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Oct 2012 · 564
love letters (repost)
louis rams Oct 2012
 

Hello Poetry

louis rams · Jan 12, 2011


She held a pack of love letters tied with ribbons and bows.
these were the love letters that she would never show.
Every one of them was dated first to last
These were the letters that held a life past.
Times may pass and things may change
But memories stay the same.

The writing of love letters had slowly disappeared
But she held on to them from year to year.
She sat with the letters in her lap.
As the tears rolled down her eyes
He had said he would be with her
Till the day he died
And fifty years later
He met his maker
And was carried to the cemetery
by the undertaker.

The letters had been written
with tenderness and love
Proclaiming every thing
Even the stars above.

He said life was meaningless if with her
His life he could not share.
And losing her was something
he could not bear.

Now that he was gone and she
Was left all alone.
The house didn’t seem
like much of a home.

She knew her children would not understand
Why she held the love letters in her hand.
These were the memories  that kept her alive
And on that she couldn’t deny.
But her mind and body was fading fast
And she knew she could not last.
So to her children she bequeathed
The letters that she cherished all her life
For that was her husband, and she was his wife.

These are the love letters that your father
Wrote to me when we were young and carefree.
He told me of all that life had to offer.
And of all the love he had for me
And that he wanted to raise a family.

When you read his letters you will know
Why I loved this man so.
And now it’s time for me to go.

Because your father awaits me on the other side
And we’ll be together for all of time
this is a repost
Oct 2012 · 546
female rights
louis rams Oct 2012

In olden days girls had to be prepared by age eight
Learning to cook , sew , and clean house
And prepare herself for a spouse.

The only dolls that these girls knew
Was put together by straw and glue.
Then with time things did change
Dolls were made for every age.

But mans ideas stayed the same
The females still did not have any rights
But yet they was taught to fight.

Centuries have passed since that time
And yet some things remain the same
In the middle east and parts of Asia
The female rights are still in danger.

But the ****** and physical abuse
Is all over the world, and it affects
Our boys and girls.

I think it’s time for the public
To stand up and fight
For the children and women s rights.

© L . RAMS
time to stand up and be counted
Oct 2012 · 546
the signs of GOD
louis rams Oct 2012
They all went to their houses of worship that day
And to GOD they did pray.
Every disaster known to man
Was hitting each and every land.

People finding their lands under water
Ravaging winds, and civil disorders.
Food supplies down so low
And they had no place to go.
Stores all torn to the ground
Family and friends no where s to be found.

People being pushed to the ground
Lives being trampled and screams abound.
Panic in every nation, coping with these devastations.

People were losing hope and becoming in doubt
As to what this was all about.
Then from the church pews someone started to holler.

Most say that you are a merciful GOD
And others say you are quick to anger.
We as mere mortal men can not say
What’s in your heart day to day.

I tend to believe that you are merciful
For why would you create us in your own image
And send down your begotten son
If there was no hope for anyone?

These I know are signs from you
But you must tell us just what to do.
Is it that our fellow man
Refuses to give a helping hand
And you’ve finally taken your stand.
Not a sound or a word was heard
Just the fluttering of the wings of a bird.
All the eyes looked up to the rafters
This was the sign that they was after.
The cross of CHRIST was all aglow
Why this happened they did not know.

As fast as it appeared, it disappeared
And in their hearts they all knew
Exactly what they had to do.

So like the apostles on they went
For the feelings they had was heaven sent.
they had to spread the word of GOD
To everyone near and far.
They knew that this world needed prayer
And this love they had to share.

© L . RAMS
this is in regards to all that has been happening these last few years
Oct 2012 · 600
face of an angel
louis rams Oct 2012
I can not live without seeing your face
your smile, your tender embrace.
I can not live, without seeing and hearing your laughter
for that is all that I am after.

you are my life, my soul.
your love I want to hold.

the tears rolling down your face
when you see suffering all around
and no answer to be found.

I’ve seen your heart break
when a Childs future is at stake.

I’ve seen the warmth and tenderness that you bring
winter, fall, summer, spring.
for it matters not the year or time
for your feelings to unwind.

I’ve seen your touch stop a baby from crying
as they looked all around
and looked into your eyes and felt safe and sound.

there is an aura of light that surrounds your being
and a warmth that radiates from within.
like the sun upon the earth
giving life, giving birth.
it has made me stop and wonder
for when I met you, there was lightning and thunder
and you appeared, as if out of thin air.
I was transfixed to your face
not a line, not a trace of worry or care.
none of that was there.
you said that there was something
that you had to do, and if I would help you.
now I finally see, that you came to help me.
you opened my eyes to all that surrounds me
for that's the way it had to be.
the 'face of an angel' had came that day
just to help me find the way.
the 'face of the angel' that I saw
will live in my heart forever more.
Louis rams ©
Oct 2012 · 451
youth to elder
louis rams Oct 2012
Youth to elder                                © l.rams    (10/4/12)

The years are catching up to us
Our minds seem to be losing touch
No longer do we see or feel
What is fake and what is real.

They say humanity has five senses
Which I tend to disagree
Seeing, smelling, hearing, taste and touch.

But those are just the outer senses of which they speak
What about the inner senses which control you and me.

Love, compassion, fear , hate
Just a few which they forgot to rate.
The list has become so long
That in a book it doesn’t belong.

Sadness, joy, anger, frustration
It’s not even enough for our imagination.
All these things with age we’ve come to know
And in our souls it began to grow.

The soul is the only thing that we can not lose
And given a choice- this I’ll choose
For when it’s time for us to go to the other side
Everything else is left behind.

The soul is like a treasure chest
It holds all the wealth that you’ve created
Of all the feelings known to man
So when you get to GODS kingdom
You’ll understand.
It becomes like a video that you can see
Of your every step and memory
So Alzheimer’s and dementia stand aside
You ‘re in for a long, long ride.
Oct 2012 · 439
louis rams Oct 2012
It was early in the morning, and the sky
Was full of colors of  orange, blue, white, and gray.
And it seemed like these clouds were coming my way
The clouds were moving in rapid speed
Like none that I had ever seen.

These clouds seemed to inter mingle
And through my body , I felt a tingle.
They appeared to be creating a form
Of colors so rare, and with the
World , it wanted to share.

The colors so rich, so beautiful
So vibrant, so clear
It carried my mind, my soul
High into the air.

I felt as if I was being swept away
And in these colors I wanted to stay.
Although I knew that this could not be
That it was GOD comforting me.

