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Oct 2024 · 67
Lucanna Oct 2024
I tuck her in at moonlight
Curl onto ground next opened up crib
an end of day ceremony
I hold tiny hand.
My heart sings to mossy dreamland goddess in silence
She often has mercy on me
She. answers.
My daughter's long lashes flutter in closure
A soft sigh
Tug of a tuft
brush of a nose with special blanket

She whispers back
"Sweet dreams, mommy."

My days of damage and dread and adulthood are nothing
It will never mean anything.
It does not mean anything.
It means nothing.

Her slumber breath
Makes me a saint
I worship
her fingernails. the ceiling. the womb

I beg my brain to
re-write the day in permanent marker
Only to counter the days I have existed  
in a trance
stumbling through streets
seeking anyone who can dry erase
The utter demand of existence

How can I as one woman possess
So much love and sanctity
All the while reigning in resistance.
Sep 2024 · 67
The Chronicle
Lucanna Sep 2024
The Chronicle carries a Spokane story unreported

I claim fame as a first resident
Two apartments


A Chelsea hotel
Blank canvases whiskered and primed
9 months of feminine devine
one pivotal girl
Her and I
shattered misogyny
from ceiling to wall windows
a flammable mother daughter force
soaking and smiling
in the gritty face of  Spokane
2 floors below us we found our landing
a relationship meant for cinema
Single mothers
laugh and snarl and bear down
skipping hibernation
dark humored and vinyl loving
wiping our kids' noses
and our own
All the while flying above it all
two moons among a jilted sky
Always asking ourselves "why?"

The Chronicles continue..

A farm sink
Mid century modern bar stools
An oversized satirical monkey piece of art
I bought at an auction financing a blind goat
These items were all there
They all sigh
remembering when I held my breath for too long

I survived suffocation from grief
The women in my life suited up
Battled tank into biting coral
handed me their bubbling piece
I decide on oxygen over hydrogen
White over reef
These walls carried me.
Abuse tried to tell me a different story
"Notice to Vacate" was a friend of mine
603 was my muscle
She gave my daughter and I glory

A vampire tried to merchant our space
in many forms
Little did he know, we only thrive in light
I can be proud to say
I left my glorious gargoyles on my own
as soon as I knew I could protect myself
and my story.
Jul 2024 · 80
Lucanna Jul 2024
“How much do you love me.” She whispers as I wipe sandy uneven bangs off of sweaty forehead. “So much, mom. So much.” Her smile catches her ears. I rarely see her like this and every time it involves a surprise. No wonder, as an adult, I deeply yearn for the people I love to surprise me.
My unrealistic expectations of other people as an adult are to blame for the love my mother gave me as a child, and still to this day. No one can compete with the shock element of my mom.

“Go look on your bed!” she shrieks. I sprint to my quilted dusty rose second-hand comforter. There in the tufts I find the best item on earth as a 5th grade girl—A complete collection of lip-smackers, necklace with attachment for chaps-ticks included. Yes, there was Dr. Pepper. You bet your ***** there was bubble gum.  A complete delectable smorgasbord of balm delight. I definitely love her more after this. I forgive her for making me “set a good example for my brothers” the night before.

I rip plastic casing and pucker up for the first waxy stick pushed on pre-pubescent lip. Duh, I chose Dr. Pepper. Who doesn’t want to have their kiss taste like a fast-food refreshment? There she stands, the Farrah Fawcett, Sun-maid raisin queen look alike. My angel of a mother.

She watched as I threw myself on springy bed and layer flavor after flavor of Lipsmacker on lip and throw stick after stick up in the air like a lip connoisseur billionaire. She saw me rip the plastic wrappers with canines. She cringed and told me not to use my teeth, accepting it anyway with glory. That sparkle shows up in her eye and she knows I will be lining those lip balms up from my favorite to least favorite around the shoestring necklace included. She invites the true fact that I won’t sass her back for a month. I will do my homework tomorrow without asking and I will not hit my brother in the ***** before dinner. She knows. All hail Lipsmacker and all flavors. The ultimate collection lending me a heiress at recess. I am eternally beholden to her. I look up at her as she asks, “Do you like it?” I hug her calves and sigh, “I love it.”
Feb 2024 · 89
Lucanna Feb 2024
I, a steal heroine
by past sorrow
imprisoned by
cuffed misogyny  

Softened by you

Just. One. Palm. Holds. Face
All silver and sharpened divider
skin and tangled hair
no longer armored  
Every tear drenched pore
I stand bare,
happily unbuckled with love

Pillars shudder at our words
they melt
Surrendering to
The noncompete
of your shoulders
They hold my daughter to the stars
Her head crowned in light
your hands stable small ankles
She is released too

Golden Gates moan
Great Walls invite
Cordially wait for RSVP's
Nets and hooks and barriers all succumb
to you and I
thriving as two and loving as one

We are
moon ocean currents
ancient stone arches
pink chalk on black hot asphalt
stained huckleberry fingers

We are more than love
We are the pulse
of our lives

I will never harden again
Jan 2024 · 128
Generational trauma
Lucanna Jan 2024
It is the fiftieth "mamma"
The fourth hour of sleep
a tiny heel drives into chin
it feels deep
a three year old kiss to the elbow
fervent fingers wrap around thumb
before succumbing to slumber
I refuse to be numb

Mamma is all I want

I want to mother
and be mothered
and for others to be better mothered and mothers

