she's eager now
let her come out
444, 888, 111
love love love
hear listen
see look
mind breathe silence
anomaly Aug 2019
50% full
50% missing
don't know if you're someone to be found
or if i wasn't blessed with one this lifetime
stalemate? soulmate.
anomaly Aug 2019
follow the system
follow the system
follow the system
a butterfly actually landed on me at my first day of employment at a new job
i know they symbolize change
that had actually been on my bucket list
and the other day when mediating and creating art in central park in the night, a dog, sat in front of me willingly
it seems as though im one with nature
and i am
i felt myself finding myself
but i feel like im back at square one but in a new world
i cant go back to who i once was
i will never know that place again
but this feeling
feeling at the bottom
will never be missed because it is always to come
follow the system
but which one?
the one i believe in, the one i imagine is for me, or the one that i see?
life is strange and confusing
is it the purgatory?
that sounds insane
but we must go crazy to survive
and all i want from this whole experience is to
feel alive
and just like im picky about eating food because i eat with my eyes
im picky about how i want to experience life
and my stubborn childlike ego gets the best of me
its confusing to think i can get what i want if i put my mind to it
but my fate is already written for me
need saving? sure.
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