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Luke Kurkowski Jan 2013
I came from the realm where darkness resides
Where from my demons I could not hide.
Sorrow, Anger, and Torment pervaded my head
The pain so strong, so deep, I wished I was dead.
My escape was perfect practically by chance
I ran from my demons while they danced.
Now I live in comfort in a world of light
Where silver shines during black night.
In Happiness, Joy, and Love I now enjoy life
Warmth and delight away from strife.
Luke Kurkowski Jan 2013
I’m enjoying the simple beauty of sadness,
Much like the doleful tone made by a violin,
Something that pulls at your heart with gentle ache,
And releases it with silent relief.
Leaving your soul with that grace of a ghost,
freeing you from its deep possession,
and letting itself subside.

I do not relate the raging tide of grief,
which would drown the soul in its deluge.
Not of the black shadow of depression,
that consumes and engulfs all the light.
But instead I sit and listen to sadness,
a pitter-pattering emotion like raining,
and wait for the clouds to empty.
Luke Kurkowski Dec 2012
In Religion belief and faith are found,
In Philosophy questions and enrichment,
In Science theory and advancement
In Disbelief nothing.
Where does the Truth lie?
Luke Kurkowski Dec 2012
Drop your scowl and trade for a smile
Cheer for joy and laughter loud
Float on the feeling let it rise
Fly it high and touch a cloud

As it grows share it with others
Let joy strive in the hearts of thee
Hear the song, the call to all
To live, to breath, the sweet mist of glee.
Luke Kurkowski Dec 2012
I knew I shouldn't have come this way
and then I thought about going the other.
In one place to think I stay
to stand in the cold that makes me shudder.
I know that warmth is right behind me,
down the other path ready to sooth,
but before me I could see,
the prize I had walked for.... the truth.
Luke Kurkowski Dec 2012
Illusions exist to keep order.
They limit the visionaries.
They hinder the Philosophers.
They stop the would be radicals.
They hide the truth.
To be rid of them you are rid of safety.
To be rid of them you are free.
Luke Kurkowski Dec 2012
There is no poem
that could describe how,
your eyes shine like silver now.
How your voice rings,
like music clear,
when so ever you are near.
And your smile
like a glowing moon
surely is a godly boon.
With these gifts
that you're endowed,
this poem will gracefully join them now
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