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Mar 2015 · 1.6k
Soon to be forgotten
Lone Wolf Mar 2015
I've erased
Every little trace
Of you
I'm done
Just forget your debt
Forget that you owe me
Forget the words
That I almost said
That died on my lips
Even when I thought
That they were true
I never said that to you
It's a relief to know
That you never cared
And that I'm not hurting you
When I say I've found someone new
And that I love him much more
Than I ever could you
So maybe I want to hurt him a little.. Just a bit. Like he hurt me. But I won't and that's fine I have someone more important now that loves me more than he ever did.
Feb 2015 · 1.6k
Lone Wolf Feb 2015
My pen has failed me
I sit with it and
Sheets of lined paper
Ready to be filled
But the words don't flow right
They're no longer adequate to express
This dull, aching hopelessness
Of knowing that I've lost my heart
Handed it away to someone
Who was much too careless
As words lined the already lined page
Bleeding hearts with barbed wire vines
Etched into the paper
During my wait for words
To pick their way out of my head
I listen to their sound as they tread
Through the minefield of my mind
Getting in traps that distort their meaning
Words like love becoming bleak
Because it got stuck in the trap
The trap that is you
Bleeding hearts as in the flower bush... Nothing quite so corny as the heart shapes...
Feb 2015 · 1.3k
Love sick
Lone Wolf Feb 2015
I didn't sleep after I got home last night
After being at your place all day
Sleep wasn't in my grasp
Just like you. Slipping away from me
I'm love sick, overdosed on this
Dopamine rush you give
We've been apart 13 hours
And 9 minutes
And you haven't left my mind
Not for me to sleep
Or for me to really eat
I'm withering under this
Chemical rush in my head
Hoping it doesn't develop
Into a full blown, hopeless addiction
Hoping that it hasn't already
Without my permission
Without my notice
Became an addiction to you
And that amazing touch
That I already miss so much
I need sleep....
Jan 2015 · 1.3k
Lone Wolf Jan 2015
I'm feeling used
And discarded
Like a little confetti popper
You expertly pulled that string
And got that brief explosion
Of bright pretty colors
And then tossed me away
Like you've done with so many other
Little plastic confetti poppers
Maybe I'm special to you
I still let myself hope
I take your explanations
Tuck them away in my head
Little grains of comfort
In a sea of discontent
I'm telling myself to just wait it out and let him be the first to mention emotional stuff but I'm not a patient person and I tried that last time maybe I should change my tactics...
Jan 2015 · 1.1k
Just a Title
Lone Wolf Jan 2015
I was going to write for you today
Get my thoughts out, onto paper
Reread and maybe figure this all out
But I forgot my pen, you see
So I'm trying to type
But nothing comes out just right
Too many thoughts running through my head
Can't type fast enough to keep up with them
Running in circles around my own thoughts
Driving myself intermediately insane
I might figure something out throughout the course of the day... Maybe I'll find a pen.
Jan 2015 · 1.4k
What am I doing
Lone Wolf Jan 2015
Granny's out drinking
Papas already in bed
And where am I?
Sitting here, sober
Thinking of someone
Halfway around the world
That I just recently met
That ill never forget
Even if I wanted to
There he would sit
In the back of mind
Impossible not to find
"You know how many times I've started a msg to tell you how much I like you. Even typed it out... And deleted it?"
Copied and pasted
Right from a message to you
That I never sent
I'm sorry
Dec 2014 · 1.2k
Winter nights
Lone Wolf Dec 2014
I'm alone, another night
Not another soul in sight
My attempts to reach out
Ignored by you and those around
These nights are growing
And there's cold things abound
And what I want can't be found
I want a warm somebody
As the snow falls to the ground
Really, just anybody
Here to hold or be held
But instead, there's nobody
Just the trio of these winter nights
Me, misery, and loneliness
Always to be found
Dec 2014 · 5.2k
Feminism (kind of a rant)
Lone Wolf Dec 2014
You, upperclass, American feminist
Will you please shut up about a sandwich?
And comic book characters, supermodels
Shut up about your first world problems
And take a look somewhere,
Where the idea of feminism Is actually needed
Have you ever heard of an arranged marriage?
It's common practice in other places,
Right after puberty, as long as the ******* are there
11, 12, they don't really care
See the life of a Nepali girl, lower-class,
Lack of freedom
Learn about the meaning
Of the word
Young Nepali slave girls
Beaten and bruised,
Not allowed to be ill