I knew he had done his job quite well
For in this world I still dwell.
Yet he always gives us an inner peace
Where we find some relief.

Now as I looked up to the skies once more
In the clouds a face I saw.
It was the LORD smiling down on me
Setting my mind and soul free.

So when you are feeling down and asking why
Look to the colors of the sky.

© L . RAMS
Oct 2012 · 4.7k
louis rams Oct 2012

His future had been laid- for he was a carpenter by trade.
Just as a carpenter can mold anything out of wood
He could mold mans hearts and souls into good.

He would mold mans hearts with accurate precision
For this was his fathers decision.
He came to mold all the hearts of mankind
And open the eyes of the blind.

The world would come to know him as the king of kings
And see all the love that he would bring.
Throughout the centuries it will be told
He is the master craftsman of the heart and soul.

Now when we feel a tingle of  sensation
And a wanting to get more of inspiration
Look for the craftsman who could mold
The hearts and souls of man
To give you a helping hand.

when he made the heart of man
He left a corner deep within
Where the love for him can forever grow
And his love you could show.

Let all who know you - know this carpenter man
Who from evil he took his stand.
He has entered in you to mold you from the inside out
So you would know what loves about.

Oct 2012 · 706
blind leading the blind
louis rams Oct 2012
I tried to explain colors to a person who could not see
But I found it was too hard for me.
Then a thought came into my mind
To put their feelings into color and rhyme.

The first question I asked is :
      “I feel like I’m flying high above the sky”
Then I will call that GREEN
For high above the earth, that color is seen.
    It’s when I have no one to talk to and no one around.
Then I will call that BROWN.
      That is when I lost something that cannot be replaced.
Then I will call that “GREY” for that
Is something which in your heart will stay.
    That is when my stomach shakes like Jell-O.
Then I will call that emotion “YELLOW”
Then the final question I must ask
      That is when I am lifted high above
      All that I think and feel.
Since GOD is pure, I will call it white
Because he puts your heart and soul into flight.
“ we have enough colors for different emotions
Just like the raindrops that fall into the ocean.
Now the colors no longer have a barrier, because now
It has an emotional carrier.
Emotions and colors go hand in hand, just like the joining
In a wedding band.

© L . RAMS
Oct 2012 · 717
louis rams Oct 2012
Some say I’m over weight- while some say I’m fat.
I say I’m big ***** - my doctor told me that.
What does weight matter? -  does it mean I can’t love?
I was made this way - by GOD up above.

My brother is tall and thin- they say he’s bones and skin.
                Why does weight matter?
Can any of us ever win !

They say when we walk down the street
We look like ABBOTT and COSTELLO
He looks like a bamboo stick
While I look like a cello.

We’ve learned how to accept the jeers
And to control our rages and emotions
For “IN GOD” we put our devotion.

Love lives in any size bodies!
Big or small, short or tall
GOD has given love to all.

Why do people love to criticize and find
Fault with every one, when they themselves
Have faults , which can not be undone.

When I was growing up , there  was a saying
For both fat and thin, and no matter
which way you put it
Both sides would always win.

They would say : the closer the meat to the bone the sweeter it is
And: the more the meat, the better the treat.

So to all you criticizers ! We will not be put down.
For you are the one
who walks with the heavy crown.

Oct 2012 · 403
it's only our shell
louis rams Oct 2012

She was a big ***** woman without an ounce of fat
But for her height and stature, she was much more than that.
She was a queen - a goddess of height and might
And for her love I would surely fight.

Her height and physique would put fear
In other women from the start
But she had the most kind and gentlest heart.

Why does height and build stop us from seeing
Ones true self.
It’s only a body - it’s only a shell.

The inside of that giant or dwarf
May be as big or as small as you
And going thru your same things too.

“So remember” -  our bodies are just an outer shell
The only place our hearts can dwell.

© L . RAMS
Oct 2012 · 515
to all my co-poets
louis rams Oct 2012

i was honored to be put into a book of poetry
by "poetry with LAURASUE in inner child magazine with my poem "roof top poet"
check it out on one of these sites. or

Views: 1
Sep 2012 · 459
renewed life
louis rams Sep 2012

It was mid- afternoon and the sun was hot
As my eyes searched for a cool shaded spot.
But there was none to be found
As my feet burned from the scorching ground.

It seemed like miles that I had traveled
As my thoughts became unraveled.
Thinking about how my life had been
And in this battle could I win.

I lost my job, my house, my family too
Walking these streets not knowing what to do.
But there was something that  for years
I had not done or tried
As I fell to the ground and began to cry.

LORD ! My life has become empty and hollow
Is this a sign - that with you I should follow?

Right there and then a cloud covered the sun
When I heard a voice say “your life has just begun”.
Follow this path that I will give
And you will see what it is to live “

Then the sun reappeared and washed away all my fears.
In its place came relief, and with it a new belief.
Given to me from above.

I followed his path and spread his word
And preached to others that had never heard.
In the homeless shelters I found my flock
And from that point on - I did not stop.

The homeless now have their faith renewed
And this was the path that I had to do.
I had lost and gave up everything
From my old life, and the path
I now follow is of paradise.

© L . RAMS
of faith, hope, love
Sep 2012 · 731
the rapist she fought back
louis rams Sep 2012

I was coming home late from a date, and did not look
To see if anyone was around or was following me.
When out of the darkness he jumped out
And put his hand on my mouth.

Then put a knife to my throat and told me
“don’t be stupid if you want to live
To me your body you will give.”

She was always told : “don’t put your life in harms way
And if you can - run away”.
And if someone grabs you from behind
You must stomp on his foot as hard as you can
He will loosen up his hand.    ( which she did)

She swung her arm back as hard as she could
The pain in his crotch - he understood.
He dropped the knife and released his hold
She ran so fast - before her legs got cold.

Now there is a reason for this poem I must tell.

I always told my daughter : to always look around
And to listen for any unfamiliar sound
Preventive medicine can always help you through
If you know just what to do.

p.s. this is just a story -but can happen.
Sep 2012 · 560
how beautiful is pregnancy
louis rams Sep 2012

A man is so glad to know- that inside you
His child grows.
The most beautiful thing on this earth
Is a woman giving birth.

As her stomach starts to grow
And her soft caressing hands begin to show
You’ll see her face take on a radiating glow.

She will see life in a different way
As her motherly instincts come into play.
her body which she had taken for granted before
Is about to open a new door.
This is the door to life
and as you do the pushing pains
From this moment on your life will change.

