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Luke Kurkowski Apr 2013
And in the middle of the bustle I stop
And listen…
Amid rushing scenes I wait for the event,
Amid a Moment…
Never seen here in such streaming color,
Never now…
It arrives with thunder, power, quickness,
It lands here…
If anything were so majestic as this experience,
If only…
I weep at being astounded, in boundless wonder,
I stare…
A Final quakes ripple through my soul,
A shiver…
Momentous is the long awaited event,
Luke Kurkowski Jan 2013
Mind flying fast as imaginable
No limit to it's cursed quickness
It does not help find an answer
Instead it creates omnipresent questions.

For all my ability to reason and decide
There is no way to sort out this jumble
False realities, impressions, and truths
All block my eyes and lead me wrong.
Luke Kurkowski Jan 2013
How do I sell my soul?
Do I get bids from hell?
I would like to market it
To get it off this earth
Luke Kurkowski Jan 2013
I wish I didn’t have to leave
I wanted to stay forever there
Beside beauty and in love
Happy to endure a loving stare
But I was forced to leave
All of that loving behind
I was shoved away forcefully
By she who I thought so kind.
Luke Kurkowski Jan 2013
Two people stand together
Equal inseparable so it would seem
One gave the Other everything
Thinking what’s shared is returned
The Other reserves their self uncaring
The Other took what One gave
Now a thief the Other walked away
And never returned what One gave.
Luke Kurkowski Jan 2013
My dream has ended at waking
The world I created destroyed
A apocalypse has taken it all
And wiped my happy state clean
I open my eyes to a gray world
Would I could go back to sleep
Luke Kurkowski Jan 2013
Simple pleasures are all I have
They keep me just alive
For friends are not always here
In busy schedules they hide away
And so I turn instead
To newspaper comics and humor
Music dripping with joy
Walks on a certain stony beach
And poetry so coy.
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