Which are both from india
Dedicated to a goddess at as young as as five
To bring the family good fortune
The tribes girl, forever *****
But with nightly visitors in her bed
They're hoping for some of her luck
To rub off on them
dalit girls
Sold by their family
For next to nothing,
It's called "bonded labor"
And is supposed to pay off debts
But the trap is set
The girl is caught
And if the "bonded labor man"
Feels she isn't of enough use
Maybe she's been beaten or is a little too ill
He sells her off to another man
Supposedly to pay her hospital bill
So yes, feminism is needed
But not here you little heathen
Shut up about your so called freedoms
And help the ones so desperately need it
So, ya. Feminism in America kinda ****** me off. It has gone way past gender equality and has transgressed into female superiority and that's not right either. There's few issues I will actually get worked up about and this one of them.
If you feel the need to be feminist that's fine. Be feminist. But don't ***** about sandwiches and comic book character outfits. Protest something that is truly in need of being stopped. Help someone that needs it.  
Some sites that are very interesting reading material to look into for true feminists:

And oddly enough the one that has so far shown up in my research as a prominent activist is a man. Named Kailash Satyarthi.
Child labor is of course both female and male children. However they are sold in different markets. Males are mostly sold to factories, while females are sold on a more private basis, to men for personal use. Or sometimes a family and the wife "doesn't know" what's happening. Or maybe she does and just doesn't have the authority to say anything. Whatever the situation is, it is wrong. Children shouldn't be sold by their family, and no girl should ever be forced into something.
Dec 2014 · 850
What does life sound like?
Lone Wolf Dec 2014
What does the rain sound like?
Sometimes if it's quiet in the house
I can just hear a faint
Drumming on my ceiling
During the worst storms.
But I want to hear the quiet of a spring shower
Warm soft sprinkles of rain
Not just the thunderstorms
What does a cats a purr sound like?
I can feel it's soft vibrations
Under the soft, silky fur
But the sound has never
Not once been interpreted by my ears
What does my lovers breath sound like?
As I feel it tickle my skin
And see his chest moving so slightly in sleep
What do footsteps sound like?
Sometimes I can feel them
The vibrations on the floor
The indicators of coming and going
What do these little things
Little bits of life sound like?
I'm partially deaf. I can hear voices if someone's talking to me but they may have to speak up. There's certain frequencies though that I have never and will never be able to hear. A cats purr, the rain, footsteps, and breathing. I think I want to hear cats purring the most.
On the positive side I also can't hear radio static. Comes in handy to be able to hear the music through the static even if it sounds a little choppy.
Dec 2014 · 1.5k
Lone Wolf Dec 2014
One... two... three... four...
You can see the spot on her floor,
Where her blue-green carpet is worn
Wishing she could walk out the door
Forget how bad her heart has been torn

One, two, three, four
She has music blaring
Supposed to keep her from losing her mind
Supposed to keep her from caring
If only her tormentor weren't so kind

One two three four*
He's still unaware of his slight
She's pacing, reciting Poe in her head
He's unaware of her pain every night
She's wishing her heart was dead

Her fingers twine through her hair
Berating herself for thinking of him
She hears a few strands tear
But paces on, ignoring them
My typical day I spend at least an hour or two (sometimes more) pacing and listening to music. Lately it's been more.
Dec 2014 · 616
Just say something
Lone Wolf Dec 2014
I can feel the emotions rolling off you
You hate me, you want to break me
Go ahead and try little one
See how that would end up
Oh, sure, you'd win this time
Not much of a challenge am I?
But you see, I have friends
And they won't take too kindly to you
I'm pacifist my dear
I don't condone and won't take part
In this violence I'm feeling from you
But I have no control over what they do
I'd much rather settle this like adults
I wish we could sit down and talk
But you won't listen to a word I have to say
And that's ok, your choice to make
But I'll be ****** if I settle this your way
If she would just talk to me instead of instantly setting her thoughts on violence we could work something out. But instead she won't even say a word to me she just ignores me. Whatever. She can have him for now.
Dec 2014 · 2.4k
If-then situation
Lone Wolf Dec 2014
I thought I had this sorted out
I thought knew what to do about
This whole me and you thing
But I was wrong
So, so very, very wrong
Because just a couple words from you
Has me hoping all over again
Even though I know it's an if-then
Tricky type of situation
If she never knows
Then we can still be friends
If she ever leaves
Then we can be more then friends
Like we used to be, hypothetically
If it all works out right
Then you will be mine.
Dec 2014 · 818
Worst part of school
Lone Wolf Dec 2014
The worst part of school
Isn't the homework or waking up early
Or the long tedious hours of nothing
No, it's not the buggy teachers
It's not how every kid thinks they should
Bathe in their ******* cologne
(Though that's a close second)
No, the very worst part of school is
Walking past someone you hate
And having to fight the urge
To push their pretty little face
Into those bright red lockers
Would've been so easy to do and by the time she had noticed and had time to react I'd be gone in the crowd... But, unfortunately, we have cameras.
Dec 2014 · 742
Lone Wolf Dec 2014
I am a strong girl
And independent individual
Who only need herself,
I can open my own sauce jars
And catch my own spiders
(Yes, catch, I never **** them,
They get rid of the more pesky bugs)
but in the end
Alone at night in my bed
I wrap myself up in layers of blankets
And pretend I'm in a mans arms

