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Loraine Fromm Sep 2011

To plant a seed and watch it grow
Is one of life's sweetest moments
You water it in and keep it wet
Until it peeps above the ground

Last thing at night you take a look
Pumkins and peas, nice and green
Why think about all the hard work
You think about things you'll eat

Wake in the morning full of hope
Pick up the hose the veg to soak
But Alas!!! what do we have here?
Only stalks are left, Oh dear!!!

What is it sneaking around at night?
Leaving no trace except in it's mouth
Dashing all my hopes to the ground
Not a sign of my veg to be found
Loraine Fromm Sep 2011

Some advice I gave my children
Right from their early years
Never regret the life you led
But look to your  life ahead

Never go back after moving on
Because things are not the same
For whatever the reason it ended
You must take some of the blame

I have seen some people return
To the life that they once claimed
But once again it ends in disaster
With feeling crippled and maimed

So open your minds and hearts
To a life that needs to move on
With all the emotions we lacked
And you will never look back
Loraine Fromm Sep 2011

He was a love child, an only child
It's the one thing holding him back
He was a love child, an only child
And he's moving on down the track

His mother was so young when left with a child
She couldn't settle down and just ran wild
He never knew a father or any loving care
And grew up thinking life was unfair

He's a love child a lonely child
How could he miss what he never had
He's a love child a lonely child
It's the one thing holding him back

There's a chip on his shoulder and he hates the law
He's a red hot rebel but he can't find a cause
His social graces they just don't exist
If he disappeared he wouldn't be missed

He is a love child, an only child
And he's moving on down the track
He is a love child, an only child
And there aint no turning back

There's more of him out there and it takes all kinds
A product of society, just a sign of the times
Look around I am sure you'll find him there
Or he's moving on and there's no one to care
Loraine Fromm Aug 2011
Alas I live so far away
But I would like you to see where I live
It is a beautiful part of this land
And will show you the places
The ocean and land
That are all a part of me

I just decided that I would leave my website here for anyone who would like to visit.
Loraine Fromm Aug 2011

True friends can be so hard to find
Coming along only once in a while
This is the one that will withstand time
Through all your trauma and trials

There may only be that once in your life
That you find a friend so loyal and true
But it matters not if there's only the one
That person will always be there for you

You may be lucky to count on one hand
The friends you rely on to make a stand
All through your life you will find the others
It's with dread that you hate to discover

So take this friendship and handle with care
The one who stand so strong for you there
There will come a day when you will find
True friendship is very hard to find

To Hello Poetry room
I am so glad you allowed me to post in here. This is when my real work begins and I will not be back in here very often.
I did see that something runs out on the 8th September and I am not sure if this is all the time I am allowed on this site.
If that is the case then alas I must bid you farewell as I open the gallery on the 1st of September.
Once again, thank you
Loraine Fromm Aug 2011

Do you remember the innocent eyes
Of the child that used to be?
Pleasures that were found every day
The simple things in life were free

I've see a girl with golden hair
She looks like the angel fair
But if you looked into her soul
It's no child that lingers there

The ugly space that used to be
Filled with light and love
Is now a void a never ending pit
Of sorrow, pain, despair - unloved

Where are the dreams that we had
As children running free?
When parents were protectors
And watched over you and me

Step back in time to find yourself
How is life supposed to be?
Is the innocent life of a child
Sacrificed for the things we need?
Loraine Fromm Aug 2011

Take me to a mountain high, tell me when we reach the sky
Hold my hand and we will fly, It's so good to be with you

Take me to a stretch of sand, a lonely beach not in this land
Sun bleached hair and bare feet tanned, It's so good to walk with you

Take me to a field of flowers, lay with me for many hours
Watch the clouds above like towers, It feels so good to lay with you

You can take my anywhere, all our thoughts we seem to share
Hold me now with loving care, I'll hold you and we'll go there

It's just a simple fireplace, of others you will find no trace
And like the art of tatting lace, we weave our own dreams

This is our island
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