My father left me
a cold egg in nest
My mother
like most mothers
forced to
hunt AND gather AND hold
My wings frozen unrest
Forced to help everyone else around me
to learn how to fly
surviving in jest
Dec 2023 · 84
Lucanna Dec 2023
You find out
It gurgles to the surface
You wipe your eyes
of the residue of my ghosts
The later it gets
Every face of pain begins to show
a haunting felowship

I succumb
roll around in graves of
soils of  a strangled me

Flesh and all,
you pull me out of shallow ground
Resurrect and remind me
of the before

I sigh in your ear
Thank you,
my dear
I forgot about the her
Who is so near
Dec 2023 · 385
Lucanna Dec 2023
It was in the wait
The gurgling spitting surface
Where I found myself

The alone

The trembling affliction
I salivated and salivated on
until I could finally swallow

Everything has dissolved

Do not get this confused with not having memory
My body has anologues of dialogues o
Oct 2023 · 143
Happy 3rd Birthday
Lucanna Oct 2023
You reach your tiny arm out,
unable to sleep
Curled up under rib
I whisper to you

tell me your dreams."

Minnie Mouse
The song 'The Wheels on the Bus'
Mamma holding my feet"

.I only dream of what affects you.

The last three months I awake
my *** is pillow
to your toddler cheek
I sacrifice sleep,
watching in AM wonder
You stuff
special blankey,
into teeth
There is a tiny corner of fleece
you wrap around thumb
and rub to the tip of your nose
back and forth
A soothing swing
Material fluff rocks you to sleep

It is holy
to be your mother

I am still hell.

say "please" and "thank you"
"share, please"
"do not put that in your nose."

Sometimes I think
I want
to be
back in my body,
feeding you
holding time
You in my core, as baby
Then again
Who are we fooling?
Wild, tender Audrey
fearless flower
I am lucky to be the seed
Oct 2023 · 123
Tertiary Grief.
Lucanna Oct 2023
I wait for the punchline
Curtain to cinch back
This nightmare
is an Oz of affairs
Emerald streets lead to hunter green tears
Ducts never dry
My voice hitch-hikes to my gravel road pain
Thumb points back to rib cage
There is no place like home
Sharp shame
Bone bars crumble when you ignore my name
This heart never stops with ruby red ache
There is not enough air
Inhale is at stake
You cast me as the wicked witch every time
I choke on every biting mistake.
The air remains a
Sep 2023 · 102
Lucanna Sep 2023
You hold pink peaches
in the corner of your cheeks
Only in moments
where your words are withheld
I dig deep into your eyes
for the pit of your
What a hypocrite I am--
shovel sways from root
I lay next to soil,
cradle grit and bruised apple
I am inner core,
mantle, lithosphere
the cliche words "I miss you"
orbiting around the sun
All different earths of myself
I hope when it rains
you don't find shelter
that your arms are the roof
I have waited my whole life
Aug 2023 · 103
Lucanna Aug 2023
We force ourselves to stand
Three feet apart
hips hug both sides of my stove
This is the only way we can exchange words
without clutching jaw
and drinking down
the longing on our tongues
without inhaling goose bumps
and locking fingers,
palms and tips--
our roots
twisting around an angular world
Our words might as well be our pores
touching and igniting into the night
They dance around our mouths and
tug at our stories
It is our pause that holds me,
Where silence steps in like a sister
Nodding and approving
of the way
we look at each other
like a night sky
bursting with bright
You are my light.
Aug 2023 · 378
Lucanna Aug 2023
I will
ahead and
break my own heart

Hand me clamp
Your clenched jaw
Waiting to chomp at the bit

You grip my hand,
introduce yourself
My aorta crushes your knuckles
Oh you can't let go?
What a shame
Beat you to it.
Broke rib cage
Crunched down on

All before you could tell me where you came from

Jun 2023 · 172
Lucanna Jun 2023
If there is a Jesus
He wears a dress
it sequins to the sun
as drag "devils" sing from Beyonce-glacier-tops

We, humans arrive bursting with rainbow love
While anti-humans stretch across ocean and state
a cloud of ****** and hate

If only the stars could shield our trans
Earth and ocean, permeate
Tsunami the shame way
I beg the whole sky to open up
Create a blue orb of protection
for "the gays"
Jun 2023 · 137
Modern Love (less).
Lucanna Jun 2023
This modern love is about
Vulnerable nakedness
And sharing words drenched in ulterior motives
After ten pm texts
Netflix and chill
drunk sloppy saliva
Dead weight silence
Ghosts and poltergeists
who look at your stories
While screening your calls
Bored married baldies
**** pics
Heavy thumbs swiping right and left
2 second clever convo starters
cliff jumping into ****** innuendos
Thousands of pictures of soft male hands holding animals as props
Dead or alive
Shirtless mirror pics
Pretending to reach for your wallet
Friends with benefits
“Hanging out”
Daddy’s who date with their toddlers

Every part of it
A fake feeding to the soul
I walk up to the table with a Michelin  star meal to be offered crumbs
I choose couch over barstool
Cat over dog drool
******* over touch

And do you have
Tik tok
Or a brain?

