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Rappin like I'm strappin. Cause every time I rhyme it's a crime of passion. Directing these words to take action, splitting these ******* into fractions. Killing wack rappers for your satisfaction.
Bring back that boom bap for a new vibration. Cause we need to move this nation that slowing to stagnation. These new spitters have no inspiration. No words for the kids that spectating, they raise kids into self hating, unappreciating the knowledge awaiting.
You see.
My reason for breathing is to keep you believing in the dreaming worth seeing.
Rhyming to those who need some healing. The children need to know its ok to have feelings.
There's a king or queen in these young beings.
But you teach em to struggle from the beginning.
But I preach the hustles O.G. meaning.
Teach em your mental muscle out weighs and out pays dope dealing.
That when you die the last thing you take is your with your *** is cash and bling bling.
Teach these kids to run with no legs... Lil tink tink.  So dont close your eyes, life passes by in a half blink.
**** conforming I'm preforming to make them think.
This country is not weak we're just on the brink of finding that missing link to confirm the only belief... wich is love, and only our love should reign from above. One love is the riches of all lives, from saints to thugs and that's because...
 you matter, I matter, matter of fact we are all made of matter, and equality is still a missing factor. This country was built from immigrants, and it's insignificance has lead to neglence and ignorance. But our omnipresence could be start of our new independence, get out the past and rise up to the present. We have a presence that could change us from the accused to the defendants.
If you like the poem please share it. My goal is to spread love and inspiration
Pride is my hindrance. no difference from icarus.
Flew too close to the sun trying to light one.
Thought it be fun to out do everyone.
Then the heat was on.
I melted like candle wax. came back down to earth with a crash and landed on my ***.
On my back looking for a reason I'm still breathing.
What angel would have saved this heathin? Or am i a tool for my demons... When I come to, I'm hearing screaming. Then the familiar voices screaming turn Their back, theyre leaving. I tell em wait but it's too late one turns to say "we will not see your fate", as I'm still not aware of my state.
Still trying to catch my breath and feeling pain in my chest I decided I need a cigarette. Though the idea wasn't the best, it was the only thing I had left.

Suddenly I realize I'm laying on a train track
And as I look back I see a wrecked train. I see my loved ones scattered across a field in pain they all scream my name in vain looking at me with blame. I've never felt so much shame. And as I repeat my name and ask what I've done,  I look back at the sun. And realize I need to get loose from this rail before I'm impaled by the next train to come.
I tell myself "don't panic this is not the time to come undone" then this tall man by the name of Mike walks by and pulls me right from my plight he said "I can show you the wings that give you infinite flight. Give you a purpose for flying".
Like a pitch black night his words were bit disquieting.
But I had no other faith worth trusting I believed in nothing.
I had to take a leap into a higher power and
Take twelve steps twice to the promise land.
Cause it took twenty years for me to see the real man.
That lived in the tip of my hand.
He showed me the value of rent, a  concept on wich I'll never repent.
Then I was able to see my father again, and he showed me what the definition of a man meant.
Showed me what being respected meant and
Taught me your pride is not a sacrifice it's a sacrament.
As I got clean my work ethic got mean.
Yeah I got a job but my words were painting scenes.
Learning how to make my rhymes sing.
And that's when I knew my life was worth more than it seemed.
So I put it in ryhme schemes to redefine my dreams.

And that's when me and Mike started to see at different angles . Our every conversation turned into a tussle and tangle.
And soon after that, I was back on the downside of a old town hanging on by a string at a dangle.
Now I never had religion but I prayed once and I swear god sent me a legion of  angels.
Old and new friends banded together. gave me a loan, some shelter and a new pad and pen that wrote this letter.
We stand side by side. any struggle just makes us better.

And everyday I look back at that sun and see how far I've come. How far we've come, I didn't do this alone, we're working on our own kingdom. Working on a new definition of freedom.
Where we spread our wings and flock in a V as team flying towards a dream to establish it's reality.
The angels that you can and cannot see
float in and out of life so gracefully;
enfold in winged embraces one by one,
celestial comforters when day is done.
Some angels take the shapes of passers-by
so you might see the Spirit in their eyes.
A smile that lifts the day from the mundane;
a kind hand up, a loving act conveyed.
The unseen angels hover in the realm
where power manifested overwhelms
our common senses. There behind the scenes
they battle fears and reinforce our dreams.
Take counsel from a humbled man, once proud;
they only enter lives when they're allowed.
Lookin to spread some posivity to dowce the hostility.
People acting like peace aint a possibility
But i Keep vibes of tranquility, violence dont fuell my energy.

To those spittin in a booth think of what your sayin to the youth. Give em energy hope and above all the truth.

Tell em how dope dealin got you parinoid.
Tell emhow *** and drinking wont fill the void.
Show em the beautiful people your drugs destroyed.
Tell em how those gun shot wounds at night keep you annoyed.

See im spreading the word not seeking a crown.
Im speaking with power that make your heart pound.
Now help me lift these souls before they put me in the ground.
Im speaking to lost who lookin to be found.
Dont worry ill find you, the light of my love spreads all around.
When all you do is **** and complain that you broke to hard workin folk,
Who stretchin they **** hopin that it last the week, you look weak
In they eyes, you what they despise, they dont feel your cries.
We trying to make ends while you worry bout the weekend and the thought of your friends.
we keep it straight while you lookin for bends to get to a benz when your wallet aint never seen a ten.

Cause shortcuts aint worth a ****, you see a problem and duck like you lookin for a **** to **** for a  buck, while i face em head on to bust a nut and kick em to the curb, treat   problems like *****. Im making drives you playin putt putt.
Playin life like a game and when you lose you place blame
You ****** lame you lucky we dont toss all yall in a flame.
For being unconducive and intrusive plus with your rights youve been abusive
I see you fake cause you aint that illusive you ignant to what the truth is.
You act like its cool to pull tools spend money like fools, say **** school imma make my own rules then ***** when you aint got fresh shoes. With that mind set you always gonna lose
your future no longer yours to choose.

I got to much pride and drive to strive, wont be deprived of a nice life while im alive.
My heart and mind will never have a par-tide i work for what i call mine even if it dont shine
Or glisten i can afford to pay attention and listen to the soul im given.
Walk with love in the heart inspired by art
When it come to the negative i dont take part in the ******* designed to tear us apart.
Stretch my **** cause im more focused on what i need, the hustle what i breathe and bleed till every lock is keyed.
Ambition unlocked, thoughts never blocked i walk my talk, say what i feel if they dont like it they gotta deal i never hold back the real
I keep food for thought im tryin to serve you a meal.
For the people by the people is what i heard
But now i feel our word aint worth a ****.
Indirect messages being slurred.
Now the idea of peace is absurd?
The youth is being cattled like a herd.

Our ignorance being treated as a resource.
Only half the law is enfroced. And the poor is blamed of course.
They let our anger push us off course.
We been screamin help till our voice get hoarse.
And then they ask why theres bass in thier voice.
Like we have a ****** choice.
Then forth of july come and they ask us to rejoice.
We use deception for protection and camouflage our true intention.
False descriptions distort our position. In this world everyone is getting a bad perception.
just to much prospective leading false ambition.
we put a spin on things already beautiful and call it perfection.
dreams with short cuts got us fleeting in the wrong direction.
And love is no longer in the balance of human selection.
intimacy is no longer held with discretion.
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