And when you feel that child stretching
Those walls of life
You’ll know it was worth the pains and sacrifice.

You may see its head and then its face
Searching this unfamiliar place.
Looking for the warmth that it knew
When it was inside of you.

It will take some time for the child to adjust
But it’ll recall your gentle touch
Now the first step comes into place
When you look at each others face.

An indefinable feeling that you can’t put into words
But for nine months this child has heard.
The beating of its mothers heart
Had become as one
And a new life had begun.
Now you have become what GOD intended
A mother of life - of hopes and dreams
And all that is seen and unseen.

Look deeply into that child s eyes
And it will take you where you’ve
Never been before - as it opens
Up its souls door.

This is what - “as a man”- I see
And you can’t take that away from me.

© L . RAMS
Sep 2012 · 512
nothing greater than love
louis rams Sep 2012
(9/9/12 )

There is nothing greater than love
Not the earth , the moon , the stars above
GOD decided to make the heavens and the earth
To be there when to man he would give birth.

All that he made - he knew was good
But he had to give something to man
That would be understood.

He gave it time for man to adjust to all that he had given
But needed something for them- to make life worth living
That is when he gave us his son
Greater than that - there could be none.

But with that greatness there was still something
That he had to give man “so he created love”.
His son was the first to fully understand
What love was about
and held his father in his heart
Of that there is  no doubt.

All trials and errors that he had been put thru
Could not shake the love that he had for his fellow man
Which is something that we’ve learned to understand.

From his GODLY father to his earthly parents
Who loved him more than life
Had made many a sacrifice.

JOSEPH took MARY his ****** wife
Because of an angel who showed him the light.
It may have been hard for him to accept that fact
But the love for GOD took care of that.

This was the beginning of infinite love
Created by GOD above
And showed through his only son
Who would affect everyone.

In his eyes there were no bad people
Just misled people , and with each of his steps
He turned it around - and in the streets
His followers could be found.

Because of this we learned that other things
Go hand in hand with love
We learned compassion, forgiveness, hope , and faith
And to truly love “this is what it takes”.

Now I ask you this “look at the life you live”
Is there love in your heart?

I may not have it all , but I’ll pick up
Everything that falls
And spread the love that GOD has given
And make my life “truly worth living”.

Sep 2012 · 491
women s silence awakened
louis rams Sep 2012

For centuries they had to walk behind the man
Because men thought that they could not understand
Politics or the power of glory
That to them was just a story.

But women from the start , always knew
What was in their hearts.
In their hearts , and in the hearts of their men

They knew when to act like a lover
And when to be a friend.
When to keep quite and when to give an ear
Of this they had no fear.

They supported their men because of the
Love they had inside, and of that
They did not deny.
But in their hearts they knew it had to be
A two way street.

That they must support each other in
All their endeavors and failures in life.
This is what they do as husband and wife.

The more that time passed the more that
Women s silence awakened
It was awakened to voice their opinions
Thoughts , and emotions
Of this it had to be spoken.

Now women have most of the rights of men
And into every field they will defend
They realize that now they can show
That whatever man conceives ,They will do - and do believe.
They may not get paid as much as men
But they will in the end.
Sep 2012 · 351
this heart of mine
louis rams Sep 2012
( 9/7/12 )

If you see my heart laying on the ground
Would you pick it up, and then put it down?

Or would you hold it softly like a butterfly
In your hand, and would you caress
it gently and say you understand.

Would you feel the beat that gently pounds away
Or would you just leave it for someone else
Who may come this way.

Would you look at the heart to see if it’s
Been damaged or hurt
Or would you love it and give it a brand new birth.

It may only be a heart, but it’s the blood
That flows thru its veins and gives it life.

And this may be the heart of your
Husband or your wife.

Pick up my heart and hold it to the light
For GOD  had given me this
As the ultimate sacrifice.

He gave it to us all, just so that
We could see - that he is always
There protecting this part of you and me.

My heart is not just to give life
But to show life, and all of its beauties
That it can create
So treat it gently before it’s much too late.

© L . RAMS
Sep 2012 · 1.2k
the joining
louis rams Sep 2012

Three different women - three different cases
All gave birth to satin and laces.
One black, one oriental, one white
What they had in common was they all
Gave birth the same night.

The BLACK child was six pounds  three
Brown eyes and as beautiful as can be.
The ORIENTAL  child was five pounds nine
Jet black hair and looking fine.
The WHITE child was eight pounds three
Blue eyes, blond hair, skin fair.

All confined to the same ward and about five feet apart
All loving mothers with the kindest of hearts.
They all talked for hours on end
And made a pact that they would remain friends.

To their surprise they all lived close by.
Every weekend their families would get together
And it seemed that life couldn’t get better.
And every year on the girls birthday
They’d get together to celebrate.

NOW ! The point that I want you to see
Is if they could do it, WHY can’t we?

Why can’t all nations put aside their bigotry and hate
And join together to celebrate , just what GOD has given
And make this life on earth worth living.

louis rams Sep 2012

I closed my eyes and said a prayer
In hopes that you would be there
You said Your heart was broken in two
And you didn’t know what to do.

There was something that I always knew
That : love is something you know nothing about
And love is something we can’t do without.

You don’t know the difference between love and infatuation
For they are two different situations
Infatuation will last for a short spell
While love will take you to heaven and hell.

You will want that person by your side
And when they’re not there you’ll feel empty inside.
You’ll feel as if a part of your heart
Had died -and you just want to cry.

You’ll smell their aroma, and recall their kiss
Their arms around you that you’ll miss.
The gentleness of their voice when they
Calm your fears- and wipe away that fallen tear.    

It’s a desire to walk hand in hand and to share
Your thoughts , your expectations and dreams
And be understanding to each others needs.

To never put your dreams before theirs
And to show that you care.

Yes ! Love is something you know nothing about
Sep 2012 · 691
freedoms voice
louis rams Sep 2012
( 9/6/12)

They had gathered in the square
And a feeling of unrest was in the air
A message of freedom resounded out loud
you could  hear the talk amongst the crowd.

Their voices started off very softly
And rose to a high pitched frequency
And in their faces the anger you did see.

The world is changing and so must we
We must fight poverty and bigotry.
Families are starving all around this world
Just look at the faces of the boys and girls.

There are children who are skin and bones
And are left without a home.
Mothers have no more milk in their breast
And not a morsel of food for them to eat
As they lay dying at their feet.

When they do have food to cook
They need clean water and a plate
And a spoon , fork , and a knife
So their fingers they would not bite.

