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Luca Molnar Oct 2011
I know you will have to listen to me as I snore when everything is in blossom,
and you will have to see me with uncombed hair,
and you will have to wait until I get dressed and put on my make-up each morning
- but I promise that I will always be there for you
I will never leave you
I will always cook you dinner
and I will kiss you goodnight each time you fall asleep.

And I will have to listen to you as you snore when the air is dry,
and I will have to wash your underwear from time to time,
and I will have to accept that you smoke sometimes,
- but I know that you will always be there for me
you will never leave me
you will always bring me flowers
and you will kiss me goodnight each time I fall asleep.
Luca Molnar Oct 2011
I wish I could give you more than my voice each day.
I wish I could give you roses when you have only thorns, honey when you have only black tea, pomegranates when your garden is empty.
I wish I could give you myself.
All my love, my glances, my blood.
All that I control here on Earth and belongs to me.
I wish I could make you happy.
I wish I could love you as much as you deserve to be loved.
Luca Molnar Oct 2011
I wanted you to save me.
But you were not strong enough to lift me up and fly with me.

And what if nobody will be?
Maybe I am too heavy - I have too many dreams.
Dreams are heavy.
I wanted to share them with you, so that we could carry them together, but you closed your heart.
We could be above the clouds, flying up to the Sun now - you could have made me lighter and I could have made you happy.

At least we wanted to be one...
Will anybody else want to be one with me ever?
Will anybody be able to lift me up?
Will anybody open the gates of his heart to let my dreams fill it with rubies, pomegranates and roses?

I am not complete on my own.
Something is missing.
Someone is missing.
And that aches.

Find me.
You were made for me, and maybe I was made for you.
You just have to believe in it.
I do.
So find me.
Luca Molnar Oct 2011
She is frightened all alone in the dark house filled with dreams and desires,

Has paper planes flying in her head,

And feels dizzy from the world spinning around behind the glasses of that kaleidoscope.
Luca Molnar Oct 2011
I could die now.
Because I would die happy.
But I would be sad. I would cry.
Would you?
Would you like to die with me?
Not now. I want to spend more time with you.
We could be angels. I am not afraid of death, you know. I believe in Heaven.
So do I. There must be a great party up there.
And how about Hell?
Yes. I don't believe in Hell.
You don't?
Well, maybe Hell exists somewhere, but it is empty. Everybody goes to Heaven. Everybody is good.
I love how you love the people.
People are amazing. Of course I love them. And I truly love you.
I love you too.
Come, kiss me.
*I'll kiss you.
Luca Molnar Oct 2011
I am crying, because I can't find my place in this world.
I am crying, because nobody can find their place in this world.

I am crying, because that twenty-year- old girl is condemned to death, because cancer is unstoppably spreading in her body. I am crying, because not only her body and her face will disappear from Earth, but her spirit as well, as it will have no home here anymore.
I am crying, because that paralysed truck driver will never be able to drive anymore, and he will never be able to have a son. I am crying, because this has always been his biggest wish, but it will never come true.
I am crying, because I am unable to help them.

I am crying, because time flies too fast, because what is born will die too, because  those who stay miss so much those who leave. I am crying, because there will always be something that casts a shadow on our happiness. I am crying, because we are all unsatisfied, but we know we shouldn't be, for we could be more.

I am crying, because fading in the blur shouldn't be the aim of life. I am crying, because I am scared of the future, because I don't know what eternity is like. I am crying because I am so alone.

I am crying, because something aches so much.
Luca Molnar Oct 2011
Grow your flowers upon me.

Make me your rosebush.

I am only a thorny skeleton without you.
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