Height fibbers
Terrible smiles hidden behind pursed lips
The ABCs of
“I don’t like condoms”

The most sacred thing in the universe—
Human connection and intimacy
A perverted shallow watered down sea
Love liquified and left washed up
The tides never ending
Swallowing me head first
While some man baby expects me to swallow head first
May 2023 · 193
Lucanna May 2023
I had my daughter with the type of man
I came from
Generationally marooned
fetal positioned
on bathroom floor
Aching and punishing myself for not asking for more

I cup my daughter's face
Only to know you will try to erase
my fingers
my palms
my voice
You try to rob fingerprint
The blonde in her curl
Her lips are frozen on "mommy"
You ignore.
I am always more.
Apr 2023 · 608
Lucanna Apr 2023
Lip skin synthesizes to a foaming mouth
Rabie white
an open popsicle "ahhhh" tongue
Exposed a warm animal within
A savage
I cannot be a crowned blonde princess anymore                   neck
Fangs.                                                            of
Foreign vessels                           out
I am a bomb.

Pull rubber grip with molars
I will blast away your DNA
so you never
Mar 2023 · 118
Lucanna Mar 2023
Yellow rubber boots slip on
as soon as you see me
I puddle up
You thrash down on the blue of me
I ripple in hurt
Go ahead
Stomp heel into rainbow gasoline cups
I beg to brim on plastic ankel
Water wallows
A woman who holds breath
For no ones
Boots who don't deserve oxygen or water or color
Feb 2023 · 136
My daughter and the dryer
Lucanna Feb 2023
My daughter dances to the dryer
Worn sleeves are
warmed up.
She closes her eyes
like I do
Every time I lose myself to dance.
We quiet a world
That asks us to be more body than clothes
I join her
We move to the knocking
of cotton
dirtied by yesterday
saliva laughter.
I fold into her
We do not need
to be cleaned
The purist of love
moves on hardwood floor.
Jan 2023 · 112
Woman Waters
Lucanna Jan 2023
I inhale the Perry in your lips
You turn me to liquid pink
Let my rainy eyes
Make you forget you ever experienced pain

Your skin is thousands of surfaces
First layer, a leafy carpet of green
I step softly  
I could not bare to
crumple any of your bursting life
The last, a bed of molten mystery
I beg to be burned

You hold me
like you will never be close enough
A python of pleasure
harder and harder you squeeze
Until all that I have bottled
Comes pouring out

Will you be able to wade in all this woman?
Or will you wave goodbye from the shore,
always wishing you could have
Dec 2022 · 163
Divorce number 2.
Lucanna Dec 2022
I let
my nails and hair grow out
I wear black turtle neck sweatshirt
My teeth crowd in
on my words
Elizabeth Taylor divorced
I re-enter the world old and slew.

Posh boss.

I am told I carry myself well
All I carry is misogyny
under nail beds
Black flesh wounds
Scratched until they bleed
Red makes them flee

I walk fast,
stomp hard
through streets I frequent
Look him square in the face
Become rooted tree
Dec 2022 · 147
Shelley Beth.
Lucanna Dec 2022
Black is the only color to her
She is night
Grace is her hands
Vowels, adjectives, her own language
They fire out of fingertips
We side glance
Laughter erupts
The mountains of motherhood
Cascade sisterly love
We are gold rings
She circles the best parts of my life

My wild daughter chasing her sweet son.
They hold hands
The same way we hold the harshness of world for each other

My sacred home.
Hers, a floor below
I open her door to layered acrylic paintings,
an aromatic hug of spices
We show up in
She exists in all of it
Circling and wrinkle nosed smiles
We have known each other in novels and framed photos and multiple lives
Probably nine
The crazy cat lady in us abashes
To think I felt lonely
Did that ever exist?
We ever persist
As warriors embedded by fire
We hold baby and feline
Conquering flame.
This corrupt world
Has nothing. on. us.
Nov 2022 · 104
Lucanna Nov 2022
The moment I twisted out of womb
I was prepared
for this

missed kiss
lost bliss and
effortless forgetfulness

My first breath
I inhaled the gust of the door slamming
***** carriers are great at goodbyes
My mother swaddled me in her strength
Her arms
Turned me from flesh to muscle

You think that you are the first in this
But you are nothing but a playground fist

No one held you like they held me
Lucanna Oct 2022
God lurks under my bed
A devine monster
Spike backed and venomous
He mouths in my ear,
Lips like daggers to lobes
I beg for silence.
He whispers
Non-sweet nothings
about how Mary babied better
Her stain glass eyes scorch me
I burn like an infant bug under magnifying glass
Jezebel girl
You: feminine blasphemy
Why will you not let me save you?


I became a woman
My eyes peel back to black truth
You are father nightmare,  not a holy savior son
Break my bones with Psalms
I will mash them into soupy indescretions
This is not my purpose driven life, pastor
My breath is
To die unconsecrated
Cohen, keep my marrow
Turn my white into lyrical salvation
I beg my mother
my father
my brothers
Never let anyone save me
I am death and devil
But Jesus Christ, I am free.
Aug 2022 · 282
Lucanna Aug 2022
A grown man pollutes this town
Bouncing around with flimsy cape
vampire capped teeth
"Good morning, beautiful"s that make you want to hurl
into sleeve
Oh and like really cool tattoos bro
Mommy checks each box
So, sweet man child, you can sleep your poor little head
                                    ! it in ?

