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 Mar 2013 lucy anne
Morgan Vivian
The heart is a machine.
It has valves and pumps, little tubes and wires.
It pushes life roughly through my veins, scraping by along my insides,
too full of something barely contained.
And I feel it yelling at me constantly, a day to day screech in my chest.
"You must carry on! You must feed me oxygen and suffer while I beat the life into you!"
What cruel joke is this?
This machine betrays me so.
It betrayed me to you.
It sold me out, all my secrets and desires barefaced in your hands.
And all for a smile. And then a laugh. And then a kiss.
That kiss was the end of me.
I dared it to go, I told it
"Once you go down that road, don't you dare come back."
It never did.
I've been without my machine for quite sometime now.
It ran headlong into your arms and I have no thought of how to coax it back.
Every day I struggle with these invisible strings,
tugging as I walk to my classes,
tugging as I stumble up stairs
and say hello to people I know.
I'm fighting you. I'm tired of fighting you.
I just want my turn.
Let me fall in your arms.
Let me have you.
 Mar 2013 lucy anne
I never dreamed of sitting in the meadows that blossom in your chest. I only allowed myself a small window to hope, to wish, to crave. I know now that it was big enough to climb through. We were meant to align, to feel the pull of each other, to recognize the thirst. We are lock and key. We are the lonesome trees, greeting lighting. We are the sound of jars taking their first breath after so long. We. It tastes so soft when I say it, falling out of my mouth like honey vanilla.
 Mar 2013 lucy anne
Meka Boyle
There is no honest answer.
Worlds fall from our wind-chapped lips
Like marbles, heavy on our tongues,
Hitting the ground with a muffled splat,
As we fumble on all fours trying to retrieve them.

There is no honest answer.
We push and shove our muddled consciences, unprotected, into  a dark alleyway
Full of lost chances and half hearted embraces.
Until there is nothing left but a small hollow pang in the bottom of our guts.

There is no honest answer.
Openly, we ask others what we are too afraid to ask ourselves, even in the private of our own minds.
Truth sits at the bottom of our flouncy ideals and broken promises,
Like the last drops of 2% milk,
That only come out of the carton once it's lying face down on the dumpster floor.
There is no honest answer.
 Mar 2013 lucy anne
Zac Sandri
I shouldn't say I always
Felt the way I did
I've never been quite happy
Though, I've never been too sad
The times and trails passed me
I watched the way I always had
Until you came right behind me
Stole my heart and took my hand

If anyone is lis'ning
'Neath the moon of which we lay
I hope they hear the singing
Of the dove she chased away
For peace my heart may never know
I'd rather love my darling Crow
And when she dies I'll say it so
Our love's too deep, we both must go
 Mar 2013 lucy anne
i am an island unto myself
freely floating in
a sea of my own self doubt.
i drift along the
water's rim,
stuck between the very high
and the impossibly deep.
tides roll in
casting about the shards of sand
like die in a lucky game.
they scatter about
my forgettable face,
isolated inputs
on an ignored mind.
 Mar 2013 lucy anne
Come! closer to me
more closer
more closer

touched my heart
take my soul
take my spirit to your Kingdom

your hands grabbed me
soft, warm
your love pure than scintillation light
free as a dove

I bow, pray, how grateful I am
tears fell down gently across my cheek
you sealed my lips with your eyes
my head go down, I am embarrass

your eyes looking at me
saying I love you still
my body is shaking
my heart beating very fast
To feel the eternal happiness

Come! closer to me
more closer
more closer
don't runaway from me

how could I get runaway from you ?
you have captured
my mind
my body
my soul
and my love
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