The same man that walked away
Just like that, the other day
There was nothing I could say
But it's all going to be okay
Because I am a strong girl
An independent individual
I know I'll get over him soon and it will be ok but for now it doesn't feel like it. I miss him. Not just as a lover but I miss our friendship.
Dec 2014 · 747
Lone Wolf Dec 2014
Have you ever been to wonderland?
You tumble down a rabbit hole
Feels like it takes forever to fall
And then you hit the soft ground
There's wonders abound
All waiting to be found
Talking flowers, a friendly door mouse
Would you like some tea?
You can meet a caterpillar
He'll teach you the wonders of mushrooms
Here's a hint, try a nibble
Your head will be up in the clouds
Having a conversation with a mama bird
Who mistakes you for a snake
And you can listen to tales of woo
Of a poor old tortoise
But be careful of the queen!
Oh dear, she's quite mean
Ruling over the ones in her domain
It's wonder how any of them remain
As she frequently calls her executioner
If you're lucky you can travel wonderland for awhile
You might even be able to go peacefully
But if she finds you, be prepared
Because she'll never let you leave
But don't worry my dear, you'll be here with me
We can frolic in the flower gardens
All the while still sipping tea
And we can fall into the mushroom beds
Falling, falling into the mushroom beds
Where I will fall into your arms
And we can be there for a couple hours wondering
Pondering where our clothes have gone
If I really need to spell this out and explain this to you than you're probably too young to be on the internet....
Dec 2014 · 623
Lone Wolf Dec 2014
Distance makes the heart grow fonder
I used to think, no way was that true
But now I see the wisdom in the words
Because while you were here,
You invaded a few of my thoughts
But now that you're gone
I can't think of a ******* thing but you
And all the feelings I've been through
And I'm pinning all the blame on you
Even though I know, I'm at fault too
It's odd how with all the **** going on now,
How my mind finds moments to dwell on you
There's more important things I need to do
I'm about to be royally *******
And life isn't a big fan of ****
But all I have on my mind
Is a mantra of your name
And flashing images of us
And one little word I swore I'd never say
One feeling I wanted to stay away
That I'm afraid I'll feel for the rest of my days
Of all the things I need to be thinking about... I'm about to be moving out of my house in four months (probably a lot sooner) and all my mind can think about is a ******* boy.
Dec 2014 · 700
Lone Wolf Dec 2014
Do I have a problem with you? No
I have an issue with that
Better-than-thou attitude
that high horse you're sitting on?
It's really just a ******* on stilts
Either get down here on my level
Or pick me up, take me up there
I'll offer a ride as my fare
Nothing I haven't done before, my dear
And nothing you wouldn't do,
If you was stuck down here
I'm a victim of my circumstances
And you're a victor of yours
Nov 2014 · 840
Unfulfilled wants
Lone Wolf Nov 2014
We don't always get what we want
Life just doesn't work that way,
It's fair in it's unfairness to everyone
Favoring none over the other
Rejecting and damaging us all
In some unique way
We don't always get what we want
People are ******* *******,
We're generally self serving
Generally selfish beings
Trying to take what we want
Without care for what they want
We don't always get what we want
So stop asking me about **** you want done
You want to see my progress I haven't made
But, unfortunately for us all
We don't always get what we want
Nov 2014 · 609
Wasting away
Lone Wolf Nov 2014
The incessant clock ticking
Is driving me out of my mind
Waiting for that bell to chime
Counting the seconds until 9:39
Knowing it's just one part of the day
A little section of time put away
Wondering why the **** I bothered to get up
Why my breathing refuses to stop
And why, ******* it, does my heart still beat?
It's annoying really, the constant thump-thump
Of blood being pushed through my worthless body
I wish it would all just stop
I'm over this whole living thing
Getting up at 6:30 just to waste away
These long as ****, pointless days
I close my eyes for just a second
Trying to rest my overworked mind
And there's another ******* minion
So called authority figure
Tapping at my ******* shoulder
Won't let me ******* be
They're too blind to see
That I'm already dying.
And starting to rot away
Nov 2014 · 730
Forever in mourning
Lone Wolf Nov 2014
She wears black
Traditional mourning colors
So for who does she mourn?
She hasn't lost anyone
Except herself
She mourns lost dreams
She mourns lost hopes
Wishes that never came
Her stolen innocence
She mourns the blood she lost
Flowing red from her wrists
She mourns the breath she can't take
As she hangs from the rope
Her last attempt at learning to cope
Nov 2014 · 637
Lone Wolf Nov 2014
I thought maybe
For a minute there
After I mentioned that I was now
-after all this time-
Finally eighteen
-which means finally legal-
I think you might've considered
Might've thought about us
About the possibility
And I wanted to tell then you then
-I've always loved you-
But I just nodded
And chuckled a little
And then you just smiled
And mentioned that -now-
Your parents would let me
Stay at your house
Not that I'll pass up the chance to stay at his house... Maybe sometime after one our nights I'll trick myself into thinking he likes me enough to admit that I love him.
Nov 2014 · 689
Could you?
Lone Wolf Nov 2014
I don't want a kiss.
Just a hug, please
I just want to be held
I need comfort
Can you do that for me?
Could you please?
And I promise, if you do this
Next time, you can have your way
Nov 2014 · 627
How it is
Lone Wolf Nov 2014
I've made it 4 hours without my iPod
And I'm proud of myself
I haven't spilled blood yet
But you're pushing it darling
Without Metallica to calm me down
Your words take on a new sound
I have no Marylyn Manson right now
So you might want to ******* or bow
