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I REALLY Oct 2019
its not that i want to die
because no one cares about
me anyway

its just that i dont think
i care enough to
be in this world
I REALLY Jun 2019
the itch to
open and devour a book
filling myself
with emotions
that help me escape
that bury my sadness
six feet deep

the urge to stay
and drown myself
in the abyss
of the
the language
I REALLY Jun 2019
I wonder why u would do this to me
leave me to rot on my own
I thought we were in this together
weren't we?
I REALLY May 2019
I hate changing rooms
In malls
I pick out the dress
I wanna check out
And get into a stall
The changing rooms
Are deserted when I get in
But by the time
I get out
Everyone is standing
No idea for what

Their eyes bore holes
Through my body
Going up and down it
Like and escalator
Like I’m a celebrity
Like I’m the meme
They forgot to look at
Like my self-respect does not exist
Like I’m eagerly

Waiting for their expressions
To speak
Eye twitching?
You look amazing
Frown on the face?
What the hell is she wearing?

Jaw clenching?
She killed fashion
Lips puckering?
She looks modest

But hold up
Listen, listen, listen
I am not waiting for
Your approval
In fact save those compliments
And insults
For yourselves

Because right now
With your eyes
Practically looking at me
Like I’m a toy
A toy you can choose if it fantasizes you
Eye it, leave it if it disgusts you
Is the only reason why

I want to lock myself
Up in a stall and die
The only reason why
I want to **** myself
So I don’t need to breathe
The same judgmental
Air as you

The only reason why

I want to cry myself another river
Break the bridges I built
And get stranded
On the other side
i know this one's really big but i put a lot of emotions into it....... :)
I REALLY Jun 2019
there are times where
I need u by my side
and then there are those
times where I need u
to jump off a cliff
I REALLY May 2019
mom asks me
why I don't hug my dad
after he comes back from office
I say
I would love to
except for the fact he wouldn't
hug me back
mom asks me
to stop with the excuses
I wonder if she knows
the difference between reality
and fantasy
I REALLY Aug 2019
i hate ths
I've given up on me
its time you give up too
there is no point.
dont waste ur time
on me
i didnt waste it on me
I REALLY Aug 2019
I found solace in your arms
I came from a dark place
and got out
was it complete?
was it strong?
but I learnt
that life is crooked
that sitting by a brook
and watching,
would never happen
the world thought
that it could play a trick
that it could never see
the cruelty
life was blown out
like a flicker of a flame

at the end
love becomes hate
my friend wrote this and sent it to me and I think its worth appreciation.
I REALLY Jun 2019
I'll burn the papers
which burnt my soul
I'll rip out the pages
that ever proved that
I loved you
dont break my heart
I REALLY Jul 2019
we mean nothing in his life
that big
              H    ­        L
                                           of    n o t h i n g n e s s
                                                                 in his life
thats us

hi! nice to meet u
I REALLY Jun 2019
I die a little
every time I think of the bad things
I ever did to you

I die a little
every time I think of the good things
I ever did to you

I think I die a little
every time I think of you
I love you to the moon and back, baby
I REALLY Jul 2019
I'm so close to you
I want to kiss your nose
and all those moles
all the scars
and that huge birthmark

I think I'm going crazy

I want to touch you
in places I shouldn't be
I want to feel you
I want you
I want
feeling very sensual and I had to write this
I REALLY Aug 2019
ur arms are wrapped around someone
who's not me
u give light kisses on someone else's
u hold someone's hand and kiss
the back of it
i am the green monster of jealousy who
sees all of this from a distance
I REALLY May 2019
For a second I forget we even had a fight
The it came crashing down on me
those waves of pain colliding with my cold body

I wish I could turn time
To tell my past self
Prevent anything from

They say everything happens for good
but does it really?

I don't know if losing you made me
a good or bad person
but it sure did make me a sad one

give me a second chance?
lost my love

ps. I still love you
I REALLY Jul 2019
tore my shirt to stop u bleedin
but nothing ever stops u leavin
sometimes there are just these lyrics that I find so powerful and I cant help but write them...this isnt my own work
When the Party's Over - Billie Eilish
I REALLY Jun 2019
bit by bit
piece by piece
tearing at the skin
near my thumb
I act like its
dead skin
but I cant fool myself
I clearly want to hurt myself
im not okay
or maybe I am
I REALLY Dec 2019
the volcano is active
soon, the magma from
below shall erupt
pushing everything away
melting everything in its way

it shall erupt for days
and nights
until it lets out

the lava shall harden
form a hard layer
of rock


nothing can go in
nothing shall come out
Because every poem tells a story...look carefully...can u tell?
I REALLY May 2019
I feel like my toes aren't touching the ground anymore
The melody in my ears elates me , elevates me
The rhythm makes my wings peak out
Which were once, forever hidden
This euphoric state of mine makes me forget
Forget everything
My broken heart and my wounded soul
Seem non-existent
I REALLY Jun 2019
are sealed
they're sewn closed
they're super-glued shut
they're taped
they're fastened safely
they're stapled properly
I REALLY May 2019
my mom calls me fat
she has been for a long time
but what astonishes me
is that she has the courage
to tell me
that her father called her fat
I REALLY Jun 2019
I am ashamed of how I look
of how the excessive fat creates stretch marks all over my body
I know people throw the "love yourself" type ****
but I cant seem to do that
I am embarrassed of how the lumps of fat
form on my body
of how my thick arms cannot fit through
the sleeves
is it normal to hate yourself
for who you are?
the tears roll down my cheeks as though they're
supposed to
all I asked for was for a person to hand me a tissue
but am I that invisible?
I REALLY Jun 2019
turning an year older
wasnt a tectonic shift
nothing changed
the world still smelled
of destroyed lives
and ruined happiness
I REALLY Jun 2019
my world is full of packages
a selfless, giving package called
where I can give without stopping
a fearless, determined package called
where I can face my fears without shivering
a well-informed, knowledgeable package called
where I  can know about all the things in the world
an honest, open package called
where I can speak my mind
a peaceful, amiable package called
where I do not need to worry about being alone
but I would like to have all packages
I want to be selfless and friendly and fearless and well-versed and open...……...
divergent taught me a lot...
I REALLY Aug 2019
strike me hard
across the face
just this once.
I REALLY Jul 2019

