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Loraine Fromm Aug 2011

The mind is such a tender thing
With fear of what tomorrow brings

It stores the memories one by one
Lets us imagine that our day will come

Far into the darkness of the night
It's only our dreams that feel so right

For with the brightness of the day
All our demons will come back to play

If I could teach you to cope I would
It's something in me I never understood

That with the darkness of each day
The light at night is what shows the way
Loraine Fromm Aug 2011

Although I didn't get to say I love you
I feel there will never be goodbyes
From my own flesh you came and I'm not ashamed
There's nothing in this world as real, as the love of a child

Now I'm seeing through your eyes for the first time
I know you will be with me forever more
Yes you've given me the gift of sight
Taken me from darkness into light

I'm looking through a window into sunlight
And the love you gave is washing over me
I know it's not the same and I cannot blame your life or mine
I'll find peace of mind, knowing you loved me as I love you

Now I can feel you walking in the shadows
I'm sure I hear you singing in the rain
You touch my heart anew when I'm feeling sad and blue
That's when I hear the sound of music on the air

Yes I'm seeing through your eyes for the first time
And you will be with me forever more
I thank you for the gift of sight
And taking me from darkness into light
Loraine Fromm Aug 2011

I may walk among the Lilly of the valley
And see the roses growing by the stream
It's so strange to watch the weeping willow as it droops
I wonder what are its thoughts and dreams?

I hear the birds call to each other
As they build their nests and prepare  the young to feed
It is sad to know there are those that don't live on
Their feathers the only thing left to see

I watch the bees around the pond
And I wonder how they survived before I placed it there
They flock to the water and drink their fill
I see a need that I am glad to fulfill

I feel the things that surround me
And I sense the life of every plant and tree
I hear the sounds of  people passing as the world goes by
But they are distant and lost to me

Their human nature holds no virtue
The time lapses into seconds and minutes as they pursue
Those worldly things so filled with importance
I think the time for reflection is overdue
Loraine Fromm Aug 2011

Never give all of yourself
Just keep a little bit back
Find a way to give & share
But keep your soul intact

Close personal freedoms
The very need to express
A thought a feeling a wish
Holding close to your chest

Many times we know it's right
And many times we will find
We were wrong, sad thoughts
The past will come to mind

We must be brave they say
And step into life unafraid
But from the past we learn
From the mistakes we made

Some would take our lives
And live it for themselves
In their shadow we walk
And from their lips we talk

So please be true to yourself
Let your light shine through
Tis nothing wrong with loving
But is this kind of love for you

To become the other person
Then you will disappear
Nothing left of your own self
Or things you held so dear

So stand up and be counted
Don't follow in this trend
Be true to the person you are
Or to their will you bend
Loraine Fromm Aug 2011

She stood on the corner with shoulders hunched
Cigarette in her mouth, with belly hanging out
Her face was all wrinkled, hadn't seen any cream
It was many years since she had any dreams

Dreams were something she used to live on
But the wishes and hopes of one out of luck
Had finally, inevitably, worn themselves out
Now she stand there and thinks, "life really *****"

She shuffles along in slippers so careworn
Her dress is quite ***** and terribly torn
The look in her eyes says "I don't give a toss"
"If you don't like me, then just get lost"

Inside there used to be a lovely young girl
Soft and shining, as sweet as a new pearl
Now all that is left is the hard stinking shell
The husk of a woman, living in a kind of hell

"I wonder where her dreams went?"
Loraine Fromm Aug 2011

Behind the sweetly smiling eyes
Their lies a tiger in disguise
He bares his teeth so sparkly while
And sharpens his claws all through the night

"Come follow me, the path is safe
I'll take you through the pearly gates
I'm the one who comes in righteousness
All knowing I will listen to you confess"

"I'll be the one to give you succor
If you don't listen to any other
Can't you see I walk so softly
I am the one who sees the world eternal"

Tiger, tiger, eyes so bright
Step out here now into the light
Let me see the windows to your soul
Do I see a crack - a smudge - a hole?

As I look at the shattered glass
I know something strange has come to pass
As the broken windows of your soul
Cannot be mended until you are humbled and whole
Loraine Fromm Aug 2011

"Come" said the sun "take my hand
Walk and talk with me a while
Isn't this a beautiful land
I love to see you smile"

The wind whispered in the trees
Rustling the leaves of green
Dappling on the grass below
Dancing just for me

"Here" said the brook as it rippled
Cooling the red earth below
"Come wriggle your toes in water"
Giggling "you must follow"

The clouds above hovered a while
To listen to the song of love
Where the hillside kissed the sea
It sang come to me

"Come said the sun", as the wind whispered by
"Here said the brook", as the clouds hovered high
Follow as far as you can, to hear the song
Where the hillsides meet to kiss the sea
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