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420 · May 2015
messed up BS
Livingdeadgirl May 2015
why is it
when i see you
all i can do
is stand and stare
i want to run
to be wild and free
wont you help me be free
if not, then why
will it hurt you
if yes, then dont help
i dont want nice people to be hurt
cuz nice people shouldnt have the pain
leave it to me then
ill take the pain
but ill still run
and be free
maybe not today
maybe not tomorrow
but someday
thats when ill make sure all the nice people are free
to be who they want to be
but for now
we all fall
and its so enticing
that little blade we see
that i see
to stroke the beautiful
glinting metal
oh so beautiful
i wonder
how it would feel
to let my life drain
not all of it
just a little
but that would take some serious numbness
which takes more courage
but of course i wont do anything
as im told
over and over again
there is always someone with worse going on in their life
so be happy for what you do have

well hell
i already know that
so why remind me
oh yea i know why
cuz my lifes not worth ****
oh well ill get over it
just stop telling me about others lives that are worse
why do you think i dont
*oh well, bye for now, i guess
this goes to a few people who say they are my truest friends, and this even goes towards quite a few of my family.... thanks for reminding me that even though i'm going through some serious ****, my life isn't worth anything... again i say, thanks a lot....
417 · Jan 2015
My paradise
Livingdeadgirl Jan 2015
A beautiful night
Rain pouring down
With my love
Open land
My beautiful place
I am loved
Fairy tale
Nightmares gone
Dark but brightly
*can it be?
414 · May 2014
Poems are....
Livingdeadgirl May 2014
Poems are art

Poems are life

Poems are English

Poems are what they are

Poems are metaphors
                                       Literary devices

Poems are rhyme

Poems are meaning

Poems are classified

Poems are choice

Poems are love

Poems are wanted

Poems are clear

Poems are near

Poems are poems

Poems are literature
I wrote this for an english assignment in 9th grade.....
405 · Feb 2015
The confession
Livingdeadgirl Feb 2015
I dont have a clue
I dont know what to do
with you
I've never been able to try
Never had the cahnce
so take it slow
with me, please?
I cant go on and let you
do that to me
because I've told this several times
Here's one more
My confession
im a ******
please dont laugh
at my uncertainty
you see me blushing
Im just shy right now
you think Im joking?
this isnt a game to me
if it is to you
then leave
because Im waiting
to give myself up
Im not letting you have me
just because you think Im pretty
just because you like me
just because your nice to me
Im waiting
if you dont want to
then fine
but you can leave
because my mind is made up
and Im letting this be known
so goodbye
this is my confession
*im a ******
this is just going through my mind, and it is my confession.....
Livingdeadgirl Jan 2015
have you ever noticed how beautiful blood is?
like when you get cut
it gushes and spills everywhere
I cant seem to find the words
like when you slam the knife
after watching it gleaming and shining
into you
What now?
well I could do so much to hurt
to give pain
but no one really cares
and I cant seem to give a ****
what anyone thinks
what anyone feels
because I cant seem to think
to feel
right now
I feel lost.....
or do I?
its done
its gone
I'm alone
atleast I think I am.....
or can I?
can I think and feel?
yet not at the same time?
can anyone answer me?
I am tired.... and gone
I know I have someone.....
but we are far apart....
I am helpless
I am......
Idk anymore....
I just need someone that can understand.....
but they'd need to know me first......
Know my life.
my mind.... that scary place,
my mind is a trap,
a thing of death and scary things,
the things you thought only existed at night
into the dark corners being shadowed
but no
*I am the scariest monster you'll ever meet
Livingdeadgirl Feb 2015
do you know who i am
that lost
angry soul
the one left behind
the left over thing
I can't seem to feel
can't seem to think
do you know who i am
that lost
angry soul
I don't want to feel
to think
or do I
I don't know
so I ask
do you
can you help me
let me know
let me see.......
or do I want to see
to know
so many things
so much to ask
so little time
times almost up
I'm done
I'm gone
I can't do this anymore
you don't understand
how could you
I'm a foreign object
to everyone
and everything
there is no one for me
I accept that now
how could anyone love me
I'd have to live in a fairytale for that to happen
I'd have to leave my life
but who could love me still
who could love the beast I am
I'm the most feared monster
but I try to be nice
that never worked
it still doesn't