A netting for where they sleep
To them is a treat.
Insects flying all around
And the children s crying is the only sound.

People being condoned because of their
Religious beliefs ,color, and ****** gender
And it’s not getting any better.

I live in a world of political corruption and hate
But I always try to keep my faith and
Hopefully one day they will open up their eyes
And take away that disguise.

This is the reason you hear  FREEDOMS VOICE
Through out the lands - because people just can’t
Understand why our politicians turn their backs
And refuse to pick up the slack.

They say that these are third world nations
Who have all these devastations
But don’t they have rights just like we
So lets try to help them stamp out poverty and bigotry.

I know it’s nearly impossible to do what we say
But one by one we can find the way.


Sep 2012 · 508
poetry to me
louis rams Sep 2012

What is poetry to me- it is words of beauty-words of life
Words of love, pain and sacrifice.
Words of showing and growing and needing and feeding
Words of hope and despairs, wanting and cares.

Poetry takes you into the minds of mankind
From days of old to the present time.
Poetry takes you on trips that you’ve never been before
And opens up every door.

Poetry becomes a longing , a want , a desire, a need
On which your mind must feed.
It becomes a life within itself
And takes you to the heavens and down to hell.

Poetry becomes a flaming desire
And only writing can put out this fire.
I call it my passion while others say it’s my obsession
Yet ! No matter what they may think or say
Poetry is here to stay.

So many different types of poetry
For the different minds “you see”.
You will always find one that will give you meaning
From a loving heart to one that’s bleeding.

Jump on the bandwagon and take a hold
For with poetry “ life unfolds”.

Aug 2012 · 583
the sweetest sound
louis rams Aug 2012

The sweetest sound I ever heard
Was the power of his words.
He took me out of the clutches of hell
And in my heart - he does dwell.

I found myself falling down
He picked me up off the ground
wiped me off and set me down.

I recalled many of the sermons
That my preacher had said
Of how JESUS raised
LAZARUS from the dead

If he could raise him so easily
Then helping me was a breeze
So  many miracles that he had created
Left the rabbi’s  devastated.

But more than the rabbi’s devastation
I had become so elated- that I was picked
Up in my hour of weakness and despair
“Showing me that the LORD does care.”

He cares about all that believe in him
Including the ones who had sinned
He has no preference to age or gender
If to him your heart you will surrender.


Aug 2012 · 330
face in the sky
louis rams Aug 2012

They said it was seen in the early hours
After heavy rains and morning showers.
A face that appeared in the sky
Behind a colored rainbow way up high.

The face seemed to be looking down
At the destruction on the ground.
Peoples homes torn and shattered
And the cries of help was all that mattered.

People asking “ why is this happening dear lord”
What have we done that “thou has forsaken us”

Then a voice was heard from up above
“ it will not be like NOAH’S ARK
If you change the paths on which you’ve embarked”

I am putting your future in your hands
What’s not to understand.
You think only of the material things that you can hold
Such as money , silver , and bits of gold.

You can not take this with you when it’s
Your time to go
for when death comes you will never know.

If you seek me you will see
that I will change the course of history.
It will not show that the earth was
Destroyed by the human hand
Because you opened your eyes- and took a stand.

What is so difficult to accept GOD into your life
When he sent his only begotten son as the sacrifice.
He gave his life so that we could live
How much more would he have to give.
Look at all your rivers and streams
At the green grass and all the trees
At the sun , the moon above
All this was done because his love.

All the conceivable foods to eat
And it was laid at your feet.
What more does he have to do
To show -“his love for you“.

So that face that you see in the sky
Is the reflection of your face
As he passes you by.
Jul 2012 · 564
finding a better way
louis rams Jul 2012

So many disappointments that I have from day to day
If I could make a change - I’d find  a better way.
I would have made my dreams -long before my teens
Then I would have known what to do
And I would follow through.

But my dreams came in my older years
And that is when you have doubts and fears.
They say with age you build confidence.
That is not always true.
As you get older you don’t know what to do.

This is the age of computers - and technology
Is reaching heights
You don’t know who to turn to
Or how to even fight.

I know that education is so much more advanced
So put your mind to it
You may not get another chance.

Set that goal in your mind
Don’t let that dream fall behind
Don’t stop yourself before you’ve even begun
You can do it - you’re the only one.

Visualize that dream in your mind
Then it won’t be so hard to find.
Like a baby - you must first learn to crawl
Then walk , then run, and you will see
That it will come.

So many dreams have been left
On the wayside road of life
That when they recall
They have to struggle and fight.
Jul 2012 · 1.1k
wars defiant ones
louis rams Jul 2012

They came back from the war as  defiant as can be
As if they had a split personality.
Tragedies had opened up the doors
To many things they never saw before.

Seeing homeless children roaming the streets
Women who didn’t listen - would get beat.
Terrorist groups killing their own
Pipe bombs planted , ready to be blown.

Civilians scattering all around
Dead bodies laying on the ground.
Men , women and children in the square
On their knees saying their prayers
But to a terrorist they don’t care.

Don’t they realize that life must change
Nothing ever stays the same.
Families being torn apart
As death tears at their hearts.

Natural causes **** millions of people every day
Why are we letting war lead the way?
No matter what name for GOD you may use
When it comes to war - we all lose.

Look at the hospitals in a war zone
Children left with no skin and broken bones
People have lost many a limb
The war is getting worse - it looks grim.

YES !AMERICA  has lots of imperfections
But people look to us for protection.
Our soldiers After seeing all the atrocities
They come back defiant as can be
To try to change the course of history.
Jun 2012 · 394
he heard my plea
louis rams Jun 2012

The rains were coming down as heavy as can be
Lightning was covering the black skies
As far as I could see.
The rolling thunder deafening to my ears
As my heart filled with fear.

No place to run to - no place to hide
As I fell to my knees and started to cry.
I prayed to GOD to protect me
Cause I just wanted to get back to my family.

The thunder seemed to subside, as I opened up my eyes
Through the darkness of the clouds
A light came shining through
And like a spotlight it shone down on me
Then I knew the LORD heard my plea.

The rains were still coming down
Yet not a drop on me was found.
I felt a calmness come over me
As if I had been set free.

I rushed straight home and there my family stood
Just like I knew that they would.
They always feared when they heard
the rolling thunder, and saw the lightning in the sky
And they would pray, just like I.