I might just break something
On you maybe, or myself
I'm not a violent person see?
So my angers turned inward on me
And the blade becomes my friend again
This dreadful off and on relationship
Drawing me in and spitting me out
And I honestly hate everything about
Everything that the blade touches
Evry thing it represents
But I just can't help it
It's already under my skin
Already a part of me
As I make a new line,
I tell myself just this last time
But we both know,
This blade and me,
We both know
I can't help myself
The school took my iPod this morning... I get it back before I leave but holy **** they're lucky that I'm not the type to get in fights bc I would've ****** someone up. Instead... My anger turned inward on myself
Nov 2014 · 699
Just another day
Lone Wolf Nov 2014
Another year older,
Should feel special,
Should feel sweet
But instead, it feels like any other day
I wore slightly more comfy clothes
And that's all that marks it
Besides a few close friends
Saying happy birthday to me
The big 18th year of life
Should feel special
Should feel sweet
But instead, it's lost in the monotony
The melancholy of my life
Repetitious routine
The every day pattern of my days
As they drag on, ever so slowly
Losing me in the monotonous melancholy
Should be special
Should be sweet
But instead, it's just me
Happy birthday to me. Yay. (Sarcasm)
I really just want today to end. But I don't want tomorrow to start. **** I'm so tired of the routine of my life...
Nov 2014 · 442
Lone Wolf Nov 2014
You try to reach me,
But I'm too far gone
And you're not the only one
To try and save me
To get me out of the rain
But I'm drowning in my pain
And there's nothing you can do
Nothing anyone can say
To make want to come in today
I'm just a drifter
I'm already done
I gave up on chasing the sun
I'm grown up now
And the dreams are gone
The illusions that made me carry on,
I've given up hope
And really, so should you
Because there's nothing you can do
To make me want to stay
I'm not coming in today
Please just let me play
In the soft rain
When I said rain I was thinking of addiction. Mine, yours, whoevers. It's very comforting until it gets you sick, and even if you know it's not good for you, you still don't want to leave the comfort.
Nov 2014 · 638
Lone Wolf Nov 2014
She was a concrete angel
In a darkened valley
And he, was the freezing rain
Seeping into her smallest pores
Before freezing, expanding
Breaking her at the seems
Bits of stone, falling away
Shattering at her feet,
Rolling deeper into the valley
She watched them fall,
Saddened by their decent
Continuously eroded away
As he poured over her  
Never ceasing, never warming
She shrinks into her stone tomb
Encased in the safety of her angel shell
Away from the freezing cold
His constant pitter patter
Raindrops echoing around her
Slowly, slowly, it becomes comforting
Slowly, slowly, he begins to feel her warmth
Slowly, slowly, the stone chips away
Slowly, slowly, they are exposed to eachother
For the first time, she sees the sunlight
Beyond her stone tomb
But he? he never warmed
And she? She was still left out in the cold
Remembering the safety of her concrete shell
And the constant sound of the pitter patter
From before, when she thought he would warm
Stone can't warm the rain, nor can it resist erosion.
Nov 2014 · 923
Can I...
Lone Wolf Nov 2014
What do you mean by
can I come over?
No, no! I told you I'm finished.
I refuse to be your backup
I'm not a ******* fall girl
And I'll be ****** if I'm a call girl
Where's your little girlfriend?
She's the one you should text
When it's 12:37 at night
With messages like
*can I come over?
And yet... I told him maybe tomorrow.
Nov 2014 · 649
I'm not a rebel
Lone Wolf Nov 2014
I just don't subscribe to your logic
Unless it makes sense to me, too
I'm not going to do what you say
Unless you provide a valid reason
It's not that I want to disobey
It's that I was never given a reason to obey
I have no incentive to listen to you
Nothing to make me think you're right
I'm not a fan of wasting my time
Which you seem to love to do
Which makes sense because it's my time,
Not your own that you're wasting away
I want to get out of this hamster wheel
But you're busy super gluing my feet to the spokes
Not only trapping me here,
But impairing my efficiency too
Nov 2014 · 965
Forever fiddling
Lone Wolf Nov 2014
I'm playing with the rubiks cube of my mind
Moving little colored squares,
Lining up a few rows
Looking at it for a second,
Realizing that will never work
Pondering over it,
Moving it some more
Absorbed in the focus of my work
Lining up another row, ****, no
That ***** up this other row
Starting over, working slower,
Forever fiddling with this hopeless puzzle
I think I finished it once, but I let someone else in and they ****** it all up again...
Oct 2014 · 698
Happy halloween!!
Lone Wolf Oct 2014
goons and girls of every age,
Won't you like to see something strange?
Come with us and you will see,
In our town of halloween....*
This is halloween
A day to remember
A single day of every year
That spirits can wander
And not just of the undead, oh no
Living spirits wander all over
Dressed up spectacularly
Vampire, witches and the occasional ghost
Zombies, cats and I've seen a couple wolves
There's a devil and cop, walking together
And oh my, was that Elvis?
Oh dear, I think I'll avoid that pope
Let's walk together
Come on, please?
Never too old to trick or treat
Never too cold, just wear a coat!
What do you care if mr cowboy over there
Thinks you're immature?
What bore you are,
So grown and stiff
What a bore to be
A good kid
Fine! You can stay here
Ill talk to you later
I'm going to have some fun
The quote in italics is from the nightmare before Christmas song this is halloween.
I'm literally a week away from being 18 and hell yes I'm still dressing up. I'm still walking around too. Im a wolf. Grrrrr....
Oct 2014 · 1.9k
Inner peace
Lone Wolf Oct 2014
I no longer fight my demons
It's really a hopeless battle
And I have not the willpower
To sustain a constant war