Collapse it into black bat food
Even upside down, they would spit. it. out.
I try to swallow you down
So you can transform into ****
In hopes you maniacally stop tormenting me at dusk

A pukey green
Peter Pan
You shadow different importent men everyday
Trapped in black and white,
You groom
traumatized lost boys
a football fantasy testosterone ego stroking---ohhhh come on reffffff type of sadness
Perfect for you to money grab and purge on compliments
What a big boy you are.

Wendy and I do not succumb to anti wrinkle cream
Our blue dresses hold fold into fists
We cling to age
our weaponry
is pirate knife knowledge
Tinker bell, who?
I will not fade to dust
Even though you keep trying to file me down

Everyone around us knows who to trust.
That must be hard for a fool like you.
Aug 2022 · 99
Therapy assignment
Lucanna Aug 2022
You deep sea dive inside the ocean of me
and man-make a continent sized drain,
next to a family of oysters on my ocean floor
Mother, father, brother--you drain my whole life of pearls
A sea-leech who slithers secretly
into deeper waters
You do not belong here.
A cobalt vulture, snagging the empath of my soul
that mistakes air for kindness
Aug 2022 · 131
Cobain revisited
Lucanna Aug 2022
You are a desert,
the two white webs in the corners of my mouth.
I lick my lips
only to slide the salt of other lovers who have crystalized
on your
sophomoric saliva
They cheapen my rich kiss
And leave the webs spinning
slowly closing in on words and intimacy and right
Little did you know
I am black widow
I take thirsty lacework
and Spiderman shoot your
***** back to you
Even though you have always been
Open mouthed you beg for my wet
Insatiable and bare footed
You pink your heels
desperate to climb my pyramid
Never, will I allow you to the top  
Light your cigarette on heat wave warnings
and keep disintegrating in your broken down
washed up sandy life
Even if my body becomes a well
the moment you turn to dust
Not a rain drop, would I exchange
unless it meant your copper compliments would rust
Go **** yourself
Aug 2022 · 135
My best friend
Lucanna Aug 2022
My best friend is perfect.
She cuts avocados and Mother Nature applauds
Meals are her healing message
She is a stork
who confits and door drops
To the grief stricken
Even when you think you will never eat again
You will.
She is there.
Ladle her famous soup and homemade crust into mouth
Watch as your weep is resurrected into brothy strength
And loafy self compassion
Her hair is a layer cake of curls
A ringlet goddess
the moment she lifts cheek off of pillow
She will not bend like her follicle
An ancient rooted tree
The fortunate are invited to intertwine in soil
A Resilient nutrient shared
Watch us grow
Her hugs are
Ink pen
An introduction is all it will take—
You are special
every detail studied and scribed to memory
Even the undeserving
Her biggest fear is being unliked
She will breathe her last breath without that ever happening
She notices when I pick my fingers and the second my stomach sinks to my feet
With one brown eyed gaze
I am back in the room
I like to believe I comfort her with all the ways I am not her perfect
All the ways I storm through life
She and I sit on thunder and guzzle rain
She is my warm towel and umbrella and favorite childhood memory
Her family is mine
My family is hers
and when the light never feels like it is going to enter
I remind myself of that
How we are a coming of age film
That never ends
Cinematography of black and white Polaroids
Of us
Parachuting off of the risky cliffs of our twenties,
Holding hands the whole time
And giggling
While everyone else around us is holding their breath
On the nights I turn into Ernest Hemingway
I remind myself that I have my Hadley,
My miss
Who I should never miss
Because she is always within me
Jul 2022 · 186
Parenting Plan
Lucanna Jul 2022
I am a lost and not found item
when she leaves
I am a scratchy polyester
elbow patchwork sweater
picked up from mustard sidelines
forgotten when bell rings
I wrinkle away in cardboard box,
Puppy eyeing
Any stingy non owner
Is there any thief to claim me?
My stretched gap knit
is your shallow water made of holes
At six foot six
You brag that your toes brush the bottom of the same dune
That our toddler's tootsie touches too
She is taller than you
All the while the everything of me is
in the deep end,
treading ferociosly.
I dog paddle to
dolphin attorneys
and counselor coy fish
"Can you help me not drowned?"
I sink and
Algicide anger
dip crunch my lungs on shark teeth
Try to become sacred coral reef
Just for my daughter to find me
Jul 2022 · 88
Lucanna Jul 2022
He is an old soul
Who adds years to my life
When his smile crinkles to his cheeks
My core becomes the first time I went too high on a swing
He is the most original person I have ever met and still a novelty
I love to see his soft cotton t shirt whip around core
When his board slices through people and places and time
When I give him a hard time or “get on his case,” as he would say
I can always tell he’s holding back a smile
He secretly loves the untamed in me
It is a warm hug
He kisses like he wants to vacation on my lips
Set up umbrella and sand chairs
I drink him in like I want to swallow the ocean and become his antigravity
He does not have to comb his hair or wear fancy jeans
He is organic beauty
I love how he hugs me into a slow dance
And turns my body into his favorite song
He sleeps like he is a different part in a play every night
Monkey. Tin man. Zombie
His eyes are a time lapsed sky
And his hands are clouds that I can always make out to be a bunny or a dragon or the all of me
He is always worried they are not bright white enough
When they always are.
My cat adores him
We both break down around animals
We turn to mush and comedy
When he cries the mountains and the carpet crumble around me
I yearn to be his fortune cookie
Break me open,
You will find that everything will be and is okay
When he looks at me he really looks at me When I talk to him I become a novel he cannot put down
Ferociously flipping pages
Not ever wanting to get to the end
He is not aware of how  rare he is
Like his old man loafers that he pairs with gym shorts
I cannot tell if he is as truly free
As he seems to be
He is multiple ages at the same time
A wild little boy growling and gritting his teeth
A teen sneaking tequila  
A senior making the bed for me  
He is a gorgeous lover
I hold my breath sometimes when he puts his hands on the pads of my heels
His skin is salt and milky smooth skipping stones
I beg them to bounce and eventually sink into the blue of all of me
When he is tangled in my sheets and resting his head on my shoulder and eating in the morning with me
I often imagine the two of us
Untainted by life and society
Color is calm with him
And noise is melody
What would it be
If I was a different person
And so was he?
I, a mother sweeping up wreckage, rebuilding my own captain and ship
Him, a salmon swimming upstream
Pink and powerful
July 25, 2022
Jul 2022 · 96
Lucanna Jul 2022
My ******* are
grape bubble gum
chewed and twisted, masticated into purple milk
That resurrect into lactose layers regurgitated on the scoop of my neck where I used to sweep wrists over with the latest from Dior—
Now nape exudes a hint of expired Greek yogurt with a hint of sweet snot
Dior Dior, make something that isn’t swimming in alcohol
Or can I swim in alcohol?
Instead of bobbing above with engorged ****, ankle weights of an open gummed mouth
While I close mine and smile every time anyone asks me how it is to be a mother
Of course love her, open mouthed and all
So unapologetically in want
I envy the way she sprawls open
Screaming and ripping, demanding what she deserves
When do we learn to be hushed, silenced for what we hunger?
How I learn from you, sweet Audrey
Jul 2022 · 89
Mother wilts
Lucanna Jul 2022
I birthed a lotus  in rare form—
Ringlet petals,
orchid like dimples on gorged cheeks