I don't know
*let me alone
391 · Jan 2015
My life (part one)
Livingdeadgirl Jan 2015
Okay, let's start back when I was ten (any farther, and someone might cry)
I started reading 12.6 and my favorite was/is adult romance. My mom didn't care aslong as I didn't say the B.S. that I learned in them. But, unfortunately guys that were ages, and I quote 15-49, and a 52 yr old had tried f-ing me/ told me how they wanted to f me. Well, for the most part, I looked older than what I was, so the guys ages 15-29 had a valid excuse (I did look 21yrs old) but as soon as I told them my age,(and this had gone on until I was 15) they became regretful for what they did, and soon we became friends, but when I told the guys of the other age groups, they weren't, instead they still tried it (the 52yr old was my sisters fathers cousin Booner, whom I silently nicknamed *****, and he always called me his " little girlfriend" well he kept trying to kiss me which was GROSS, and he had tried to **** me, my cousins were the only ones that saw this and helped me and taught me defense) now anytime someone startles me, I lash out in defense automatically. (Funny thing is Booner stopped messing with me when I was about 7, cause he had started it back when I was 5, luckily my cousins were around) ( You see the day started out normal. Well, me, my mom, and my one brother and my sis were going to leave. Booner had said to me"Bye, little girlfriend" he leaned his head into the car to kiss me, so I wound the window up on his head and yelled at my mom to "Floor it!" She sat in the drivers seat laughing, while my sisters dad was outside on the ground laughing)
Unfortunately, this is true and f-ed up. :/
Livingdeadgirl Jan 2015
It's 1:53am
Can't sleep
Gotta go to school in a few hrs
My mind is everywhere
Here are a few things about me

My fav color is black
I hate grits
I am a romantic at heart
My life *****
No one really knows me
I'm tired of the awful people in life
I hate pain
I stand up for those that can't defend
I hate hate hate hate mean/rude/annoying people

Now I want to sleep but my mind won't shut up!!!!!!!!!!!
383 · Mar 2015
a bit of me
Livingdeadgirl Mar 2015
I'm young, just wanting to express myself freely. I write to let my feelings go, I read to feel the feelings of others. I love to sing, listen to music, and writing anytime I can. In real life I'm not always social. Online, my soul is set free. I want to know what people think, truthfully, of my writings. I'm an awkward 17 yr old girl, that can play rough like the boys. I'm me.... though not sure who that is yet....
if you want to know me, or if you're not sure, ask.
382 · Apr 2015
the going's on in my head
Livingdeadgirl Apr 2015
there are times in life when you just need to talk just wanna scream just gonna **** but that pain anger fury is reigned in whether you want to do it or not I find it funny how people will try to say that those who show their emotions through poetry are weak but they don't see it those who show their pain in writing they are not weak they are strong because they show it in the most true form the form that lasts forever the written word because the written word others will see and interpret in their own way there are many ways to see things whether those things are hidden in plain sight or being shown to the world intentionally another thing intentionally shown my words my emotions though if you look and look again you may find something that was hidden the first time around idk how to explain it but some are hidden to those who do not seek my pain my life my suffering and here i go about me when it is to be admitted we all hide something of ourselves but who but me would want to admit it who knows maybe one day noone will hide who they are heaven and hell knows i hide almost every day of my life i have demons in my soul


how ****** up is this chick
why the hell are we here
we're supposed to always be with her apparently
why should we, she's already ****** up enough on her own
i know that and you know that
she probably does too
'i walk in on them'
(yes, i know i am, i here you all the time you know)
'they stop and stare at me'
'i sigh'
(you guys can go...)
'they look at each other'
'i turn and find a dark corner to myself and they dont follow'
'they walk away and i bring my knee's to my chest'
'i bend my head down and cry silently'
(i'm alone now... though when haven't i been)