My body has been scared
My soul has been stretched
My mind has been scratched
And all three are exhausted

I no longer fight the darkness
I let it in, let it envelope me
It's not nearly as cold as I thought it'd be
And unlike the light, it still lets me see

I am done with all fighting
I've resigned myself to peace
Despite others calling it evil,
I love my inner devil

I'm on the winning side here,
True good can never win
I'm on the funner side here,
No restrictions on my pleasure

Can't you see, this is what's best for me?
I'm too fragile for your constant war
Too delicate for the inner struggle
I can't weather the storm of your faith any longer
I was raised Christian, but find that I can't blindly commit myself to it like most people seem to be able to. My family still calls themselves Christian.
Im Wiccan. I love the faith, I choose it for a reason. It promotes good will and peace without all the strict rules. I know some call it satanist, but that's because they don't realize the facts. Wiccan is a new term for paganism. Paganism was here long before Christianity was ever even conceived. It is thousands of years older than Christianity. It is not and can not be satanist, as we do not believe in Satan at all. It is simply a nature based religion, a spiritual energy that dwells in us all being realized and reveled in. We simply follow another light.
Another note, while I do not care for the religion of Christianity much, I hold nothing against those that follow it properly. It can be a wonderful thing for some when followed properly, it's just not the light for me.
Oct 2014 · 559
Lone Wolf Oct 2014
Say what you will, I'll get a chuckle
Call me a *****,
What a bore
Seriously can't come up with anything better?
Tell me something I don't know, please
I prefer rumors about me that I've never heard
Get inventive! Have some fun!
Cause All can think when you call me a ***** is
Ya I know, it's amazing really
Quite fun, you should try it!
Please, don't be so silly
I'm only a ***** occasionally
With certain people
Two or three. No wait four.
Honestly, you should try it
Maybe then you wouldn't be so ******
Don't be so judgmental honey,
I'm a *****, you're a *****
Hey, to each their own
The only difference between me and you
Is I don't fake relationships
He's not my boyfriend,
That's kinda the point,
But there's nothing I've done that you don't do
Just a different title for the man were with
That's all it is, sweetie pie,
A matter of names
And I have no concern
For what you seem to think I am
I'm not really a *****, I'm quite reserved and quiet until I get to know you. Then I never shut up. But... I just don't care for titles really. I don't date. It's not my thing... But if I like you in that way then I'll take you in that way. Apparently my willingness to play around without dating makes me a ***** despite my remarkably small number of four men I've been with in my lifetime.
Oct 2014 · 1.2k
Lone Wolf Oct 2014
Why do we fall in love?
it is believed that when humans were first created,
We were two body's fused together
With two heads, four arms and four legs
But only one heart,
The mighty Zeus feared our potential
And split us all in two,
Dooming us to spend eternity searching
For our other half

