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Too tired to stay awake.    Too scared to go to sleep.
I close my eyes
And the nightmares creep
They shadow over every wall
They jump and shout
They whisper and crawl
I try to keep from letting them win
These nightmares are only my thought deep within
So I listen to music to block it all out
but it won't fricken work they're just way too loud
And then the tears begin to fall down
As I stare at this screen because I daren't look around
I sit there a rock backwards and fourth
Backwards and fourth
I sit there and rock backward and fourth
Until I wake up in the morning's light
And this thing hasen't happened just one or twice
Why do you think that i'm up at this time?
Do you think I just deprive myself of sleep?
Do you think I'd lie about all these things?
Do you think that I'd make you read these words?
If all that it were was a way to be heard?
Since the seventh of Feb 200 and now
I haven't slept without freaking out
can't properly sleep because I see his face
and when I do it scares me for days
I see him so cold lied there all alone
And no one can help him or bring him back home
There's just so much
That I will always regret
And there's so much more that I should have said
I wish I could change it go back and be there
I'm sorry
I should have been there
I should have seen the signs
I should kept you from losing your mind
I should have known
If I had known
I could have helped
I could have saved youur life
Saved you from all of that unfairness and strife
NO one should have to deal with that
especially someone as amazing as you

I miss you.
I don't know what to do.
Please tell me what to do?
Dad I don't have a clue.

They say I will move on with my life
But you're my hero
my king
my everything
I will always need you
I will always need you back
I just can't seem to chose the right path
To go down anymore
I need my daddy back
To help me live, to help my heart heal and soar.
So come back.
Come back.

Withought you.
I can't
Dear friend I wish to speak
of memories of which I keep.
Both in my heart and in my soul
You know that heart? The one you stole?

I treasure all them days we had
to see you leave it made me sad.
But when we do talk on the phone
I feel less, and less alone.

You made me climb out of my shell
you helped me rid a living hell.
Not sure if you knew but I lived in the rain
until one day like an angel you came.

I'd met someone different
someone like me.
I use to get bullied
for who I wanted to be.
So I kept it all quiet because I cared what they said
but after a while I put those thoughts to bed.

And now that you're gone it's just like the past
I sit, my head down, at the back of the class.
But I learnt so much stuff that will always remain
and i'm sure that one day it will come back again.

So I write you this poem, a letter from me
to thank you for setting me eternaly free.
And although you live far our now friendship won't end
I'm so fricken greatful that you're my best-friend!<3
To my best friend Charlotte.<3
Don't let there be a day
where you don't listen.

Don't let ther be a day
where you don't speak.

Because the one day
you don't listen
she might be telling
you goodbye.

Because the one day
you don't speak
she might need to
know that you love
Fear never wins.
In the end it will be nothing but a distant memory.
So forget where it all begins.
And live in the future, remember faintly.
It's time now to take the things that make you weep.
and make them the things that make you laugh and scream.
Screaming with such joy and cry with tears of gladness.
It's time to rid the sorrow, time to hide the sadness.

So stop running.
It's pointless.
Stand and laugh at your deepest fears.
I promise it will save you a million tears.

Life is great if you live it right
Don't give in to your feelings unless they make you smile
Don't let yourself lose sleep at night.
LIVE life don't just 'live', make the ride worth while.
A ring is a symbol of
an eternal bond, a life time of
A ring of fire that will never
filled with passion and forgiveness for every

But do not mistaken love for
lying beside each other at
bound my every single
but escaping from realities
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