idk what to do anymore there's pain inside me
though there are other's in my life that i don't want to leave
because when i go from all i'm not coming back
there's always been pain inside me
for a while there was voices
but they deserted me
i guess i'm to crazy even for the voices
i wonder if they're like me
never coming back
'cuase they already left
what is left
always loss
oh well
i say farewell
379 · Jan 2015
Livingdeadgirl Jan 2015
If you know me, then sorry for you
If you think you know me, I don't know
If you don't know me, then good for you
I'm more a ****** and less calm
I guess calms leaving, cause its fed up with me
I have to laugh, because of how I'm seen
It's normal for me to be weird
And ******* scary as hell for me to be calm
No one really will ever know me
I've been picked on and bullied since I was little
Well, I never did anything to them
I just shrugged it off
Well, one girl had the nerve to wish for a dog, harmless as ever(just wanting to be pet), to get run over.......
This was about four years ago, and she still has the ring around her neck from my hands...... >:)
No one really wanted to mess with me in that school (I've went to several schools during each school year)
You know, I try to stand up for those who can't, and I really don't mind
But I don't really stand up for myself....... If I did, I'm afraid there'd be blood on my hands....... And there'd get what they said they'd do to me.......
I would be dead several times over by now if they were acted upon(the threats)
I have to laugh, because they were afraid of me until they realized, when it comes to me being hurt or threatened, I'm docile............
A whole other story when others are involved that can't stick up for themselves...........lets just say, I only fought the one girl, and the others were too afraid to fight me...........
376 · Jan 2015
Would I be?
Livingdeadgirl Jan 2015
I wonder what it'd be like
To fly high
And never come down
Would I be missed?
Probably not
Would I be loved?
Probably not
Would I be forgotten?
Would I be me?
Would I be happy?
Probably not
Would I be free?
Would I be new?
Probably not
Would I be shot at?
More than likely
Would I be?
Idk, I'm not sure I am now.......
372 · May 2015
Livingdeadgirl May 2015
where is the innocence of old
that beauty which lies in the deeper waters
what happened to the young maidens and hero's
whom we all seem to want and/or admire

they've gone, they've gone
to a world beyond our greed and terror
they've gone, they've gone
leaving behind our horror

where is the knight to save the day
the one that most girls dream of late at night
what happened to the hero's we need
the one's whom we need everyday

they've gone, they've gone
to a world beyond our greed and terror
they've gone, they've gone
leaving behind our horror

though young at heart and age i'm a seasoned fighter
with my love and partner by my side
we've gone through much while seperate
and there's much to go, side by side

we will go, we will go
taking with us our love
we've gone, we've gone
to our world we created with light

the warriors we left after combat
they've gone, they've gone
and i say good bye because
we've gone, we've gone

*and our life is just beginning
dedicated to someone special in my life... my special knight. <3
Livingdeadgirl Feb 2015
Love me all my life
show me the way
give me someone to hold onto
let it be you and me

Is love the way
help me through
love me the way I love you

I wanted to stay
I need you here
you're my reason to breathe
I live on your love

Is love the way
help me through
love me the way I love you

I'll be your lover
I'll forever be yours
all I ask is for you to be mine
we'll love each other till the end

Is love the way
help me through
love me the way I love you

Time for life is short
love in life is long
I'll give all of me
just let us be together

Is love the way
help me through
love me the way I love you

You are my world
please be mine
I love you and I always will
I will always stay with you

Is love the way
help me through
love me, love me
love me the way I love you
I love you, you, you
I love you
371 · May 2014
Help me
Livingdeadgirl May 2014
I wanna cry
He had my heart
He kept a part of me
I wanna scream

Help me please
I need someone to love me
I need to love somebody
I need a real love

I wanna cry
I thought he loved me
I thought he was the one
I wanna scream

Help me please
I need someone to love me
I need to love somebody
I need a real love