Then why does love hurt so much?
*because child, sometimes, the love god Eros,
Well, he doesn't have the best aim
And that ***** everything up
I love Greek mythology. Eros is the Greek god better known by his roman counterpart, Cupid.
Oct 2014 · 1.3k
Panic attack
Lone Wolf Oct 2014
Instant panic
Frozen limbs
Paused breathing
They say there's a fight or flight response
But I've never experienced either
Just this crushing, blind panic
Inability to move,
Inability to speak
Inability to breath
As my vision goes blurry around the edges
And starts to turn black
And I see those all to familiar dancing dots
And then
And then I wake up
Every little touch causes some stage of panic in me, normally they stop and it's over before I get too far into the process. I have actually passed out a couple times tho. I get that flight response when I wake up...
Oct 2014 · 952
The American dream
Lone Wolf Oct 2014
Our country is amazing, isn't it?
Everyone I know says so, so it must be so!
The massive crowds with flag pants
Decked out in red white and blue
A country for the masses!
A country for the massive
Beloved lady liberty!
Would be nice if she could marry lady justice
And all our wonderful freedoms!
The freedom to say what you want!
As long as it doesn't threaten others
And, oh no, don't tell them that!
You have to be nice...
The freedom of religion!
Were doing pretty good on that
There's only seven states that ban atheists from government office
The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!
Holy ****, have we forgotten slavery?
Have we forgotten that this country was built on suffering?
We have that lovely looking blanket of paper
That makes us sound so noble
But go deep enough in the south
And just take a moment to listen
Racism is still strong, we're still not open minded
We're a country made for the deceiving
And filled with the deceived  
And let's take a moment to zoom in
At first you'll see our glory
All these beautiful cities
Buildings made into art
All our silver lining
But scratch the surface just a little
Were in debt up to our necks
And not just the country, individuals too
Paying off those student loans
Relying on social security
And being let down repeatedly
Even with that fancy four year degree
Can't find a job in today's economy
Dig deeper and you'll find the slums
This is our thickest layer
Drug addicts, petty thefts, prostitutes
Dealers, suppliers, a whole network
Trace it back and you'll find some connections
To our higher up, upperclass, upstanding citizens
"It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it" -George carlin
Oct 2014 · 542
Lone Wolf Oct 2014
You're not even here
But yet you invade my every thought
And **** it would be nice
To have a single thought that's not about you
I hate how you've done this,
The longer you're away
The more my thoughts stay
Focused entirely on you
And I need some private time **** it
Some time to think about me
Instead of day dreaming about you
I miss you
I want you here
And I want you for myself
But go ahead,
Take her instead
Don't you know how much it hurts,
To sit here and listen to you about her?
I'll do it anyway,
I'll advise you on her all day
If it means having you close
Oct 2014 · 512
Commitment issues
Lone Wolf Oct 2014
I almost said I love you
It's true, no wait, don't leave!
I'm sorry. I didn't say it,
I don't love you
Just stay here for awhile longer?
Please, I need you
Of course I'm not attached
i just love you a little is all
No, I'm not going to wait for you
*i would wait till the end of time if you asked
What it's like trying to be with someone that has commitment issues....
Oct 2014 · 746
The lords prayer
Lone Wolf Oct 2014
now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the lord my soul to keep
She kneels quietly on the ground
Precious youth and innocence abound
Sweet, tame, ignorant child
One day soon your thoughts will go wild
You'll start to question your beliefs
And answers won't bring any reliefs
Don't worry little child, don't fret
You're not ready for that quite yet
But eventually you'll see with those eyes
Most of what they tell you is lies
It's a great awakening
When knowledge is there for the taking
Take many lessons from history
As they're the true stories
Learn every last tidbit that you can
But never forget the values taught back then
No matter what path you choose
These values you must never loose
and if I die before I wake
I pray the lord my soul to take
I have a near obsession with this little child's rhyme known as the Lord's Prayer. I don't know why. I have many poems with themes and quotes  from it. Most are much darker than this...
I am not Christian. Not at all. Im actually barely a step away from a bitter hatred for the religion... But. The basic values are good. Most religions have good basic values, essentially being able to be summed up by "cause no harm"
My religion is "and ye harm none, do what ye will" one of the reasons I like it. It's not controlling. It's not restricting. But it's still peaceful and encourages good will among all.
Oct 2014 · 765
Lone Wolf Oct 2014
She has lines of verse on one side of the page
And math notes on the other
Ink stains mark her hands,
Yet she can't talk to another
Written words flow easy
But with a person it's not so breezy
She tends to stumble
And not just with words does she fumble
Lines running in her head
She writes them down before bed
And during lunch
And I have a hunch
They're written during study hall
And during classes, one and all
Poems of hers
And quotes of theirs
Two AM is just another time
She's creating or remembering rhyme
Reciting Poe as she drifts away
That's how she says goodbye to another day
The less I write the more verse like my thoughts become. Before I know it I'm caught up in my own mind and accidentally ignoring the few friends I've managed to accumulate and thinking entirely in rhyme and can't focus on anything. Not that I was ever any good at focussing...
Oct 2014 · 660
Easy to look like an angel
Lone Wolf Oct 2014
I may be a daemon,
But, you're no angel sweetheart