I hugged them and again I thanked the LORD
For giving me this opportunity - to be with my family.
If he heard my plea when I prayed
Why can’t you do the same?
Jun 2012 · 407
when love grows
louis rams Jun 2012

When love has just begun, and two hearts beat as one
And when two minds connect to each other
You will protect one another.

When love grows so strong that there is
Nothing else in view
That is when I get closer to you.

When all I see is you in my mind
And I long to be with you till the ends of time
And when your eyes take me on a journey
That I’ve never been before
And you seem to open up all closed doors
That is when I love you even more.

When you can look beyond all my faults
And see a light come shining thru
That is when I thank GOD that I have you.

When we can walk hand in hand
And look ahead to this promised land
And see nothing but beautiful bright lights
Then we know that everything is all right.

That is when your soul takes flight
Like an eagle in the night,
And when your heart fills up like
A piñata, and then it explodes
It shows “ what matters”.

That is when love truly grows
And in all you do -“it does show.”
Jun 2012 · 450
circle of love
louis rams Jun 2012

We had created a circle of love and
What goes around comes around.
A perfect love I had found.

It is as strong as a golden ring
For in our love we put every thing.
Our hearts and souls entwined like
The strands of string in a rope
Giving me strength , giving me hope.

Our hearts were afloat like rose petals
Upon a river stream
And where ever you looked our love could be seen.

This bond between us will never be broken
Of this “ we had spoken”.
My life I would gladly give
Because of your love - I do live.

Now you may think that this love
Is between a woman and a man
But there is something that you don’t understand.

This love and devotion is between my LORD and me
For he is the one that has set me free.
He freed my heart and gave strength to my soul
And this love I will forever hold.

Join me in this circle of love
And in GOD you should put your trust.

                                                        © L.RAMS
Jun 2012 · 441
sometimes love hurts
louis rams Jun 2012

Some time love hurts to a point you want to cry
You feel as if everything in you has begun to die
You try to fill it , but it’s like shoveling sand against the tide.

I recall when I first saw you standing under the street light
My mind started jumping and my heart took flight.
I walked over to you and asked you your name
I didn’t feel guilty and felt no shame.

Life is like a traffic light - it’s a stop and go
First you move fast - then you move slow.
You had came to me with tears in your eyes
Because your loved one had said good-bye.

You never knew the feelings I had inside
It was something that I always tried to hide.
I see the pain etched in your face
There’s no shame in crying, there’s no disgrace.
But loving someone who doesn’t love you
That is something that I knew.

You are the sun that rises in my soul
Being with you all of life unfolds
You are the water that quenches my thirst
You fill up my body to a point of burst.

Sometimes love hurts ,and you feel as if your world is caving in
Just open up your mind and let me in.
I will show you what love is really about
Of that my love there is no doubt.
You see life is no good when you’re alone
And every love you ever had , you had blown
So let him learn the aches and pains that you have gone thru
this is all that you can do.
Sometimes love hurts , but it doesn’t have to
Because I am right here next to you.
May 2012 · 517
i found myself
louis rams May 2012

I found myself all alone and not one heart had I ever known
For my heart had turned to stone.
I thought that everything in life I would achieve if
I depended solely on me.

That I would need no family or friends
Because I’d reach my goal in the end.
My thought was that when you depend on someone else
They would always hinder you , to a point you wouldn’t
Know just what to do.

I did not want love to kick me in the tail
And then with my goals I would fail.
I did not want these so called friends
Who would turn their backs in the end.

I used every excuse that I could find
Till my heart had become cold and blind.
Then I met a woman who was the same as me
Ruthless , uncaring and cold ,she was  twenty five
Years of age ,and on her -life turned the page.

I looked at her and what I saw -was a mirror of me
Because I closed all doors.
I was really turning my back on all of life
And all that life could give
by closing up my heart and not learning to live.

I found my self questioning all my decisions
That I had made, and if people hated me
Then I was to blame.
I knew right then that I would have to change my ways
And the way that I did think, and still get everything.

I asked forgiveness from family and friends
And if they would support me once again.
They all smiled and gave me a hug and a kiss
Which was something that I had missed
Now I found myself with a new outlook on life
And things are now twice as nice.

SMILE !   Things could be so much worse.
May 2012 · 3.8k
love of a parent
louis rams May 2012

They had married at a very young age
At the time they thought it was a game.
They had been together for a long time
and he thought that everything would be fine.

They had lived together for two years or more
And they thought they knew the score.
At seventeen years of age they felt they knew it all
And life was to have a ball.

With part time jobs they paid their bills
Living together was such a thrill.
Not having to worry about a curfew hour
Now “ they had all the power”.

Going out partying every weekend
Not thinking of the money that they spent.
Coming home late at night , being drunk
They would start to fight.

She started feeling some ******* pain
And from this point on their lives would change.
She went to her doctor to check it out
Pregnant she was - there was no doubt.

Now their eyes opened to the fact
From this point on there was no turning back.
They now had a child on the way
And they could no longer go out to play.

He got a full time job and straightened up his act
And a better position he would have to attack.
He went back to school To get a better education
And to give his wife and child all that he could give
And with both their incomes they would have to live.

She worked for seven months till she
Could work no longer, and to get their house in order.
When she went to the hospital because her time was due
She found out she was having not one but two.

She gave birth to a beautiful boy and girl
He was a diamond and she a pearl.
The most precious babies you’d ever want to see
And he was the proud father - as proud as can be.

They struggled like most couples do
But he was determined to see it through.
She took her children and held them tight
For in their faces she saw their fathers might.

His love so strong for his family
And this is what they all did see.
And the rest is history.
May 2012 · 579
a gift
louis rams May 2012

So many different things that we don’t understand
So many different things that are in gods plan
A touch, a look, a place ,a face, a sound, a word
All of these things we have seen or heard.

What I treasure most are those moments that I spend with you
Cause I know exactly what you want me to do.
when I hold you in my arms , I feel your heart begin to race
It beats so fast that I can’t join the pace.

I feel you quiver to my every touch
And I know I need you twice as much.
Falling in love with you was no surprise
I knew it when I looked in your eyes.

My heart was taken and molded into you
To a point I didn’t know what to do.
You used my heart like molding clay
And with you is where I want to stay.

This was a gift that GOD sent to me
And in your arms I will always be.
Holding you , caressing you
making love to you
my whole life through.

A gift of love is more precious than
any diamonds or pearls , or emeralds and rings.
A value amount can not be put on love
For it is given from GOD above.

