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Love her when she hates herself.

Hold her when she wants to run.

Believe in her when she feels she's failing.

Trust her when she doesn't trust herself.

Stay with her when she walks away.

Forgive her when she get's angry at you.

But when she finally falls.

When she let's herself love you back.

Change your mind.

Don't save her to let her go.
I don't speak.
I write.
I write when i don't sleep
at night.
I write when i feel hope is
I write when i feel like

I don't speak.
I write.
I write when i don't feel
I write when I fall in
I write when i've had

I don't speak.

I write.
There's no wrong or right way to
Just as long as you both feel
long as you hold your each other at
and  avoid starting that one last

There's no way to tell if the feelings are
until there's a chance you could lose them for
there's no way to be and no certain
to love or be loved just don't give it

Don't give it up if you know that it's
don't give hate the chance, the chance to
don't let them go just hold them
and keep them promises that are made in the
Nothing will end this, this ever-ending pain, this knife in my chest, it won't go, it will only dig deeper, it's determind to stay, it's hiding, waiting, hiding away.
Nothing will break this, this emptyness I feel, trying to work out what is and what isn't, trying to stay alive, just survive, trying to find the light, trying to figure out what is good, what is real.
I tried.
I did.
I promise I tried to succeed.
But all that I try, all that I do, all that I am, is not good enough, this thing, it won't leave.
Like a scent it clings, sinks into my skin,
just waiting, waiting, waiting, until I give up, until i give in.

I think to myself, long and hard, should I give in? I think that i should,
but then they win, the fear wins, and I lose, I lose to my fears and they laugh and cheer, at my failed attempt to live my life, live life in the clear.
The past won't let go, won't let go of me, it has me captive, I can no longer see, see anything, anything that is good for me, anything that will help me be, and the darkness, oh the darkness, it's waiting to pounce, when i'm nearly out of hope, nearly on the ground, then it will take me, it will take me , it will take me down, and the silence will drown, I will drown, in the silence until i'm out.

But what if I manage to see the light?
What if I can win?
what if I don't lose this fight?
what if I don't give up?
what if I don't give in?

If I win, I will tell you,
then we can laugh at the darkness as I live on through,
we can be the ones who survived,
who survived at the worste of times.

I will win.
I will survive.
Fathers day stuff everywhere, makes me think of you,
The only man i ever known, who's words were purely true,
You are my one true hero, my king, my everything,
and when i close my eyes, you're here, and i can hear you sing.

I know that you are safe now, way up in the sky,
and though i cannot see you, i know you're with me when i cry,
and when it all just gets to much, when i want to shout,
i remember what you told me, and then i write it out.

I hope that you will know, that i only write for you,
i promised i would never stop, until my world is through,
so i will dedicate, every single thing i write,
i will write it in your name, in dedication to your life.
Writen for my Dad~who's in heaven now. I love and miss him more than anything.<3

— The End —