I wanna cry
I wanna yell
I wanna weep
I wanna scream

Help me please
I need someone to love me
I need to love somebody
I need a real love

I wanna cry
My heart aches for love
Will someone help me
I wanna scream

Help me please
I need someone to love me
I need to love somebody
I need a real love

I wanna cry
I'll never be the same
He crushed my heart to dust
I wanna scream

Help me please
I need someone to love me
I need to love somebody
I need a real love
Livingdeadgirl Jan 2015
You know people keep goin on
All about on person or other
How their trolls
When here we are
Being ******* and *******
Why in the hell is this going on
Why can't someone stand up
Well if no one else will
Then here I am
Enough of the *******
It's spreading like wildfire
And becoming deeper
Way beyond Hell's domain
I'm sorry if I was mean to anyone on here since I've been on
This **** is ******* me off
How about it
Who's ready to give up
Because as long as we believe that certain people are trolls
We are all trolls for how we come about it
So, all you gotta do is take the first step
*that goes for everyone
343 · May 2014
My dream date
Livingdeadgirl May 2014
The night is a raven
Flying overhead
Starless night
I lift my face up
I let the rain fall on me
Like tears on my bare skin
I smile and reach toward the sky
I fall back into the soft grass
I run my fingers over the dew
I start humming
Someone is humming with me
I reach out my hand
A hand clasps mine
I feel the strength in his touch
I pull him beside me
I feel his shoulders and chest moving slightly
I see him smiling
I hear him chuckling
I smile and look at the sky
I sigh, it's wonderful
It's my dream date
342 · Apr 2014
The unwanted one
Livingdeadgirl Apr 2014
I am just a girl
I stay in the shadows
I keep my head down
noone wants me
noone knows I exsist
I go through my classes
usually I'm at the library
noone sees me
noone cares if I'm there
I sit in a corner and read
I read all the time
I don't want to go home
noone wants me there
I keep what I need hidden
noone notices what I do
I'm very keen
I've never been acknowledged
a stranger appears in front of me
he is looking at me
noone has ever looked at me
in a deep tone he said "Hi"
I smile, then he smiles
in a light tone I speak
"Hello, may I help you?"
it came out in a bit of a stammer
he shook his head no
he sat down anyway
we talked, and I tried to shake his hand
but he was a ghost
I smiled anyway
we talked for a long time after
342 · Feb 2015
My name
Livingdeadgirl Feb 2015