Call me what you want darling,
Just remember who you are

We're not so different, you and me
No, not so different at all, you see

We have many the same flaws,
Only difference is, I don't hide mine

I don't cover my flaws with
Expensive name brand products,

I don't hide behind all that
Thick, caked on make-up

I don't have those nice Gucci wings
And I sold my lovely gold halo

For another meal, another night.
And one more trip along the way

It's easy to look like an angel
When you have the money for your worldly pleasures

It's easy to look like an angel
When you never have to do any work
Just because your parents have the money to make you look like an angel doesn't mean you are one *****.
Oct 2014 · 951
Lone Wolf Oct 2014
No one saw the beauty
In the thrown away pieces of glass
Jagged, crooked edges,
Until someone came along
And pieced together
The broken pieces of a little girl
Carefully filled in all the cracks
With a warm gold
Smoothing over the rough edges
Polishing with a lustrous finish
Turning thrown away
Into a desired commodity
Nurturing her into an artwork
All her own
Kintsukuroi:  The art of repairing broken pottery with gold or silver lacquer and understanding that the piece is more beautiful having been broken
Never give up hope if you are broken. Real beauty comes from surviving and healing.
Oct 2014 · 712
Lone Wolf Oct 2014
Promises are fragile things
You say them in that moment
You mean them sincerely  
You plan on keeping them forever
But sometimes forever ends
To quickly for promises
And all that's left are your words
Sweet or cruel markings
Made on a loved ones mind
Be careful with your promises
You may only keep so many
Any others are forgotten
Try not to contradict yourself
Don't make small things into conflicts
Never promise your heart away
Never swear on a soul
Broken promises lead to broken smiles
And makes one bitter for quite awhile
Sometimes when I want to write but can't decide on what to write I'll get a book and turn to a random page, the page number is how many words there is in the poem, and then close my eyes and put my finger down on a random word to use for the theme. Sometimes it can be a challenge, but it's a fun one.
This one was page 94, and the word was promised.
Oct 2014 · 781
Lone Wolf Oct 2014
Terror clings to my aching bones
Fear and cold seeping into soft tissue
My throat hurts from screaming
My hands are still shaking
As I reach up to turn the lights on
Relax, was all just a dream...
How I wish that were true
It's a nightmare.  A nightmare of a memory
I can still see the scars on my wrists
Faint white lines from the handcuffs
The cold metal digging into my skin
Becoming slick with my blood
His warm hands a contrast
But just as nightmarish
As they hold down my small body
So frail at that age
I was only eleven.
Oct 2014 · 725
Lone Wolf Oct 2014
You see her eyes drooping
Fluttering shut, struggling open
Lack of attention to your class
You ask if she wants kicked out
Her spoken answer was simply
i really don't give a ****
But inside her mind she's thinking
I didn't get to bed till 2 last night
I'm withdrawing from my meds
Because I'm short this month
Due to mother helping herself
I woke up screaming an hour and a half ago
From nightmares you can't even imagine
Nightmares that are memories,
My worst moments relived,
So send me where you wish
I simply can't find a **** to give
I'm not even sure I want to live
I'm tired of the hole I've dug
Falling into it again and again
I've lost the energy needed to climb
Up even the gentlest incline
Needless to say the answer "I really don't give a ****" got me sent to the office. And guess what? I still really don't give a ****. I'm not going to today, I was in pain. I couldn't find the painkiller at home so I drank about half a bottle of the children's Tylenol syrup stuff. Bubblegum flavor. Followed with cherry cough syrup. I am in a state of non-caring amazing-ness at the moment.
I have three different meds prescribed to me. I only take one. You would thing mother could keep her hands off the only one I take and be content with my ADHD meds but nope. Oh well. Tylenol helps with withdraws.
Oct 2014 · 635
Family business
Lone Wolf Oct 2014
I guess it's genetics
That makes me love the feel smoke
The burn of alcohol down my throat
It's a family business after all
Papa grows and daddy sells
How easy it is to ask for some
They'll share it with me lovingly
Whatever it is that I may need
Easy access to my vice
They never even think twice
Just hand it over with a smile
Tell me to be back home in awhile
Or, text them to let them know
Where I'm staying at that night
They don't ever tell me no,
They never say you can't stay there
And if perhaps my mother calls?
I'm in the bath or out for a walk
I might even be asleep
Safely tucked into my bed.
My papa would be my grandfather. I've always called him papa. I'm at their house every other weekend. I spend Friday there and then Saturday... Well. Wherever the **** I want to really. I used to stay at   a female friends house but recently I've been staying at a guys house... I thought for sure they wouldn't let that happen but they did. I'm slightly confused tbh.
Oct 2014 · 533
You can lie...
Lone Wolf Oct 2014
You can lie to yourself all you want
You can lie me too, but
It doesn't change the truth
And mommy dear, I know it,
I know what you do,
I know you don't have any control
No you don't, not anymore