Then one day I looked in the mirror and all I saw was mud
Dark grit under finger nails
A mom that double checks automatic payment notices and
“Goes to the bathroom” just to breathe into her ribs
I ache to be the garden.
I am the manure.
The pathetic reality tv show at midnight
I am the fiction book that I used to gobble up as I did nonfiction for thirty minutes
Digest to remind myself of the masters degree kind of woman
I used to be
The woman who used to be able to dialogue and synagogue and debate and have an adjective for everything
Here I am.
soil. and clam. and contrite.
With nothing but seeds in between my teeth


A worship or a song or a conversation waiting to be watered.

These days all that grow are EOB’s, needy blue bubbles going unanswered: conversation flies that don’t flinch when you swat at them.
An empty canvas.

I slam the door just to feel my pulse again
I see him kiss her forehead with so much more love than he has for me
I see my heart breaking skin
I see myself as sludge.
Baby blooms
Daddy dances
Mother wilts.
Jul 2022 · 104
Alternative Sage
Lucanna Jul 2022
I christen my apartment walls with the *** I have collected
Since your embrace became a family of fire ants
And your words became a cold room for my sadness to fog up and draw faces on
I beg for the day my heart is scooped out
With the cold cream fingertips of
Ryan’s and Bryan’s and Licky lipped lions
Who reach for ******* and nape and *****
This whole wide world is my sugar cone
Topped off with a syrup of 3am Merlot tears
On Wednesdays my weeping transforms into lubricant for long haired boys to drink off of.
Thursday mornings
Drown ribs and power pressure brain cells and any memory
Of the doe-y eyed romantic I used to be
When I saw pink
Now, colorblind
How many times do I have to play black and white Johnny cash songs on repeat?
How many times do I have to gulp down photos and moments and memories you prostituted  
You turned me into a dollar bill
Even Good ol’ Georgey is blushing
You clothed me in scratchy objectification like a mannequin
Now my heart is as plastic as you are
Tell me you love my display
You created it, after all.
Arched heel, vacant eyes ready to **** a stranger off
How did I survive this long as a woman?
How are there so many drag queen  David’s among so many misogynistic Goliaths?
How am I still smiling and nodding to life’s nod?
Probably because my bones are made of bruises and my thumbs are frozen on triggered trauma
Dare me to thaw out and pull the ******* trigger
I keep smiling
Like the men on the streets tell me to do.
June 15, 2022
Jul 2022 · 96
Lucanna Jul 2022
He is a black and white photograph
A sweet sweater peeking above collarbone
He looks right at me
As if we know joy and pain in the same way
He steps out of still-frame
out of memory
He is alive
He raises his right palm and he asks me
if I would like to dance
I am no longer me
I am a child
I am my best friend
My sister
and I am also me,
A trinity
He smiles as he twirls all of us, as one
A record player needle
across vinyl
pulling tune and tone from bottom to top
across a kiddy sticky floor
What is this?!?!
We are annoyed to have our soles(souls)
Pulled down from heel
Take your shoes off
Now we are in sand
on Loon, rather than a high-school atrium
He stands at the end of the dock
Italian.Tall. Floating.
A superhero
He sweeps his cape over
the sun room
Like the moon
He whispers to me
"Remember the depths of intimacy,
Do not let yourself get in the way. Please remind my family."
And he looks at me, I am still sister, best friend, me
I pull my knees up to chest
As he leaves
he releases a belly laugh
about how he flushed the ****** down the septum tank
And how he would pay to hear Damien curse over the course of that.
Jul 2022 · 109
Lucanna Jul 2022
Her crumbs cascade waxy wood floor
I breath
Can I function intentionally?
My hand rests on my chest
I dig my fingertips into collarbone
I count
the way I was taught as a child
I am still here
Before my daughter goes to bed
she begs me to read books about Mr. & Mrs. Elmo and whales and Mrs. Doubtfire
I cannot protect her from false fathers
Imbalanced teeter totter parenting.
A genetically predisposed man who wakes up and occasionally chooses to hold her
I trained my heart to let go of tucked in promises
and Disneyland Dad ego strokes
I hope she views his love like an orange window at sunset
I won't let the line to the ride even be created.
She will be okay.
I echo this.
I bite every layer of cheek
Awake and asleep
Her mother is instinct
No choice is involved
It's almost as if I felt her every hiccup
in womb
every twirl and spill and swallow
I beg the orbits of hemisphere
to protect her from her father's contrast
Planted pink egg
faltered *****
a fingerprint.
When she opens her lids and voice
It is only her
Not her mother
Not her father
She is exquisite.
She is Audrey.
Jul 2022 · 93
Male Mustache
Lucanna Jul 2022
My bed is only messed up by me,
Sleep is an ambush
Soldiers gunning at my eyelids
They quiver while natural light
stuffs iris barrels with daisy
If only I could create my own field of weeds