Love and life go hand in hand
This is something we must understand.
If there is no love, than no one would care
If we lived or died and not one shed tear
Would any one cry.
there would only be negativity and hate
And never feel or know about religious faith.
We would then be called the living dead
That is something that I dread.

So this gift which was given to me
I’ll treasure the rest of my days
For there is no better way.
May 2012 · 439
the fog (story)
louis rams May 2012

The fog moved slowly across the ground
Like a cat on the prowl.
Everything was as quiet as can be
Not even a rustle in the trees.

Out of the mist she walked slowly towards me
Her eyes was the only thing that I could see.
They glowed like lanterns in the night
My heart jumped - my mind took flight.

So many thoughts going thru my head
Am I alive or am I dead?
What is this that I am seeing
Or is my mind playing tricks
And having me believe it.

As she came closer she started to take
An hour glass shape , and all dressed
Up in black pants , blouse , boots
And black cape.
Was I to die ? Was this my fate?

Her eyes black as her outfit and hypnotic
As can be , and the softness of her voice
Capturing me.

“You look like you’ve seen a ghost” she said
I looked at her eyes then bowed my head.
She was the most beautiful woman that
I had ever seen or ever met
But something about her that I couldn’t
Figure out yet.

Then the thought came to me “ vampire diary”.
I knew that this was only a movie , and no such
Thing exists . “but” -   what if ?
I did not hear her heels as she walked up to me
And her eyes as big as can be, taking full control of me.
I felt my body go limp as I lost my self in her eyes
Then she licked her lips, and I felt I was paralyzed.

She took my face in her hands and kissed me OH SO TENDERLY
And in her arms was where I wanted to be.
Her lips like the taste of wine warming my every being
This was all that I was seeing.

She unbuttoned my shirt and started kissing my chest
Then I felt her climb up to my neck.
Her breath so hot that it sent chills down my spine
To last me till the ends of time.

She kissed me again and her tongue went deep inside
To a point that I wanted to cry,
She pulled away then looked at me
And opened her mouth very wide


             Ha Ha  hope you liked the ending.
louis rams May 2012

She was laying in her hospice bed
She knew in a short time she would be dead
She had no fear of death you see
She waited for it patiently.

She knew she lived a good long life
She was a daughter, a sister, a mother , a wife.
Regrets- she knew she had none
GOD had blessed her with a wonderful son
A faith so strong in GOD above
And she showered family and friends with tenderness and love.

She was loved by everyone around
In her spirit and heart true love they found.
The most gentlest person you’d ever want to meet
Knowing her was such a treat.

When she went for her physical that year
The doctors found what they feared
A cancer cell growing so rapidly
It was something they did not foresee.

She showed no signs as many do
But they knew her life was through.
Her family was with her 24/7
They knew soon she’d be in heaven.

The hospital corridors were filled with people
And bells were ringing from all the steeples.
She was not a woman of fortune and fame
And of nothing in her life did she feel ashamed.
Just a loving heart so pure and true
That she shared it with everyone she knew.

They say she died in her sleep, as everyone began to weep.
But before she died - she had told her son
“tell the world- LOVES JUST BEGUN’.
May 2012 · 541
the RAPIST she fought back
louis rams May 2012

I was coming home late from a date, and did not look
To see if anyone was around or was following me.
When out of the darkness he jumped out
And put his hand on my mouth.

Then put a knife to my throat and told me
“don’t be stupid if you want to live
To me your body you will give.”

She was always told : “don’t put your life in harms way
And if you can - run away”.
And if someone grabs you from behind
You must stomp on his foot as hard as you can
He will loosen up his hand.    ( which she did)

She swung her arm back as hard as she could
The pain in his crotch - he understood.
He dropped the knife and released his hold
She ran so fast - before her legs got cold.

Now there is a reason for this poem I must tell.

I always told my daughter : to always look around
And to listen for any unfamiliar sound
Preventive medicine can always help you through
If you know just what to do.

p.s. this is just a story -but can happen.
May 2012 · 751
city of angels
louis rams May 2012

There’s a city of angels where all angels dwell
A city of angels I can tell.
They wait for their assignments from
The saints up above
To watch over GODS children that he loves.

The city of angels where there is no such thing as sleep
The city of angels where the LORDS words they keep.
This is where they sing and rejoice and give praise
For their destinies have been laid.

This is a world of spirituality - something that
We as humans do not see.
A world where there is no sickness or pain
And all the angels are the same.

There is no such thing as color or religious barriers
For they are all the LORDS carriers.
Many get their wings in the transition
From life to death , and many have not gotten theirs yet.

When they get their wings it is a great feeling
Which gets their souls reeling.
It is like a bright star that enters you
And his love just radiates through.

The city of angels where true happiness lies
That is what you will find.
Your loved ones that have gone before you
Are there to see you thru, and to help you
At every turn, the same way that they had learned.

They see their subjects on a large monitor screen
And what that person is going thru, then the answers
Are left for you.
Like a multiple choice you must pick the one that’s right
To get them from the darkness to light.

But not to worry for there are no mistakes
In GODS heaven that can be made
For their destinies have also been laid.
You are there to strengthen them in their hours of need
And on your strength they do feed.

To all in the city of angels - I raise my head
And stand with pride , that one day soon
I’ll be by your side.

(angels above - angels below)
May 2012 · 437
i had to die
louis rams May 2012

I had to die inside so that I could live
I had to see so that I could give
I felt your strength enter my soul
I felt you - make me whole.

I felt the spirit soaring within
I felt my heart start to spin.
I was lost in this troubled world
And turned my back on family and friends
No more ears would I lend.

I expected them to get me out
of the hell that I created
And when they didn’t I was devastated.
Why wouldn’t they help me - I then asked
Then I remembered my heartless past.

My soul had became cold as ice
And my eyes as blind as can be
And I thought that I was free.
Then night came upon me like
Death upon a battle field
That was when I began to heal.

I saw all the harm that I had done
As I saw the rising sun
Opening my eyes to all the beauties
That GOD had given, and why
Life was so worth living.

Now I see as clear as day
That there is no other way
But to follow the steps of my lord
And my previous life I had to abort.
I asked for forgiveness from all that I had hurt
for my spirit had given new birth.
Apr 2012 · 522
death is my companion
louis rams Apr 2012

Where do we go from here? When death is very near.
Is there another plateau we must climb
Before we reach the end of the line.

Death is just a resting place - a rest stop if you must !
You will not be afraid if in GOD you put your trust.
Death is my companion - he holds my hand
Death is my companion - he understands.

