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 Oct 2012 Lo Infusino
I took you to the edge,
hand in hand
one last time.

It's funny how
the weather always
knew the mood.

There was so much rain,
so much pain.

"I've always wanted to fly..."
You pulled your hand away
I crouched too close to the edge,

"If you jump...
you won't fly.
You'll just be falling."
I've never seen a face
so blank, so indifferent.

"I wouldn't be breaking a trend,
I've been falling,  my whole life."

I stood, wiping hair from your face,
kissed you once
and then grew wings.
Another dream.
It’s hard to admit that
sometimes it doesn’t mean anything
that everyone you care about is selfish
and you don’t really know them at all.
It’s hard to admit that
time passes and you can’t feel
to know that life is slipping away
and you couldn’t care less.
It’s hard to admit that
it was all for nothing
the heartbreak and tears
they’ll just **** someone else.
It’s hard to admit that
you have no control
and that death waits for no one
not even the ones you like.
It’s hard to admit that
for some people
there is no happy ending.
And there’s nothing to be done
but hope the next beer
will put you out of your misery
for tonight.
Dear Summer Selena,

you're too good for that.
put down that beer.
pick your clothes up off the floor.
he doesn't know
your valleys and hollows
or the way
you smile to yourself
when the sun
kisses your milky skin.

you know better.
step away
before his touch
burns across your flesh
and intoxicates you;
the smell of alcohol
and ***
hanging off your bones.

you deserve more
than his locust kiss
across your plains
and fields.
he will let you
dress in shame
and leave
without offering
those nourishing words
that you crave.

you are just
a body
to him.
and when
he is through
you will be

— The End —