Will man remain my enemy?

I dare a mustache to balk
at my bush
For there are no eyes
No kiss
No tooth
In my world
Declaring how a woman should be in her *****
I grip the shadows of every fold
Every eery layered mattress
held in nuptial tandem
Right side of the bed or left?

Stinging and menacing, they remind me
That I am stone
Only the most desolate sleep on me
No crack in the river? No mother?
I remain gray and bayside
Crack me open to find lavender clouds
drifting above sweaty skyline
An agate,
A gem of a woman
Treated like a skipping stone
That is me
I will become the ocean before that is my identity
Jul 2022 · 131
Lucanna Jul 2022
I lick my wounds with
a sorbet sunset tongue
A slurp so icy thick and orange that it covers elephant horizons
My pain---a mirrored cloud skyscraper
it is king to
A planet where there are never enough parking spaces
If you find a place to rest
it will cost you an over- romanticized sensory memory
and then you will never be able to sleep again
I took up space
Decided I would sing among the meadows
Black filled my cracks and
my clothes started to wear me.
Everyone tries to hug me
They start their sentences with a dry, choking,  "at least."
I start to resent strangulation
Oxygen is my mother
She shows up and holds my hands tenderly,
rubbing her fingertips over my nail beds
I beg her to stay
to swaddle me and morph me into ten-year-old-me
She just murmurs, "me too."
"I want that too."

Could I be cotton?
Or the light that fills checkered New York cockroach apartments?
Could I be anything but a woman who is grieving over a black shelled conman?
Jul 2022 · 195
Queen Chef
Lucanna Jul 2022
With your hands you transform rainbows
that have arched from the earth
You bare down, even in the fervor of summer's firing flame
To consecrate recipes that are born by the grit of the soil, not by nursing mother
Your loved ones raise hands and bounce up and down,
begging to be invited around your wooden table
and feast with fierce female culinary queen,
and her doting family
Jul 2022 · 93
Lucanna Jul 2022
Grief is a burly man
He has been shoveling manure since he was ten
His shoulders carry the **** of the world
His nostrils smell earth's fertilizer as rose
Even when we are plugging our noses and declaring offensive
Not me, though
I will sit next to him and braid **** in his hair, and then mine
I will be tempted to have him put wildflower petals on lumps of excrement
Am I a lady clothed in rose
Jul 2022 · 110
To your father
Lucanna Jul 2022
Should I blame my father?
Is that who is at fault?
A man with a salty cobalt smile
A felon, turned male siren
Bringing every oak fortress
to her shipwrecking death
The wind, never able to drown out
Every sailor weeping, "How did we not know???"
If only we could remain children forever
blaming our parents and dissolving our sins from theirs
I want him to be in the court house
I want him to sign my name with a blue ink pen
I want him to paint midnight  on my eyelids
the way he did my mother's
I want to swallow every lump in my throat and purge it onto him
I hope he never washes the stains from his collar bone
Maybe then he could beat the yellow out of me
instead of her
The way the sun seems to set
But our generation of women have never been settled

How did I not know.

How did I not know.

That your smile would be my pearly gate to hell
That your ***** would produce my God--
The most gorgeous curly headed goddess to ever step foot on this planet
You will try to take her from me
I will never let you
You will try to stain her iris from blue to green
Her sapphire spirit will never be boxed by you
She will be the fortress that you cannot take down
Like a mine field
She will blow you up and I will collect the bones
You will starve me for years
I will fast even longer
I am her mother.
May 2022 · 97
Pathetic Parent.
Lucanna May 2022
Pang after pain
My heart sinks to my feet
Every morning
I wake up to maroon socks
A trail of crimson every where I step
I am reminded
I am not the robins fluttering outside my window
I am not my cozy cobalt couch
I am not my daughter
Freedom will always come with shame
To rest is to sink into blue veins
No one will wipe my nose
Only women will love me like I love her
Like I loved you
I hold onto feminine first aid
like ancient coral roots into a deep sapphire sandy floor
Please let me be the one to crush chested ***** on heel
Instead of you
You **** milky marrow from my bones
You lick your lips on vulnerable aorta
I wrap open nape with the tentacles of my ancestors,
You ******* vampire
I wipe alligator tears from my eyes
My back wrists are sponges, they were prepared for this moment.  
Every time I breathe I gulp up salt water
I fight
I refuse to drown
For her.
You hate that she needs me more
You crumble because you cannot eat me up
Full, I sit without you.
Apr 2022 · 103
Lucanna Apr 2022
You thumbed mute on my mouth
Pushing buttons on all that I shared, so vulnerable
Stapled words on the inside of my molars
You with your silver gun
Metal bent ends punched through enamel stating:


