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 Feb 15 lizie
i spill like ink on a torn page
veins whisper stories
     i don’t remember
the floor drinks my silence,
a quiet agreement between
    blood and breath

who was i before the cracking?
before the splitting of skin
         and thought
before my name became a stranger
    i barely dare to call

the weight is a lover
     i never chose—
pulling me into the hollow
   of my own ribs,
where echoes curl like dying
where i used to be whole

maybe it’s time to enter
          a white asylum,
surgical, controlled, safe—
     where no one can find me
perhaps my demons will fly away
     on black wings,
perhaps the walls will swallow
    my name

fingers press together scraps,
wet with glue, wet with something red,
but the edges won’t meet,
    the lines won’t hold

i am an afterthought,
    i don’t deserve love

step wrong and it all shatters—
the pulse, the breath,
       the brittle calm
i fake so well
how long does it take to disappear?
how long before the fire
     stops pretending
          to be warmth?
Almost to 50,
Just about half-way more.
I need a mass of poets,
Poets galore.
So to the new poets who've just joined,
We need your help,
Have you considered 300?
Life has been crazy lately, but I haven't forgotten about this project. I don't know just how much I'll be able to work on this still, but if you're interested in submitting a line please do. You can reach me through private message on here. I can answer any questions you may have. I'm also considering pushing this project out to other places online to try and gather some more poets. Thank you for everybody who has already participated, and to everyone who follows! Also, please please forward this to anyone you think would be interested, I can't do this without you. If you have any questions let me know.
 Feb 12 lizie
i found an old hoodie of yours in my dresser.
i promise i wont call.
 Feb 12 lizie
I love a rainy day.
It’s the day for lovers
For criers
For readers
For writers.
It’s a day of cleansing
And reset.
 Feb 12 lizie
Clay Micallef
As I search this anxious city for
something pure something good
I carry a hundred heavy dreams
I don’t mind when the sadness hits
see I’ve been drinking with the poets
they follow me down every street
I rest beneath the crayon blue sky
I see my heroes scratching their
bellies behind the sun
I see the threads of my mothers
summer dress I see the ghost of her
flying like a painted bird
I try to hold her like a secret
I untangle this mind of loose strings
maybe if I remain silent I’ll become
obsolete maybe if I write words that
are worth remembering I’ll feel complete
I listen to the wind whispering apologies
maybe they can sell my dreams in the
market place with the cattle and the
rattling of chains I think about quite rooms with naked shadows in every lonely corner I think about small birds crying out for the crumbs of your love and if you can hear me I wish that you knew me
when I was still kind …
 Feb 12 lizie
Jeremy Betts
what do you think it means
when everyday
one hopes and prays
for no tomorrow?
asking for a friend...
 Feb 12 lizie
Clay Micallef
I have my
half written poems
I have this blue window
to look through
when I’m lonely
I ignore its
I sit on this bed
like it’s the edge
of the world
the white sheets
sleep behind me
like restless angels
I scribble words
I call it poetry
I write the word
love in black ink
and the walls
become irritable
deep blue shadows
swallow my room
of souvenirs
I want to hear the
sound of violins
I want to hear the
sadness in your voice
become clear
I need a pleasant dream
I need something solid
to lean upon
I need something to
sooth these
shaking hands …
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