I REALLY Jun 2019
she is my friend
she keeps with me
she stays when everyone leaves
she fights when everyone stays quiet
she shout when no one dares to talk
she is my friend
I wish I could be like her
she is a poem for someone in your life who supports you. who is like a microphone to your voice when it cannot be heard. who is a rebel. who understands you. who loves you
I REALLY Jun 2019
my anxiety swoops me
in its tender arms
engulfing me into it
I am a part of it now
my hands are clammy
and leave sweat stains
on the microphone
my voice chokes on itself
as though the last attempt to disappear
from my throat
I don't regret anything more
than this moment
I have faced this numerous times. I bet you have too.
that moment when you want to run away from the people staring at you, expectant and patient, and then you think what you could possibly do to break the uneasy silence.....
I REALLY Sep 2019
my hate for you
turns into hate for me
so when u ask me if I love myself
I want to scream no
but I smile, instead.
I REALLY Jun 2019
my mom tries
to make my writing
look happy
she replaced the words "sorrow"
and "pain" to
"hope" and
what the heck is her problem?
I REALLY Jul 2019
Her small, cold hands
Hold nothing but a pack of

She holds one out in eagerness
But goes unnoticed in the bustling streets
The tears welling in her
Are not out of sadness
But of of the pain the bitter weather
Has caused her
Her rags do not provide her the warmth she needs
Her bare feet absorb the cold
From the slippery road beneath her
Her lips are blue
Just like her eyes were
Sleepless nights turn them red
Her once radiating skin
Is now pale and bleak
Just like the sky

She was the summer
But the winter
Spread to her like a disease
I REALLY Jul 2019
time is all I needed with you
time is all I didn't have
I saw you gulp down sanitizer like it was water
I saw you throw up after that like it was something you did

you probably did

time is what wanted
time is what we all want

I saw you pinch your *******
until it bled because you thought you were

you weren't

time is what I begged for
what I stole
what I borrowed
like the used band-aid
you had put on your finger
devastated after reading Turtles All The Way Down by John Green
no other book has ever traumatized me like this
I REALLY Jun 2019
I remember those days
I used to tell u all my emotions
but now that u have left
I am scared of what
u could do with them
I REALLY Jul 2019
I REALLY May 2019
I like to tell myself
that I am paralyzed
I command all my body parts
to be as still as they can
not moving an inch
I hold my breath
so it doesn't disturb the peace

I can feel the blood
running in my veins
feel my heartbeat
on the tips of my fingers

I could stay just like that
until I need to catch another breath

its almost like
being underwater
I REALLY Aug 2019
people say "be urself"
honestly..its much easier
being someone else
I REALLY Aug 2019
im surrounded by demons
who **** on my happiness
cant u see them?
I REALLY May 2019
the grass
poking my back
the damp earth
wetting my shirt
the cool wind
blowing on my face
the music in the background
to complete it all
I REALLY Sep 2019
i live with friends
who only care about
who dont seem to see
me falling into this black abyss
of hopelessness
of despair
of every bad thing that hasn't happened yet
I REALLY Jun 2019
i look at strangers with intent
desperate to find someone who
could understand me
I REALLY Jun 2019
my fingers trace from
my head to my toes
they like to remind
me that blood flows
to every part of my
I REALLY Jul 2019
there are people in this world
who are so pathetic and vile
I just hope no one faces them
at first they're nice and calm
but what lies below those layers
is something unimaginably   h o r r i f y i n g
they can twist and turn your mind
m a n i p u l a t i v e is the snake in them
two-faced and sugar-coated is their p e r s o n a l i t y
toying with ur e m o t i o n s is what
they mastered in
their camo skin hides who they truly are
I REALLY Jun 2019
fat is the unwelcomed guest
that roams around My Body
in places I didnt even know
I REALLY Jun 2019
my ice-cream cone was broken
and the ice-cream was spilling out
I have never had a stronger urge
to break the cone in my hands
I REALLY Jun 2019
he's not your god
dont act like he is
he is not your idol
not even close
just has this charm
to make you worship him
with your
my first rhyming poem on HePo.
I REALLY Jul 2019
I feel like I am nothing
I AM nothing
not those pretty girls
with those pretty eyes
neither those hourglass
body shape girls
that boys REALLY dig
I REALLY Aug 2019
you say u do nothing
but somehow
u always end up
doing everything
I REALLY Jul 2019
you nurtured us
cared for us like a tree
ur canopy protecting us from
the harsh rays of the sun
ur juicy, ripe fruits
drowned our hunger
ur strong trunk
ur long branches
ur roots
u never asked anything of us
just peacefully in the cool breeze
u swayed
I REALLY May 2019
this world makes me sad
it fills me with pain
to see so many people
to see them in so much agony

but what breaks me
is i am powerless witness to this
first poem
edited 25/5/19
I REALLY Jul 2019
will u read my poems
and not say anything?
because sometimes it
feels good to know
not everyone is a
backseat driver
i really need this
need for u to just read
and not comment
can u hear me?
I REALLY Jun 2019
We all plan
What we'll do
When we grow up
Where we'll probably live
What we'll probably do
But what if life ends right now?
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