if this makes sense to you....... tell me *** I even said.....
337 · Jan 2015
Livingdeadgirl Jan 2015
She looks at him
he wants her
she smiles
he puts out his hand
they're formal
they dance
a waltz plays
around and around they go
they smile
they spread their wings
they soar
they stay close
they belong with each other
they are in love
the parents smile
the parents approve
the fathers wink at the mothers
she holds fast
he stays strong
their love carries on
328 · Nov 2014
Gonna break (part one)
Livingdeadgirl Nov 2014
You want to keep pushing
You think I’m gonna stay docile?
I don’t care who you are
Or who you think you are
I really don’t care
But if you keep pushing, I’m gonna break
I’ll blow up and you may end up dead
My pathetic step mom
You think you’re so tough
You kept hitting me
But when you tried again, I had your arms in a lock you couldn’t get out of
It only stopped because my a..hole of a father came in and told me to stop
What would you have done if he wasn’t there?
I’m stronger than you
But you threatened to put me on my a.. the next time I did that
You couldn’t get out of my hold on your arms on your own!
How would you expect to put me on my a..?
B...., I know I have my limits
But I haven’t come to my limit yet
So stop pushing!
You may act tough and strong
News flash, I AM!
You’re only tough when my father is on your side
I doubt you could fight a piece of paper!
If you did, you’d lose
You’ve caused so much s... in my life
Hell, I could **** you with how strong I am
And with how you treat me
I wouldn’t blink an eye, I’d laugh!
Now I hate violence
It’s my last resort, but you keep pushing me!
You act like you’re the best person
You and my a..hole father
So F... you and him both
326 · Jan 2015
For U
Livingdeadgirl Jan 2015
For those who don't understand
For those who thinks this is a game
For those who don't know me
For those who don't believe me
For those who don't believe in me
For those who laugh at me
For those who try to hurt me
For those who have hurt me
For those who don't like me for me
For those who don't give me the time of day
For those who want me dead
For those who lie about me
For those who want to be asseholes
For those who want to be *******
For those who never noticed me
For those who scorn me
For those who try to put me down
For those who have put me down
And I got to say thank you
And you know what?
This ones for u!!!
Thanks for teaching me what not to be, which made me the most wonderful me I can be!!!!! :)
319 · Feb 2015
Livingdeadgirl Feb 2015
i am alone
i am broken
i am unafraid
why should i be
why am i alive
where am i going next
where am i
why cant i be afraid
why am i still here
why cant i leave
i have so many ******* questions it's just i cant see them all
317 · May 2014
Stupid s***
Livingdeadgirl May 2014
Okay, lets see
life ***** (but we all know that)
people laugh harshly (we've all done this once)
young can't think for themselves (heard this before?)
kids know it all (remember?)
good people die young (it always *****)
and we all go through life (are we puppets?)
the meek get ****** around (and everyone else never really cares)
everyone laughs at anothers pain (and it hurts when it's you)
life is full of BS (and we take it gladly)
And we continue with the stupid s* of life
316 · Jan 2015
Alphabetical Love
Livingdeadgirl Jan 2015
Let A meet B and C what happens
love :)
307 · Jan 2015
I am here
Livingdeadgirl Jan 2015
I am the one
I am everywhere
I am here to save you

Why do you cry
Why am I a monster to you
Why don't you want me near

I am the one
I am everywhere
I am here to save you

You are all I need
You are all I want
You are the beauty in my life

I am the one
I am everywhere
I am here to save you

Can't you see
Can't you be with me
Can't you believe in me

I am the one
I am everywhere
I am here to save you

I need you to open up to me
I need to know that you're okay
I need you

I am the one
I am everywhere
I am here to save you

I am here to save you
I want to be your warrior
I want to know you
I want to show you my love
I want to know your love
I am here to save you
306 · Oct 2014
Who actually cares?????
Livingdeadgirl Oct 2014
I tried to be strong
To love like I know I can
I don't know where to turn to anymore
I'm alone
I have a metallic taste in my mouth
I smile ruefully
I try to stay angry
It's better than the pain since no one cares
You left again
I guess I'm a prophet
'Cause remember when I said you would
I apparently knew you more than you wanted to admit
I have to laugh
It's dry though
You watch me, while I'm sitting there
I'm watching you
I came to a point crucial to me
I found I can't trust any one
Because everyone lies and then leaves
You may read my words one day
But you'll never understand my pain
Not until you've walked in my shoes
Been in my place
No one will know my pain
Because I'm that kid in the background
I'm nice and don't really act out
I do my work, and love to read
I'm not good with people, so I put my work online
The screen is my sanctuary
No one sees me
So no one knows who I truly am
I have to wonder
"Who am I?"
I don't know
"Where am I?"
Does anyone really care?
I'm a myth
I'm a dream
I'm just a memory
And I leave a greater impact on everyone
Especially when I leave
I don't know why
I don't know how
I just know I'm here
But I don't know where
I help when I can
I'm a 16 year old
Yet I can't act my age
Since I was 3, I was 30
And I still grow, yet I need to slow down
I'm 5'8" and I know I can't go back
I blame my dad for my height since I'm taller than my mom
I had to grow up an adult
All because when my mom was my age
She met my dad, 26 at the time
I grew up hating him, and trying to get out of my life
I tried suicide, and found out I'm very hard to ****
I tried over 300 times, I just gave up
Someone has a hold on my life
And it's all a joke for their amusement
*just leave me alone when you're done.....
291 · Jan 2015
Livingdeadgirl Jan 2015
Loving fragrant air
blooming bulbs in night or day
beautiful flowers