Known as the angel of death , the grim reaper
Of this temporary life he is the keeper.
In his clutches you’ll be for a short spell
Till they decide if you’re going to heaven or hell.

This is a rest stop where you take a break
Till they decide what is your fate.
So while I am on this plateau
There is no where that I will go.

Where do we go from here?
Your guess is as good as mine
As long as I’m not here until the ends of time.
This must be purgatory that I hear so much about
Maybe this is where we can turn our lives about.

Death ! I know you’re my companion
And we have walked hand in hand
But there is something I think you should understand
There are things on this earth that I must do
And until I finish them , my life on earth is not through.

I put my faith in GOD that he will show me the way
And from that road, I know I will not stray.
Apr 2012 · 675
women s strengths
louis rams Apr 2012

Men and women are different in so many ways
Men sit in front of the t. v. ‘s to watch their games
Women will watch their soap operas if time permits
That’s how they get their kicks.

It seems to me that this is their dreams
Men look to games for the power they seek
While women look for hearts that are tender and meek.

Men want the powers of fortune and fame
While women use their charms
for whatever they can gain.
It seems that we use each other for
Our own selfish reasons
But the women love to use their charms for the teasing.

Men may tend to use their physical strength
To put the women down
But women know how to use the strength
To turn it all around.

The LORD said : “the meek shall inherit the earth”
Is it the women who give us birth?
Are they really the meek of which he speaks !
Hmmmm I wonder !

I don’t mean to put us men down
But I think they’re the ones that wear the crown
We are the jokers in the kings court
     (have you ever seen a female joker in the kings court?)
While they sat on their *****- enjoying what their mothers taught.

Now I must say this in the defense of men
We get what we want (and deserve) in the end.
So I leave these thoughts for the men and women to decide
Who is the meek? Which one will cry?
Mar 2012 · 579
my LORD walked beside me
louis rams Mar 2012

I saw the steps to heaven, I saw the doves above
I felt your ever present, I felt your eternal love.
I saw every color of the rainbow
I felt every drop of rain that fell
I saw the souls below me
As they cried in eternal hell.

I saw a mother holding her child
And a father down on his knees
Pleading to you lord , to set their hearts at ease.

I heard the choir of angels as they played upon their harps
And wanting so badly for me to take a part.
I saw the sun rising on the horizon
And also a setting sun
I saw myself alone, as if I was the only one.

But I was not alone, for the LORD walked by my side
No one could touch me , no matter what they tried.
I saw your cross from Calvary reaching high
Up to the sky, and all of your followers saying
Their last good byes.

I saw the clouds darken, and the sky turn pitch black
And heard the cry to your father , as you took
Your last breath - For you was going
to finally take a rest.

My LORD you walked beside me
as your father had done with you
as he showed you all of heaven
And what awaited you.
Mar 2012 · 457
louis rams Mar 2012

The ship is sinking and I need someone
To hold my hand !
Will you stay with me, will you take a stand ?
Will you be the one with me when my life
Is just about thru , or will you turn your back
As so many often do.

The water is rising quickly and it’s
just about to my knees
Will I have to beg you ? Will I have to plead?
You claimed that you loved me and no one
Else will ever do, and to my heart you
Will forever be true.

Is this how weak your love is ? That you have
To hesitate - by the time you make up your mind
it just may be too late.
I don’t know which one is sinking faster
My heart or this here ship.
The water is now to my waist
And it’s rising OH so fast
And you are looking at me
And reflecting upon the past.

GO !  Leave me !  to deal  with what may be the end
For now I really see
that you was never my love.
Let alone a true friend.

I don’t know which one will take me first
The water or my tears, but I learned a lesson
And I’ve lost all my fears.
I will swim to safety, for I know that I’ve grown strong
And with you , I know I don’t belong.

Mar 2012 · 378
fear of GODS unknown
louis rams Mar 2012

Why do we fear death ? When it’s the only guarantee in life !
Why do new fear death ? When it takes you from your struggles and strife.
CHRIST went thru pains that we can never relate to
Knowing that he was going to be nailed to the cross !
What would you do !

Feeling those nails being driven thru your hands and feet
And knowing soon your father you would meet.
Just a little cut and we feel the pain in our heart
Imagine the nails tearing your flesh apart.

In this material world we feel many aches and pains
And many different emotions
But in GODS world there is only love and devotion.

So why do we fear to go where we have never thread before
When we don’t know what’s on the other shore.
Do we prefer to walk in darkness stumbling along the way
Or would we prefer to see the light that leads us to the day.

Death is just a door that you walk thru to get to the other side
Where you will see all of GODS beauties
On that you can rely.

So let ST. PETER take your hand and lead you thru that gate
Before the devil realizes - he got there much too late.
louis rams Mar 2012
LEPRECHAUN                             (3/16/12)

The leprechauns are singing and dancing
Around their *** of gold
For they have a story that must be told.
Of a man who they called St. pat
Who through his fear pulled in the welcome mat.

He knew that the wee people were mischievous beings
And all they done he was seeing.
They would play jokes on all around
Although they couldn’t be seen, and didn’t make a sound.

They would go to the nearest inns
And spike the ales and the gin.
Once they saw that everyone was polluted
They would go in and their purses would be looted.

This was how they could fill their pots of gold
Or at least that’s how the story was told.
They knew that most would tend to forget
And this was the easiest way yet.
Being robbed and not recalling
And their wives would start their balling.

Now if one of them could be caught
To their pots of gold, that person must be brought
But On this *** of gold there was a spell cast
That if taken- it would not last
It would be spent drinking the night away
And in the morning, the leprechauns would once again play.

So enjoy this ST. PATTY S day
For in their hands the gold will stay.
Mar 2012 · 803
isle of enchantment
louis rams Mar 2012
Isle of enchantment             (Puerto Rico)                  (3/15/12)

It was the  isle of enchantment where I fell in love
The isle where dreams flourish and grow
And your heart is with the one you know.
Where two hearts will become as one
Underneath the Caribbean sun.

Love is in the air and on the beach too
That is where I fell in love with you.
The isle of enchantment called PUERTO RICO
The island that you must get to know.

The beaches with their crystal clear waters
And beautiful white sands
Will make you feel as if you’re in the promised land.

How can I not be in love with you?
When you make me feel whole
How can I not be in love with you?
When you touch my inner soul.

In you hope I found- and you turned my life around
You have shown me what it is to live
And to you my love I give.
I never knew what love was before
Till you opened up that door.

The moment I held you in my arms
And kissed you passionately
Right then I knew- another one there can never be.

