To say the universe is a big place
Would be a true understatement
If you stood at the end of the universe,
Of what importance would the Milky Way seem?
Of what would Earth?
Of what, would a single human being?
If we are so small; insignificant
How could any act of ours still be important?
It could make a person wonder why
There’d be a point to even try
But why would you not?
We live just one time, if you forgot
So what, if you’re just one tiny dot?
Well here’s my thought:
Consider a rain drop.
Its universe, a lake.
As a rain drop, it gets one shot,
That split second as it hits the wake
That is the only time it has to be a drop within its universe
That lake may be there for hundreds of years
But the raindrop,
Just that tiniest decimal of a second.
You have one chance to make your mark
And send it rippling throughout your universe
And long after you are no longer a raindrop
And have become but particles among other particles
Of deceased raindrops floating about,
The universe will feel your mark, your wave, rippling on and outward.
Do you really think your universe could ever be the same without out you?
No matter how small, your mark will hit that lake like an atomic bomb
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