I love to smell them
They are always beautiful
they are so pretty

I love to plant them
I like roses and lilies
I do love flowers
287 · Jan 2015
Here it goes
Livingdeadgirl Jan 2015
Listening to my 14 yr old bro singing amnesia at the top of his lungs. I can hear him jumping and dancing (to watch him dance is like never being able to breathe, well it is, you'd be laughing to hard) and listening to my 12yr old bro laugh loudly. I need to get out of here, oh boy my 14yr old bro just fell from trying to put his foot in the freezer again. (You'd think he woulda learned by now) and anyway, don't ask why, he doesn't even know why he does it, he just does.
Best part is, when he meets my friends, they always ask me" is he gay?" I have to keep from laughing until I can reply "Yeah, how'd you guess?" He shows who he is fully and truly.........…… my brother who's more femenine than me and broke approximately 3900 girls hearts. (Girls love my bro, and he used to have 25 gfs at a time at the same time, they knew each other and knew about each other. We also moved a lot, last count was 30 schools, almost 190 times, not even certain anymore.) He's now complaining he can't slam his own door right, as he opens the door to slam it for the third time......... Someone, help I'm already crazy, and I need out!!!!!!!!!!! Roflmao!
282 · Apr 2014
Why does this happen?!?
Livingdeadgirl Apr 2014
We all are different
But why is something better
Why is it we get picked on
Why can't anyone just accept

I close my eyes
I plug my ears
I hide my tears
I cry silently, no one can hear

No one sees
No one listens
Everyone talks
Why does it happen to me

I hung out with the guys
The girls didn't like me
I am but a female
I don't understand what I supposedly did wrong

I'd run and hide
I cried violently
I distanced myself from girls
The guys were my refuge

I grew up rough
I mostly acted like a guy
I know what could happen
I know I'm physically strong

I wear some old shoes
I wear old blue jeans
I put on a guy's T-shirt
I do this cause it's comfortable

I try to smile
I'm nice, I can't stay mad for long
If I do, I feel ill
So I just stay sad

I hide in the library
I fold into myself
I don't want to feel anymore
I can taste the salty sadness and pain flowing down my cheeks

I feel the heavy load on my heart
I still don't understand
I try to be myself
Maybe that's the problem to people

I've thrown my glasses in frustration
I've tried to deal with it alone
I've never known how to make it stop
I wonder if someone has a stop button

Maybe if I just ignore them
Maybe I shouldn't stay here
I want to leave
Is there anywhere that's safe

I've tried talking to adults,
but there is always someone new I have to talk to
I just want it to end
Maybe I should just stay with the guys
I won't talk to the girls anymore

I'll talk to my friends
maybe they could help
but maybe they can't
I don't know

I'm just so tired
I'm too sad
I don't care
I don't have enough energy to care

If talking won't help
I'll just keep writing
Maybe one day I'll get rid of the salty sadness and pain
Maybe I'll get the energy back
I first put this up on a site called teenink... hope someone can get their own meaning and feeling from it....
278 · Jan 2015
how do you know
Livingdeadgirl Jan 2015
I try my best
I do all I can
You don't believe me

How do you know
Know that I don't
Don't try hard enough

Don't you see
I just wanted to keep on
Keep on trying to make it work

How do you know
Know that I don't
Don't try hard enough

Maybe I tried to hard
Baby you didn't see
But why can't you believe

How do you know
Know that I don't
Don't try hard enough

I didn't know you were always right
I didn't know I was always wrong

How do you know
Know that I don't
Don't try hard enough
274 · Jan 2015
I just want to leave
Livingdeadgirl Jan 2015
Can I die yet?
You test me
You push me
You brake me
You bend me
I ******* HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
can i die yet???????
You torture me
You hurt me
You hate me
You still have everyone on your side
I ******* HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
can i die yet???????
just let me go
let me alone
let me be