The isle of enchantment captured my heart and soul
And with you is where I belong.
Mar 2012 · 1.0k
the apostles
louis rams Mar 2012

Different directions the apostles had traveled
Most of life’s questions - CHRIST had unraveled.
They had questions and doubts as many do
But what they saw in CHRIST
They knew his words were true.

So many miracles that they had seen
But their faith was always tested in between.
They fell asleep when CHRIST went to the
Mountaintop to pray- they couldn’t keep
Their eyes open- what could they say.

When CHRIST fell asleep in the boat
And the winds and rain began
Fear entered their hearts and they
Woke CHRIST for his helping hand.

The lord questioned their faith
As he raised his hands to the sky
As the winds and rains did subside.

The biggest tests were yet to come
After the last supper was done.
Betrayal, denial , and crucifixion
Was in motion - to find out each
Ones devotion.

He predicted that Judas would betray him
And peter would deny him three times
And for him the end of the line.
Now we all know that this was gods plan
That the apostles will preach throughout the lands
They would create Christianity, and it would live
Through eternity.
                           © L.Rams
Mar 2012 · 1.4k
louis rams Mar 2012

So many uniforms worn in this life, and inside them
You’ll find your loved ones -your soul mate
Son , daughter, husband , or wife.

Firemen , policemen , nurses , and military too
They all have a job to do.
And as you look at them with pride
You thank god they’re by your side.

The uniform does not make the person
But the person makes the uniform.
Because in it they pour the heart and soul
And it’s there where they belong.

The firemen and women who run into  a burning house
The cop who goes into the line of fire
The nurse who held their hand on you to stop the bleeding
And of course the military soldier
Who protects our country day and night
And will give up their lives in a fight.

Yet we do not stop and say:
“Thank you for all that you do
I am very proud to know you.”
Their uniforms are just their shells
And at times they go thru hell.

But there is a person who never wore a uniform
But created all of them who wear it.
He is all these people rolled into one
He is “GODS SON”.

He made these uniforms so that we can see their worth
And it was given to them from their birth.
So many uniforms to show what we do
But it doesn’t show the inner you.
This uniform is seen only by god
It is called the human heart.
This uniform can not be replaced
by anything on this earth
For it was given by god at our birth.

We  can be as beautiful or as vicious
As any animal on this earth, or as
Soft and sensitive as the most delicate flower
This is given to us from the lords powers.

Let us rejoice in what he has given
And make this life “ worth living”.
                                                 © L.Rams
Mar 2012 · 444
last days in my life
louis rams Mar 2012

There were days in my life that I recall
When there was no hope left - no hope at all.
Then my thoughts wandered to CHRIST
And I felt that I was in paradise.

SAINT PETER was there to meet me at
Those pearly gates
And I knew I was there because I never lost faith
there were angels on both sides that lined
The path to his throne.
My family and friends were there, so I wasn’t alone.

The choir of angels singing all in tune
And I knew my life didn’t end too soon.
The path was filled with the brightest of lights
My oh my such a beautiful sight.
And the trumpets blared with the most beautiful sound
As the angels all gathered around.

I walked up the path as if I was floating on air
Because I left behind any worries and cares.
Although I felt a slight pain in my heart
Because I had left so many behind
But I knew that they would be fine.

The transition from being a mortal man
To being a guiding light , had made
My heart jump as it took to flight.
I could now help others more than ever before
For my lord had opened those doors.

Our souls become like lightning bugs that light up the sky
That’s what we become you and I.
We light up the path for all others to see
As we greet friends and family.©  L .Rams
Mar 2012 · 3.7k
carpenter by trade
louis rams Mar 2012

His future had been laid- for he was a carpenter by trade.
Just as a carpenter can mold anything out of wood
He could mold mans hearts and souls into good.

He would mold mans hearts with accurate precision
For this was his fathers decision.
He came to mold all the hearts of mankind
And open the eyes of the blind.

The world would come to know him as the king of kings
And see all the love that he would bring.
Throughout the centuries it will be told
He is the master craftsman of the heart and soul.

Now when we feel a tingle of  sensation
And a wanting to get more of inspiration
Look for the craftsman who could mold
The hearts and souls of man
To give you a helping hand.

when he made the heart of man
He left a corner deep within
Where the love for him can forever grow
And his love you could show.

Let all who know you - know this carpenter man
Who from evil he took his stand.
He has entered in you to mold you from the inside out
So you would know what loves about.
Mar 2012 · 464
from gods heart
louis rams Mar 2012

I was imprisoned in a world without love
No birds sang their love melodies
There was no regrets, no remorse
No religion too.
Until I found a spark and then found you.

You are the creator and there is no one greater
The spark then became a fire and consumed
Me body and soul, and once again made me whole.

I rejoiced and started to dance and sing
And saw the beauties in everything.
My heart so full and about to explode
Like a helium balloon I wanted to hold.

People looked at me in shock and disbelief
As my love began to creep
It crept into one heart and then another
As we started to call each other sister and brother.

Gods love spread so fast, and people found
Their hearts at last.
It became like a tsunami that covered the earth
And “ love” then gave birth.

Stars shone brighter than ever before
And new life sprouted from the ground
All stayed in awe , and didn’t make a sound.

People started finding the religion that they lost
And now felt total remorse.
Asking themselves: “ how could we have let this happen”?
This is not our way- and with faith we don’t play.
Now it’s spreading from nation to nation
And from heart to heart, and all humanity
Wants a part.
Mar 2012 · 448
we was an accident
louis rams Mar 2012

We was an accident - like two cars in a crash
Our lives were tossed, turned upside down, trashed
We were the remains of life s destructive path.

We no longer had value or worth
And it seemed like it was that way since birth
We was like old pieces of furniture
Used, abused, and broken in two
What more could we do.

All the people saw was the outer frame
But could not see what the inside contained
They could not see the strength and beauty
That lied within- and the outer beauty
That once had been.

Their eyes only saw what their minds perceived
It to be -and did not see the reality.
They could not see the hurt or pain
That we held so deep inside
To the point that we would cry.

Like the oceans that hide their mysteries
There is so much that you do not see.
We have treasures buried in our soul
That once it’s shown - you want to hold.

We are the inner you that has longed to be free
But was chained up deep inside
Cowering in dark corners where you would hide.
Now you are free to explore the inner soul
And find that your life you can control.

Break the chains that have bound you for so long
And let your heart sing and rejoice in your new found self
For in this world there’s no one else
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