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Lori Anne Bright May 2012
It was the end of September when I first laid eyes on you,
You were much younger than me, what should i do?

Should I have just have a fling? A one night stand?
Or live out my life with you hand in hand?

My mind was racing, my heart skipped a beat,
No one ever knows just from the first time they meet.

We talked a while and had some laughs too,
I questioned myself if my soul mate was you.

There must be some reason for why we had met,
Seven years have passed and I still haven't got it all figured out yet.

I still get confused and a bit insecure,
Is it still all for us if I'm not completely sure?

We've had good times and bad times on this bumpy road,
But I know when things get heavy you gladly carry the load.

I know I'm not perfect nor am I fully sane,
But I know that no matter what you will always be my shelter from the rain!!
Lori Anne Bright Apr 2012
Why would you do what you did?
Was i not worth the fight?

I did everything for you,
Did i not do anything right?

I know we had our problems,
I know things sometimes got bad

I know we don't always get along
But was she worth the 6 years that we had?

I hurt inside and just want to die
I feel sick and empty inside

I want to hate you but it's so **** hard
But i have to come to the realization that you lied!!
Lori Anne Bright Mar 2012
I wear this fake smile for you to see
how happy you think you are making me...

I choke on my tears so you won't see
  the broken woman you made me to be...

I try to find the love that we lost somewhere
  in the beginning of our first lust affair...

I wish for the way things were for us like before
  but as Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven" said...Nevermore!!
Lori Anne Bright Feb 2012
Nothing from Nobody, that's all I got...

Nothing from Nobody, I guess they forgot...

Nothing from Nobody, I expected much more...

Nothing from Nobody, I feel like a *****...

Nothing from Nobody, It hurts deep inside...

Nothing from Nobody, the feelings I hide...

Nothing from Nobody, they do not care...

Nothing from Nobody, they never were there......
Lori Anne Bright Jan 2012
Things aren't as I dreamed back then,
I live in a reality of hope and sin...

I vaguely recall a time of being care free,
But these are only memories of things I wanted to be...

I take a gander at the things I now possess,
And greatly appreciate all that I am blessed...

This is my new dream to look forward to,
I am thankful that I get to share it all with you!
Lori Anne Bright Dec 2011
The wind is blowing softly...silently...slow,
The clouds are floating above the earth, looking down below...

Beyond the stars...behind the moon...throughout the blackest hole,
Between the cracks...under the dust...inside the empty soul...

The blessing of life in a man made hell, wandering the streets of rot,
Walking through the atmosphere of hatred without a plot...

A shadow in the distance of your own imagination shows you where to go,
Tired of traveling...looking for answers...always needing to know...

Walking toward the frozen, empty piece of heart,
The answer was never there...It is not the place to start...
Lori Anne Bright Dec 2011
Shhh...listen...Can you hear what's being said?
I can hear the words around me...or is it all inside my head?

Shhh...listen...Don't you hear the sound?
I can hear them whispering...from underneath the ground!

Shhh...listen...Open up your mind,
See the CrAZy all isn't hard to find...
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