You can lie to yourself all you want
But it doesn't change a thing
And mother dearest?
It does affect me
When your so high that
You can't keep your eyes open
And your wits about you
Long enough for me to ask a question

You can lie to yourself all you want
In the end it's all the same
You lost control,
You've lost the battle
With your false savior
You've left me here
Playing mommy dear with my siblings
While your off with a man named john

You can lie to yourself all you want
It's your choice to make,
Just realize, it does affect me
It does affect our struggling relationship
And the more you deny it
The more you ignore it
The worse it's going to get

You can lie to yourself all you want
But someday you'll realize it has never helped
You're going to have to face the truth
And the longer you put it off,
The longer you keep falling
The harder you're going to hit
When you get to rock bottom.
I hate when she denies being on drugs, then her next sentence is "it doesn't matter, my choices don't affect you" I am your daughter. What you do affects me. When I have to take your kids to all their ball games, practices, church meetings, I have to drag your sorry *** out of bed to get you to go anywhere. It DOES affect me. And don't even try to deny your addiction. Just don't. I have been around drugs and people on drugs my entire life. I have been on drugs. I know what they look like and I know what they do. You can lie to me. But I know the truth.
Oct 2014 · 720
Lone Wolf Oct 2014
Music is poetry
Made to be listened to
Sounds in a lovely pattern
Flowing together to calm my nerves
A soothing rush of happiness
Or calmness,
Any emotion, I can pick a song
I can feel that emotion while it's on
And dearest, it's the best feeling in the world
To be lost in sweet melody
How I crave that hasty retreat
A moment away from harsh reality
Some time spent away from it all
Out of my mind, but in a good way
But in this matter I have no say
I have no music for the day
My ears won't have that coveted sound
Dearest, how I wish we could run away
My spotify payment is due, but I have no internet access to pay it because mom took internet away so I have no music. None. Not for three days and it's driving my insane. I've started singing in my head.
I kinda want to strangle her. Taking my music is an unacceptable ***** move.
Oct 2014 · 551
Lone Wolf Oct 2014
I wish I had a family.
But instead I have relatives
Blood relatives
That I want to stay relatively far away from
Our clashing results in crashing
Yelling screaming madness
Angry words and bitter thoughts
Hatred boils beneath our
Loving, warm smiles
You can barely feel it sometimes
The tension in the room
And other times that tension
Is thicker than the air
None of us really care
None of us really want to be here
Trapped in this house together
We pretend we're not there
We pretend were anywhere
But where we are at the moment
Oct 2014 · 523
Lone Wolf Oct 2014
I've always loved color symbology
The silver of the sharpest blade
Is fluid, emotional, sensitive, mysterious.
Is soothing, calming, purifying. Silver
helps with the cleansing and releasing,
mental, emotional issues and blockages
My pink tinged, pale skin
Is a sign of hope. It is positive, warm
comforting feelings, everything will be okay.
Suddenly violated by a shock of red, which
can give confidence to those
who are shy or lacking in will power.
the color red symbolizes and awakens
our elusive, physical life force.
And after all is said and done
All is wrapped in white clothe bandages
purity, innocence, wholeness and completion.
white is the color of new beginnings,
wiping the slate clean,
It is the blank canvas waiting to be written upon.
Yet these colors together, are never positive.
Oct 2014 · 608
Red and black
Lone Wolf Oct 2014
Today is a red day
Dangerous day
My eyes ache to see
A lovely blood red
On your dull white walls
That mauve carpet
Has always bugged me
Let's change it up a little
Red splatter patterns
Would accent it perfectly
And when I'm done I'll get a match
Let's see how your room looks
In a dark ash black
Nothing more to say really
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