HAVEN'T YOU DONE ENOUGH TO ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
*just let me die, it's what i want/need..................
Take this at face value, I'm tired of life's *******....... (but I'm more afraid of causing my self pain)..............
Livingdeadgirl Nov 2014
the way you goad me
the way you make me ******
the way you do things to me
how you think I'm worthless
you've told me it time and time again
why do you do this
who the hell do you think you are
the way you watch me
the way you're possessive of me
the way you make me feel
you kiss me and caress me
like I'm the only one to you
you make me feel like I'm flying
then you turn on me
you glare and yell at me
for nothing, because all I hear is yelling
you hit me and beat me
until you are satisfied
that I'm down enough
I'm crying now, because of you
I'm turning from you
turning away from your barking laugh
the one that was so comforting not long ago
so now that you're here, I have to ask
who the hell do you think you are
I could have swore you loved me
all the time you held me
all the time we spent
just holding each other
who the hell do you think you are
*I miss the best of us, where did you go
261 · May 2014
No power over me
Livingdeadgirl May 2014
I hear the whispers
Like claws scratching
All in my head
They hurt
What they say is painful
They challenge me
I turn towards them
I stand, head held high
I look into their eyes
They see what they're doing
So I say what I feel
I yell, "F* you!"
They need to leave me alone
They push
They want in my head
I try to scare them
I find I already did
I have nothing left
I just yell
I don't give them power
They'll never be in control of me
They are insane if they think they can
I try to keep myself like the wind
Hard to catch
256 · Jan 2015
The kind of friend I am
Livingdeadgirl Jan 2015
I am the kind that will listen to you, no matter what
If ur upset and need to lighten up, I will throw veggies at you, or tell you the dirtiest joke I know (some of which should not be said on here)
I will look like an absolute fool(even though that's what I do any way) to make you seem sane and cool in front of someone you like
I stick up for my friends, and I stay by their side, through thick and thin.
252 · Sep 2014
A poem about 'Me'
Livingdeadgirl Sep 2014
I am me
noone knows who I am
everyone looks at me
girls point and laugh
guys are my friends
some girls hate me for that
I am different
those girls try to make me sad
I stare back at them
I see into their souls
they become afraid
they try to point out my flaws
they are to slow and to late
I know my flaws
my flaws are none of their concern
I smile, I see their flaws
unlike them I don't point them out
I keep them to myself and smile
they don't know I know
I see them smirking
I look at them with their ghosts
they fear their ghosts
they call me names and leave
I just keep smiling
I keep my head high
I think of their flaws
when noone is there
I chuckle to myself
I see those girls for who they are
they are monsters
but somehow I'm the feared beast
I smile and stay the way I am
I am me
and I will never be them
252 · Jan 2015
Livingdeadgirl Jan 2015
I don't know who you are
But I listen to what you say
I pay attention

I see the way you write
With a strong and swift hand
But I look for your meanings

I see your pain
I listen to your heart
I let you cry on me

You never have to be alone
You never have to be afraid
You don't have to push me away

Listen with your heart
Close your eyes
I will protect you

I will always be there for you
I will make you smile
I will rescue you

I'll take on your pain
I'll hold you close
I'll help you fly away

I'll be the warrior
I see your in distress
I hold my hand out to you

Just take what I offer
I will do all I can
You'll see the new life

So listen to me
Listen with your heart
I have always listened to you
238 · Jan 2015
Livingdeadgirl Jan 2015
I am thinking randomely
I have no clue what to write
So here's my thoughts

I love reading
I love writing
I get bored at school

My best friend is beside me
She is AWESOME!!!!
I love my friends

I am not a socialite
I like to talk a lot
I feel loved

I hug a lot of people
I love my family
I hate homework

I guess this is different
I should just call it a poem about me
I like poems and stories

