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  Dec 2014 lulubelle
Robert Guerrero
You WantedRage

Here you go
I am ******* ******
I hate you
I hope you rot in the spoils of man
I know your not going anywhere
You are ******* pathetic
You’re never going
To amount to anything
You’re weak and always crying
Nobody is going to give you attention
Nobody even likes you
You pathetic ****
Go curl up in a ditch
And ******* die already
You call yourself depressed
You say you want to **** yourself
Well ******* do it already
You wanted rage
I will gladly give it to you
I hope you choke on your blood
You wanted rage
So I hope my hand around your throat
Is giving you want you want
I never ******* loved you
I used you
I played you from the start
How could I ever love you
You were ******* ugly
I’m sorry
You are ******* ugly
You cry like a *****
When someone tells you
That you’re annoying
Well wake the **** up
Realize your not just annoying
Nobody likes you
So die
Jump off the cliff
Plummet to your demise
I will be sure
To **** and **** on your grave
I ***** in your coffin
Beat my meat into your eye socket
And I hope you never see that heaven
You falsely believe in
Your God doesn’t even like you
Your God doesn’t even exist
You wanted rage
Well happy merry ******* Christmas
This is your last one
No more birthdays
No more ******* anything
Just a dark oblivion
That is perfect for you
Because ***** you are repulsive
So I hope you’re happy now
Because you’re ******* dying
Pushed by what you wanted the most
Seeing my rage
Snapping my sanity
Well I hope this is demonic enough for you

— The End —