I take tongue and unclip your frantic grasps at control
I push my lips like a dagger through your thumb
You will not hold me down any longer
The women I come from and the woman I am
Is stronger than any man of your men
Pathetic, you cling to your photographed ****
While I wake up clinging to my core, lovesick
The mask is unveiled
My daughter, so pure
As much as you try you won't turn me frail
I will always endure.

The sun as my witness, my heart rising up in my throat
Reminds me that my truth can never be evoked.
Jan 2022 · 96
Lucanna Jan 2022
It is too much
and never enough
I seek you in Bukowski rants
I let his refrain boil over me
and scald me
the same way I let your apathy light me
on summer nights
my skin, already crisp from the afternoon sun

and how many pathetic lyrics
must I French kiss
until I no longer see your curled cigarette lips?
and worst of all
my dreams
You are standing right there
a cigarette bit between your curled lips
I can almost hold your face in my hand
Only to awake to
my arms squeezed tight around core
When I dream of you
Why do I always wake up cradling myself
gripping the you in me
Sep 2021 · 116
Better with Age.
Lucanna Sep 2021
Bottle me up
fill me to the brim
Posture me on your grainy shelf
Watch as I
Scoot my ribbed bottom closer and closer to the ledge
I inching over bourbon blondes
like a solo cup at a wedding
Anxiously awaiting a lofty bouquet toss
I await to be uncorked
Ah, the moment you grip my glass
and collapse a key into me
Please let me air-ate  
Let my maroon acid settle like freckles
on your tongue
See how my tannins feel like cannons right in the ribs down to the gut?
Notice how my words are cabernet crisp?
It is a beautifully intoxicating experience to break me down from solid to liquid

This is not my true form

I am solid.
I am a cascade. a basalt boulder. at the very, least a cloudy glacier not meant to melt and definitely not meant to be bottled.
I am a mountain.
Delicious if you are willing to trek to the top.
Sep 2021 · 73
Lucanna Sep 2021
If I swallow my heart whole
Will aorta pulse as it twists through esophagus?
Down Small Intestine,
Down to Large Intestine too?
If it does not
and my heart was not all I believed it to be
Attest for me.
Tell them how I would hold my breath underwater
and dive down to the quiet of the ocean.
How I would trace my finger along  
a grainy gold carpet
Mapping out thousands of
Portraits my heart will never. stop. digesting. of. you.
For anyone who asks
In this desperate life about you, unlucky lover
Who ends up with me.
How the story ends with I end up purging back
Jun 2021 · 96
Lucanna Jun 2021
"Just Intermission. Be safe. Be kind."
Our sunset view for 18 months
My home is made up of windows
and I don't want anyone handing me a stone
There are exactly  3 crosses around me and a 20 foot lit up Mary holding a baby Jesus I see when I look out my southside window
I get an email stating that they will be birthing
May 2021 · 397
Lucanna May 2021
A rough surface of sorrow
forms under eyelids
when I see you
You strike it with a match of apathy,
Light your cigarette,
and throw fire to the burn pile of your life.
Flames flicker around
your daughter's botched haircuts
her eyes have the same longing yours do.
Violet heat swirls around questions, trapped in thought bubbles,  
that hang over your son's sweet hazel head
His prism tears make
everything go to ash

As I stand an outsider
Poking rod to ember
Even as I ****
I know the only thing I will find
is empty charcoal memories of how we used to be
Before the (w)reckoning  

How scorched it feels, how black it hurts
To lose someone who was there through it all
I could always arrive with streaks down my cheeks.
We could always be the kindling.

I guess all I can do now is say
Burn it all down, baby
Feb 2021 · 108
Lucanna Feb 2021
When she became to be
Within me
She strummed ribs,
Finger picking nylon bones to her fancy
Twirling among a galaxy of placenta
Knowing full well I would wiggle with her
My fleshy palms pressed upon apple core
Desperate to know if it was her elbow or heel or maybe even a shoulder blade
A Where's Waldo of who my baby would be
A Where's Waldo of your daddy and me

Now here she is

We find every part of ourselves ever lost
Within her
I see you in the pure sweetness of her eyes
A translucent mountain of green cane sugar
Like you,
Only the lucky ones get to witness the Emerald City
I see myself in the way she grips loose hair strands at my nape like an anchor
She holds on the way I have my whole life,
with vigor
she can't be left behind
In a world of brothers

What do we do with all of this life up to me and you?
Dec 2020 · 486
Lucanna Dec 2020
I have floated above myself before
A blank faced sheet,  a fractured mirror
Self looking down on distant self
A Charlie, pushing arches against bubble fans
Burping up desperation
Grasping to be grounded

