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So patiently and delicately
My fingers made of charm explore her
For I am but one star
Trying to remain a part of her universe
I am careful
I am gentle
The cloth which hid our skin
Is now lying on a soft floor
Now we both share warm curious flesh
The walls listen
The mirror spies
Sing me songs
None of which hold words
All is Louder now,  yet subtle
All is perfectly perfect
These body parts connect so fluently
I am in love.
 Mar 2013 lucy anne
Ace Malarky
Once the tears have been cried, are they worth more than a pail of salty Atlantic water?

Grief is not pain, but torment;
   torment we crave when we know our beloved have died.

And who knows grief?
A people without a home?
A child without a mother?

A mother without a child?

It comes in the night, like a thief,
   but unlike a thief, it does not abscond before the day breaks.

Does grief have a name?

Or are these grief's friends?

The souls that know will not tell,
   and those that don't know won't either,
   even when they finally find out.

And they will.
This one don't rhyme, and that hurts me inside, but in my defense it's midnight - 39 and I've got lots of crap on my mind regarding the above. Thank you for reading!


its all I have,
these words.
and I put these
words to paper,
but they are circling,
the garbage chute in my mind,
words I throw your way every time.

It was bonfires till the morning,
I wrapped up in the paleness of your skin,
and the embers darkening,
and camping in your backyard,
with you hands wrapped around me,
like you were falling,
but it wasn't you darling
I was the one falling,
into tenderness in sickness,
weakness attached to health,
and the regret of you existence,
married to the wealth of my emotions,
pressed tight between us,
was the seed of all my hope.

take it back.
 Mar 2013 lucy anne
Paul Frey
 Mar 2013 lucy anne
Paul Frey
A purple tune seated on a whiff of air
(The answer to my prayer)
Turned the dull evening in my mind’s city
To a bright morning in the wilderness, so pretty:
Exotic birds sang, wild flowers blossomed
The fresh spring air even brought to life
Wasted plants, previously forgotten
Vivid colours mirrored from dew drops
A splendid rainbow created
To form the entrance for all of heaven’s beauty
The one for whom my world was painted:
with nowhere to go, the streets were our canvas
and we were going to paint them gold.
my mind was racing, heartbeat fast-pacing
with all my cares left out in the cold.
one twenty-six in the morning,
current location: somewhere between fearlessness and the cinema parking lot
destination: midnight
he wants me to give him what I write
that's not quite what he is asking for

he wants me to give him what I write about him
he wants me to write about him
it is him that he wants me to ***** and assign meaning to

it is unfortunate
because he no longer excites

instead he would find lines about you
who sat in this chair
this time yesterday

I would write for you
I would give you my work
but only because you would not ask
only because you do not want it
I must have given you enough
for you to be content with the loss of me

I must have allowed you to grow properly
in order to stay stagnant while I slip away

I must have supplied you with ample self worth
for you you to stay stagnant while I lunge in a another direction

I must have made myself so replaceable
for you to not even consider a retort
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