I am almost out of ideas
I am getting tired
I would bow but noone would see it

Well, except for my friend
I curtsie to the world
I thank you for reading

This is my random poem
This is me
I am different in a lot of ways
234 · Apr 2014
The Silent Thief
Livingdeadgirl Apr 2014
He came into my life
I held him near
He had his hands on my heart
But I couldn't see
I was blinded
He is the silent thief
He made me laugh
He made me smile
I trusted him
He came into my heart
He is the silent thief
He planned it all
He mapped it out
I love him dearly
He is the silent thief
He took my heart
He left me
I know not his name
He was and will always be
The Silent Thief
230 · May 2014
What is Love?
Livingdeadgirl May 2014
What is Love
People use the word
They don't know
It is so strong
They throw it around
They're careless
What's the meaning
Is it something you can touch
Is it good
Is it bad
Can I feel it
I know I sing about it
I listen about it
I want to know it
People seem pleased
I feel left out
Where can I find it
Who can show me
Will I like it
Can I see it
Does it hurt
What is it
What is Love
I want to know
I need help to find it
Who can help me
Will anyone help me find it
Is it in trust
Is it in the mind
Is it in the heart
Is it on this planet
Has anyone found it
What is Love
Livingdeadgirl Dec 2014
Here we go again
I told you what you needed to know about me
I told you and no one's LISTENING
Who do I have to get to say this?
The pope? The bishop? The priest?
Or even God himself?
Haven't you gotten it through your thick skull?!?
I don't give a ****,
And you know why?
because I have no one in my life
So there, now are you happy?!?
I finally told you, oh wait
I should say I told you again
*why do you torture me with the thought of a love that won't come true for me.
I don't have a guy, I never have. I guess mostly because I play like the guys.... and I'm rougher than the guys my age in my gym classes.... But I still want to love like any body else in this world, I guess guy's always pass me by....

If you can leave a comment, it would be greatly appreciated, I need/ want to know if I can improve my poetry at all.
209 · Jan 2015
Livingdeadgirl Jan 2015
Why didn't I stay
Why did I leave you there
Why am I such a fool

Why, why, why
why am I this way
Why, why, why

Who will love me
Who will stay by my side
Who will be there when I need them most

Who, who, who
Who am I
Who, who, who

What is it that I'm looking for
What is it I see in the world
What can I do

What, what, what
What do you want from me
What, what, what

Tell me what you need
Tell me what you want
Tell me what you see

Tell me, tell me, tell me
Tell me who I should be
Tell me, tell me, tell me

Where do I need to go
Where did I lose you
Where can I find your love

Where, where, where
Where can I find you
Where, where, where

I find these questions
I can't answer them
Does anyone hear me
Can anybody help me
177 · Oct 2014
Livingdeadgirl Oct 2014
You looked at me
I felt good because of you
Now you left and dropped me
Why did you leave?
Did you stop and think about me?
Did you think how I'd feel?
Don't you know how much you mean to me?
Do you still see me?
Like the first time?
You left, just like I said that everyone does.
So keep walking
I'll wallow in my pain
Then I'll finnally get up
But I'm turning and leaving
The spot you led me to
I gave up me
All for you
Good Bye
173 · Dec 2014
To hell with it all
Livingdeadgirl Dec 2014
It's all a ****** up game
The life we play off as real
We condemn those who are different for the sole fact that they are different
And some are proud to be that way
We don't always understand what we're doing to others
Sometimes we do and love doing it
Especially to ourselves
Why do we do this?
Is it some twisted mind game that we have to learn?
Or are we making it up as we go?
All I know is
**** IT
*i want out
165 · Jan 2015
Not a poem
Livingdeadgirl Jan 2015
Just watched the ball drop....

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!
161 · Jan 2015
oh well
Livingdeadgirl Jan 2015
Who's heard the sayings "Don't speak unless spoken to" or "kids are to be seen not heard"?
If we let kids speak, more knowledge would be known.
It's a shame that no one can see that but the young.
It's like the adults that go by those sayings forgot they were even kids.
Kids are a lot more perceptive than anyone would know.
It's just that kids aren't perceptive for the adults benefits, but are for their own benefit.
*just like others in the world

— The End —