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 Mar 2013 Lucanna
Daniel Magner
They don't get it,
I don't have anyone
© Daniel Magner 2013
 Mar 2013 Lucanna
Daniel Magner
Laying gently in hair
and softly planted
on a cheek bone.
They might not grow,
but I'll cherish them still.
© Daniel Magner 2013
 Mar 2013 Lucanna
Daniel Magner
The dial turns
at the pace of the rubber,
putting in miles
while the hull shudders
wishing it could take a moment,
rest, gulp down gas.
But my foot's aching
to hit the plastic to the carpet,
"Come on baby, shmob it!"
like a commet.

Wind smacks onto slick glass,
flies past into the night
right by the burnt out
tail light.
Ashes pouring out the cracked
"Come on baby, go!"
Little kid dreams gleam
in the high beams,
wide-eyed and frantic.
"Don't pani-"
© Daniel Magner 2013
 Mar 2013 Lucanna
Daniel Magner
High eyes don't lie
that's why I look in the mirror
when I smoke
I can see the truth in every
cough and choke
I tell myself all the bad things I've done
in the past week
"Snorted coke, had more spliffs than I can remember
between my teeth,
stole a little bit of food to eat, and started selling."
Then I start trembling
flashes of Eddie in the hospital wing with tubes
to keep him breathing, the service, his grandpa grieving,
mom being pushed, dad leaving,
razor blade in palm, ****** but calm,
powders, pills, plants.

Back in the mirror
the trembles disappear
it became clear I was the only one
who I could trust and spill to.
Thanks self, for being a
real dude.
© Daniel Magner 2013
 Mar 2013 Lucanna
Daniel Magner
seems like the end of the line
to me.
Car crashes, bad habits, white rabbits
will reduce me down to just a spec of debris
chillin' in a petri
                           by                   a giant
                        eye        st           aring
                             wi                 th
"Helicopter pilot? Yeah right"
hit me like the last thing through a bug's mind
when it splats.
                           Its own ***.
Switched my postion from
              ­                                  t
                             ­                   r
              ­                                  i
                             ­                   g
                                            ­    h
A student

to drop out flying u
Eyes down. Laying          to keep on track
blinded, cataract, stepped out in traffic
like that bug again
or maybe more like promotion
Brand New Adventure
                                                I've seen the way the world
     ­                                                      I don't want any p a r t
© Daniel Magner 2013

Having fun with my writing for a change.
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