This morning the derealization was different

Winged above I saw myself in a dream
Grown up me
As I had idealized  
as a crimson heart-eyed child

in a cluttered room
Wrapped in silk, held in your wings
You tickling me, pushing nose into nape
It had finally happened
The first view
of the best version of myself
Unlike nothing else.
Dec 2020 · 75
Lucanna Dec 2020
Lights lulled
Minutes and lifetimes and adjectives go pale
like the way the winter clouds rob the sunrise
Everything peeping on existence except that  
hungry inhale of yours
The second ****** enters inner cheek
I have only one focus--
lining each gulp
with all of the white nutrients
I've collected during the day
like grey oysters shoved into sandy pockets
greedily suckled
with such force and
I pray to every God that ever existed
that she finds pearls
capable of brimming her tiny tummy
with rare antibodies and satiates and
prism beauty that denies any kind of hunger
that could exist in (hopefully a slumbering) 2 month old
Jul 2020 · 146
Kailey Ann
Lucanna Jul 2020
You sat with your hands dangling over the stuffed leather booth
I sat across from you with a **** eating grin
We had a huge sundae in front of us loaded with extra cherries on top, just the way we like it.
Now you can find us sneaking extra cherries behind the bar to add to our whiskey sodas.
Drinking all of the whiskey down so quickly the cherries end up being futile.
Long handled spoons in hand we dip into the lactose filled shell and scoop large mouthfuls like shovels. We talk at the same time as we chew.
We are older now, but we still don't care about manners or laughing too loud or how we really want to get whiskeys instead of this belly ache of sweets.
We inhale our singular bowl and aren't shy about who gets the last bite.
We leave.

We are back in your sisters house and I'm sitting in the same part of the kitchen that I sat the night that I drank too much wine and threw up in her front yard.
Not much has changed except that her children are older.

Chloe isn't bouncing her creepy Dolly head from couch cushion to couch cushion in the living room.
And your dad isn't there with Nancy commenting about how old I am now.
And I'm not secretly wanting to throw punches at Nancy, but instead throwing back glasses of wine.

We still feel so connected in a way that I have never been able to put words to. I've tried in the thousands of cards and letters and sentimental moments. That is what is so difficult about feelings towards someone you love deeply. Words are so finite.
I decide I want to try with words anyways. I want to share with you how much you've meant to me all of these years.

Before setting my alarm and falling asleep to the sound of rain
I had been having an existential moment. Well, lots of them, since I found out I would become a mother.
Not only was I growing someone in my womb but I was deconstructing and rebuilding the one I had become.
Awake I couldn't stop thinking about all of the moments we had been through and how we survived them all. We still love each other through it all.
Awake I became aware that you were as close as I could get to having another sibling.
Not in a cliche "I love you like my sister type," but in an innocent wild green way.
We still had it.
That part of us that did not let the world rob us from our wild selves, our hunt for nature, our questions that we weren't afraid to explore together even if it made everyone else uncomfortable. Our sensitivity...heightened sensitivity to everything around us.

Back to my dream...

Somehow we weren't at your sister's house anymore. Now we were on the dock of your mom's house and I told you how much I had been going through.
How much I felt myself changing and that I had to let you know how much you meant to me.
How close in my heart you remained and will always remain.
I told you that you were the most influential person during my teenage years. I met you the year I found out that my father was struggling with addiction and had to go to rehab. I met you when I was the most alone in the world and the most confused. I had never had a friend like you.
I met you and you picked me up from my house in your green Honda when I had been AOL instant messaging my ex boyfriend and he told me I had rats nest as hair. I ran out to the driveway crying, after of course brushing the curls out of my hair. I was really sobbing about the fact that my father was in rehab and I wanted to disappear behind the crook of my closed bedroom door.
I met you when I was swallowed up with insecurity around what right thing was to wear and should I shave my legs once or twice a day.
You introduced me to Goodwill shirts and letting your hair grow as long as you **** well wanted.
We became close friends instantly.
Through our twenties we floundered in a lot of ways. With ****** men and divorces and affairs and despairingly drunken nights and moments we still needed to be chaperoned. Our innocence shifted.
We became aware of the world and how it really was.
Then we decided we wanted to do something about it.
The foundation of our paths have always aligned.
I told you that you offered me freedom and relief and that when you were having a hard time sometimes I couldn't be there in the ways that you needed and when I was having a hard time you couldn't be there in the ways that I needed but none of that mattered now.
None of it ever did.
Because our foundation was still there. Like the marrow in our bones.
I hugged you and told you that you are still that person to me. That you still show up for me in so many different ways, just by who you are as a person...not even what you do.
That here I am going through one of the biggest moments of my life and that it all seems like it is going to be okay, because you are still here. With me.
Your sister. Your mom. Connor and Chloe and Sig. The smell of eucalyptus. Your light beaded dangly earrings. Your square shaped fingers and toes. Your hairy legs. Your voice belting over Aretha. Lake Chelan. The way you make tea steaming up to our noses. How impossible you are to wake up in the morning. Armpit bangs. How we have held each other with words, with arms, with history, but mostly with acceptance and understanding.
I had been told by a client a few years ago that if you hug someone for over 20 seconds that your heart aligned.
What a pathalogical sentiment am I right?
Anyways, in my dream we hugged and our hearts turned a bright yellow and glowed from our chests.
They left our rib cages and
Circled around my belly
She felt the warmth and knew
as she entered the world
She too wouldn't have to be alone.

And then I woke up.
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